And the God of Prophet TB Joshua showed Himself mightily again!

The occasion was The Crusade In Kenya With Pastor Evelyn Joshua. The venue was the Kasarani Moi International Stadium, located on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. For two days, this stadium hosted thousands from across the world who had come to seek God’s face. There were incredible manifestations of divine power as the Godhead – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – worked through the faculties of the leader of The SCOAN, Pastor Evelyn Joshua.

Indeed, it was a day of great expectations for all who were seeking to be impacted by the Giver of life, the Giver of healing, the Giver of blessings, the Giver of salvation, and the Giver of peace that passes all understanding. And because they approached the Throne Of Grace with hearts full of humility and faith, everyone had a share of the bountiful harvest from which the Lord had set a table before them!

To prepare the atmosphere for the presence of the Holy Spirit, The SCOAN Choir offered a sacrifice of soul-lifting, faith-building songs whose smoke spiralled towards Heaven. Alongside singers and musicians from the rest of East Africa, The SCOAN choristers worshipped God Almighty in different tongues, including Swahili. Within minutes, it was visible to all that Jesus Christ was present!

After the opening prayer was said by Pastor Nicholas Mutunga, Pastor Maryanne Thairu welcomed the nations to the crusade, declaring, “Your family, health, career, business will never be the same again, in Jesus’ name!”

Thereafter followed more song ministrations by gospel artistes from the continent. There was Tanzania’s Christina Shusho, who praised God in Swahili.

There was songstress Zaza Mokhethi from South Africa, who extolled Heaven in Zulu.

And there was also South African male gospel act Rofhiwa, who offered his original compositions alongside Spirit-inspired compositions by Prophet TB Joshua. There was an incredible amount of excitement in the air as God’s Spirit suffused the stadium!

Inspired Ministration Of The Word

After listening to a short citation of Pastor Evelyn Joshua, congregants patiently took in her sermon entitled “Praying Without Ceasing”. The proof text came from Daniel 6:1-28, the passage about Daniel’s encounter with King Darius over the ban of prayer in the Kingdom of Babylon. Some of the other Bible references were Psalm 105:4, 2 Corinthians 2:11 and 1 John 14:27.

The woman of God informed the people that she was with them to share the story of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His love for humanity as well as His power to forgive, save, heal, bless and deliver. That power, she noted, continues to be available to the lost and the broken-hearted. To access that power, however, the believer must cultivate the habit of praying always. Prayer is not a one-way communication, she said, but a means of contacting God’s Spirit.

But the issue for most people, she continued, is that they tend to call on God only when facing challenges. She therefore urged them to act like Daniel by praying without ceasing, all the while exercising faith, feeding on the Word and recalling what God had done in the past. She said to the people, “Let God be that very One thing that matters in your life.”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua also reminded the people about God’s nearness to those who call upon Him always: “You have a Father, Maker, Master,” she reiterated to them, “Who is able to heal, save, deliver, to make whole, to prosper you.” Concluding, she said: “When you live in the fear of God and you walk according to His rules, the peace of God will be upon your life.”

And They Feasted At The Lord’s Table!

As they had been promised, thousands had the chance to feast at the Lord’s table in a way that they had never done before. No doubt, there was an abundance of healing, deliverance, breakthrough and all of God’s blessings. Through the faculties of the woman of God, awesome experiences of God’s power were recorded, with countless instant testimonies seen and thousands now liberated from the forces hindering their progress.  

Alongside the woman of God, The SCOAN Evangelists moved with astonishing power as the Holy Spirit affected their utterances for the miraculous. All we have to say is, “Thank You, Jesus!”     

No One Was Left Out!

For the Mass Prayer session, the woman of God asked the people to place their hands on their chest and declare: “Father, heal me and I will be healed! Lord God, touch me and I will be touched!”

She prayed for them: “If there is any pain in your body – be healed right now, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be healed in your body, in your spirit, in your soul, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be healed! Be freed! Be delivered from every affliction, disease, pain!”

Evangelist Ope told the people to decree: “Every contrary spirit operating in my life, anywhere you are – Holy Ghost Fire: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph prayed: “Every demon, contrary spirit – Holy Ghost Fire: Out!”

Evangelist James prayed: “Whatever contrary spirit, familiar spirit operating in your life: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom asked the people to pray: “You spirit, the cause of my sickness – anywhere you are: Out, in the name of Jesus! You contrary spirit – Out!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua urged the people to declare: “I am healed! I am freed! I am delivered! I am linked up with God!”

Finally, she prayed: “May your blessings remain permanent, in the name of Jesus Christ. May the favour of God in your life remain permanent, in Jesus’ name! May the grace of God remain permanent in your life, in the name of Jesus!”


