Wise Man Harry gave a challenging message, titled, The Company You Keep. He started off by talking about the situation in the world today. He said, “When you look around the world today, no one wants to be a failure in life; everyone wants to succeed. Yet, many find themselves in the realm of failure. When we talk of success, we need to understand that success is a collection of relationships. No one can go it all alone. We need good people, informed people and inspired people to make it in our respective callings.” He then reminded us that there are four classes of people in our lives today. Those who: add, multiply, subtract and divide. Quoting Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with the wise grows wise but a companion of fools suffers harm” he stated that we are what we are by virtue of the company we keep. He warned that we should be careful in our relationships and not too quick to trust others just because they look and sound good on the outside. Many people want to be your friend only when it is convenient for them. Others will sit at your table as long as things are going well but would not stand by you when your situation takes a turn for the worse. Therefore, when you make friends, don’t be too quick to trust them until they have proved themselves.
The wise man led the congregation in a prayer, saying, “Lord Jesus, guide me and grant me wisdom to know who I should turn to as a partner/ friend/ companion. Lord Jesus, I know I cannot do it without others. I cannot do it alone. I need good, inspired, informed people. Thank you for answering my prayer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
He concluded his message by stating that Jesus is the most reliable companion. “Are you still looking for a companion? If you need a companion, Jesus Christ is the most reliable One. Whom can we trust? Trust in yourself, you are doomed to disappointment. Trust in your friends, they will die and leave you. Trust in Jesus Christ and you will never be confounded in time or eternity.”
T.B. Joshua came out to speak to the congregation and the viewers worldwide. “This is a prophetic word for you. I have been able to overcome my past by focusing on my gift and its possibilities. You have created me for a purpose; Help me, Lord to find those who need me the most, in Jesus Christ’s name. You are saved to save others, healed to heal others; you are blessed to bless others.”
He then introduced the time for testimonies, saying, “There’s no way that we can begin to ask God for bread without thanking God for the bread He has given us yesterday”.
Victoria Alexander Zandy from Kaduna testified to her deliverance from a drug addiction for 18 long, horrible years. She said that from the age of 16, she had been taking drugs – cocaine, heroin, marijuana – and that this had enslaved her. She described the drugs as her boyfriend, husband, job and life. She said that anytime she received any money at all, the first thing she would do is get more substances to satisfy her craving. This addiction to drugs had made her lean, sick and unable to function as any normal person would. She had found herself in an endless cycle of life that appeared to have no end. She was on a downhill slope and was gaining speed on her downward journey before miraculously Jesus Christ rescued her and gave her a firm place to stand through the medium of the Anointing Water. She described how she had come to her last bus stop and came to The SCOAN in a desperate last attempt for deliverance before ending her life. When she had come to The SCOAN, TB Joshua had given her the Anointing Water. Her sister ministered the Anointing Water on her and thereafter, she knew she was a completely different person. The urge to take drugs was no longer there. She was able to reason well and she saw herself clearly for the first time in many years. Unable to contain her joy, she rushed back to The SCOAN to testify to God’s mercy, goodness and grace in her life. She concluded by thanking God for giving her another chance in life. She advised all those listening to be careful of drugs as they are a trap of satan.
Rita Ignatius, resident in Gabon testified of the mighty deliverance she had received through the prayer of Wise Man Daniel in Jesus’ name. She explained that she had been possessed with an evil spirit known as ‘queen of all queens’ for many years. This spirit had afflicted her life with a severe spirit of anger which made life very difficult for her and her husband. Each time he wanted to go to church, the evil spirit in her would manifest and she would try and prevent him from going. They went to many places in search of deliverance even where even in one church, the evil spirit in her manifested so violently that she started to beat the pastor. Testifying, Mrs Rita Ignatius explained that that morning, she had come to The SCOAN Church Service just to worship but little did she know what would happen when Wise Man Daniel prayed for her. At just one touch from the wise man, the darkness in her was exposed and a mighty deliverance took place. Thanking God for her freedom, she said that she was now calm and at peace.
