An intriguing article from The Zambian Watchdog concerning the ministry of TB Joshua and Emmanuel TV…
In an age where most teens can be found sprawled on the sofa watching comedies, movies, soap-operas or other mind-numbing and reality-dimming programs, Christian television with a growing passionate following is indeed a rare phenomenon. It is in fact an African phenomenon…
Emmanuel TV is an evangelical enigma. Quite frankly, it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Both raw and radical, it’s definitely not your run-of-the-mill religious content. It’s the station of the famous Nigerian Prophet, TB Joshua – one of the most debated and berated African characters in recent history, the storm still raging and the records still writing.
In recent months, Emmanuel TV has captured the African spirit in an almost baffling fashion, celestially arresting their attention and further stirring dispute and fuelling repute. The compelling synergy of unique and captivating Christian content sends countless tens of thousands of Africans scurrying to their television sets every Sunday, choosing to participate in the live service broadcast from The SCOAN (that lasts almost the entire day) than even going to their churches or engaging in social activities. And it’s growing at an astonishing rate both in awareness and acclaim, each week unveiling scores of new avid devotees.

Even the most unlikely and ‘unreligious’ sit in front of the box to watch his prophetic time, fetching out people and telling them their life history with uncanny accuracy and extraordinary effect. It’s a lifetime of experience served live and direct, the amount of specific detail coupled with the shock of the persons concerned bold statements that pre-arrangement has no involvement. A real eye-opener for those scores of sceptics, provoking even the most hardest of atheists to review their stance and ask some fundamental questions.
Prophet Joshua then puts his entire ministry on the line in releasing prophetic messages to nations, oftentimes mentioning specific places and dates. Their consistency in accuracy is clear proofs that such declarations cannot but be a product of divine instruction, direction and revelation. Envious fellows even abuse his repute to spread rumours of prophetic fallacies, word often spreading to such extent that fears and strife are rife in communities and even countries as a result. People fled home, schools closed down and business ground to a halt in a Nigerian state of late because mischievous men peddled a rumour that Pastor Joshua had said lions would come out and attack! Such is the gravity with which people view his prophecies.
Then there are the miracles that seem almost too instant and incredulous to be true, yet with such alarming consistency, widespread testimony and lasting result they just can’t be disregarded. Be it HIV/ AIDs, cancerous sores or those restricted to wheelchairs – testimonies resound unanimous.
Then there comes charity. A ministry where partners can truly see the fruit of their offerings, the evidence of their sacrifice. Multitudes of less-privileged given scholarships, provided with housing and welfare, taken care of on literally a weekly basis. And no monotonous call for funds, no bank details stuck on the screen at every availing instance, no subtle undertone of financial obligation.
What of the demonic deliverances, with human beings previously calm suddenly catapulted to the floor, contorting and contracting with animalistic instincts, groaning and grimacing with venom in their croaky voices? Certainly not for the faint in heart! With self-professed witches openly confessing, repentant robbers forsaking their old ways and unveiling their gruesome tales, broken homes and relationships restored and reunited, it’s a station that defines the term ‘unexpected’.
Exciting as the latest blockbuster, heart-wrenching as the latest thriller – yet edifying, encouraging and experience-injecting all at once, Emmanuel TV is the station of the moment in Africa. In my native Zambia, Emmanuel TV is practically our national station – the people’s station. And each week there’s something new, something fresh, something unique to astound and confound. These weekly events form the basis for lengthy discussions, feeding disagreements and building unlikely unions cutting across tribe, race and even religion. Everyone has their own opinion, many having heard unfounded rumours and reports of TB Joshua’s ‘devilish’ activities before, but time and the sheer consistency of the prophet’s words and works continue to sway more and more people to believe this is not another ‘pick-pocketing’ religious hoax, but a practical living reality.
Yes, it appears we have a 21st century prophet in our midst, greatly misunderstood and gravely underrated, the types and likes of which are seldom seen in our technological and self-serving generation. Not convinced? Have a watch yourself…
SOURCE: The Zambian Watchdog
That is exactly very true. I have been watching the television over some time now and I kept on asking myself and my wife its uniqueness having no bank account or “Plant your seed” yet scholarships are all over to the extent that I was tempted to ask for a scholarship. And then I later learned the man of God is zero at the bank I was even more shocked. All the same God is talking to us these days. These days every word that come out of the prophet of God Prophet T.B. Joshua I take it as a word direct from God and it is like that as such I always glue my eyes at the services. In my life I have the belief that I should at least worship at the SCOAN one day God allowing. Man of God continue doing the work of God. Regardless of what the people are saying be it known that it is out of jealousy. But I for one totally believe that God is with the prophet whether somebody questions his salvation that is up to him whosoever is asking even if he can be an influential man.
