Attention all Emmanuel TV Viewers:
Emmanuel TV has moved from frequency 12682, symbol rate 26657 to frequency 12722, symbol rate 26657 – where you are watching us now. Please share this message with others. God bless you!
Press “Menu”
Press “Installation”
Press “Auto Scan” or “Auto Search” or “Scan All” or “OK”
Scroll down the list of channels for “Emmanuel TV” or “Emman”
Press “Menu”
Press “Installation”
Press “Manual Scan”
Select: Satellite Name – IS7/10
Select: Frequency: 12722
Select: FEC: ½
Select: Symbol Rate: 26657
Select: Polarisation: Vertical
Press “Scan” or “Search” or “OK”
Scroll down the list of channels for “Emmanuel TV” or “Emman”
Press “menu”
Press advanced option
Press code: 9949
Select network 2-change to DSTV Pas 7
Select LNB ON
Select LNB mode: dual frequency
Frequency: 11170
Symbol rate: 26652
FEC: 5/6
Polarisation: vertical
Enter “OK”
Scan all networks
Wait for scan to finish
Push TV button on remote
Select public PAS 7/10
Thank you.We have been watching this new frequence since it was named Pop tv.We are blessed. Emmanual! Indeed GOD IS WITH US!
I wish to thank you for notifying me about the change of the frequence. May God richly bless you. Emmanuel!
Thanks that even DSTV will be showing Emmanuel Tv. May God bless you more and more. I was wondering why emmanuel Tv was showing. If all channels can be automatically rescanned can be better because there people who may not afford to rescan.
Thank you for your care to notify all your viewers about the new development. It would be good for all viewers to have access to the chance of frequence and thanks that DSTV WILL BE SHOWING EMMANUEL TV. REMAIN BLESSED
Its better and very important to inform the viewers that there is same changers,and they can also watch via dstv.GOD bless you so much,congratulation for the information
Thank you. For me, Emmanuel TV is always no.1 channel to watch.
just as you have continued spreading the word of god may he also bless and give you many,many more years to come
I missed live service on sunday because of the usual blackout we do experience in our country and my thought was that come Wednesday I will watch the live rebroadcast but I was helpless because instead of finding Emmanuel TV channel there was this Olive channel. Any way I have found the frequencies but next time if changes arise please inform the public many times.
Since you started broadcasting Monday services live I have always found that it is going to the end. would you please give us fixed time when you do start
Long Live Emmanuel TV
It is so great to info people. God bless you.
Thank u emmanueltv and Tb Joshua, u such a blessing to me and my family.God bless u in Jesus name.
We’ve been wondering that Emmanuel TV was showing no signal, it was a very big blow to us, and then I decided to rescan the decoder, there it was! Emman TV we rejoiced, that gave me a clue how we love this blessed channel Emmanuel TV! indeed God is with us! If God is with us who can be against us? Emmanuel!!
thank you emmanuel tv team for this development.
Thankyou for this advancement,we give glory to God Almight,indeed the best is yet to come.Emmanuel.
Thank you Prophet T. B. Joshua, this is the opportunity for all other people who have access to internet to here the world of GOD from the scoan. thank you very much God bless you and the whole Emmanuel TV team and partiners. Amen.
thank u all .God bless
thank you very much for this information because i was wondering what really happaned to our Televison i love so much thanks i will do as you advised us MAY GOD BLESS YOU
Thankyou so much in helping us find the new frequency.We were woundering wat happened to television.Once more thankyou so much and may GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU! WE LOVE EMMANUEL TV SO MUCH,ITS SO INSPIRING AND HAS HELPED US ALOT!
Thank you Emmanuel Tv and Prophet T. B. Joshua for this channel that changes lives. May God continue to bless you for all you do to His people.
Better is not good enough, the best is yet to come.
I have a DSTV, The settings that were sent to me for the new frequence are giving me problems to configure. Please help.
I am also experiencing challenges with the new settings from my DSTV 1110 decoder from Zambia.
Please help.
If your decoder does not have IS7 /10 use Hotbird. The other settings use the ones given and scan all networks. Emmanuel!!!!
I am happy if I watch your good channel for me. Please we need a Church of Nation in our contry. God will bless you!
thank God you sent me the procedure on how to reset emmanuel tv again on my tv. my life was not complete without emmanuel tv. God bless you. Am healed from sickness and disease because of the word of God which is ever available in my house.
it makes me feel better when life is not ok for me.
I thank GOD for emmanuel tv.
You are the light to the world. Am previlaged to a daily watcher through the it there is a break through in all being it my health, academics, finances and spiritual relations with God. May God continue to enrich Prophet T.B Joshua and wise men for His services. God bless never forget to pray for Southern Sudan
What a great Blessing Emmanuel tv is to my Christian walk, how did I make it thus far only by God’s Grace .
remain obedient and true to the call. God Bless
please send me the procedures to reset my dstv to watch emmanuel tv please,my life is now incomplete without it
I appreciate Emmanuel TV for spreading the Gospel with it’s electronic testimony that reach the whole world within few seconds or minutes to change human and give faith.I thank Prophet TB Joshua and the wise men for God’s wisdom in them that generate power for spreading the Gospel , deliverance and healing.