Mujidat Bankole, a Nigerian living in Paris, France testified to her deliverance after prayer from the Wise Man during the service the week before. The spiritual husband that had entered her life since she was young had tormented her life and also caused her menstruation to cease. At just one touch from the Wise Man the evil spirit was exposed and manifested violently. After her deliverance, not only was she delivered from the spiritual husband but the following day, her menstruation miraculously reappeared!
Mrs Chigoozirim Offorkee from Anamabra, Nigeria told how she was delivered from a marine spirit that had possessed her since birth. Showing the occultic marks that had been placed on her palms, she explained that a spiritualist had instructed her to carry out sacrifices in the River Niger each year. The demonic bond was so strong over her life that if ever she failed to do the sacrifice, she would encounter terrible problems and opposition. She came to The SCOAN and Wise Man Harry prayed for her in Jesus’ name. The evil spirit in her started to manifest and was cast out in the power of the Holy Spirit. A week after her deliverance, Mrs Chigoozirim Offorkee, now full of joy, told how she no longer experienced nightmares or evil attacks.
What followed was the deliverance of five women who had travelled from their respective countries, all eager to break the hold that strange addictions had over them.
First to speak was Miss Barulaganye Ditsele, a mining accounts clerk from Botswana who had been addicted to eating ant hill soil for 11 years. The addiction had now spread to her three sisters and dominated her life. When she woke up in the morning, the first things she craved was the ant hill soil which she would eat more than normal food. Unable to go anywhere without the soil, she took it out of her bag and began to eat it, exclaiming that it tasted like chocolate!
Next to speak was Mrs Emely Mpofu from Zimbabwe who suffered from a similar addiction to eating anthill soil, this time for 17 years. Her sister also had this addiction and when she died, Emely started eating double the amount of the anthill soil. Explaining that she would eat the soil after each meal, Mrs Emely took the soil and began to eat it in the presence of the congregation of The SCOAN.
The following to address her issue was Miss Consolata Thomas, a teacher from Tanzania who told of her 14 year addiction to eating uncooked rice. This habit had started in boarding school when she used to take the uncooked rice from the store to the kitchen. As a hungry little girl, she explained how she had heard a voice telling her to eat the uncooked rice. The moment she did, she became hooked and it became a part of her life. To have the uncooked rice with her was so essential that even if she ran out of it at school, she would give the students an assignment and quickly get some more to eat.
Next was the case of Mrs Tebogo Motlamme from Botswana who had come to The SCOAN for deliverance from a 23 year addiction to eating anthill soil. This addiction which had affected her blood pressure and menstrual cycle dominated her life as she enjoyed the soil more than ordinary food and could not go anywhere without it.
Finally, Miss Bonsu Charlotte Serwaa from Ghana explained how she had been addicted to eating ice cubes for 11 years. Eating them in the presence of the man of God and the congregation, she asserted that they didn’t taste cold but rather very satisfying.
After listening to those with strange eating addictions, the man of God promptly asked someone with the Anointing Water to come forward. He then instructed the man that came forward to minister the Anointing Water to them all in Jesus’ name, saying that, “Something is there – a force; God is behind that force for its accomplishment.”
At just one spray of the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name, the demonic influence in these ladies’ lives was broken and they were set free. After their deliverance, the prophet said, “Let us see whether the old man is gone. If the old man is gone, that thing they were eating, they will no longer eat it.”
Sure enough, when offered the anthill soil, uncooked rice and ice cubes, one by one, they spat it out saying that they no longer enjoyed it and did not regard it as food anymore.
With histories rewritten and cycles of limitation broken, the congregation left the auditorium and viewers turned off their televisions after another spectacular service day at The SCOAN.
Thank You, Jesus Christ!
thnk u Jesus glory b unto u
pls how can i meet with man of god…this message delivered by wise man harry is exactly the problem i’m having,,, i trusted my friend and he betrayed me when the going became tough.
this is the first time of seen you, an i belive that through you god answer my prayer
God is doing great things so don left behin
Please man of God pray for me, I wrote my grade 12 exam and I was not able to get my results because of financial problems in our family because things are geting worse each day,….so pray for me so that God will make a way for me to go to college. In Jesus name..
I thank God for setting them free in Jesus name and i also thank God for using prophet TB Joshua deliver the children of God. I pray that God will continue to be with you (Prophet TB Joshua) to increase the anointing in you and I pray also that God the father of Our Lord Jesus Christ will increase my own anointing in Jesus name Amen! May God bless your heart. Amen. Emmanuel! God with us.