As proof that the power of Jesus Christ remains constant, congregants were treated to testimonies of healings and deliverances that happened in times past for people whose lives continue to glorify Heaven.

And God Lifted A Heavy Burden Off Believing 9-Year-Old!

Until his parents brought him to The SCOAN for prayer all the way from Eldoret, Kenya, 9-year-old Ramsey had been suffering from avascular necrosis of the hip, a condition that meant he couldn’t move without using a pair of crutches. Before ministering to the little boy, God’s servant Prophet TB Joshua asked him, “Who is Jesus?” The little boy answered, “Jesus is the Son of God.” Then the man of God followed up with an anointed touch. Seconds later, Ramsey cast aside his crutches and began to walk all by himself. On Day 1 of The Kenya Crusade, he showed up with his mother to share his testimony. The boy’s mother told of how she had run helter-skelter seeking a solution to the problem. “At some point, I lost his father and couldn’t cope with the situation,” she told the world. It has been four years since the day that Jesus Christ attended to Ramsey’s case – and the 13-year-old remains in perfect health! “He assists me in every way,” said his mother. “What Jesus Christ has done for me, He can do for you as well,” Ramsey assured the people.

Evil Addiction Cast Out In Jesus’ Name!

On December 3, 2022, 36-year-old Joy was in The Arena Of Liberty to receive the prayer of deliverance. She had been addicted to eating soil. “I would start to scratch myself anytime I failed to eat soil,” she said at the start of her testimony at The Kenya Crusade. She said it started with a dream in which a mad man attacked her. “On waking up, I began to crave soil,” she continued. The addiction led to constipation and anaemia, badly messing up Joy’s body and internal organs. “I developed a skin affliction and, to worsen matters, my children also took to eating soil,” Joy said. To the glory of God, however, after a touch from Heaven as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered, Joy had lost all interest in eating soil, likewise her children. “Trust in God,” she urged the people.

One Year After, Rickson’s Healing Remains!

“This was so painful, eh!” exclaimed Rickson on Friday, August 26, 2022 in South Africa, right inside the hall where The Emmanuel TV Team was having a prayer meeting. After hiking on the mountain, Rickson had started to experience soreness of the knee. He had thought it was something simple and had assured his wife that he would be fine in no time. Two weeks later, however, he was still not feeling better. He visited a specialist and took different medications but his pains remained. “You need an operation,” the doctor told him. Six weeks after the surgery, Rickson’s situation remained the same. “You will need knee replacement,” the doctor told him. Unwilling to go that route, Rickson gladly made his way to the South Africa prayer meeting. “Immediately I received a touch from the evangelist, I knew that God had done it,” he said. Since then, he has returned to a vibrant life. “I even participated in a desert walk that took place in July this year and now lift heavy weights in the gym,” he said with infectious excitement. He advised people to exercise faith in God. “You will not go back home the same,” he assured them. His wife confirmed the testimony and glorified God for His goodness.

Fruit Of The Womb Granted, Spirit Of Addiction Expelled!

Jennifer from Uganda testified alongside her husband and her twin daughters – the source of her testimony. For 10 years after having her first child – a boy – Jennifer was unable to conceive again. She tried so many things but found no headway. “Doctors operated on me for fibroids but my condition remained the same, with some family members suggesting that my womb had been removed,” she said. Jennifer’s husband stood with her and went with her to The SCOAN for prayer in January 2019. “Prophet TB Joshua prayed for us and we returned home to meet as husband and wife,” she told the people at The Kenya Crusade. Soon after, Jennifer fell pregnant and gave birth to twins. Her husband, Augustino, also experienced deliverance from addiction to alcohol and cigarettes. She urged people to accept that God’s power is not limited by distance or time. “You will also get your own blessings,” she told the people. Augustino thanked God for keeping him away from his addictions for the past four years and Jennifer advised people to stay faithful to God.

Doctors Had Given Up On Her But Jesus Christ Came To The Rescue!

When she sought God’s face in The Arena Of Liberty on November 17, 2013, 28-year-old Tayo had gone with a tale of woes – a baggage of bodily afflictions including difficulty in walking. She had just returned from a long trip when she found her body overtaken by excruciating pains. “Doctors told me I needed an operation that I might not survive,” she said while testifying at The Kenya Crusade. According to one test, Tayo could not live beyond another three years. “You are most likely to end up in a vegetative state if you survive after that time,” the doctor had continued. It was in that state of virtual hopelessness that Tayo had gone to The SCOAN. Since receiving prayer from Prophet TB Joshua in the mighty name of Jesus Christ ten years ago, Tayo has stayed fit and strong! “Always have faith in God,” she advised the people.  

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