To the Lion Of Judah did all the worship ascend as choristers and congregants assembled inside The SCOAN Auditorium on Sunday, October 15, 2023. “I Surrender, Lord, To You/Everything I Give To You/Withholding Nothing,” they asserted. They blessed God’s Holy name and expressed their understanding of the need to worship and honour Him always. Inviting the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in their midst, the people proclaimed the power of the ever-faithful Yahweh – the Alpha And Omega.

For the sermon of the day, congregants watched clips from Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s message on Day 1 of The Crusade In Kenya. The sermon focused on praying without ceasing, as illustrated by the life of the biblical Daniel. Congregants also saw clips of the Prayer Line and deliverance ministrations. Indeed, Day 1 of the crusade was a chance for people from Kenya and other parts of the world to feast at the Lord’s table!

Prayer – The Remedy For Every Malady!

Having just arrived from the nation of Kenya, Evangelist Chisom went into the midst of congregants in The SCOAN and declared: “It can only be the God of Prophet TB Joshua! It can only be the God of Pastor Evelyn Joshua! Indeed, what a God we have to worship! What a Son we have to praise! And what a future lies before us!”

Before laying hands on the people, Evangelist Chisom prayed: “The Healer, Jesus Christ, is still the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever, and He is present in our midst. Distance is not a barrier to the move of God. In Jesus’ name we pray!”

Among the cases attended to by Evangelist Chisom and Evangelist Joseph were arthritis, ankle dislocation, asthma, sinusitis, glaucoma, heart issues, diabetes, sickle cell anaemia, piles, bed-wetting, chronic kidney problem, skin disease, cervical cancer, swollen belly, prostate enlargement/cancer, leg ulcers, epilepsy, mental disorder, bleeding, fibroids, migraine, cataracts, loss of hearing, etc. Over all of these cases the Alpha And Omega showed His undisputable mightiness!

Others received prayer over epilepsy, mental disorder and spirit of lust, among other afflictions caused by agents of darkness.

Pregnant women also received prayer and the demons in them fled forever. “Go and deliver safely,” the evangelist decreed.

And The Lord Set A Table Before Them

When he began the Mass Prayer session, Evangelist Joseph said with a loud voice: “Glory to God Almighty!” He turned to the people and said: “Whether your enemies like it or not, the Lord has set a table before you in the presence of your enemy and you shall conquer because you know the God you are serving!”

Evangelist Joseph told the people to release themselves from every hindrance to God’s Spirit. He urged them to pray: “Lord Jesus, Thou Son Of David, do not pass me by when You are delivering others! Do not pass me by when You are healing. Lord Jesus, contact my heart! Touch me, Lord, with Your mighty power!”

Evangelist Joseph further asked the people to pray: “You demon, familiar spirit, I command you anywhere you are – in the name of Jesus, Holy Ghost Fire: Out! You demon, contrary spirit against my health, body – listen to me; my body is not your temple! I command you by the light of God, by the fire of the Holy Ghost: Out! You spirit – the cause of my sickness – attacking my health, blood – I command you in the name of Jesus: Come out!”

Evangelist Chisom charged the people to pray: “You sickness, disease – whatever name they call you – anywhere you are in my body, your time is up! I command you in the name of Jesus: Out! You pain, your time is up; listen to the voice of God: Out!” He prayed for the people: “Whatever spirit that is causing you limitation, disappointment, failure, hardship – be it your business, finances, career – Out! Every closed door to breakthrough, success – begin to open!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua told the people: “I declare your heart free from barriers! Whatever barrier between your heart and the Spirit of God – bitterness, anger, jealousy – begin to declare your heart free! Whatever sickness, disease in your system, in your organs – begin to command it out. You disease in my blood – go, in Jesus’ name! Every spirit tormenting you, every spirit that affects your career, every spirit that is not of God – right now, begin to stop them! Finally, he declares upon the people: “You spirit of stealing, killing, destruction – I stop you!”

Instant Testimony

For 15 years, Esther had been unable to hear by herself – until she received ministration at the Prayer Line. She had come all the way from the Netherlands and God had changed her story!


