“This Is A Shock!”
Getting to the bottom of people’s problems was prevalent when T.B. Joshua also known as ‘the man in the Synagogue’ gave personal prophetic messages to many in his service at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations who had almost given up hope. It was just the soothing medicine Archbishop Andrew Ndubano from Botswana needed. T.B. Joshua explained his situation in a prophecy that Ndubano was a man of God but that he wanted to abandon the ministry after three ministers who had been under him went to the river for baptism and drowned.
Ndubano got to the point where he almost gave up hope and it was at that point that God used T.B. Joshua to speak life into his hopeless situation through the message of prophecy. T.B. Joshua started the prophecy with the encouraging words, “Don’t give up. God loves you.” He continued, “I know you are facing so much destruction and they are giving you a name that you use evil powers. You are in between decision – to leave the ministry and rest. You have many branches. You have got to a crossroads. Don’t give up.” Shocked by the accurate word of prophecy from a man he had never spoken to before but who stated the events exactly as they had occurred in his life, Ndubano, overcome by emotion, broke down in tears in front of The SCOAN congregation.
Picking up in the spirit the thoughts of his heart, T.B. Joshua asked Ndubano, “What is the cause of these thoughts? Ndubano responded, “They said they will kill me.” Reassuringly, T.B. Joshua said, “I’m seeing you as a minister of God. What happened has happened. There’s no trace of evil from you”. The prophecy was the salve for every sore that Ndubano had suffered. God in His infinite mercy had used one of His servants, Prophet T.B. Joshua to vindicate another of His servants – Archbishop Ndubano.
Later during the service, T.B. Joshua conducted an exclusive interview with Ndubano, the latter’s wife at his side. Viewers worldwide who tuned into Emmanuel TV saw written on their television screens clearly who the man T.B. Joshua was interviewing, live, “Archbishop Andrew Ndubano of St Johns Apostolic Faith Ministry, Botswana.” In talking to Ndubano, T.B. Joshua addressed the family of the three ministers that died in the unfortunate incident, “The three pastors the case concerns – we know they have families and I want to invite the families. I know in Botswana they will be watching. I want to be part of the families. I want to tell them we love them. Thank God the three pastors died as Martyrs. I want to give an invitation to the families for a full reconciliation.” T.B. Joshua also said that he wanted the families to come for counselling.
Ndubano’s response: “I just want to point out that I was just in the midst. I’d not met the Prophet before. He just picked me out from the crowd. This is a shock. He just picked me out and said, ‘You’re a man of God.’ My conscience is free; I’m no longer bound in chains. I am very pleased because the people he invited believe in the prophecy of the Holy Spirit. Prophecy is never a lie”. Sharing her husband’s joy, Ndubano’s wife said, “Glory be to God. I’m happy because my husband is free.”
Having reached a crossroads, Ndubano was no longer in between decisions. Thanks to the prophecy which declared him innocent of the accusation levelled against him, he decided not to abandon the ministry. It was a lesson to all those watching that, “Anything close to Jesus receives attack” and that, “No matter how close we are to Jesus, there are some unchangeable events that prayer and fasting cannot change. Just as fire cannot destroy gold, so also, hard times cannot destroy you as a Christian.” – T.B. Joshua.
A Whitish thing In The Sky
Many watched in awe as prophecies of international significance given by T.B. Joshua come to pass. Video footage of the confirmation was aired live. One concerned ‘a whitish thing in the sky’. At the beginning of the year in January 2010, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave a prophetic message concerning something that he saw in the sky that would have negative effects. He gave a call to fast and pray on Thursday, mentioning a natural disaster – something falling like a whitish thing that would stop the whole system that would come from the hill – a strange thing. On Thursday 15th April, 2010, the very day mentioned by Prophet T.B. Joshua, a massive cloud of volcanic ash (whitish in colour) following a volcanic eruption in Iceland drifted into European airspace, grounding all flights and leaving tens of thousands of passengers stranded across Europe and affecting businesses worldwide. The disaster affecting at least 22 European countries had brought European airspace to a standstill. The negative effects of the volcanic ash were widespread. News from the media reported negative effects to aircraft, people’s health and disruption on a scale unprecedented. World leaders including President Obama who planned to attend the funeral of President Lech Kaczynski in Poland on Sunday remained in limbo as volcanic ash from Iceland continued to ground flights to and from Europe.
