MRS CHIKE DELIVERED FROM MARINE SPIRIT Following a very interesting message titled, ‘The Mystery Of God’s Grace’ by Wise Man Harry, Prophet T.B. Joshua highlighted some key events of the previous Sunday service and a video clip was activated upon his request. The clip was that of Mr and Mrs Christian Chioke in which the …
Tag Archives: Healing
TO HIS POWER NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE In a spirited sermon to awaken the congregation to the power of God, Prophet T. B. Joshua reminded the Church of the greatness of God and His ready disposition to forgive sins, however grievous some of these sins may be. In his words God is capable of doing anything …
'The Sixth Sense' – Delivered From The Spirit Of Death!!
Yet another remarkable testimony of God’s power at work in our day and generation! Although what you are about to read may sound strange to the 21st century mind, it is a real-life experience from someone who was literally ensnared in the throes of death. In our generation today, we watch films about this subject matter, regarding it as mere thrilling fiction. However, the spiritual world is real, and there is a real battle going on in the heart of man. Let this experience inspire you that when the Son of God sets you free – you shall be free indeed!
The Day They Had Been Waiting For!
As usual, the Sunday service of 15 August, 2010 at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations was crammed with lessons for both the young and the old. I am still rejoicing over the fact that I was part of it all – I did not miss a second of it. When Prophet T.B. Joshua gave …
The Wonderful Word And Work Of God!
Sunday 25th July 2010 remains imprinted in the hearts of the thousands of worshippers at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations as a date forever to be remembered as a turning point in their lives. Once again, God proved Himself as the God of redemption, restoration and reconciliation as countless needs were met, problems were …
It was another glorious service at The Synagogue Church of All Nations on the 27th of June, 2010. No doubt, the events that took place will continue to linger on in the minds of both the participants and millions of viewers all over the world. It was not a day to be missed as many …
God, the Almighty continues to manifest Himself in the life of the well known Prophet of God, T.B. Joshua as every service day in The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations is a day to behold. Many lives continue to be touched through healing, deliverance and salvation and above all many broken homes are restored. May …
TB Joshua, 21st Century Prophet In Our Midst?
In an age where most teens can be found sprawled on the sofa watching comedies, movies, soap-operas or other mind-numbing and reality-dimming programs, Christian television with a growing passionate following is indeed a rare phenomenon. It is in fact an African phenomenon…
Confessions Of Desperate Women…
he case of Mr Dickson, a man healed after 14 years of insanity, caused quite a stir in the media world. The Sun reported his remarkable recovery and the following reconciliation with his family, after prayer from Pastor TB Joshua. An inspiring and amazing read…
In From The Cold…
Prophet T.B. Joshua re-unites a young girl abandoned in 1996 at the age of nine over witchcraft allegations with her mother
Oghenefejiro Iworo, a female Urhobo cultural music dancer from Ugheli, Delta was only nine years old in 1996 when she was abandoned by Esther, her mother. Her reason for taking such drastic action against her child was because the little girl was alleged to have belonged to the evil world of witches and wizards.
'My Invisible Chain' – TB Joshua
Prophet Temitope Joshua of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, explains the source of his strength and vision, and his care for the aged and needy, to The Week team of Clement Okitikpi (MD), Oluwasegun Abifarin (Editor) and Emeka Ngwei.
Prophetic Birth: A Wednesday Wonder
Mrs Joy Everbright had carried her pregnancy for 11 months. Awaiting a caesarean operation, necessary due to the wrong position of her baby in the womb, Joy had all but lost hope of delivering her child naturally. However, fearing the doctor’s scalpel and hungry for divine solution, Mrs Everbright boldly made her way to a church in Lagos where miracles were said to happen. She received more than she bargained for.
Reflections On Prophet TB Joshua At 46 (2) – Chiji Okafor
Reflections On Prophet TB Joshua At 46, written by Chiji Okafor, the celebrated artist and columnist.
TB. Joshua's encounter with M.K.O. Abiola… Remembering June 12th
June 12th will ever be printed in the minds of so many Nigerians as the day that politics and democracy was beaten by rivalry, jealousy and opinion. It’s all about a man, known as M.K.O. Abiola who won the election hands down, but never spent one day as the president.
In 1992, M.K.O. met a strange man who prophesied this very occurrence. Below is an article taken from the publication ‘Faith Cometh’ that gives full details of how this encounter took place…
Prophet TB Joshua At 46
The founder of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet TB Joshua turns 46 on June 12th 2009.
"I Know What It Means To Be Poor…"
TB Joshua was interviewed earlier this year by the prestigious Newswatch Magazine of Nigeria. He explained the reason for his passion for the poor and the basis of his relationship with world leaders… T.B. Joshua, general overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, spoke to Chris Ajaero, assistant general editor, Kazeem Akintunde, senior associate …