An Educationist Recovers Use Of Her Hands And Feet

Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and urinary tract disorder, Gloria was one of those who attended the service of October 8, 2023. Outwardly, she had difficulty in walking, which had started with a swelling of her limbs. Although she receiving medical help, the educationist could not do her job effectively. “I began to look like an old woman,” she said during her testimony a week later. At last, Gloria’s parents brought her to church and she received prayer in the infinitely powerful name of Jesus Christ. “I felt instant relief after the woman of God prayed for me,” she said. Now she can sit properly, write briskly with her fingers, walk smartly and do every other thing that she had been unable to do before. “Jesus Christ is the final bus stop,” she told the church.

“Embrace God, the Restorer,” Advises Young Woman Delivered From Ancestral Demons

“Just leave her alone – I brought her back from China,” whined the demon in Veronica during the deliverance session of the service of October 8, 2023. Although it was boasting about owning Veronica, the demon kept shrieking in pain as an evangelist called down fire upon it; minutes later, the demon succumbed as the anointing of ease fell upon the young woman, who teaches Chinese in China to speakers of other languages. Testifying a week later, Veronica acknowledged her grandparent’s immersion in fetish ways. “I had a nightmare in which a man molested me to the point of bleeding,” she recalled. Apparently, an ancestral curse was upon the family. “People barely stay married in my family – a pattern I was beginning to see about my life,” she continued. “Serious men never took me seriously; I had more of married men coming after me,” she disclosed. In terms of work life, Veronica kept experiencing disappointment. “I was always having issues with visa and work permit as an immigrant in China,” she went on. For some reason, she continued to face work issues – and she knew something was wrong in the spiritual realm. “In a dream I saw a dark image carrying my suitcase and flying over me,” she told congregants. Now ready to be freed, she took her mother’s advice to return home. “All of the anger in me vanished after my deliverance,” she said. Now she has become an overcomer, who has had confirmatory dreams about her victory. “Embrace God, the Restorer,” she advised fellow youths.

Siblings Now Freed For Exploits After Divine Liberation!

“She’s mine!” screamed the demon in Sandra as divine fire burned through it on Sunday, October 8. The following Sunday, she returned to testify. Going back to her childhood, she told of a dream in which she stumbled upon a fish in the school pond. “It was a small white fish when I picked it up but it quickly grew so big and started talking and singing to me,” Sandra told the church. From then on, she started to act strangely. “I started to masturbate and sleep with a strange man in my dreams,” she continued. Snakes also came into her dreams and the little girl became a terror to family and friends. “Many times I made my parents cry because I was extremely violent; I had anger issues,” she confessed. Sandra also talked about her relationship issues and how she ended up marrying a married man – against her wish. Interestingly, the man had tried to assist her to break free from the spirit husband that had been ruling her life. After the ritual, things worsened for Sandra even after the birth of a child. “I started to wet my bed at night and eventually left the marriage and contemplated suicide,” she said. The demon also caused her to start stealing. “I became lonely and depressed and tried to kill myself by overdose,” she revealed. To the glory of God, Sandra did receive a touch from Heaven on the day of her deliverance. She has stopped wetting her bed and no longer feels the aura of the strange man around her. Gone too are the anger issues and the urge to steal. She advised parents to listen to their children, exposing them to the Scripture and praying for them. She also urged everyone to wait patiently for God’s intervention.

Sandra’s brother confirmed the supernatural transformation but also shared his own testimony. On September 24, 2023, he had been delivered in The Arena Of Liberty from the spirit causing gambling, masturbation and unseriousness. “I used to waste my school fees on gambling and I enjoyed watching porn and masturbating,” he confessed. Although he graduated atop his class, he had no serious aim in life, bringing his family to shame with constant indebtedness. “I was always running to my family members for help,” he said. Although he had tried to overcome gambling and masturbation by his own power, he finally submitted to Jesus Christ. “I unfollowed all the gambling pages I was monitoring on the Internet,” he said. He told congregants, “Don’t make the devil comfortable in your body; you need prayer, not philosophy, to overcome the flesh.” In reference to himself, he went on, “This young man here is a free man!” He advised the youth to avoid idleness.

Deliverance Frees Jeanette From Suicide Spirit, Bleeding, Addiction To Smoking And Eating Of Charcoal!