China Earthquake
Prophet T.B. Joshua also gave a prophetic message concerning an earthquake that would happen in the nation of China and cause a big destruction. He said he could see a disaster in China – a situation where nothing would work, no schools, nothing, people would die and there would be nowhere for people to run to. The Prophet also spoke about the weather conditions mentioning that the weather would be extremely cold. On Wednesday 14th April 2010, the prophecy happened. News broke out that a massive earthquake had hit the nation of China causing a big destruction and leaving many hundreds dead and ten thousand injured. Homes and schools were destroyed and thousands were left in extremely cold weather conditions, without shelter. The Prophet commented that time would not permit to air the other prophecy confirmations, one of which concerned the recent assassination of an Indian politician during a public meeting in broad daylight
“Thank You, Jesus; I can Walk!”
Perhaps one of the most amazing happenings in the service was God’s mercy and favour towards many sick and afflicted people in the overflow crowd outside the church auditorium – about a four minute walk from where the man of God was preaching. Using the name of Jesus Christ in prayer and without seeing or even touching them, T.B. Joshua in the anointing of the Lord prayed for the healing of many both inside and outside the church (overflow) and they were miraculously healed. Glory, a young lady from Delta State, Nigeria was among those who experienced that the right hand of God is power. After an accident rendering her unable to walk, she hobbled painfully on crutches.
She was miraculously healed in the overflow section during the prayer and she exclaimed: “Thank You, Jesus, I can walk!” and indeed she walked the four minute stretch from where she was healed in the overflow right into the church auditorium to share her touching testimony. Throwing away her crutches, Glory stated that she no longer had any need of them. Needless to say, Glory who truly experienced the glory of God was ecstatic!
A Sermon To Touch The Heart
It was a message that spoke to everyone – a message that raised a question to which everyone had the same answer… “Who Needs Forgiveness?” The lively congregation of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations responded in one accord with the common answer, “I do!” T.B. Joshua had all meticulously tuned to his thought provoking message which, without a doubt, must have touched the hardest of hearts. The message – Who Needs forgiveness? – delivered by T.B. Joshua on 18th April 2010 during the live Sunday service caused many a man (and woman) to look inwards and see the need for a change of heart. And just in case there were any self-acclaimed perfect individuals amongst the congregation, the Prophet ‘set the record straight’ by quoting the Book of books – the Holy Bible: “One thing is clear”, he said, “ ‘All have sinned and fallen short of the glory’ ”(Romans 3:23). The man of God immediately encouraged the congregation whether they fell into the category of ‘righteous and holy’ or ‘guilty and condemned’ by saying, “Whether your sins are great or small, Jesus is able to forgive them”.
Reminding them of the initial question he had asked them at the beginning, “Who needs forgiveness?” Smiling, T.B. Joshua said, “I am happy that you know that you need forgiveness. Forgiveness of sin strikes the root of all pain, all discomfort. When you are forgiven you are healed, redeemed and blessed. T.B. Joshua’s teaching enabled many to discover the root cause of their problems. The answer was made simple: earnestly seek God’s forgiveness as forgiveness of sin strikes the root of all pain.
The Prophet seemed to hit the nail on the head when he said, “You have many questions going through your mind. One of the questions: ‘Why do your problems keep recurring?’ They keep recurring simply because you are dealing with the problem, rather than the cause of the problem…” It was a real eye-opener for many, challenging them to get to the ‘bottom’ of their problems once and for all! The reader might also dare rise to the challenge.
Justice Defence and Security Minister of Botswana
Several VIP’s were also present at the live service including Ramadeluka Seretse – Justice Defence and Security Minister of Botswana – an active participant in The SCOAN service. In sharing his experience at the end of the service, he commented on how much he had enjoyed the service and strongly encouraged leaders – those in positions of authority to tune in to Emmanuel TV and those who already tuned – to keep on watching.
