Pastor Evelyn Onyisi Joshua is a Nigerian minister of God, pastor, preacher and tele-evangelist. She is the Senior Pastor and Leader of world renowned charismatic Christian ministry, The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (The SCOAN). Evelyn is also the President of Emmanuel Global Network (Owner of Emmanuel TV).

Born on 17th December, 1968 to the humble family of Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Akabude of Ukala Okpunor Community, Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State in Nigeria. She commenced her primary education at St. Emecheta Primary School, Esi Town in Delta State before relocating to Lagos State in the early 1970s to live with her big cousin, Engineer Lazarus Onwumeh, who is an Aeronautical Engineer and son to her favorite aunty, Mrs Julianah Onwumeh. Mrs. Julianah Onwumeh had nurtured the little Evelyn from cradle and she was the woman she fondly referred to as mother, back in the village.

While in Lagos, where she also briefly lived with her brother, Mr. Patrick Akabude, Pastor Evelyn enrolled at Orile Primary School, Oshodi, Lagos State where she completed her primary education and earned her Primary School Leaving Certificate. She proceeded to State High School, Oshodi, Lagos State, Nigeria for her secondary education before subsequently proceeding to the famous Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration where she obtained a certificate in Management Studies.

Prophet TB Joshua and Pastor Evelyn Joshua
Prophet TB Joshua & Pastor evelyn

Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s marriage in 1990 to Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua, one of the most famous ministers of God and tele-evangelists that the world has ever known, was nothing short of a pre-ordained divine arrangement. Prophet T.B. Joshua had, on their very first meeting, revealed to Pastor Evelyn in no uncertain terms that she was his God-ordained wife, life companion and ministry partner. The divinely ordained marriage which lasted for 31 years until the 5th of June, 2021 when Prophet T.B. Joshua answered the glorious home call was blessed with three amazing daughters, Serah, Promise and Heart.

Shortly after their marriage, Prophet T.B. Joshua in furtherance of his uncommon ministerial calling established The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (The SCOAN) in the year 1991 in a swampy portion of land at a remote part of the outskirts of Lagos, Nigeria.

A dutiful wife and a dependable Kingdom partner, Pastor Evelyn pioneered and nurtured the Sunday School Department of the young church, deployed her spiritual gifts and unique talents towards supporting her husband in every area of the ministry, while also keeping the home front intact and secure while her husband dedicated his life to the full service of God.

True to the literal meaning of the ministry’s name, as revealed to Prophet T.B. Joshua by God, The SCOAN soon became a true Church of all Nations as worshippers trooped in from all parts of the world to witness God’s uncommon power as evidently at work in the uncommon Ministry.

As at 2018, The SCOAN had become the biggest attraction of foreign visitors to Nigeria. According to official figures released by the Nigeria Immigration Service, “Six out of every ten foreign travellers coming into Nigeria are bound for The Synagogue, Church of All Nations.”

The Church with very little beginnings soon became a universal arena of the manifestation of God’s amazing wonders and, all through this period, Pastor Evelyn Joshua played key roles both as a dutiful wife, mother and as a minister in the vineyard of God. She was the co-coordinator (along with Prophet T.B. Joshua) of the globally acclaimed charity arm of the Ministry, the Emmanuel Global Network (EGN).

Upon the glorious home call of Prophet T.B. Joshua on the 5th of June, 2021 after an enthralling and fulfilled life dedicated to the service of God and humanity, the mantle of leadership of the global Church fell on Pastor Evelyn Joshua, according to God’s divine mandate and plan.

Upon assumption of office as the leader of The SCOAN and the Global President of Emmanuel Global Network (EGN), it quickly became evident that Pastor Evelyn Joshua had been divinely moulded, delicately nurtured and carefully crafted over the course of her 31 years marital journey for a period such as God and fate had eventually thrust on her as the leader of the great commission of The SCOAN and EGN. A gifted teacher, anointed Preacher and a meticulous super administrator, Pastor Evelyn Joshua fully surrendered herself to the leading of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit which has, undoubtedly, accounted for the continued rapid and explosive advancement of the Ministry under her unique leadership.

SCOAN in the Next Phase-

Since her assumption of office, the ministry has continued to wax stronger and bigger under God’s command with ceaseless supernatural outpouring of God’s mighty power and testimony-provoking miracles, healings, deliverance, divine restoration and blessings in Jesus’ name. Congregants at The SCOAN’s weekly Sunday services and the Living Water Service held at The SCOAN’s headquarters auditorium in Ikotun, Lagos, Nigeria, attendees of Crusades and Meetings across continents, as well as viewers from around the world via Emmanuel TV (the ministry’s official media station) and other social media platforms have continued to witness harvests of miracles as the grace upon the great commission continues to multiply under Pastor Evelyn’s God-ordained leadership.