Thank u Lord Jesus 4 yo deliverances.may yo name be praised 4eva more
Its amazing how God works.Im a follower of Emmanuel TV and i’m truly convinced that the power of God is still working today.I know he is working in my life just as He said in His word for He is not human that he can lie.It is so evident in the testimonies.God is so good and to serve Him just becomes a way of life.
These are TRUE stories I can confirm of. Addictions that are abnormal are surely a manifestation of some underlying force.
Now I need help. I am struggling with nightmares dominated by snakes for more than 5 yrs now. If I break its only 2 or so months – why?
my faith has been lifted .thank u jesus.
God is good all the times.. Best things are yet to come indeed!
Kip on doin God’s work. Thank u Jesus 4 T B Joshua,the wisemen and Scoan and emmanuel tv partners. Lookin foward 2 c u prophet in Zimbabwe
Nothing is impossible with God aslong as you believe.AMEN.
May God bless u alwayz
Man of God deliver me from Gena rational, curses,set backs ,sickness my private parts and body always itchy @ night ,poverty am from a poor family am tired of suffering,night mares and job opportunities I can’t find a better job I ask this in Jesus name ,
I pray for the fruit of the womb.
I thank God for delivering our mother from evil activit
.satan is alier,he to steal,
destroy and killing.praise be
to Jesus.
Thank you lord
Our God is an awesome God, nothing is impossible with him.
My family needs u Lord.
l thank the man of God Hary for a powerful messege from God almighty.my wish is that our pastor and prophet Tp joshua come down to zimbabwe and plant a church.l believe it will be a successful ministry,and will help us as christians to have a direction.we all know that our pastor is a true man of God.amen
2 God b th glory…
i m so touched, our God is an awesome God. i wuld also want to be healed in Jesus name.
Jesus Christ be praised,He never said goodbye,but is always with us. SCOAN,indeed is the arena of Liberty which has brought hope to millons of people around the World.
Glory be to God, our God is an awesome. Cant wait to receive my healing in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
Lord Jesus Christ, l am a sinner. Forgive me. Be and remain my friend. I choose You because of Your profound love and mercies over my life. You are all that l adore. You know me better than l know myself. Remain my strength in my weaknesses and help me to use my strengths for Your good. Be my senses and help me Lord to hear, see and do everything through Your grace. Well, You loved me before l knew You. What l encountered in my life up to now clearly show that Your hand is involved. I need to reciprocate Lord. Thank You Lord for giving this generation a true prophet, T.B Joshua. Anoint him more. My mentor. My life and family have transformed ever since l knew You through Emmanuel tv. Distance is not a barrier indeed. The best is yet to come. I TANGISAI NYAMUZUWE commit myself into Your hands. You do not have a limit, rather, You are the limit. My provider. Amen.
Iam hungry to hear more prophecy from man of GOD Even my own continue encouraging us with the word of GOD.
God is gud.
thank you Jesus Christ.
i thank for these encouraging testimonies pliease believe with me for my sisters healing they say she has cancer, but i believe that the name of Jesus is above the name of cancer. amen
What we re seeing here is a moment with jesus christ every thing seems jesus is here with us physically performing the miracles papa you re a blessing to the whole world immanuel
Thank you Father. Blessed be Your servant IJN I love you.
May it happen to me in Jesus christ name amen
God is good , I wish and Pray that I also get saved from my addiction
in jesus name amen
this kind god woo l never see his type woo.blessed be yo holy name
I thank God 4 d gift of d prophet & d anointing water.i v bin experiencing blockage in my respiratory system,i ministered d water & got a good sleep without snorring again.i am beleiving God 4 d fruit of d womb,pls pray 4 my family.thank u Jesus.
I thank God 4 d gift of d prophet & d anointing water.i v bin experiencing blockage in my respiratory system,i ministered d water & got a good sleep without snorring again.i am beleiving God 4 d fruit of d womb,pls pray 4 my family.thank u Jesus.Emmanuel
God please deliver my 17 yrs old daughter from bed wetting.its embarasing en uncontrolable to her en her morale is low. I receive her deliverance in the name of Jesus.
