An intriguing interview that you won’t want to stop reading…
“I love the prison. Each time the judge acquits me, I will tell him that ‘I really love where I am staying – there is no need for you take me out.’ Because I know that once I am out, I will come back again in another week.”

The tale of David Brown is mind-boggling. It’s an experience in life one can never forget – a cold reminder of the terrifying darkness that ensnares so many souls and a clear expression of the beauty of God’s grace and work. In this enlightening interview, Read Us brings to you the riveting story of a first class graduate from Kingston University, United Kingdom who went from being the rich heir-apparent of a powerful occultic lodge, to a homeless beggar who embraced the dirty prison cells of London and Lagos, calling them his only home.
A Strange Background With Spiritual Ties
“I’m David Brown from Rivers State, Bonny Island. I’m an architect, a graduate of the University of Kingston, London. When my mother gave birth to me, my father denied me and said I was not his son. So I was taken from my mother’s hands when I was just a year and six months. I never knew my mother or father because I grew up with my auntie. I thought my auntie and her husband were my biological mother and father, so I called them mum and dad.
“My auntie is a great spiritualist. She has a big lodge in her compound in Lagos where people come to ‘fellowship’. They worship the sun and guardian angels – and they use the destinies of people for rituals. If any member there is about to die, they look for somebody to exchange their head with to keep them alive, or to give them money and wealth. My auntie has a lot of companies because she is very rich and is the head of the lodge. She brought the lodge from England down to Lagos. Whatever she says stays. Nobody challenges her authority.
Family Revelations
“When I was about 9-10 years old, I used to see a man come to the house each time we were on vacation. I kept asking my mum, as in my auntie, ‘Who is this man?’ She said, ‘Don’t worry – one day I will explain to you.’ Then one day she called him and me, and said, ‘Do you know this is your father?’ Since then I just hated him because he never showed any remorse for his actions. He never asked of me, showed me love or care – he just abandoned me as if I were not there. And now here was somebody coming from the blue to say he was my father. She started taking me to the house to get me acquainted with my father gradually, but still I never liked him because each time I went to their house, my stepmother would treat me as a slave, not a son.
“My auntie didn’t have any biological son, so she wanted me to be her son and heir. What actually motivated her in accepting me to be her son was that I was very brilliant. Throughout my school, I was always first in class, right through to university. She had seen my destiny was so bright. So, she was training me to take over her position. They wanted me to take over the company and everything she was in charge of. They began showing me the pattern and secrets of the lodge, so that I could take over. But there was something in me that really revoked it and didn’t want that position.
Exposing The ‘Lodge’
“The lodge appears in the guise of helping people’s problems, but in reality, it is to destroy them. But only the real members know what happens there. They have a secret room called ‘the inner room’ where only members are allowed to go. Everyone gathers round in a circle and begins what they call ‘meditation’. You have to travel astrally to meet with other spirits in space. You communicate with these spirits and bring their messages down to people here on earth. My auntie was a medium to those spirits. She communicates with those spirits and they dialogue with her. When they give instructions, she conveys the instructions down from the spirit world to earth, and she speaks in a spiritual language – and there will be a recorder recording what she says. In the inner circle, there is a power embedded in you that you can understand other languages beyond human comprehension – spiritual languages. If you are not baptised to be among the inner circle, you cannot understand what the spirit beings say. I was among those who wrote her ‘revelations’ down. I would type them out, and send them to the people who wanted solution. Through this, we began to gain access to their spirits and manipulate them into doing whatever we wanted.
Astral Travel
“Our body remains here on earth and the spirit travels beyond the earth down to the galaxies and stars. There we meet celestial beings, and we have interactions with them and seek advice from them. If there is anybody who comes to us with a problem or who needs healing, we astrally travel down to the spirit world, where the spirits gather and they tell us things to do, ‘solutions’ to take back to earth. These messages are conveyed by my auntie, because she is the head of the lodge. They call her the queen of the lodge because she is the founder here in Nigeria. Nobody ever dares to counter what she says. Her words are final, because everybody is under her, and everybody that is under her is a slave to her. Be you big or small, whether you have all the wealth in the world – as long as you are in the lodge with her, you are under her – and you must seek advice or order from her before anything is done.
