An intriguing interview that you won’t want to stop reading… “I love the prison. Each time the judge acquits me, I will tell him that ‘I really love where I am staying – there is no need for you take me out.’ Because I know that once I am out, I will come back again …
Tag Archives: Suicide
'The Sixth Sense' – Delivered From The Spirit Of Death!!
Yet another remarkable testimony of God’s power at work in our day and generation! Although what you are about to read may sound strange to the 21st century mind, it is a real-life experience from someone who was literally ensnared in the throes of death. In our generation today, we watch films about this subject matter, regarding it as mere thrilling fiction. However, the spiritual world is real, and there is a real battle going on in the heart of man. Let this experience inspire you that when the Son of God sets you free – you shall be free indeed!
TB Joshua Predicted Roh's Shocking Death…
TB Joshua’s prophetic ministry is unique. Every week, he prophesies to individuals with remarkable accuracy, the prophetic messages followed by the way out of their problems. Aside from this, he regularly prophesies about major national, and international events with a consistency of accuracy that can only be attributed to divine inspiration.