I thank God the life of Prophet TB Joshua and for the many lives he has touched including Archibishop Ndubano. This is so wonderful, PRAISE GOD! HALLELUAH!!!. I was so inspired by his message, Who needs forgiveness? and I am praying that God will forgive all my sins. Amen
I was so touched by Archbishop Ndubano’s humbleness as the Prophet was talking to him. Soldier on Ndubano God is good. You are a living testimony. Problems in your church will never stop God ‘s work from going forward. You real inspired me. May God continue providing and guiding you through all the days of your life. Live Long and die Happy!
Ever sinces i have started watching Emanual tv, i have
realized how powerfull our God is and that Our Lord Jesus
Christ is alive. nomatter what i encounter in life i know
my redeemer liveth, whether he redeems me or not i know
he is my deliverer and this has brought me so much Peace
dispite all the challenges.
and i have been expiriencing deliverence just by watching
on the screen realy distance is not a barrier and im on fast
which the prophet T B Joshuar declared on sunday from
mornin till 12 noo please pray with me as well so i can get my breakthough.
Praise the Lord!!
This is too much for natural man to comprehend. This is purely the handiwork of God throught his Servant, prophet T.B. Joshua. God’s word says that we must believe in his servants and by that, our properity and all that man is needful of is established. Prophet T.B. Joshu is the Jacob of the end time who God have chosen to establish his testimony: Ps.78:5-7.
Man of God you are blessed and ordained of the Lord most High.
Amen. Prophecy is a gift beyond human comprehension. It is to build the body of christ.
Really our God is wonderful. I am from Botswana and based in Gaborone.
It is good to see our leaders attending church as this will encourage those people out there to also attend and give their lives to Jesus Christ.
To my Minister of Justice, Defense and Security, Honourable Ndelu Seretse, I say lets praise His name, let’s hold Him on high for He is the Savioour.
The Bible says that we are gods since we are sons and daughters of God. He could not give birth to a different species but His own which makes us gods. So we must praise His name.
I just wish other leaders from my country would copy what Mr. Seretse is doing and attent SCOAN services. This will enrich their minds and mould their leadership in the way of the Lord our God.
we are a blessed generation because we have a Prophet TB Josua whom God reveals to him the secrets that are beyond the human comprehension. I also thank God for the message that was taught,now i know that i have to deal with the root of the problem. When leaders serve God our faith is strengthed,we praise God for those who are healed
Thank you man of God once again for that great prophesy about Archbishop Ndubano. I just saw tears run down my face when I listened attentively to the prophesy. soldier on Archbishop Ndubano, God has called you, don’t give up.God bless you man of God.Amen and Amen
Emmanuel, Emmanuel,Emmanuel.
Morris, Lusaka Zambia
Thanks be to God for revealing prophetic messages. God continue to use you so that people by seeing what is happening as per your prophesy may turn their hearts to God. Man of God continue praying and preaching to the world. Thanks be to God for those upon receiving prophetic messages they turn to God and believe He is working even today. Man of God pray even for this strange threatening volcano which Scientists are saying is likely to errupt again and more larger. God intervene in this world. God be with you always.
This is wonderful the prophesies are true to the point. We are in the world, yet with the prophet as of old. This is wonderful. Now it is too much the international prophesies are just a witness to the world that really a prophet is in our amidst. If only the world would actually believe may be souls would be saved. Ast it this is really a gift beyond human understanding. This gift is wonderful I like it. It reminds me of the book 1 Cor. 14:1 to desire spiritual gifts but rather that we prophesy. And here it is. It is realy beyond imagination to know what is inside the thoughs of another person. Everything to be transparent before the prophet’s sight. this is wonderful. May the name of the Lord be blessed. I THANK GOD FOR I AM LIVING TODAY AND HAVE THE ACCESS TO THE CABLE TO WITNESS THIS WITH MY NACKED EYES THOUGH ON THE SCREEN.