Truely the LORD works in mysterious ways.his words only can transform a person.I can c my breakthroug is just a step away.touch my life LORD JESUS my career,my health,finances&relationship.
Lord Jesus you are all what I have. I can do all things through Christ who give me strength. This Emmanuel TV has taught me to know Jesus more and has drawn me closer to him. I have learn t to pray always, my faith has been lifted high. I have known that God’s time is the best and to leave everything to God. I have known to forgive, love and help those who are in need. Lord Jesus continue to bless TB. Joshua and his Ministry. He has shown us light were there was darkness. I and my family has been transformed through watching Emmanuel TV. There is never a sickness Jesus cannot heal, there is never a disease Jesus can not cure, there is never a problem Jesus cannot solve and never a burden Jesus can not bear. in Jesus Name. Amen. Emmanuel !!!
God you are so great! We praise and honour you for the work you are doing through the anoited man of God Prophet TB Joshua. God gve me the grace to know the company i keep. Amen
indeed JESUS is the master healer.
Thank you ever so much for the wonderful message, it is a great reminder of letting us know that though we need each other not everyone who comes our way is to add or multiply. Indeed may the Lord help us to be in the company of those we are destined to be, so that God’s purpose may be fulfilled.
God bless His Servant!
The Lord is good.
Thank you Jesus for your mercies, Please man of God im in Botswana and in need of annointing oil.
Please please God my life is not good ,please man of God pray for me
I thank you man of god and all the wisemen for the tremendous job you are doing. Millions n millions of people have benefited and learnt quite a lot from you. We were once lost but after discovering your channel we were really born again. The fact that we can sit down from 8am to 10pm following your sunday services means a lot to us the viewers. It means that you have won oir hearts 100 percennt spiritually and surprisingly, we could not afford more that 4 hrs at our churches. Meaning there was lack of concentration or maybe lack of proper teachings. Not that i am agaist some our churches but just that there must a meaning for our waking up every sundays going to church. I have finally found a meaning an now i enjoy all my services every sunday. My mind was opened up by your team and my spirit is highly lifted. God is great. Without his presents we are nothing.
Woo…h we save a big God. These are the testimonies. Thank you Might God
Emmanuel!Thank you Jesus for the deliverance and freedom!To God be the glory.
Only faith is needed ,nothing is impossible in Jesus name
Praise God! for his mercies.
I thank God for delivering His people. If did it to this, i also believe that the uncomely situation of my family is gone right now. We are delivered from any darkness that was following us, in Jesus’ mame. Amen.
Indeed, a powerful sermon from Wiseman Harry.
Jesus is the only friend who is always by our side, with us and for us.
I ask the Lord Jehovah God through His Son Jesus christ to lead me and take over the throne of my heart.
please in Jesus who wil help me with anointing water.i want to deliver from evil doing.please man of God help me.i need you please,save my soul.i need you most becouse my life is very dark and full of bitterniss.please help me.please in Jesus name help me.
What a great and mighty God!
I believe i will stand one day to give testimony for the miracle done in my life through the anoited water in jesus name,bcos i can see what he is donig in the life of many people through the anoited water,i believe dat the best will come upon my life through the anoited water in jesus name amen
Thank u Jesus 4 all ur good works in our lifes, u still remain thesame yesterday, today nd forever Amen.
Am blessed with the message preached by Wise man Harry on 24 of Feb,2012 its all about the company we keep that influence our being.I didn’t knw about this until i come across this preaching may the good Lord be praised and glorified by this wonderful message in Jesus name .Amen.
God z rily doin it thru my papa prophet t.b joshua n th wise men.i rily luv 2 watch emmanuel tv.ts my best christian channel.man of God,thr hasn,t bin no success in my family since th bread winners we had died.am a double orphan n we 3 in my family of 2guys n our elder sister who is married.i went to colleg in 2010 to study ACCA,i even wrote 2 exams thats for june and december.after that i had no suport the all of last year was home and this year there are no signs of me going back to school.please help me either financialy or Prayers.thank you and may God continue using you.RAYNARD MANGI FROM ZAMBIA.