What has been written above is quiet correct and I totally agree with it. Here in Malawi people are now spending less time on Television Malawi (TVM) but spend much time on Emmanuel TV those that have the access to DStv or Free to Air Decoders. Every advert of Free to Air has to carry “you will be able able to watch Emmanuel TV (Prophet T.B. Joshua) otherwise people are not interested in buying it. MAY THE LORD BE GLORIFIED FOREVER MORE AMEN.
We love you here in Zambia Prophet and indeed Better is not good enough, the BEST is yet to come………..!!
Breathtaking article from Zambia, but the accuracy and the underlying passion that moves the article is almost identical to the passionate conviction that pervades many people’s homes as they watch the same channel here in Botswana. Television is not the same without Emmanuel tv… whether in believers’ or unbelievers’ houses’ the story is the same.
Besides an experience with God’s moving word and healing power displayed by the prophet, Emmanuel tv gives us astounding pride as Africans. We are grateful to God who has raised one of our own to shine and draw multitudes from all directions to the everlasting light of His word.
Recently my free-to-air decoder has been failing to get Emmanuel tv, and its depressing because tv is not the same without that channel. I even sleep early these days… but I know the wheel is turning and people are continuing to receive answers to their situations at SCOAN.
We all pray for the man of God. Botswana is one of the countries that are being moved greatly through the ministry of the prophet. Even those who don’t understand English, compete for the best spot in front of the tv to watch what God does through His prophet. I am grateful and greatly so.
When Jesus says YES! no one can say No!.Indeed people the world over have tried to bring you down by fabricating numerous unfounded rumours. But You stood firm and true to the word of God because you were orderned by God.We have heard of so many stories that try to confuse people that consistantly follow the teaching and watch Emmanuel tv here in Zambia, but am glad such timely article had come at a time like this when Zambians are divided on whether to listen to those rumours or continue watching you man of God.Indeed, the Best is yet to come from Zambia on you Daddy.I bless God for you.
A! A! Aprophet is in our amidst and the people do not recognize it. this is marvelous and wonderful to behold. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered. God is still speaking something in our lives today.
The ones condemning the Prophet are those who dont know who is fighting for them. Stories may arise but the fact is Prophet T B Joshua is GOD sent. Too bad for all the fabricators of lies. Satan has fathers,mothers,uncles,aunties, nieces and newphews. We will continue to pray for the unbelievers till they realise that we serve a living God.
Ps 23vs 5 and Eph 6vs12.
Ethel Mkokweza Mrs
My dear people of our great Africa, i was personally convince the first day i saw prophet TB Joshua. Whether we like it or not the man is of the most High God. Forget the way our Nigerian people are viewing him… Afterall a prophet is of no value in his home.
I personally watch EmmanuelTV from the day I turned into EmmanuelTV I have never want again to listern to other TV stations. I have followed all the prayers and the issue of distance is not not a barrier has changed my life and that of my family. I hope one day Prophet TB Joshua will visit Zimbabwe. Emmanuel
My lovingly people of God Belivers & Unbelivers.I was personaly convince the first day i watch Emmanuel Tv i was shock to see a Little Boy Feeding through is Noise, When the Man of God pray for him through the Anointed water Instantly the Little Boy Receive is HEALING.Than the Boy was given a Food,The Boy Eat fine through the Mouth.As For Me & My Family we Belive in one God & is Anointed Savant, Senior Prophet.T.B.Joshua. My Prayer is, May God Give u Long Life In Jesus Name,Amen & Amen.
By Austin Edemugba from Nigeria.
I’m very speechless! God is indeed using thb man of God, prophet T. B. Joshua in a mighty way. Having seen him ministering to me & with me in my dreams myself, I can only agree with the motion ‘Distance is not a barrier!’ Indeed, we have a 21st century prophet in our midst. The Best Is Yet To Come!
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ I believe you are too Pastor Lesego, just that I only watch bit of you services and wish I was there my self. I truly wish meet you I am in Swaziland. God Bless!