Subtle Manipulation
“We don’t collect money from the people who come for help, but we know what impact we have on them – because the more they come closer to us, the more they are weak in spirit and the more we draw their destiny and destroy them. Because she reads your star to know if you are intelligent – so we would only target and go into direct contact with people who are very intelligent, people whose futures are bright. These are the people we try to lure into it. You would begin to innocently interact with us, and soon everything you have that God has given to you will be taken out of you and be imparted into us. They become our slaves, subject to us – because now their spirit has been locked in a box.
“My auntie was the one who dictated to us, because she saw beyond the human. There is something they call spirit seeing – spirit eyes. She knows who you are and what you will become in future. If you come to our lodge, she will tell us, ‘This one is ripe, he’s okay for us. Follow up and make sure you lure him into being a member.’ And once you are a member of the inner circle, there is no turning back – you can’t go back to the world, you can’t expose what you are part of. If you want to make any attempt of exposing, it’s either your life goes or they begin to take your family one by one until it gets to your turn. They will just lure you into an accident. Naturally people will see someone has died in a mere accident, but spiritually something has been done to create such accident.
White Rituals
“We meet in a circle with six pointed stars. The chairs are white and you are only to wear white. Each time you see us wearing white in the inner circle, it means we have a killing to do. It’s either we are about to ruin somebody’s life – or impart somebody’s life into one of our members, to increase their stay here on earth. We do that to increase our life-span, as well as using it in subjecting you to become a slave, so that you won’t have any understanding, any knowledge or thought of querying our methods or asking questions. Whatever we say – you just obey. You are like a vehicle, a robot.
“Each person who comes to the lodge has their image tied in a box. If we want to do anything to you, it’s just to invoke your spirit in the night. We come and take your spirit to the image – and whatever we say to the image, that’s what you will do. You don’t have any atom of strength of your own, any say of your own – you act based on what we tell you.
Sold To The Devil
“Because of this, my auntie has no children. Her womb was sold to the devil; she gave her womb to the devil so there is no way she could bear children. There was something like a pot that they replaced her womb with in her stomach. It’s like a medium, an antenna that connects her to the spirit world, a strength that enables her to accommodate such powers. Because of that, she had to take me. They wanted me to become their own son. That’s why they started training me, because she told me that when her time comes, I will be the one to take over the lodge and all her companies in UK and other places around the world. But something in me really refused this offer. Each time I tried to take the crown, I was drawn back by something. I feel it’s just God – if not for God, I know I would not be here. I know it was God drawing me out from being crowned as a prince of that dark lodge, or let me call it ‘cult’.
A Messenger Of Initiation
“When I was schooling in UK, I became a messenger, initiating people into the lodge. The way I do it – if I see that you are weak in spirit, I begin to come closer to you. We begin to interact – the more you begin to respond to me, the more your spirit is being drawn down. By the time you know it, your spirit is in our coven – your body will be in UK, while your spirit is in the lodge in Lagos. And then she begins to control you and tell you what to do, and you begin to act according to what she says. That was the job I was doing. I was able to convert more than 30 people during my days in university.
“In university I became the president of the youths, because I was very brilliant. I didn’t acquire my knowledge from what we do – it is God-given. God has invested such knowledge in me because right from my youth, I came out on top of the class – from primary through to university. Anywhere I go, they want to make me the president of the students, to lead others. I used that opportunity to ensnare people. I was controlling about 385 students while in Kingston University; so I had the privilege of talking to people, and they would want to listen by virtue of my position. I would use enticing language to make you listen, while manipulating your spirit down to the coven here inLagos.
“There is a secret room in our compound where my auntie keeps all her valuables – and nobody dares enter, except me. I was the only one who could enter that room besides her, because of the training she was giving me. That is where she keeps all her charms and some spiritual things that are not supposed to be touched by physical hands, as well as her gold and jewellery. There was a time the security man in our compound in Lagos became friendly with me, although I never knew his evil intentions. He used to ask me to allow him into the house when my auntie was not around, and we watched television together. As we were talking one day, he asked where the key to that secret room was kept. I naively showed him, not knowing what he was planning to do. By the time we came back from our summer holiday in UK, my auntie saw somebody had tampered with the door. This guy had stolen all the valuables in that room and touched those things that were not supposed to be handled by ordinary hands, defiling them, making them worthless and useless.
“She became very furious and angry. It was like fire was coming out of her eyes. The thing that made her most angry was that she trusted me, she believed in me and I betrayed her trust by allowing a stranger into the house. In the secret lodge, there are laws that bind us and for anyone that goes contrary to the law, the penalty is death. But that death is not instant – they will push you to the point where you lead yourself into death gradually. Then she cursed me. She said that because I told a stranger where the key is, wherever I go, I will be a vagabond and roam around restlessly. She said I will be going to prison until I die, and I will always be caught with keys in my hands, and the prison will become my home all the days of my life until I hang myself and take my life.