Prophet T. B Joshua, is a true man of God. there is nothing to doubt again. let him continue with his work fot the Lord shall reward him.
I send my humble greetings to our beloved prophet, “the man in the synagogue,” in deed he is the man in the temple of GOD. I have seen with my eyes,heard with my ears, sensed with my spirit and dreams and touched him with my hands on the screen and i have believed he has been sent to us by GOD to address our faithlessness. I learn from everything he does or says. Even demons and evil spirits acknowledge that he is a man of GOD to whom our savior Jesus Christ speaks directly, to whom Jesus has given a full measure of power by the Holy Spirit.
Iam also humbled by the faith in GOD expressed by the delegates from Mexico to come and invite the prophet to visit, and share blessings with him. They are a blessed nation led by humble and blessed leaders. How i wish our leaders here in Zambia can do he same.
Did you brothers and sisters hear what the prophet said about the disasters earth was undergoing? He was simply saying to every action there is a reaction- Newton’s law! Nuclear scientists, you are responsible for weather changes, earthquakes, whitish ash ,sunami etc because of the experimental bombs – effect and their pressure differentials. He is simply saying you are affecting nature negatively so check your excesses.
We are reali blessed by God with T B Joshua,i mean a blessing to da whole world….I thank God again for our leaders who hav realize that they need God.Leaders like Ramadeluka Dikgakgamatso Seretse..
i greet you in the name of jesus christ . my name is ketsile senau . francistown botswana . please open a branch in botswana .PASTOR T B JOSHUA . and please pray for me i believe JESUS CHRIST will touch my heart through prayer.
I thank the almight God for the gift of prophet TB Josua,we are really blessed to have him,he has changed my life and i pray to God to continue blessing him more so that he can also bless others,i ask for grace to follow Jesus and do his will.
Kingdom Greetings ! Thank God for you , Prophet T B Joshua and the work well done of reaching out to the underprivilledged ones , and being an examplery to the whole world for caring about others , Oh! how i desire the gift of prophecy .No wonder God has entrusted you with all his gifts. May God richly bless you , servant of the Lord Most Holy .
i send my humble greeting to you prophet Tb. we pray that God will take you to the inner height were no man have never reached. With all the critisims you shall shine, they shall see the manifestation of God ‘s grace and thier thought shall be changed. they shall see you and identified you as God chosen one.
I thank our mighty Lord who strengths His servant Prohet TB JOSHUA to help people around the world.When I watch all the wonders God is demonstrating throug TB JOSHUA I praise the Lord.
My God continue blessing you man of God.
God will neva leave your present man of God
Man of God i believe in you!
May the Lord also watch over Reverend Ndubano.
May almight God continue to use you more and more for his Glory,and also man of God pray for us so that God can make us his instrument for his work done. iam so glad that any were in the world his wonderfull name has been Glorified.Jesus son of God is alive ,He can save and can forgive , He can give anther chance for the sinner,He can Bless and have merrcy for anyone. So i pray that God almight can use me for his work. man of God my faith is very litlle but put me in your pray for crossing the barrage of 2014.
Praise the Lord. God is Great. Emanuel! Glory be to God. Thank you Jesus.
Daddy, i admire your grace. …… I lack comments here because my comments are so personal…….. God bless you daddy
me and my children are members of SCOAN distance is not a barrier. God bless you, your family and the entire Scoan. wow Emmanuel tv in Jesus name. Man of God I personally love you so much.
thank you Jesus for giving us this prophet.
Gladys M. Malebyana
Daddy,please pray for us in Thailand
a true man of God, u were send to save us
Scoan,Nigeria does not advertise anointed materials online.Write to [email protected]
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
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These are Fraudsters they are only after
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look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
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Don’t doubt it
I love scoan I have been to their branch in my country in RSA..in Capetown..
Love you senior Prophet TB..I have been following since 1999..wow
Please the Anointed Prophet of Jesus Christ, I cry you prophesy into my life. I badly need his direction. I have gone through alot of problems baring the fact that I been even praying seriously. I can’t even afford to come to SCOAN. am a Ugandan. Please, please help me GOD