Wow!!! Trully speaking my being is too limited to see,experience,nor even understand the manner of how God works through His General,Prophet T.B Joshua…Trully these things are things of the Spirit
Rabboni TV. Glory be to God
Man of God this experience of dreams and visions with propher T. B Joshua is happenning no wonder iam in love with your ministry too, bless u my senior
What all my brothers in Christ witnessed above has happened to me and may family. Emmanuel TV has really changed our faith and I believe that those of us who have the opportunity to wach the broadcast of live service in SCOAN on Emamanuel TV are really blessed by GOD.
I am a journalist myself and like all true journalists, we always doubt until things prove otherwise.
I had to lead a team of 4 journalists from Cameroon to Lagos to claer off the doubts that clouded our minds about the works, signs and wonders of Senior Prophet TB Josua. Today, we are crusaders of the good news…that Senior Prophet TB Joshua is a true Man of God.
We are bound to let our fellow compatriots know that God’s word is true and it is true in Prophet TB Joshua.
Matthew 10:41 says it clearly:
He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward….
Right now, most of us are experiencing our breakthough. In fact, when we next take another trip for Lagos, it won’t be to go and clear our doubts, but to go and join the rest of the believers to thank God…even as we are experiencing God’s presence even in Bamenda, Cameroon.
May the Almighty continue to anoint Prophet TB Josua increasingly and abundantly.
MF Yembe in Bamenda, Cameroon
God BLESS Our Prophet
I can still remember his prophecy in early 90s,he said a time will come whites we have the highest number than the blacks.we don’t value this man T.B Joshua that was given to us free from God. He has change my life as a person. I LOVE HIM,HE IS MY SECOND FATHER ON FATHER HERE ON EARTH.
Good Morning All you beautifull People,
Yesterday was the beggining of something new, The services both the 1st and 2nd were ”off the Charts”, Totally awesome i tell you. Phew does anyone feel any different after watching yesterday’s prayers.. After the man of God told us to receive power ,new utterance, and went on to say whatever we say with our mouths will be said in heaven. I was positioned right by the grace of God, The name Jesus has totally been revealed to me anew, I know for a fact that now I say the Name with God’s word, faith and Spirit, something just rested in me and I just’received it, Right now I am waiting to get feedback from a company I went to for an interview, I have had series of dissapointments on that front but after drinking annointing water , I know my past is over, Victory is here now. It is such a great Life, Prophet TB Joshua…I love you, I can’t wait to come to Nigeria (Synagogue). I feel special to being part of your ministry. I look so foolish to the world but God uses foolish things,You make me see clearly the sovereignity and Power of God.Thank you, Thank you to your Wife who obviously is behind u always. God is Good
Lucy Aka (South Africa)
No doubt,indeed you are a man of the Most High. It is only those whom doesn’t have spiritual eyes or people whom suffer myopia say otherwise. ME AND MY FAMILY,WE LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH.I have never really believed soo much like that in any man of God but YOU… Indeed better is not good enough, the best is yet to come. I wish i can speak with you directly on your direct mobile contact. It really will gladden my heart soo much…
God bless you sir with many more years and strengthen you the more.
U,re truly a man of god.may god stil use you in marvelous ways.F.tjivera..namibia
I’ve been looking around and really am impressed by the great content here. I work the nightshift at my job and it really gets boring. I’ve been coming right here for the past couple nights and reading. I simply needed to let you know that I’ve been enjoying what I’ve seen and I look ahead to reading more.
hi prophet tb joshua.he is the light of 21st century and real man with gods spirit.i love you and i like to see you .
Prophet TB Joshua you are realy man God send to show us the true light, may God continue to mightly to deliver the world from darkness and i wish you many many yearsof life inJesus name.
My Daddy is a Man of God and i love Him.
Man of God I have nothing else to say than, may God continue to reveal Himself to the world through you and your ministry
even the worst of people who say i will die without going to church dream of meeting with the man of God snr Prophet TB Joshua PROPHET IF BY ANY CHANCE YOU READ THIS MESSAGE OR JUST HAVE A PEEK AT IT KNOW THIS SOUTH AFRICA LOVES YOU AND WE ARE PRAYING THAT YOU MUST COME for ONE MONTH. thank you my name is xihluke from south africa
since i started watching Emmanuel tv, my life has never been been the same.I am now on another level.The best is yet to come in JESUS’s name! Prophet TB Joshua is a real man of God.I have received breakthroughs after watching & listening to other people’s prophesies by TB Joshua and praying over those which concerned me.May THE ANCIENT OF DAYS conttinue to anoint and use prophet TB Joshua so that the gospel can be preached to every soul before the end comes!!!