God is good in everything about me
Thank God for the miracles.I still want to beg the prophet to pray concerning the boko haram menace it is eating deep into our country.They are spilling innocent blood.As a man of God his prophetic utterances will do a lot.Thanks
I Love This Family Of God.
i totally agree and lord please
help to choose the best companion
I want to see Wise Man Daniel live.
Glory be to our almighty God…thanx for the testimonies…please man of God help me i need annointing water.
God bless u sir
What a wonderful God we worship a SCOAN. Yes God almighty could have done these remarkable things. May the same power that liberated those women deliver me from the bondage of disappointment, failure, setback and demonic manipulation. Let my history be rewritten today in Jesus name, Amen.
GOD is good,when he says yes no one can say no.he is a God of miracles,he makes a way where there is no way.
Thank You, Jesus Christ!
For your mercy. Man of God, may God BLESS YOU, YOUR MINISTRY, AND ALL YOUR TEAM.
A M E N.
In his name their is peace,freedom love and everlasting life in JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN.
Thank you Jesus
Emmanuel,Thank u Jesus for what your did for my home girls…
Happy for you Barulaganye Ditsele and Tebogo Motlamme for God to deliver u,and your families…….we are serving a good God
Mercy Mercy!!!!!!!
Thank you Lord for everything you have done to man. Above all your love for me and everyone. Thank you for the word o God, the good Lord continue to use you man of God and all wisemen. Remember me in your prayers.
Thank u Jesus for the word of God and d deliverance that took place at scoan.
Man God may the good Lord bless you and your wonderful work in Jesus name. Amen
What a glorious message, &Wonderful testimonies, thank U JESUS. Hallelujah! Help me in my studies LORD &let me have every cause to glorify &testify unto UR HOLY Name in JESUS Name. Amen.
Pls i need ur prayers for admision. I have been looking for it for four years now and also my father, he iz been jobless for four years now also.
TB JOSHUA is a comprehensive prophet of the Almighty God.Whether we believe it or not He is God’s mouthpiece for this generation.Follow His teachings and get closer to God.
Miracles!Miracles!they are there if u believe
God bless prophet Tb Joshua and the wise men.I praye that obstacle can not dictate there direction.
i love this
What can I say, the many voices here have already spoken for me and above that gave Glory where it is due. God the Almighty takes all the credit. Glory and honor belongs to Him.We love you Jesus Christ for all these miracles, bible teachings and may you continue to bless and protect your servants at the SCOAN through whom you make Yourself known to mankind. Amen!
This is awesome. Lord my soul is waiting for you! Lord we thank you for your unending love towards us by using your servant Prophet TB Joshua
prophet, i want 2 appreciate God 4wat he has been doing in ur ministry,indeed u are a God send 2 our generation.i wish my president Goodluck Jonathan 2 shy away frm pple n work wit u just like other prophet n kings we read in d Bible.
Tank u jesus
Thank you Jesus for delivering those who were eating anthill soil.I’ m also having that problem of eating anthill soil,as i was reading this blog i beleive that have God intervened.He has done for others,He will also do it for me.Emmanuel.
Thank God for this power its indeed like breathing! Thank u Jesus
Really Jesus Christ holds the key to our lives. Glory to be to Jesus for his wonderful tender mercy, loving and kindness to his children. I always pray that God continue to abide with the wiseman and the man of God prophet TB Joshua
Thank you Lord for the message. I pray that you bring the right people to me and I too must be helpfu to those whom you bring to me. Thank you Prophet TB Joshua and wiseman Harry.
Thank you Jesus for giving me these wonderful testimonies
Thank you wise man Harry, for the insparing message. I refuse to be bound any more while am with you Senior Prophet TB Joshua and the wise men. You meet me in my dreams man of God. You can’t be around and the situation remains the same. It’s my turn in Jesus’ mighty name, pray for me man of God i waiting for you. The work of God is suffering without the power of the Holy Spirit. Aaamen i receive.
we are going high, higher and highest as persecutions and blasphemies falls low, lower and lowest. i love you my prophet, the wise-men and all members of SCOAN. keep it flowing. i am enjoying it all the way.
Thank u Lord…
Amen man of god.may jesus be my savior over all the situation i’m into in jesus name amen!
