The service of October 22, 2023 started with soulful worship that connected the people with God’s Spirit. “My Life Is Worth Living/Because Jesus Lives!” the choristers sang. They also acknowledged the presence of the Holy Spirit: “I Know You Are Here/Precious Holy Spirit!” Soon, the atmosphere in The Arena Of Liberty became full of fire – the fire that brings healing, deliverance, breakthrough and salvation. The choristers went on, “Jesus, Be Thou Glorified!”

In response to one of the choir’s ministrations, Pastor Evelyn Joshua said to congregants, “Jesus is calling your name this morning and you will answer a trillion times!” She prayed, “Let everything we do today come from the Throne Of Mercy and let it work for our good.”

Citing Ecclesiastes 4:9 & 12, she thanked everyone for supporting God’s work at The Crusade In Kenya. She noted thus: “The Word of God points us to the way; it brings about positive change to your life and situations. God is not interested in our outward appearance of religion. God is concerned about your fellowship with fellow men; He is concerned about how your represent Him.”

She prayed for all: “We need each other; no one can succeed alone. Great reward awaits you. The joy of God is yours. Thank you for your spirit of commitment. May the good Lord continue to be with you.”

The woman of God then introduced clips from Day 2 of The Crusade In Kenya, where she gave a sermon on the power of faith. “The more your faith in God, the more the victory assured,” she concluded.

They Came To The Faithful, Merciful God!
“Our God is a faithful, merciful God,” noted Pastor Evelyn Joshua at The Prayer Line. She prayed: “God Almighty will see to all that concerns you. God will touch you today; He will wipe away your tears and give you joy, in the name of Jesus Christ! Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Jesus Christ!”

As the woman of God proceeded to touch the people in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, hundreds of afflictions were dispelled by God’s power. Among the cases were lumbar spondylosis, spine stiffness, stroke, shoulder dislocation, chronic pain, swollen belly, brain injury, inguinal hernia, sickle cell anaemia, osteoarthritis, abdominal swelling, difficulty in breathing, breast lump, heart issues, diabetes, and career-threatening injuries.

A number of women received prayer over afflictions such as bleeding and barrenness. Those already carrying their bundles of joy were equally blessed with the anointing to deliver with ease.

Together with Pastor Evelyn Joshua, The SCOAN Evangelists ministered to cases of mental disorder, epilepsy, skin disease, urinary tract disorder, difficulty in urinating, male infertility, bloody stool, prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, nose bleeding, leg ulcers, as well as addiction to smoking, drinking and drug use.

As the fire of the Holy Ghost surged through the people, bringing them instant relief and freeing them for breakthrough, they expressed their gratitude to the Great Physician. “Thank You, Jesus!” they exclaimed.

And All Received God’s Mercy!
Evangelist James said to congregants at the start of the Mass Prayer session: “It is time for your healing, deliverance, blessings – time to take back what the devil has taken away from you.” He reminded them, “God’s mercy is all you need.” He told the people: “Every contrary spirit troubling your life, family, destiny – begin to command them out, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Evangelist Joseph told the people: “Every familiar spirit, demon, ancestral spirit operating in your life – command them out.” He also told them to pray: “You demon, familiar spirit, evil spirit manipulating my life – your end has come. I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out! You demon, anywhere you are, Holy Ghost Fire – Out!”

Evangelist Chisom urged the people to pray: “You spirit – the cause of my sickness, disease – anywhere you are, in the name of Jesus: Out! He also prayed for the people: “Whatever chain satan may have used to connect you to himself – be broken, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Ope told the people to pray: “Every closed door to my breakthrough, I command you: Be opened, in the name of Jesus! Every delayed breakthrough – be opened, in the name of Jesus! You closed door to my breakthrough – be opened!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua asked the people to thank God for the light of salvation and to disconnect themselves from every bondage, affliction and every constant experience of hardship, hatred, rejection. To viewers all over the world, she said: “Bring your troubles at the feet of Jesus Christ and ask your accuser to leave you.”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Every problem, affliction, disease – we command you out now, in the name of Jesus! Every spirit that steals, kills and destroys – we command you out now, in the name of Jesus Christ! Receive your freedom, healing, deliverance, in the name of Jesus Christ! Breakthrough in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “We come against demons. Demons in your business, health, finances, marriage, career – come out, in the mighty name of Jesus! Wherever that disease and sickness in your body is: Out! Every chain of disease and sickness in your blood, tendons, kidneys, liver – break! Wherever that disease is hiding, I break it in the name of Jesus! That nightmare in your business, health, marriage, family, career, destiny: Out!”

“I Was Like A Dead Person Before But Now I’m Back To Life!”
On July 9, 2023, 55-year-old Segun was among those who received prayer in The Arena Of Liberty. He was suffering from a partial stroke, which had suddenly come upon him as he rode home in a commercial vehicle from work. “I collapsed and lost consciousness only to find myself on a hospital bed later,” he said during his testimony on October 22, 2023. Looking beyond the physical, his believing wife had promptly resorted to God’s power in the Anointing Water, which she kept ministering upon him. Along the line, Segun had a revelation in which people were shooting at him. He realised that the attack had come from people who believed he had offended them. Segun continued meditating and began to heal day by day. He then decided to make himself available for prayer in the church. “I recovered within two weeks, even though the doctors had given me at least three months to do so,” he went on. He further said, “I was like a dead person before but now I’m back to life,” he added. He also spoke about how a white-clothed figure has stopped following his wife all over the house; apparently, it was a figure that only Segun could see. Segun advised people to share their testimonies in order to retain their blessings. Confirming the testimony, his wife said, “The anointing followed us home from the church.” She added, “Now he can do everything without assistance.” She advised people to build their meditative capacity. “Make sure your heart is at peace,” she concluded.