we have been watching emmanuel tv me and my mam.we have never remain the same,may God bless you man of God for changing the and my mam we hope that one day we will be there to meet prophet T.B joshua.
we have been watching emmanuel Tv me and my mam.we have never remain the same,may God bless you man of God for changing the and my mam we hope that one day we will be there to meet prophet T.B Joshua.The man here who pretends that his church his a branch of synagogue church of all nations but God is putting him to sham.ever since the news came to us in uganda kampala city,but man of God we hope get abranch here in uganda.thanks for effective means of communication to reach out this information.may bless you.
He is a Really man of God full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Nations and families are changing in faces of doubting Thomases. My family and I respect him a big time. God should continue to use Prophet TB Joshua…I cant wait to be in the Synagogue one day…. RSA
We know the Apostles such as Paul, Peter and others in the holy bible. Another Apostle of our times situated in Africa is Prophet TB Joshua. The Prophet of all nations indeed. Whoever is doubting, is wasting his time.
TB Joshua is a man of God, his teachings I take and his prophecies I believe. God is using him mightily. May God bless him more and more.
THABO PHATENG, South Africa.
Ithank God for the true Man of God , Prophet T.B Joshua, He is indeed a blessing to us and to the nations. Jesus is alive, and is using His servant in a supernatural way. God bless yo , Man of God . Shalom.
I thank God for the true Man of God , Prophet T.B Joshua, He is indeed a blessing to us and to the nations. Jesus is alive, and is using His servant in a supernatural way. God bless yo , Man of God . Shalom.
Its refreshing to read positive things about this amazing Man Of God. It depresses me when all i read are the negatives especially out of his own native Nigeria. May God bless the hands that wrote this article and more importantly give long life to Prophet T.B Joshua
Oni Vengai
Do not worry about all the negative stuff from his fellow country man, because Jesus said it himself that ‘a prophet is without honor in his hometown’ so the scriptures must be fulfilled
May GOD bless T B Joshua, his family, emmanuel tv, partners abundantly for the work of G0d they are doing
May GOD bless T B Joshua, his family, emmanuel tv, partners abundantly for the work of G0d they are doing
From Elizabeth from MALAWI
Thru My Daddy Prophet TB Joshua, The Lord has Done what He has never done to any body on earth, so ask me what?
Thru My Daddy Prophet TB Joshua, The Lord has Done what He has never done to any body on earth, so ask me what?
South Africa.
I really thank God for giving us such a prophet in this generation. TB Joshua is a true man of God, full of the annointing, humility and Love for God’s people. Its so difficult to find man in his position being humble the way he is.
I believe in all the word and prophecies that comes through his mouth, for they are truth and life as the word says in 2 Chronicles 20:20 that ‘ believe in the Lord your God and you will be established, and believe and remain steadfast in his prophets and you will prosper’. My prayer is that the world can receive the prophetic word through him and let go of all doubt. Man of God, may God richly bless you and your family with all his riches in glory. My wish is to visit the SCOAN sometime next year and have a double portion of your annointing. I love you so much man of God.
Please come to South Africa, Johannesburg. The stadium built for the 2010 soccer world cup are waiting for us to use them for the glory of God
I Love My Daddy Prophet TB Joshua.
I am one of the blessed ones to have met Prophet TB Joshua twice viz visited his ministry twice. Once you watch his teachings you will want to watch them again and again. From the first time I saw him teaching the gospel on emmanuel tv I knew he was the man of God. I never thought and still couldn’t believe anything good coming out of Nigeria, but God instead brought the best beyond human imagination. I don’t care what anyone says, my instincts or my sole confirmed that he is from God. I love the spirit working in that man, it is a sweet spirit. I don’t regard him as preacher but as a teacher. I love his teachings. Emmanuel!
I just want to thank God for a man like Prophet TB Joshua who gave his life to serve God entirely. The bible say, ‘by fruits we shall see them’ and Prophet TB Joshua has always manifested the truth about the Word of God. Jesus said, the things He did we shall also do and greater works than that. I am encouraged when i see a humble man taping into doing what God declared.