Wow , god is great indeed! By reading these testimonies I sincerely believe our family wil have a breakthrough from the spirit of death! In jesus name I believe n I receive!
God bless nigeria, God bless africa, God bless, God bless prophet TB joshua, God bless my family. Amen
Man of God how can I get anointing water,iam based in south africa.Can I get it in south africa branches? Please man of God help me to get anointing water.
Our God is a miracle working God.He’s doing wonderful things in the lives of His people through man of God T B Joshua. To God Be The Glory.
Trully God is nt man, he’s wonderful n he works in miracurous ways. Groly Groly Groly…
Good give us more wisdom , and the love to love you God , and thank you for everthing you doing for us in our life my angel
To Pasteur TB Joshua , please i need your help to help me to come and be pray , so my life can be succefull and to get brake true in my life , you my last bus stop , i have try so much in my life nothing is working for me , i am originally from Congo but living in south Africa since 2001 , i am married , i am tired of my life , please help me oh lord lord , don,t forget please , my name is Patrick kalinda and my contact number is 0027732425024
, i will be glad to hear for you please , i am also a IT Technician , i will be willing to work for the Church for the grace of the Lord
King Regard
Patrick kalind
To Him be the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen
What a God we serve! What a wonderfull God!
Blessed by inspiring messages from Man of God
I thank GOD for all the delieverance, healings , blessings & the testimonies. thank u Jesus for using SCOAN to meet this generation’s need.
All Glory and Praises to our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.EMMANUEL!!!
Thank you Lord for all you are doing in the Synagogue Church Of All Nations.
Thank u jesus 4 ur mercy and love 4 man kind glory be to ur holy name.
Glory to god because through his grace and love you can overcome all challenges brought before you. Every trails and tribulations you face in your life its just a test from god, he is building and molding you to be a better person. The lord will never forsake you because he hasn’t forsake me trough my hardship, misery nd downfall. He slowly lifts me up and continue to show me my breakthrough because I know that oneday god will answer my prayers and show me my breaktrough to my success. My enemies will always have a negative input about my life but in the mighty name of jesus christ I rebuke for the devil to prosper, because I call upon the holy ghost and fire to come and take control. My message to you all is to always have faith in god and you shall overcome al traps set by your enemies. Although u where delivered by the man of god don’t stop praying and thank him for you deliverence, remember gods love is enternal.
Iam greatful and thank God for all you are doing for people all over d world,iam touched by d testimonies I read about,my hope or desire is if I also could use d anointing water,Iam facing so many challenges in my life,Iam in debts,everything concerning me has turn wrong,but as a child of God iam holding on,I will not fred or quit,I pray and read d bible everyday,keep d good work God entrusted u with
God is great all the time!
Am thanking God for his servant prophet Tb Joshua and wise mans!
Indeed, Lord Jesus is the only friend who is always there for us. I ask Lord and his Son Jesus to take over my family from evil attacks, no peace of mind, marriage no succes always is failure however I do believe through Christ nothing I mean nothing is possible.
I thank for those testmonies, I pray to have testmony, and help those God bring to me because we are for each other!
I pray and thank you God for answering my prayers in Jesus name!
point of correction to my comment
I mean nothing is impossible
I know my God is great, he can do every thing.
Lord is gud.
Thank you Man of God for the great job you are doing to the world may God give you more years to come.Satan has no control over our lives in jesus name.
Thank You Jehovah for all good things You have blessed me with. Today I am called blessed because You have blessed me. I am grateful to be one of Your favorate child and to have the most caring Father like You. Thank You for blessing me with my children, my husband, home, employment, cars, finances and businesses. I am truly blessed. AMEN. AMEN. Thank You Jesus
Praise The living God.
Thank you Lord Jesus l know that by read these testimonies l have been touched by the love of our Lord Jesus. Now iam blessed
The Lord is so good
U are d greatest prophet on earth 2day.i know u’ll not agree b’cos of humility.am writing with facts,am a professor of theology and history.may ur mantle continually speak.long live proph.t.b.joshua,long live d wisemen,longlive d scoan.