Robbed Of Real Value
“Immediately she pronounced that curse, it took effect at that very moment. It was like some strange spirit came into me, and my real value went out. Everything I ever went to school for went out. It was lost. From that moment, I was being controlled by the spirit assigned to me – the spirit of death, the spirit of stealing, the spirit of robbery. And straight after that curse, my auntie disconnected herself from everything that had to do with me and threw me outside her house. Because my father was also a member of the inner circle, he refused to take me in. He was also scared of his life, because he knew that if he accepted me, he had gone against the law – and the penalty was death. So they pushed me out into the darkness, alone.
Its all because of grace that we are saved not by mighty nor by power . Thank yu God thank you Jesus thank yu holy spirit thank yu man of God 4 allowin 2 be used to deliver us
There is need for short teaching on each of the testimonies critical points. Some people might not know there is something called spirit of poverty, vagabond spirit , etc.
dis is very interesting looking 4ward 4 part 2
Man of God bless my family things are truly hard 4 me and my husband pray for us
looking 4ward to part 2 dis is interesting
oh my God i cant wait for part ll Lord help me understand what you want to help me with through this testimony
Lord l thank you for the life of David Brown,LESSON LEARNT,deliver me from evil!This is eye opening,as scary as it is,its educational and a weapon to us Christians.Thank You MOG!!
God knows how to save somebody. May God be with David forever.
its a very sad story may lord guide him and restore his destiny in Jesus Christ name!
This is a good initiative.Please keep posting these detailed testimonies to lift up our faith.It is important because the people testifying don’t always have the opportunity to tell us all the details when they are being delivered.
Thank you man of God for this wonderful initiative !
God Bless you abundantly !
man god me and my wife we do n’t have baby for 4yers and 4 week ago i was jail i’m out with pail R5000 pls man of od pry us..
This is an interesting story, “I WAS INDEED WONDERING HOW EVIL THIS WORLD” IS. For sure it was God who prevented you from being crowned and take over as prince of the dark lodge. This is indeed a lesson for us christians that we need to go deeper in the things of the Lord because the devil does not rest. Making the word of God as a standard of life. Thank God you are delivered, please remain in him forever and ever in Jesus name.
I hope God will rescue him 4rm that n he will b delivered 4rm dos spirits n I wish his auntie will b delivered 2 in the name of jesus chrIst!
Whatever comes out 4rm devil is artificial, those who obey GOD can never b intimidated or b afraid of what devil can do, if u ar a beliver, relax n HIS precious hands nd rejoice, u ar an ovacomer.
Thank u JESUS.
what ascary story!..satan is aliar!i cant wait 4 part 2..
It’s a very sad story, may the Lord restore his destiny in Jesus Christ name!
God is great all the time & he loves us all
This is a wonderful story, may GOD of prophet tb Joshua break all the curses upon our lives in Jesus mighty name amen.
it was a touching strory, cnt wait 4 the follow up.
Touched by the story in a way that i even dont know what to write about.But it really shows how great God is to his Children,He really knows us one by one,and as the story goes,i can compare it to da one written about the life of apostle Paul,the way he used to torment cretisize the children of God and unknowingly ended up being the servant off God himself,it really amazes one how God deal with all of,and this story too,the man will ended up being a great servant of God and i wish him well in everything.GOD BLESSES YOU AND YO FAMILY MAN OF GOD I FELT SO HUMBLED TO YOU YOU REALLY ARE MY JESUS!i REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO TO BECOME A COMPLETE BELIVER.PLEASE MAN OF GOD BARE WITH YOURE HAERT AND PRAY TO YO GOD TO HELP ME BECOME A TRULY BELIVER I TRIED DAY IN AND DAY OUT BUT IT SEEMS IT NEEDED ME MYSEELF TO COME TO THE SCOAN SOTHAT I CAN BE PRAYED FOR.MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDATELY AND YO CHURCH.REALLY NEEDS YO PRAYERS…….
Your grace is sufficient 4 us its not by mighty nor by power that you redeem us.
To God be de glory.