Crusades, Revivals, Outreaches and International Meetings

At The SCOAN’s outreach programme in Johannesburg, South Africa on August 26th and 27th, 2022, a combined congregation of close to 13,000 people witnessed the supernatural move of God as the captives were set free and the sick healed and many others received their restoration.

God’s healing power swept through central Europe in April, 2023 when thousands of people from all across Europe gathered in Fernando Martin Pavilion, Fuelanbrada, in the beautiful city of Madrid for the Spain Crusade with Pastor Evelyn Joshua.

It was the turn of the Southern African Nation of Zambia to witness the move of the God of TB Joshua as thousands of believers from Zambia and other neighbouring Countries converged on the Lusaka International Convention Centre in Lusaka for the SCOAN Zambian Meeting where a bountiful harvest of God’s healings, miracles, breakthrough and amazing testimonies were recorded.

In October, 2023, the beautiful East African nation of Kenya felt the powerful hand of God when thousands of people from all across the world gathered at the 60,000 capacity Kassarani Moi International Stadium in Nairobi for the historic crusade with Pastor Evelyn Joshua. As usual, God almighty moved in His mighty ways as many experienced the power in the healing name of Jesus Christ.

The SCOAN’s Ghana Revival with Pastor Evelyn Joshua in Accra in February 2024 was another moment of God’s miraculous move among his people. It was a two day event of healing, deliverance and salvation in Jesus name as a combined crown of about 10,000 people felt the unchanging hand of God in their lives.

Pastor Evelyn and EmmanuelTv Partners: Sustaining the Legacy of Charity and Philanthropy-

Pastor Evelyn Joshua is the worldwide President of Emmanuel Global Network (EGN), a sister organization of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations, which is dedicated to charity works and philanthropy. EGN is the owner of Emmanuel TV, the media outlet and the mouthpiece of the ministry.

EGN has presence in many countries of the world including United Kingdom, United States, South Africa and Israel. Emmanuel Global Network (EGN) has offered full scholarships to hundreds of indigent students all over the world and provided basic life needs in countries such as Israel, United States, South Africa, Mexico, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Ghana, etc. EGN has also at various times intervened in disaster-hit areas in Ecuador, Haiti, Pakistan, Turkey, Nigeria etc., by giving relief support materials to many, thereby bringing help, hope and love to millions across the world.

Determined to continue to build on the foundations laid by Prophet T.B. Joshua and his globally acclaimed legacies, Pastor Evelyn Joshua has continued to toe the path of charity and philanthropy, a course considered most noble by her late husband Prophet T.B Joshua.

In conjunction with Emmanuel TV Partners and other friends of the ministry, Mama Evelyn (as she is fondly called) has since her assumption of office provided shelter for many and given out several tons of foodstuffs, cash gifts and other relief items to thousands of people in need of love, care and attention.

Apart from the regular call at Okobaba Destitute Home in Lagos, Nigeria where Pastor Evelyn Joshua and EmmanuelTv Partners have become customary visitors, the Ministry under the leadership of Pastor Evelyn has also embarked on several other relief outreaches in Nigeria including the distribution of food items to hundreds of poor families in selected Local Government Areas in Lagos and Delta States. Other interventions, particularly at the international scene, include the charity outreach to a camp of hundreds of less-privileged families on the outskirts of Pretoria, South Africa in September, 2022; a care outreach to a community of people with special needs on the outskirts of Lusaka, Zambia in August, 2023; an epic philanthropic outreach to a rural Maasai community in Kajiado County of Kenya; the outreach to displaced victims of a devastating flooding disaster in some parts of Southern Nigeria in the year 2022; the distribution in February 2024 of food and cooking items, clothing, cash gifts as well as educational materials to hundreds of villagers consisting the elderly, young people and children of Doryumu Community in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, amongst others.

Just like her late husband, Prophet T.B Joshua, Pastor Evelyn’s love for nature and all of God’s creature is quite enthralling. In a show of this and as part of her contribution to nature conservation and environmental preservation, Pastor Evelyn Joshua collaborated with the Nairobi City Council in Kenya on its tree planting initiative by planting a whopping 20,000 trees around Nairobi. Pastor Evelyn and the Emmanuel Tv Partners also supported the initiative with the sum of $20,000.

She is also a lover of agriculture.

Always adorning her signature disarming smile, Pastor Evelyn Joshua is an epitome of Godly love and charm.