All power on earth and in heaven belongs to our Master, Jesus Christ. This generation has not yet seen what God has prepaid for them that love Him, greater power is still to be demonstrated, In Jesus Mighty Name
Having had several encounters with the great man of God, senior Prophet T. B. Joshua in my dreams, I can’t help but join the rest of Africa and the world in proclaiming: DISTANCE IS NOT A BARRIER! Better is not good enough, the BEST is yet to come. My family, my ministry and I love you dearly sir. We pray for you, your family and ministry to enjoy the fulness of God’s blessings, in Jesus’ Name!
mashadzjha ah i love this man of god, pastor lesego let us pray for him and give us as the new generation to do what he is doing by the spirit of his father. to the wise man you will do more than what your sinior is doing as long as you have trust in god and follow whaat your sinior is doing thank you lord amen
What God is doing is just marvellous in our eyes.Men of God continue and may you continue to impact in our lives! God is doing a great work through his humble prophets—Prophet TB Joshua,Pastor Lesego,Prophet Phillip Banda and many more…. he has truelly poured out his Spirit…
As it is written, My people perish because of lack of Knowledge, this is beyond human understanding and the natural man can not understand the acts of the Holy Spirit. I thank the Lord so much for blessing us with Prophet T. B Joshua. I love him so much, like other saints, having walked and himself speaking to me in dreams, I can truly say ‘Distance is not a barrier’. As it is written, You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free, we are free indeed. Lets thank God always even when we go trough trials as He says; trials are a soil in which our faith flourishes’ and that’s true indeed. I and my Ministry (The Divine Fruit Ministries) in Botswana love you so much and forever we are praying for more of His grace upon your life. Amen
oh my God, What a blessings you gave to the whole world, trully this is a miracle . we thank you Jesus for annointing Pastor TB Joshua. He is such a blessing to us. there is no day that can past without watching TB Joshua, the miracles that God is perfoming is beyond this world, seeing all this it makes me to be closer everyday to God
Great work Prophet T .B Joshua i watch your program everyday on T V and my phone. You have been such a blessing to me and the hole of our house, thanks alot for the good work you are doing and may he give you more strength and power to keep you going. Thanks alot for the help you give to the needy and physicaly challenged people all over the world. Thanks to all the wise men and the great, anointed worship team in the Church of all Nation. We are really waiting for your to visit our wonderful country Kenya and we know that our prayer has been heard by God and it has happened by faith in Jesuse name. May God bless you and your family and to keep you safe, may he bliss you with the blessings of Abraham whom if blessed in everything, good health, prosperity, reproductivenes and God,s power. May he keep his face to shine upon you all the days of your life. Please joine me in payer as i trust God for a good wife and wisdom of God in the name of Jesuse christ.
I have great regard for the man of God. Those of you that doubt him,please open your eyes and in whatever you do don’t mock him. Remember, touch not the anointed the ones. My God continue anointing. He is a blessing to our generation and remember God is till saying something.
Man of God I’ve been watching your channel for such along time please pray for me to get a job I tried to apply in many places but no. Respond & my husband is bound by the spirit of drinking alcohol &smoking cigarette now he swimming into debts. RSA
I have longed one day to worship with prophet TB Joshua at the Scoan .It is my prayer that someday i will be invited to attend a service with the wise men and the prophet himself may the good lord keep blessing him in Jesus`s name finally where can i find the anointing water here in Zambia?
I myself am a living testimony of the great works God is doing in the lifes of people through prophet Tb Joshua. Had it not have been of emmanuel tv, i could hv long lost hope. I meet Jesus through this channel and my life has never being the same.i cant say the prophet is my spiritual father although i have never met him.
Once thought TB JOSH is a satanist but later realised i was wrong.OGA is a man of God.Emanuel TV speaks to Africa and beyond that Jesus is still the lord!AMEN
Papa I thank God for what he is doing through you and the Wise Men. Thanks for allowing God to use you and the wise Men, Please if God allows do send one Wise man to Uganda. We need men of God who are focused like you, to ministered to the lost. Thank you
Samuel Uganda
I would like to thank God through TB Joshua, he is a real man of God. Let us pray for our families and friends.I would like to thank the Lord for my life and protection and since i have been watching TB, I am always blessed. RSA
Prophet T.B Joshua, you are indeed a wonderful gift God has given the whole world. I ‘ve learned that all things are possible with God through your touching teachings and that Jesus never say good-bye. And i know that the best is yet come in every area of my life for sure. Halelujah!! May the Lord continue using you migtly.