“I am a giant man!” claimed the demon in Jeannette on October 8. The so-called giant man confessed to afflicting the Cameroonian with the spirits of anger and suicide, in addition to making her eat charcoal. “She is supposed to die on October 18,” the demon had confessed. A week later, Jeanette returned for her testimony. During a bout of illness, she had visited a witch doctor who gave her something to lick. From then on, she began to feel like killing herself and she also started to eat charcoal. Unhappy about the new developments and still unwell, she had returned to the witch doctor. Things got even worse! “The giant man visited me in the dream that night and got intimate with me,” she said. The following day she started to smoke and soon became an addict. “I could smoke 20 sticks of cigarette a day,” she admitted. Tired of her life, Jeanette took a new neighbour’s advice to seek God. “I went into my room and prayed; then I had a dream in which an image of Prophet TB Joshua prayed for me and I vomited,” she said to the church. According to her, she had felt light on waking up. Now convinced about her need for God, she brought herself to church for the confirmation of her deliverance. Since then, she has stopped seeing the giant man and doing any of those things that used to appeal to her. Jeanette’s deliverance has also brought her healing from bleeding. “Take your problems to God,” she advised others.

Her Body No Longer Temple For Pain!

Two years ago, the problem of difficulty in walking had crept into Eucharia’s life. One morning, she had sustained what seemed to be a minor ankle strain in her right knee. The pain continued to grow and moved to the knee of the other leg and other parts of her body. Together with her husband, she searched for solutions but the doctors said nothing was amiss. Later, the pain moved to Eucharia’s waist. It was not until she saw the seventh doctor that Eucharia got the diagnosis of osteoarthritis! Relieved to find a name for the problem at last, she thanked God –to the doctor’s surprise. At last, Eucharia had made her way to The SCOAN on October 8 and received a touch from Heaven. “I felt something drop from my body as Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me,” she said. Today, Eucharia’s body is no longer a temple for pain! Her husband, Chinweze, expressed relief over the healing. “She’s been getting stronger by the day,” he said. “God will answer the prayers of other families,” he prayed. Eucharia urged people to believe in God and stay patient.

Rescued From Spirit Of The Grave!

Jennifer, a 500L nursing student, testified about how God used the medium of the New Anointing Water to save her life. “I had a frightening dream whose details I can no longer remember, but I know I saw myself in a graveyard; I had to call my mother once I woke up,” she said. As a believer in God’s power, however, she had prayed that morning and ministered herself with the New Anointing Water. Not long after that dream, Jennifer had a dreadful motorcycle accident on her way to school. Despite having her head bounce off the ground a few times during the accident and later waking up to see herself being infused on a hospital bed, she surprisingly had not a single scratch on her body – asides from body pain and a nagging headache. “I was told that my hospital bills had been paid by someone,” she said. For weeks, she remained homebound but was lucky to receive support from her roommate. “I missed classes, tests and presentations but I continued to pray with the New Anointing Water,” Jennifer disclosed. Now she is completely healed from neck pain, coughing of blood and other issues. “Trust in God and pray without ceasing,” she advised the world.       

E-mail Testimonies

  • After her husband called the Prayer Line on her behalf, Patricia from Malawi was healed of coughing, difficulty in breathing and chest pain.
  • Chantal from Italy testified about her safe delivery on July 21, 2023. She had developed diabetes during pregnancy and had gone into hospital on July 19 to be induced. To the glory of God, she had her baby without needing surgery or experiencing any complications as her doctors had feared.
  • John Peter from Uganda testified about his healing from eight months of ulcer pains. He had vomited poisonous substances while receiving prayer over the phone in June 2023. His medical report is now negative. 
  • Jacinta from Kenya testified about the healing of her baby, who had been rushed to the hospital on his 20th day on earth. Suffering from pneumonia, the baby had been on oxygen for a good 12 days. Jacinta’s baby was discharged soon after prayer over the phone. The baby is now in the fourth month of life!
  • Ms Okonkwo had called on May 6, 2023 over her impending delivery. A month later she safely delivered baby Promise! Thank You, Jesus!

After-Service Testimony

Ukamaka had been praying for safe delivery. Throughout her pregnancy she ministered the New Anointing Water. Two days before labour started, she had a dream in which Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for her. When she went into labour, she had her baby with ease!

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