Romans 3:23-24 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Bearing this bit of Scripture in mind at the start of the Sunday Service of September 29, 2024, congregants pled for the forgiveness of their sins. Thereafter, they went into a Spirit-filled worship session where they gave thanks to God and declared sin’s power over them broken, having sought mercy from the Son of David. As the choristers rendered one worship song after the other, the aura of the Holy Spirit saturated The SCOAN Auditorium and caused many to fall under the anointing. Indeed, Jehovah remains the name of the Mighty Warrior who is great in battle!

Once he got on the altar, Evangelist Joseph asked the congregation: “How many of us have said, ‘Thank You, Jesus, for the air we breathe?’” He then called for a song: “In The Morning/Early In The Morning/I Will Rise And Praise The Lord!” After this, he gave his message title as “Love Hopes In Faith” and read from Hebrew 10:23-24 and Galatians 5:6. The well-illustrated message also used references such as Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 John 4:8 and Hebrews 11.

“Love, faith and hope are fundamental in God’s Kingdom,” Evangelist Joseph observed. He described love as the constitution upon which the foundation of Christian living is built and faith as the currency for connecting to Heaven, which is given through grace for overcoming our challenges. As for hope, he called it the shelter where we place firm expectations on God. All Christians need the three virtues of love, faith and hope, he noted. Accordingly, he stated that while hope builds expectations on God through faith, love unites them both by making our actions God-abiding.

Christians who combine these three elements, Evangelist Joseph noted, are not only God-abiding but also love-abiding. That being so, such believers would not engage in acts meant to harm others or stifle their progress in life. Therefore, he continued, the lack of sufficient love is why many are unable to set their faith to work. In closing the sermon, he charged congregants to improve their love walk, saying: “Give God’s love a chance today so that you can receive that mother of miracles you have been praying for.”

And The Windows Of Heaven Opened!
“Give thanks to God for this morning,” said Pastor Evelyn Joshua as she joined the people for the Prayer Line ministration.

Before starting the Prayer Line ministration, the woman of God raised her face to Heaven: “Father Lord, we bless Your holy name; we thank You for Your presence in our lives. Thank You that You have designed us to know You and to experience You. We thank You for Your gift of love through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who leads our lives, shares our pain and has given us comfort, hope to face everything – every challenge, every situation – that life brings to us. Father, we thank You that You have not left us, that You have been with us, that You have called us to know You the more.”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua continued praying: “Almighty God, we ask you to fortify us; Father, make our lives, our bodies Your dwelling place. Make our mind Your watchword, in the name of Jesus Christ! O Lord God Almighty, we commit this wonderful assembly, this gathering, this service into Your hands. Father, let the windows of Heaven be opened and let Your anointing flow here today, in the name of Jesus Christ! Let the windows of Heaven be opened and let Your healing power, Your deliverance power, Your glory flourish here today, in the name of Jesus Christ! Thank You, Jesus, because we know You have heard our prayers. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray! Amen!”
It was yet another morning when faith demanded what was impossible for humankind but easy for the Almighty. As the woman of God stood in the gap for those suffering from a variety of bodily troubles, such as difficulty in walking, fractures, and asthma, the healing power of Jesus Christ manifested instantly. And as each person rose to their feet, their voice rang out: “Thank You, Jesus!”

A few women also brought their pregnancies before the Lord, seeking the safe arrival of their bundles of joy. For the glory of God, Pastor Evelyn Joshua was used as a channel of light in the women’s situation.

Alongside the woman of God, The SCOAN Evangelists ministered prayers of healing, deliverance and breakthrough to congregants at The Prayer Line. Whatever the issues in their lives – be it drug addiction, mental disorder, hernia, cancer, high blood pressure, epilepsy, mental disorder, skin disease, brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, chronic cough, or leg ulcer – God’s power took care of it all!

From far and wide, and with abiding faith in their hearts, many others came trusting God for their healing, blessing, deliverance and breakthrough. As the evangelists and Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered to them, the root causes of issues in their lives were exposed, leading to their freedom from bodily and spiritual bondage.

Satanic strongholds took further hits during the One-On-One session, as the evangelists utilised the Blood of Jesus Christ to force confessions from demonic agents! “Stand up; you are free,” they told each former victim of the dark world.

The Holy Spirit Interceded For Them
At the start of the Mass Prayer session, Pastor Evelyn Joshua declared: “We will continue to win every day of our lives, in the name of Jesus Christ!” She urged the people, “Open your heart to receive; ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you today.”

The woman of God prayed: “Everything that is causing you pain, embarrassment, sleepless nights – give way right now, in the name of Jesus Christ! All souls suffering from sickness – we ask God’s healing power to fall on you right now, in the name of Jesus Christ! May the anointing of God fall on you right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed on: “Every power that is not of God – we command it out now, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be exposed! Be disgraced! Every power that has been tormenting you, giving you pain – we command it out now, in the name of Jesus Christ! Freedom into the lives of Your children, in the name of Jesus Christ! Peace, harmony, goodness into the lives of Your children!”