Thank you very for keeping our eyes open, and my god keep you for youre teaching and blessings, i realy love tb joshua for what power that god gave you,,,,,,,,, emanuel god is ours, m teboho from south africa, i relly love to go to youre sunday service, but with my faith i know one day i will go to lagos in the name of jesus ameeeeen
Emmanuel! I than Almighty God for showing His mercy and favour upon my brother.I makes me cry everytime I watch the video of my brother who suffered so much.Thank you man of God for Separating him from the chain of darkness in his life.Freedom in Christ Jesus.
Oh my God, the right hand of God is power, thank u jesus for this wonderful testimony, cant wait to hear the rest.
touching story, i realy thank God i know hm n he gav me an opportunity to know early.
What a world we are living.Satan is a Lier,am waiting to read part 2.Thank you Jesus for Loving me.
If this is a true story god is great nd nothin imposible be4 god.
that is a very touching story and thank god the boy is alive.glory be to god
Childrens of God let us know our friends. Some of them are wolves in sherpherd skin. We are living by the grace of God
Its more like fiction but real. A very touching testimony. I can’t wait for part two.
Please pray for my breakthrough in Christ jesus’ name. Amen.
This is a very powerfull testimony thank God that at last the man is being deliverd from all the spiritz.
glory be to God alone,& let yo mercies trauph over judgment
I am a mother of four kids, my husband is not working. My problem is that I am living with a chronic disease, ASTHMA.. So I would like Man of GOD PROPHERT TB JOSHUA to pray for me. In JESUS NAME… Amen
Matters of the spirit relm affect our lives so much. Only JESUS can fight our battles.
hey! the things of satan always has a bad end .look at that man who was a witch doctor that the prophet(TB Joshua) prophesied that he has left something outside the churh his evil deeds of tieing people souls and destroying them back fired him .thank God for exposing it and untieing the unknowing tied souls. Cant wait 4 part 2
Lord! talk to me through this testimony. Enlight me.
What a testmony!lord help me understand how yur power works.
Thank you very much for sharing this testimony.
GOD Is Able. THE Right Hand Of GOD Has Power. In JESUS’ Mighty Name. Hallelujah…….!!!. Amen…….!!!. I Thank YOU, My LORD My GOD. THANKS.
God brings good out of evil.
I am speachless, its awesome encounter, God be praised!
It is amazing what some other people are capable of,but with The Blood of Jesus and The Fire Of The Holy Ghost they are defeated.
A very touching story of a lost sheep and his come back. The story reminds me of evil dreams I usually have even just before reading this testimony. Indeed there are evil spirits out there only the Grace of God can see us through. I thank man of God Prophet TB Joshua for delivering this lost sheep. I pray that through reading these testimonies our souls may also be saved in Jesus Christ Name, Amen.
Wow!wat a mighty God we save.Thank u Lord,thank u Jesus coz ur love is so amazing.I cant wait 4 part 2….
it shows how great god is in our lives.he can even reveal himself to the darkest place for his mercy is great.he has showed us his love in this story.god is wonderfull i will praise him forever.may the name of jesus christ be praised.amen
Son of David have mercy on this world.
The devil is cruel. I thank God for my Family. It was God’s grace for me to be born in a family that believe in God. Thank you Lord for saving me. To God be the glory! Amen.
touching testimony,indeed with God All things are Posible. Many people are threatened by the devil because they really dont know what God is capable of Doing. To God be the glory,praise and honor in Jesus Name.
What a testimony look foward to part two. Thank you man of GOD FOR DELIVERING US FROM THE EVIL
Looking forward to Part 2.Man of God,pliz pray for my family,we want to be free,my sister and l are not married,even my mum and my aunts from my dad’s side!As for myself,l need a financial breakthrough,l have a passion to help those in need,may the Lord bless the works of my hand so that l can help others!Thank MOG,we love you!!!
Mmmm! I am so astonished,strange thingz lyk that happening on earth,may the grace of god be upon us.
Man of God please pray for me and my family our lives are like in a box,we are struggling with life.Pliz we need your help.Thank you
Is there anything that the Lord cannot do? NO NOTHING. Praise be to the King of kings..hallelujah
Colossians 1:15 through him God created everything in heaven and earth.
Man of God pls pray 4 me nd my family
I can’t wait 4 part 2. Really
What can we say then,This is grace,abundance of love from our Father.Thank you Heavenly father.
Whatever situation dat u r into if belive God wants to put u on other level of lyf.Glory to be God
Colossians1:15 through him God created everything in heaven and on earth
A very touching story in deed,please man of God deliver me.I dont understand what i went through but i know that iam a living testimony of Gods grace.Help me find my destiny!
lookin 4ward 4 part 2
cant wait for the nxt part,ooh,poor boy.