A Geoscientist Regains His Health And Vitality
One day, Cyriacus, geoscientist who does his work mostly by sitting down, had suddenly started feeling an unusual sensation in one of his legs. “I thought nothing of it,” he said on October 22, “but the feeling worsened.” As the days progressed, he had a revelatory encounter in which Pastor Evelyn Joshua saw him weeping, touched his face and looked straight into his eyes before walking away. When Cyriacus’ issue worsened and he could no longer walk without feeling severe pain, he knew it was time to bring his case before God. On receiving prayer ministration by Pastor Evelyn Joshua on October 8, 2023, he had instantly regained his health and vitality. “Run to God over your problems and always try to exercise your body,” he advised others.

Breakthrough For Charlene’s Family, Healing For Her Mother!
On January 29, 2023, the demon in Charlene confessed thus: “I have blocked everything – I’m a giant woman!” That demon had been the cause of conflict in Charlene’s marriage. She and her family kept having financial, health, accommodation and other issues. A spirit husband had been tormenting Charlene, determined to prevent her from having a happy life. “The spirit husband gave me a ring in the dream,” she said, “and it tried to fight the evangelist as he prayed for me.” Since an anointed hand fell upon Charlene, however, hers and her husband’s lives have been transformed by the power in the Blood Of Jesus Christ. “Business is now booming for both of us and I’m now able to buy business assets by myself,” she continued. She added, “I’m free from the spirit husband now.” She advised people to display faith and focus on God alone. Charlene’s mother also testified about the miracle she got from the Anointing Water. “A recurrent growth had been bothering my right sole; doctors cut it off five times but it was all to no avail,” she recalled. After the ministration of the Anointing Water, however, the growth has now stopped! Charlene’s mother advised people to persist in seeking God.

“God Remembered Me!” Says Woman Gifted With Fruit Of The Womb
“We had problems with conception,” Dorathy said as she started her testimony on October 22, 2023, “and we went to herbal homes and hospitals for a solution.” Speaking alongside her husband, Tony, Dorathy said that she used to have dreams in which she felt pregnant. At one point, a real pregnancy occurred but it soon had to be aborted because it was ectopic. “We flushed it out without surgery,” she said. Dorathy then made her way to church for prayer. “A couple of months after Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me, I fell pregnant and had my baby Gianna successfully,” she testified. “Indeed, God remembered me!” She advised people to wait for God’s time. Her husband talked about his excitement when he learned of his wife’s pregnancy. “On the day of delivery,” he disclosed, “she gave birth like a Hebrew woman.” Visibly excited, Tony urged people to seek God in a living church.

Now 49-Year-Old Esther Can Hear Normally!
For the last 15 years, Esther had been managing to hear only with the aid of a medical device. Without the auricular aid, she could not hope to hear people and carry on meaningful conversations. The Nigerian who resides in the Netherlands was in the church to testify on October 22, 2023 – a week after her healing. Esther went back to her days in school, when her schoolmates used to mock her because she was hard of hearing. The problem had seriously affected her marriage and work life. “I had to make my phone conversations audible, so I had no privacy,” she said. Esther also had problems interacting with her children in the home. “I faced a lot of humiliation and disgrace,” she told the church. Most times, her daughter had to resort to communicating with her via text messages. However, her male children had a harder time interacting with her. Fifteen years ago, Dutch doctors had to recommend the hearing aid for Dorathy. “I had faced serious issues while attending passport classes in the Netherlands and the problem of poor hearing prevented me from getting the document, until the Queen intervened,” she recalled. To the glory of God, Esther is now a happy woman. “I can hear very well now,” she stated emphatically. She exclaimed, “Thank You, Jesus, for delivering me from this shame!” She advised people to stay close to God and display faith in Him. Her mother, Dorcas, also expressed her gratitude to God for the healing.

E-mail Testimonies
- Margaret, a Zimbabwean living in the USA, had called the Prayer Line on August 22, 2023. She had failed a certain examination five times previously. After receiving prayer, Margaret passed brilliantly!
- In July 2023, Muleleki from South Africa called the Prayer Line after she started to feel pain in her chest. Since then she has been free from all pain – glory be to God!
- Natalie from Namibia had been coughing for several weeks. Despite taking numerous medications, she failed to get better. After calling the Prayer Line on August 14, 2023, however, the coughing stopped. Now she no longer has headaches and her appetite is back!
- Paulina from South Africa testified about receiving many blessings after attending the Living Water Service online on July 28, 2023. She has stopped being an angry and fearful person who used to suffer nightmares, her two children no longer bleed in the nose and she no longer feels pain in her leg!

After-Service Testimonies
During the Mass Prayer session, these people vomited the root causes of their illnesses. Thank You, Jesus!

Blessing received her healing from waist and leg pain during the ministration of prayers. “God Almighty is the greatest,” she says while demonstrating what she had been unable to do before.