Can i please with my whole heart recieve a prophecy on tell me what starndard am i?
U are the bom man of God
Mary – Tanzania
Indeed is the prophet of our century. Brothers and Sisters who doubt this man of God, Does it mean all these big wonders and miracles are of the devil but the small miracles we have in our ministries are from God? There is no place for jeoulosy people in heaven. All we have to do, is to asks help from our fellow Ministers whom we think are doing better than us Ministrial wise. shalom
indeed only a inferior man criticize a greater man. if dey say he is not a man of god let them show us how a man of god operate for surely de a failing.
TB Joshua is a blessing to the entire world,believe or not he’s from God. I agree with TB Joshua.
He is indeed a Great man of God. I love him and his ministry. VIVA Prophet TB JOSHUA VIVA!
TB Joshua is a true man of God.Through him we are able to see without a doubt what God in his might is able to do.I praise our author and finisher of our faith Jesus Christ for such a man.I lift him high and may he continuously pour his anointing upon his head according to his ceaseless supply.
Let us stop talking bad about the man of God, instead let us support him through prayers, so that God can continuosly use him. Pastors stop judging each other & what lesson are teaching us if u Pastors criticise one another.
Trully, this is the man of God. Supernatural Power of God escape the screen into your Spirit even by reading from tweeter &/ facebook. Thank You Jesus for Prophet T.B JOSHUA
caroline m. munthali
Truly and indeed Apostle T.B Joshua is the man of God graced from above with astonishing and electrifying ministry. Truly we have the 21st century Prophet in our midst, a man of character and humility – full of love, meekness and wisdom. If we will ever understand grace, he is the picture and an exact replica of grace – not being so much educated (learned), not being eloquent in speech yet the Holy Spirit confirms and backs every word that proceeds from his mouth. He is truly the eye, ear and mouth of Heaven to this generation… what can we say about all this? We bless the Lamb of God who sits on the throne in Heaven at the right hand of the Father. Truly many will rise through him and many will fall through him – ‘those who are humble enough will learn from him, and those who are offended by him will fall in likewise… remember, touch not my anointed ones.’ We thank God for duplicating him through the wisemen, believing God that many are still coming, we rest assured that this grace and anointing will last and grow from a generation to another. I thank God for the divine relationship and connection between him and other ministers including my beloved father in the Lord PASTOR LESEGO DANIEL… TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
God is unveiling the standard of the new testament ministry through His servant. I thank the Lord for His extra ordinary grace bestowed on his servant. This ministry is a ministry many of us just wish if it happen. But really it is happening in our time on our planet. The manifestation of God’s power and grace is in the ministry of prophet T.B Joshua is far to be comprehend. Some of us who wish to have this kind of power for classic and material gain can not get it so we criticize it. Some of us who wanted it for good reason but we are not in it because we are not willing to deny our self like he do. so we chose the other way of ministry. I think if we want our Lord to be glorified in our generation we need more men and women of God like dear man of God prophet T.B Joshua. I am not saying all of us should be like him.
May God continue to use his prophet much more.
Better is not Good enough THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
If there was a Prophet, or there is a Prophet then there should be God, for God himself speak through his Prophet, if we believe in the book of John then we should believe that Prophets exist in our time, because the Spirit that was upon Elija was upon John, the same Spirit upon Prophet TB Joshua, i dont doubt it, He ministered to me in me dreams, and i see the manifestion of that visitation.
I AM 100% CONVINCED. Prophet TB Joshua is not Ordinary, He manifest the scripture, He is the TRUE Prophet.
Gospel without confirmation is dead gospel, Mark 16v20
From Brother Phil.
The great man of GOD
Yes, he is a true prophet of God.
Prophet TB Joshua is indeed a true prophet of God. There is not a vestige of doubt in my mind. I bore witness to many mind-boggling miracles at the Scoan. Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, is truly alive and well. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!
This prophet has totally changed my life for the better
Praise God
You know, i believe inGod. But as a South African, i will never ever trust a Nigerian. This pastor is probably very smart and fake. Nigerians are very deceptive and evil.
Even touching your own tv screen miracles happen right in your house. I received my own deliverance
21st century prophet in our midst..