He is a wonderful God , I glorify him
Tb joshua pliz im halima but i have been a christian its just my name that thy gave me. I wuld reali lyk 2 get marrid 2 a rich man 2 help my family, its not lyk im desprite but i wuld lyk u 2 help me pliz. Here’s my numba 255764418366. Pliz i insist
Surely you are God send,save us man of god i m a sinner set me free
God is awesome
Please Man of God I’m a 34yrs widow from south africa,my problem is that I’m unemployed and dnt a place to stay because before my husband passed away he bought a house but unfortunately he died before all the paper work was done so now I’m leaving in fear cause I still live in the house,have only one daughter and three kids of my husband but they do not live with me. Please man of God deliver me to find a job. Please. In the name of Jesus Amen!!
please man of God pastor TB Joshua help me.i need to be deliver from my evil bitterniss and many more.my life has been almost destoryed.please wise mans of God help me.i think too much in this situation.i can’t rest have mercy on me please.please wise CHI pray for me breakthroug and sent me anointing water.this is my details.P.O BOX 5840 Ausspanplatz Windhoek Namibia.please man of God i need a prayer,i need that this spell of witch must break in my life.there is no happyness in my heart.i can’t get job.i believe that if man of God prayer for me and sent me anointing water everything wil chance in my life.please man of God please have mercy on me.please please please please have mercy on me.
Emmanuel !!!!!!!!!!!Thanks Lord for deliver me and my family thanks Man of God Prophet TB Joshua with Emmanuel team …Let the will be done in Jesus name Amen.
l need a deliverance i am infront of my tombe man of God help me
God you are wonderful, thanks for hearing us through Man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men.
surely our God is at work we thank u our father God of prophet T.B Joshua our lives are changing according 2 yo word which no weapon formed against me shall prosper,to prophet T.B Joshua thank u man of God in Jesus mighty name i pray 4 mo years 2 come yo way we need u the whole word loves u,thank u 4 being a vessel of God i too i would be happy 2 receive more n more 4rm what u have in store 4 us.glory be 2 God.amen.
Glory be to God through the Holy works of Prophet TB Joshua and the amazing Power of God in the Annointing water.EMMANUEL!!
To Him to be the Glory, nothing is impossible with God and our God is owesome. My God continue to bless u in Jesus name, u r doing a great job.
Our GOD break th force of lucifer.
for the Lord is able to keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him;
Jesus Christ is the Healer, see how these people have been cured miraculously, God is good all the time. Praise Jesus the Almighty God, AMEN.
Glory be to God.He is always full of mercy.God bless u all.
Emmanuel!th message Wiseman Harry gave sure is a blessing 2 many,it gave us th best direction in our journey as christians.may God continue blessing & strenghthenin him. Jesus is our best friend For he never disappoints us while people will always disappoint therefore w nid 2 trust completely un2 him for he is trustworthy,he is holy, he is God.
Father i bless your holly name for the wonderfull works that is being done at the SCOAN,thank you lord,thank you lord ,thank you lord.
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Indeed GOD is great. I thank GOD for blessing us with Senior Prophet TB Joshua. I have problem of eating ant soil from trees, please man of God pray me, my son, mom and my husband. Breakthrough and deliverance
TB JOSH, sure U ar real man of God.
Thanx much 4d gud job u ar doin,
i wsh 2help,bt i hv got nothing, bcos of poor & poverty.
Bt surely God wil gv u reward, & many moo years in yo life time.
God is merciful,imagine if prophet T.B Joshua refused God’s calling,where would this people get help,that is why the prophet had challenges,the foolish man was aware of this generation,he wanted us to be destroyed like he is destroying the ignorant.thank Jesus because you win every batttle,people are set free for your glory,May you continue annoint your servant in Jesus’s name,Amen.
God’s desire is that none of his children gets to Hell but that all come to his saving knowledge. All of us are invited to him no matter our past. He is on the other side offering salvation, deliverance, break through in this world, freely! Our role is to step out in faith and receive. His love is unconditional. Repent now and turn to Jesus!
Thank You Jesus for these wonderful testimonies. Emmanuel God is with us.
God’s favor, mercy and Blessing in my life and life of family in Jesus name.
Good, Able KING of kings, Abba Father, i need a job with the Federal Airports Authority Of Nigeria before November 2012 in JESUS name Amen…
Thank you Jesus for you graces in my life.
great God we woship,let keep thanking him
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