Thank u4sharing this testimony with us – I’m looking forward to read part 2
God is great! When brother George was delivered as I watched it on Emmanuel Tv. It never crossed my mind that he was that deep into the occultic. Surely lets worship this Living God with all sincerity,in Spirit and in truth. He truely has translated us from the authority of darkness into His marvelous light Jesus Christ. This is deep deliverance,I salute the God of papa Prophet T.B.Joshua. I have learnt great lessons through the details of this testimony,and eagerly await for part2. I Love this God. EMMANUEL!
God is good at all time, he heard the righteous prayers, I need you More and More oh LORD in my life thank you for all you have Done, what you are doing now and what you are still going to do, thank you for using your chosen one to save such lives blessed be your holly name hallelujah Emmanuel
Man of God pray for my family and I so that we can stay firm in the word of God and be able to realize the plans He had for us.
Please pray for me,
Please also for my aunt she is in hospital cancer spread in her body .
Two other friends of mine are also sick, one has cancer and the other lupus. Pls pray for healing, in Jesus name.
Thank you man of God.
What a wonderful testimony. Looking forward 4 part II. Thanks lord everthing u done in to my life.
Man of God pray for me and my family, l am a single mum of 3. My job man of God, you know how is in Zimbabwe. I do marketing.
No coment,but looking forward to part2
Very touching story indeed. Man of God pray for me and my family, l am a single mum of 3. My job man of God, you know how is in Zimbabwe. I do marketing.
Glory 2 our lord Jesus. Cant wait 2read part 2. Thx you Jesus 4lvg us
God takes the bad situations that the devil puts you in to and turns them to something good. He is faithful
Wonderful God ! Thank you for using the choosing one to save the world.
Praise the living Jesus Christ, he is indeed in control. looking forward to part 2
This story has thought me to trust in mans majority but in gods minority that if my spirit lies in shadow even if someone gives me advice I must pray on it and seek god more,oh my soul cries for you god I want you to use me let your will be done with my life pls pray with me as I want to love God more ,I believe this year is a year of Favour .Thank you so much man of God ,I know its not easy to come to Nigeria but lam connected by faith
Pastor i need ur prayer bcos the spirit of promise and fail has been following me around
The grace of God was with him. I believe it was God who made him reveal the secrete of where the keys to the secret room were to the security guard. Although he knew that no one should enter the secrete room except him and his auntie. I that God that he refused to be crowned as a prince of the kingdom of darkness. Thank God for his deliverence because many souls were deceived and this had to stop. Glory be to God for exposing the Kingdom of darkness. I can’t wait to share with my colleagues what i read. I thank God for the anointing deposited into man of God TB Joshua, the secretes of the kingdom of darkness are revealed and many will be saved.
This world is ugly, God have mercy
God have mercy on us!
This is a lesson for human being in general, let us be strong in spirit and become close to God in prayer. I have never believe if such things happen, but since I started watching T.B Joshua on TV I saw diff miracle happening. God will cond blessing you in Jesus name
This is the hand work of God in this man’s life. Jehovah always lifts his people. God will continue to protect you. As long as you are now at the arena of liberty (scoan) all the demonic influences on you are powerless in Jesus Name. God will grant you back your destiny. God is great and mercieful. May his name be glorified forever and ever amen. God thank you for your protection.
The only thing l adored David he accepted this was evil,its time he gives his life to Jesus Christ,ccept him as his personal saviour and guardian.One thing l can advise you that l love about our Lord Jesus when you receive him all your sins and past will be washed away,and he has no revenges and carry forwards.THANK YOU JESUS FOR SUCH AN EYE AND EAR OPENING COZ I I NOW KNOW EVIL RICHIES ARE PLEASURES FOR HELL
Thank God for your life. Now pray for your aunt to be delivered and be born again.
There is no happiness in satan, and God is great all the time.
Wat a wonderful testimony, tnk God fr saving him n may his mercies continue to reign in our lives Amen
May al maight God help that young man in jesus amen.
May god ave mercy on us
May god ave mercy on us i wonder how many more people his anuty met ave use there destiny thank u Jesus for d life of David brown
Wow!!to God be the glory!!the devil is a liar.when is part 2 coming
Its my grace of God and love dat people get their healing and delivrance bicos we re nt worthy 2 come 2 His presence i thank man of God snr prophet T.B JUSHUA 2 alowing himself 2 b used by God.GOD bless
Oh my God Jesus.This really shows the end time signs.This world is now full of wickedness and we need the Grace of God to see us through.
