The presence and power of God was evident and obvious at The SCOAN Service on Sunday, touching and transforming the hearts and lives of countless people who had tuned in to the Live broadcast as well as those who were physically present. In an impacting and life-changing message titled THE SECRET OF TRUE BELIEVERS, using …
Tag Archives: Lagos
The SCOAN Sunday Service of 31st July, 2016 was a special package from the Holy Spirit. From the songs of the choir to the wonderful testimonies, the presence of God was demonstrated beyond doubt. Congregants had the opportunity to watch clips of the Morning Water ministration during the just concluded South Korea, 2016 Pastors’ Conference …
Check out this article that we found on A Kenya News website. It gives you a special insight into the story of Prophet T.B Joshua, perhaps what you never knew before. TB Joshua’s Michael Jackson, Mutharika Prophesy, And His Prophesied Life. Who Is This Man TB Joshua.. “The most surprising part of TB Joshua is that …
Leading UK Newspaper, The Times, today (Monday 9th April) published an article on Prophet T.B. Joshua and his recent prediction concerning the passing of Malawi’s President, Bingu Wa Mutharika. When they heard about the prophecy, The Times …phoned T.B. Joshua for a brief interview as they wanted to hear directly from him. Here is the …
Should Nigeria’s President Appoint TB Joshua As An Official Advisor?
Check out this incredible article giving insight into the state of affairs in the nation Nigeria. The writer listened to what TB Joshua said in yesterday’s service and watched as the events unfolded accordingly. By Nosa Osazuwa The nation of Nigeria was in a state of limbo, a standstill going into Sunday 15th January 2012, as talks …
Continue reading “Should Nigeria’s President Appoint TB Joshua As An Official Advisor?”
Wise Man Christopher, with his usual fervour, issued his message which he titled, ‘The Weapons Of Our Warfare’ to the congregation and cited many portions of the Bible to make his case clear. In his words, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual through God in pulling down every demonic stronghold. …
TB Joshua Predicted Nigeria Vs Guinea Qualifying Match
Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesies the outcome of the Africa Cup of Nations 2012 Qualifying Match between Guinea and Nigeria, predicting that the first team to score would win the encounter. Watch and discover the prophets and prophecy did not die out with the Old Testament; truly, a prophet is in our mids.
The prefatory adoration melody over, Prophet T.B. Joshua mounted the altar to minister to the congregation. He assured the assembly that God was with them and that they should be in the attitude of prayer as the message for the service was being delivered, reminding them that the message would deliver them. Soon after, Wise …
TO HIS POWER NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE In a spirited sermon to awaken the congregation to the power of God, Prophet T. B. Joshua reminded the Church of the greatness of God and His ready disposition to forgive sins, however grievous some of these sins may be. In his words God is capable of doing anything …
Giving: The True Essence Of Christmas
To many, christmas is a time of celebration and joy – but as much as it a time for this, it is also a time to give. Jesus Christ desires and deserves your best – because He has given you His best. Christmas therefore is a time to give your best – your best time, love, strength, energy, effort – every good thing the Lord has given you. This is the true essence of christmas…
SCATTERED! Living Amidst Refuse And Rubbish For Over Three Years
Beyond the burdening, burgeoning bondage of homelessness, Mr Kefa Olatunji Taiwo had strayed slowly into the hazardous realms of hopelessness. At 60 years old, his family had scattered, any shred of dignity or self-worth left battered – his life in total tatters. Living in a bedraggled and dishevelled excuse for a shed, scantily assorted from stray aluminium and rotting wood, he had dwelt and dealt in the refuse grounds of Lagos, Nigeria for over three agonising years, surrounded by the repulsive stench of decay and debris, and the degrading stigma of a lunatic-like existence. Suicidal tendencies crept increasingly closer…
A touching tale penned by TB Joshua recounting experiences in his early life that served to prepare him for the task ahead. In our spiritual walk with the Lord, we have good times and hard times. When the going is good, we say we are in good times. When the going is tough, we say …
Cry No More…
Prophet T.B Joshua wipes the tears of physically challenged students who go through pains daily to attend school
Prophet T.B. Joshua's Rising Profile
It is hardly an exaggeration to say that Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua, who clocked 46 on Friday June 12, 2009, more than any of his contemporaries, has exerted a tremendous influence on the spiritual and economic life of his teeming congregation in particular and humanity at large. This piece is not an attempt to embark on a deconstruction of T.B. Joshua. In fact, I have never met this man of God, neither have I exchanged correspondence with him since the past fifteen years of my involvement in this busy profession of minding other people’s business, especially its most intricate and intellectually engaging aspect, the business of informed commentary and editorial writing. Admittedly, to offer an honest critical evaluation of the whole corpus of criticisms of this controversial pastor is certainly an ambitious undertaking. But it would be more rational to repudiate the cynical over-simplification by fifth columnists and court jesters whose major pre-occupation it is to ridicule someone who has practically and positively ministered to the vast majority of the downtrodden.
Reflections On Prophet TB Joshua At 46 (3)
It could thus be inferred that those who indulge in running down Prophet TB Joshua do not seem to have seriously pondered nature and the several basic principles that govern it. Their reason for criticising that which they apparently do not understand, appears to be either simple ignorance or sheer malice.
In From The Cold…
Prophet T.B. Joshua re-unites a young girl abandoned in 1996 at the age of nine over witchcraft allegations with her mother
Oghenefejiro Iworo, a female Urhobo cultural music dancer from Ugheli, Delta was only nine years old in 1996 when she was abandoned by Esther, her mother. Her reason for taking such drastic action against her child was because the little girl was alleged to have belonged to the evil world of witches and wizards.
'My Invisible Chain' – TB Joshua
Prophet Temitope Joshua of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, explains the source of his strength and vision, and his care for the aged and needy, to The Week team of Clement Okitikpi (MD), Oluwasegun Abifarin (Editor) and Emeka Ngwei.