Turning to viewers all over the world, the woman of God decreed: “Anything that will stand against you and God’s promises for your life – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Walk into your divine destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
Evangelist Chisom prayed: “All spirits that are not of God operating in your life – out, in the name of Jesus Christ!” He asked the people to declare: “You unclean spirit operating in my life, business, family – anywhere you are, within and without – out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Ope charged congregants to assert: “You monitoring spirit destroying my work – out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist James told the people to pray: “Whatever I may have eaten at the table of my enemies, causing me sickness, causing me disease – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph declared: “Spirits holding you down in bondage – anywhere they are: Out!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “Let the power of God come down, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! The cause of nightmares in your business, health, marriage, family, finances, career – I command them out, in the name of Jesus! That disease, that infirmity – demons are behind them; that disease in your bones, tendons – I command it to leave you, in the name of Jesus! Wherever disease, sickness, infirmity is located in your blood, bones, kidneys, liver – be flushed out! I say to your blood, fluids, liver, kidneys, ‘Every strange thing – be flushed out, in the name of Jesus!’ Every cause of nightmares in every place in your life – I command them to leave you, in the name of Jesus!”

Excitement Galore As Woman Walks Again!
On September 22, 2024, Janet sat for prayer before Pastor Evelyn Joshua. She was in severe discomfort after a fall two weeks previously. “I couldn’t walk and my daughter had to help me all the time, even to the bathroom,” she recalled a week later, during her testimony. Along the line, she had a dream in which God rescued her from falling into a river as a bridge collapsed under her feet. “I felt as if I was on the verge of death and my children were troubled,” she said, “but after receiving prayer, I started to walk freely again.” In excitement, she demonstrated her ability to walk and do all that she had been unable to do before. “I have returned to my fish business,” she smiled. She advised others to move close to God and stick with Him. Her daughter, Elizabeth, glorified God for the healing. “She does everything by herself now,” Elizabeth said. “Trust in God,” she also advised others.

Deliverance Granted, Godly Confidence Gained!
“She has trained her children, but they can never prosper,” boasted the evil spirit in Ms Yusuf. The confession had happened during the service of September 22, 2024. During her testimony the following week, Ms Yusuf told of her family’s idolatrous origins that caused her many issues in life. “I faced rejection everywhere and it affected my confidence,” she said. Of the eight graduates in her family, only one had managed to find a job. In Ms Yusuf’s case, repeated genotype tests produced different results. In terms of marriage, only one of the eight children has got married. Ms Yusuf had realised God’s power after her only working brother’s situation got better following her participation in the Living Water Service. Since her deliverance, Ms. Yusuf has gained confidence and is now able to interact with a wide spectrum of people outside of her circle. She advised others to move close to God. Ms Yusuf’s sister said, “She no longer complains of ill-health and we now interact closely and peacefully.” She also urged others to trust in God.

Little Joshua And Deborah Healed Of Dog Bite!
On July 28, 2024, Amanda sat with her little son Joshua on her lap during the Prayer Line ministration. Another child of hers, Deborah, sat beside her – also for prayer. Both children had suffered dog bites. Joshua had been bitten on the ear and the armpit, while Deborah had been bitten on the buttock. “They felt severe pain and cried so much during the night,” Amanda said. She then took the children for further examination. Subsequently, Amanda brought the children to the church for prayer, after which she started ministering the Anointing Water on their injuries. Although there was a gaping hole where Joshua had been bitten, the hole covered up in days as Amanda applied medicines and the Anointing Water to it. The children’s mother advised others to go close to God.

An End To Thirty Years Of Bed-wetting!
For all her 30 years so far, Rachael had been plagued by the affliction of bed-wetting. “In addition to bed-wetting, I used to have terrible dreams,” she disclosed on September 29, 2024. The affliction affected her relationships and work life. To the glory of God, after Rachael heeded her employer’s advice to visit The SCOAN, she witnessed a miracle for the first time. “I had been to so many places, including witch doctors’ homes,” she said. Now all of her nightmares are gone and she is as free as a bird. “No matter what you are going through, always trust in God,” she advised others.

Finally, Chinedu Breaks Free From Ancestral Demons!
During the deliverance session of the service of September 22, 2029, the demon in Chinedu made many confessions. Most significantly, the demon claimed that Chinedu was supposed to be the custodian of the ‘family staff’. Chinedu’s mother had lost a few children before having him and his siblings, so she had sought the help of witch doctors. Because she was the link to the ancestral idols, it was believed that Chinedu’s grandmother would have to die before the family could break free from demonic spirits. “However, my life became even more miserable after my grandmother died,” he said on September 29, 2024. Eventually, Chinedu gravitated towards the idols and began to appease them. “I sank into masturbation and drinking,” he admitted. Since his deliverance, however, Chinedu has become free and no longer desires to listen to masquerade music. “Taste God and see His goodness in your life,” he advised. His family members confirmed the testimony.