May god ave mercy on us i wonder how many more people his aunt met ave use there destiny thank god for d life of David brown
satan is a liar and so is his mother in law
Wow,nothing is above God,nothing atal. Evil things are hapening around the world,but they wont last in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Only three things will last in this world, ‘LOVE,FAITH AND HOPE.’ Says our father in the Lord Prophet TB Joshua. It is written that God said i will be with you until the end of Earth, he is the only one who promised to hold our hands till the end,not the devil. The devil is out to destroy us by deceiving us bt only God can save our souls. Emmanuel …
Dear God save us from the devil we want him out of our lives for good,in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Iam happy that our God is more powerful and loving and the fact that there’s no darkness Him,both light and darkness are the same to him.Nothing is hidden for God.Oh LORD I LOVE YOU!!!
May God continuos bless and strenght you sir and ur ministry.
Its a very touching story.i am curiously waiting for part 2 ,thou i know God was his only,and wil remain the only reliable solution in everything .
God you are awesome. Devil you are a liar. devil you should immediately loose on what ever you are doing in our lives. Pliz waiting for part 2.
Really this is intresting, why i say its intresting i know there’s solution. I thank God that finally David has come to the arena of liberty where every knee bows. I can’t wait for part two and i wish to know what life will bring for David after the mighty intervension,.. The best is yet to come Dave. I thank our father Prophet TB Joshua for allowing God to use him to save lifes, God bless you and your familly daddy. I pray that Dave’s permanent fresh start be a success and that people like his anty should at some time find themselves seeking only the face of God in Jesus name. God bless!!!!
god is gud ul the time.
What a lesson from this encouter! We really need the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost for protection on the daily basis because we restle not against flesh and blood.Cant wait for part 2!
It is really incredible that myterious things like this could happen . I thank God for using the man of God prophet TB Joshua to rescue this young man from this terrible calamity, curse & doom for life.. I watched his deliverance life in Emmanuel TV Last year. Man of God may you live long to help & assist this faithless & troubled generation. God bless you abundantly in Jesus name Amen.
Thank u TB Joshua u never keep things that is revealed to you by God I thank you bicoz snc God Bless me with Emmanuel Tv .Spiritual life is starting to be revealed to my life nd I thank God coz u have His heart . May the living God continue to Bless yo Ministry in Jesus Christ name Amen.
This is an eye opener to the reasons why some itelligent people become useless at the prime of their life. Jesus is the only saviour. Thank you prophet TB Joshua for being our spiritual guide.
man of God, my wish is to meet you soon
La vida fuera de Cristo no hay seguridad, El es el refugio.
el amor de Dios es tan grande para salvar al hermano
Gloria Dios
every knee should bow before the name of our lord Jesus Christ,of things in heaven,in earth and under the earth.this is a year of come back.Amennnn
A great testimony to learn of the darkest side of the spiritual world.I am, therefore,looking forward with the most profoundest anxiety to hear more from Part 2 of the testimony.
Man of God I’m short of words by what i read.i need God protection against dis kind of pple,bcos we might not know them,pray 4 me.
Thank yu david for your testimony God had a purpose in your life thats why he lead you to scoan to be delivered by man of GOD.Now you are a brand new creature the past is over a new page is opened in your life.
God has manifested his mighty power in so many ways in our world today as in the days of moses, elijah, elisha and all the old prophets through his anointed servant the prophet of our generation, prophet TB Joshua and i have come to the true knowledge of Christ and his power. at synagogue church of all nations, everything is possible at the mention of Jesus Christ. if you have not experience the real power of God, please visit the arena of liberty the synagogue church of all nations. God i thank you for given us a prophet in our time. thank you Jesus.
Iam ottilia from zimbabwe our God is awesome he break and loosen th grip of lucifer the father of lies.jesus is above every situation.he freed al captives free.
It’s hard to believe but it is real becoz l saw this man on emmanuel tv.
Glory be to God and the Father our Lord Jesus Christ!
Nothing that is done in secrete God can not expose.I thank God for giving us a Prophet like our father TB Joshua and the POWER of God that is invested on him to deliver those who are in bondage of sin and of darkness.
To the man of God prophet TB Joshua,wise men and Emmanuel tv team we love you all God bless you.