I love u prophet TB Joshua, and I thank God for you are a blessing to the nations. may God continue to enlarge your territory and bless your family. my visit to the SCOAN was DIVINE, still want to come to Lagos again. stay blessed Man Of God
God is still the same today tomorrow and forever he will never change he gave authority to his diciples to do wonders to heal to perform miracles
There are man of God that are given that power we as pastors we have to suport them with prayers
Amalia Somses don’t complain about prophet TB Joshua leave him alone,IF you seek answer read the BIBLE
I find it hard to believe most of the articles you post on your Zambian Wath Dog as they appear very disible But I rate your article about T B JOSHUA & EMMANUEL Tv as the best of all World Wide Media combined & only wish you can cover more about such than anything else because it’s full of facts. GOD give you more wisdom in that direction. Amen. Angel Mulenga
ever since the inseption of emmanuel tv, i have been watching the man of god on tv. tb joshua is sent by god to set the captives free. i have so much grown in my christian faith as a result of watching emmanuel tv. god is my witness, i have been elevated spiritualy and im untourchable because even though im in botswana, i worship with the scoan every day. he is our 21st century. prophet, man of god, daddy, our mentor, our guider, interssessor, you are what god promissed when he said he will not leave us alone…
long live emmanuel tv, long live prophet tb joshua, long live our god given mentor and counselor. god sees what you are doing and your reward is a great one.
beauty sylvia autlwetse
All of you, fuck off and suck my dirty dick
I agree with you Sylvia. Remember one of the beautiful quotes by our century prophet “what people dont understand they call names and what they understand they destroy”. Better is not good enough but the best is yet to come.
you can say it again sister.
Keep focused T.B.J on the will and plan of God,don’t worry about the wind and the high waves,they are only to distract you,and what God does not show you is only to work for good and for better,all my love louis from South Africa.
Thank you TB Joshua blog
This our is an our, for those who are delivered, healed, saved and blessed by the ministry of prophet TBJ, to count back how much we are benefited from his ministry. In my case I could not imagine where would I bee by now if I did not connect with this ministry. I started watching Emmanuel tv in 2006. At that time my life was in wreck. I was almost finished. all hopes to live the life worthy of my calling was a thing of illusion. My heart was a battlefield. Hopelessness was my daily bread. Friends Knowing about the truth and not delivered by the truth is the most terrible life. I was crying. The first time I watched the man of God on Emmanuel tv my hope resurrected. Before that I read all sorts of books and I prayed all types of prayer even with fasting. No solution. The first time I watched Emmanuel tv and my heart knew that this is it. From the day I started watching Emmanuel tv things began to change. The life it seamed far like sky was at hand. I do not know how and when my problems go. The only thing I know is I am free. I am full of contentment and of course its result is peace of heart. I have no words. Just I am free. I can not count the blessings which have been flowing to my life, my family and my ministry. Let us stand with him at this time of trial.
Amen. It is finished. Emmanuel- God is with us.
This is so far most truthful and factual reporting about TB. Joshau ,Zambian watch dog keep it up .what you have reported in the artcle is what all who watch emmanue TV see and hear, not the way other media report just evil or bad about the man of God .It good to give credit where it due and this man deserves it .Almight God has just come down through this man and using him to help the helpless free of charge ,but grace through faith in the name of Jesus .
This is a perfect article itself written with spiritual insights. You are together with Christ
The true masenger of God
.Hallelujah…Thank God for the life of His Servant..,Prophet TB Joshua and Emmanuel tv Partners.
I love you
Tourch not the anointed one of God. The Almighty God who sees what you do and say in private sees and hears what you say about his servant the man of GodTB Joshua . if you do not know TB Joshua, better keep your comments to yourself. as for you man of god, keep doing what you were sent to do. we thank God for sending you especialy during this time when you are needed most. E—–MM—–A—–NU——L——–
I joyfully enjoy every second of watching tbjministries sermons
Victor Kabanda Likonge
you,re indeed a man of God T B J. Because your ministry has been my daily bread in my entire life, at my home and work. I also encourage my wife and the whole of my family at least to have a single or two hours reserved for Emmanuel TV daily. Anyway you’re a blessing to the whole world. Love you, may God Continue using you.
The devil has no powers to perform any miracle! what he knows is just killing and destroying children of God. He has nothing good. If i can remember at one time , the man of God T B J said that if God Truly loves you, he will hide pride from you. That,s the way T B J is been Humbled by God. So what ever bad things you say about him, God turns them to blessings and he will never fail in Jesus Name.
you are the real man of god
We love you so in Burkina here