I didn’t know dat not all accidents are accidents!
This sound more interesting
We thank God for the revelation of the spiritual world. I can’t wait for part 2 .
pls man of god pls help my family but for me i believe if i have ur annointing water my family will be save pls send me ur annointing water jst one man of God pls help me also i want to become a catholic priest but my problem now is ladys am much disturb pls help me also poverty in my family pls pls pls pls pls help me and my family thank u jesus
Very touching and educative,may the lord bless him for seeing light at last !
Pray for me man of God, I am suffering from athritis of the joints for more than one year now and only have faith that one day I will receive True healing from the Lord Jesus Christ.
May He give you more strength to spread The Word.Amen
In each and everyday we meet diffarent people who we dnt knw,and we even talk to them nt knwing who they r,wat they work for and wat they warship bt its the grace of God wen we dn’t find ourselves possed by wat they have.and nt being victims of such evil thngs.
This is very interesting, I will follow the story.
Jesus Christ we depend on your mercy. Without your mercy our lives are doomed. Thank you Lord for your grace
Please Email me the 2nd part. Please give us more knowledge about these things. Sir, please pray for my mother. She is about 82 years of age and live with us. Recently she is demanding that she wants to go to a elders home and she cannot stay with my family.
She gets very angry. When I talk to her about JESUS she does not like to listen. Sir, please deliver my mother. Distance is not a barrier.
Thank you. Long live SCOAN.
man of GOD am from delta state,please man of GOD my enter family need special deliverence frm GOD.pht tb joshua pls pray 4 us we need ur help in zibin.k.moses,pls prayer 4 my wives,childrens,brothers,sisters,also my mummy.aspecial my sister joy.e.zibin.pls man of GOD we needs ur healing & ur divine grace.
What a testimony! David Brown’s case is a massage to us all. Many of us have been trapped like this by people or the very close relatives we all trust and thereby robbing us of our destiny. Indeed “God is with us” and i pray that the man of God prays for all of us because we begun well but currently we arent as well as we are supposed to be.. Prophet TB Joshua please pray for us that all such and similar bondages be broken and our destiny be restored, Amen!
Glory be to God.I really thank God for exposing such and for using our phrophet T.B.Joshua to deliver David.Our God is so amazing,easy to forgive.May God bless u more man of God.
I wish to ask my brother David to heartly forgive the aunty and father, because God has been with him from the the beggining and surely God alowed it that way so that HE could menifest HIS strength in the weaknesses of David and his aunty. In fact David seems to be a path finder to his aunty’s salvation and consequently his freedom in Christ as the prophet prayer must have also liberated those who David himself initiated into the occult, going by the way i know my prophet.
So we can see that God loves David and his aunty! the curse on David lead not only to David’s salvation but will touch that of the aunty and other initiates in the same light that the death of the Christ on the cursed tree led to the liberation and salvation of both HIS killers and us the not yet born then. Part 2 or 3 may now bring in the aunty, let us wait and pray.
This testimony really shows the deception that the kingdom of darkness uses to lure innocent souls out there. Imagine how many people are being glued to the works of satan through his deceptive ways, my God!
All the glory goes to the Almighty God for locating this man in his wanderings through the prophet TB Joshua. Yes I know that even darkness bows before the name Jesus Christ, evidenced by this testimony. May the Spirit of God continue to bring God’s people back to His plan of Salvation. It is now clear to all and sundry that the kingdom of darkness (satan) is crumbling and only God will rule the earth and the heavens.
May the name of the Lord be lifted all the time………God you are awesome. Your ways are beyond human comprehension indeed. God you and you alone are Holy!
please before I say anything, i would like to finish the story, its touching. God is there to show us what happens in the dark while we are asleep. The story tells me how God cares and loves us.
For me that post is a wake up call, I have learned to be strong spiritually and also I have to pray a lot every time and thank Jesus Christ for protecting me with his blood, wow thank Jesus thank my savior
for me i thank our almighty God for every thing that happen to my brother David, because God has a reasons he real want to show him and us terrible things that going on in this world….. there is one name which can make us to live in peace with anything we need this name is JESUS!
The devil is very cruel, May the Lord deliver us from all this deceptions and wicked tricks of the devil. Afterall he is a defeated foe.
I thank our living God for saving his beloved children from being stolen by satan / devil.I also thank my God for watching over me and my family,my daughter who is now 1 year nine months once had fever and her body temperature was(high) more that normal body temp,i was holding her and she stopped moving and breathing and i could see she was struggling to breath .I just screamed and say ‘oh God my baby is not breathing ” and i ran outside still holding her and a voice told me to pray and next i found my self kneeling down praying .When i stand up my daughter was now breathing and we rushed her to the hospital and they gave her paracetamol and told us to wait for 30min .And while we were waiting ,she started playing and humming (singing )and she was ok.The older one (my son )who is now 7 has improved at school has was a slow learner and i always prayed my God to help him at school . I thank God for answering my prayers watching over me .
He is the one and only true father there is no one like him.
Thank you Lord,
Man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, I’m real feel sorry to this story of David and pray to god who has given him that chance to meet you. I hope everything is over in the name of Jesus. But Man of God we are facing this problem every where in this world. Here in Tanzania we have such people. Please Prophet T.B. Joshua what will we do at all. Thank you Man of God and may God continue blessing you for helping us as well. Remember such people in your daily prayer to stop doing this. We are still waiting the continued storry………….. Thanks. God bless You.
Satan is a liar. Jesus Christ is in control of our lives. Lets pray that we won’t bow to temptations. Thank You Lord for loving me. Emmanuel!
The lamb who was slain on the cross of Calvary to receive power is alive and will forever be because the devil lost the battle that very day that he rose from the dead to give us life. Therefore, no matter what the devil will always be caged in that chamber of misery. I cant wait to have the part two of this story, its very touching and have learnt a lot from it. God save our souls. Thank you Lord Jesus for the love and care that you have shown each and everyone of us.
I’m glued to this story…pls keep me posted wt part 2.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, Let us join hands to pray for the Phrophet TB Joshua of our time. May the grace of our Lord JESUS CHRIST CONTINUE to be upon him. I have learnt alot, as Christians we need to pray seriously on ourselves, families and seriously let us pray for those in prisons and mental hospitals because most of them are not supposed to be there it is because of the evil kingdom. Lord Jesus continue to expose them and strengthen us on your word. It is on the cross where you gave us abundant life. Father continue to save our brothers and sisters in the cage of the devil may they all be broken in the name of Jesus Christ. Wating for the second part.
We Christians depend on th finished works of calvary,we thank jesus fo reaveling what david brown passed thru.his testimony uplifts us .
He is jesus th miracle worker.he set captives free like what he did to our brother david,bounded by chains of devil.i thank jesus fo setting u freeeeeee.
This is so interesting,GOD is waiting for part 2
With God all things are possible and if God is on your side dont fear, because he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. The gift from God is free while the gift from satan is not free, if satan gives you shoe, he will collect your legs. No matter the way satan might have lured you to him self, allways call the name (Jesus) indeed you will be free. Thank you Lord.
Looking forward to part 2…
May the grace of God abound in your life, our God is a God of a second chance. And He is able to deliver with His mighty hand
After having read this story and the comments thereto, i now can see why God so timely sent our prophet! to give us spiritual direction,healing,protection,eyes,ears and change our lives. I can not imagine how things will be without this prophet of God. Each time i read over this story there is a paradigme shift in the interpretetion. Actually it is a sermon!
Ur grace is sufficient fo us all
I read part 2,hei,David testimony brought tears to mi eyes because i know that such cases are everywhere and many of us are blind to see that the devil is using us.I pray to God that most of us can change and leave for God and learn from ths testimony.Its so touching.Our God is full of mercy,he is so awesome.May God bless u all.
Your mercy and Favour is all we need lord.
The safest place here on earth ,is in the hands of the Lord. People of this world are unpridictable. From this very moment i am asking for the descerning spirit from above, People appear loving yet they have a secret agenda. Oooh Lord Help us. I pray for divine protection to all the saints, Truely these battles are not ours.
13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
With Jesus on our side, who can b against us! Emmanuel! Thank u 4 the testimony cant wait 4 the rest of the testimony. God bless u all in Jesus’ name.
it is realy both an encouraging and suddening testimony to prayer is tht let Gods will prevail in Jesus name.Hossana to the Highest.
My God i never thought things like that happens in real life ,My brother thank u for opening my eyes ,now i know that when God blesses me with children i will have to make sure i look after them and this testimony encourages me to pray more and to strengthen my spirit with God ‘s word..praiseeeeed be to God…
Man of God TB Joshua pray for this world and its people
I thank God for these testimonies, the word of God says PeoPle Perish for the lack of knowledge, this was an eye oPener to always be vigilant that things are not always as they seem .