In the name of the Lord, i wish to appreciate with thanks all the visions of Prof. Emmanuel Joshua to mankind.
I wish to request for special prayer for a break through in my undertaking in America, prayer for break through all temptations at the jobside of my wife in America, Prayer for break through of my children education and finally, break through in my son’s busness in Cameroon.
May the Almighty God grant you the wisdom to perform his miracle upon us. Amen.
Please i need your help. I tried and i am still trying to find some free donation to build a house for my 5 kids. I am in Mozambique. Please help me and my family.
Please help me to. I have been trying to come there at the Synagog Church. How do I sign up as a member and as a partiner. I stay in Botswana but I am a Zambian
Emmanuel – God with us. If God is with us who can be against us. I am very sorry about the people who were duped by some people around the world. Some people have now taken advantage of people who are seeking the face of God Almighty to be shown in their lives. I know people are desperate to meet and shake hand with the man of God Snr Pastor T B Joshua, because of problems in their lives. People let us do the correct way of going to SCOAN and get an invitation to visit the church. You can complete the questionnaire through the Emmanuel tv website and your form will be processed and get an invitation. Those people who tarnish the SCOAN and Snr Pastor T B Joshua and the public. Please let the light of God Almighty shine to Snr Pastor T B Joshua the SCOAN and the people who want to visit the SCOAN to seek help. Thank you.
May God continue to enrich and bless you man of God and wise men for His services
Iam happy if i watch a good chennel for me it markes me feel better whenlife is not ok for me
May the Almighty God continue to use this channel to reach out to many nations and individuals. My wife and I are really blessed with this channel. God Bless you man of God and the entire ministry team.
Mbiko Msoni – Zambia
Since when did we have emmanuel tv on dstv? as FTA?
Emmanuel!!!!!! God with us…if God is with us who can be against us,… NO ONE…. Thank u Jesus.I really thank God for giving us prophet T B Joshua i am very proud towards the man of God and the team and partners may God always be with them in Jesus’s name Amen….
please we have a dstv decoder and we do not know the number to access the Emmanuel tv on our decoder,please kindly send the number of the channel to the emmanuel tv channel to this mail address or to this mobile number 07087599757.thanks and do have a lovely day bye.
I love Emmanuel Tv. I need special prayers for divine healing of my wife who has chronic diseases.
God bless.
Im at a job typing test interview. Emmanuel,GOD is with us. Man of God pls cal upon our God to help me pas excelent. Help me naw in Jesus mighty name.
Please pray 4 me,in Jesus mighty name? Cover me in th blood of Jesus. I believe this my job in Jesus mighty name.
Please pray 4 me,man of God?tomorow i wil atend my first job interview. After a long time of being job less n suffering. Please let the God of TB Joshua intervine and open my doors of love,faith,trust, prosperity,peace,happines,succes and victory in my life. Please pray for me and my family in Jesus’s name. Emmanuel, God is with us!
Emmanuel TV Team, Thanks a lot.
God bless you.
Thank you for this channel. I don’t want to miss it with my family here in Zimbabwe. May God bless the man of God and the entire SCOAN team.
i thank u for touch the world . I hope god wll anoint me too. To touch my country and my twn
thank u for touchng the wolrd . I hope god wil anoint me with the holly spirit too. For me to touch my country .
SCOAN Almighty God will continur blessing you in Jesus Name,Amen
Thanks for now Emmanuel tv
Yombop From Mwanza Tanzania.
Thanks for make us watching emmanuel tv all over the world my concern is to let you know that here in east africa, Kiswahili is the main language we know and speak all the time but we dont know English,let you have one who can translate in kiswahili as other language you do france spain, eyc
Hi All.
can someone please give me the address to the SCOAN Capetown (south africa) branch? Im in south africa so i can get to capetown.
Thank you.
I need my tv frequency
My tv frequency
Thank God for the lives that you have changed.may he continue Blessing you in front of your enemies may his vision and destiny be fullfilled as he did with Jesus christ.
i have tried the freq but my dSTV is doesnt show TB Josh, i am in SA, Please help. DSTV
Use the settings on
If your decoder does not have IS7 /10, use Hotbird and scan all networks. Emmanuel
Simple go to your settings, select IS 7, then where there is 11594 replace with 11170 press enter, go to symbol rate where there is 26657 replace with 26652 , accept changes and leave screen, then scan all networks and you are done. Any problem get me on [email protected] if you are a genuine Christian and not a fraudster, or some other things.
Stay blessed.
tried hotbird but still couldnt find it. ##uganda
Thanx 4 the notice.we realy missed ur programes
Can some1 assist me on my dstv installation I tried with all the codes but still its only showing till Ezekiel not more please help my email address is [email protected]
frequence 11170. Symbo rate 26652. Fec 5/6.
hi there
veryone has this channel but i still cant get it i have a pvr and i need help please
Sunday the 22nd my tv lost signal & couldn’t watch emmanueltv,I tried to re-scan my decoder with no success,I was frustrated & that I sweat all night in my sleep. Today I logged into internet and followed the instructions & I can view emmanueltv,thank u so much for putting simple instructions, now I’m watching with my son & we are very happy. Emmanuel………;Glory be to God
I’ve been trying to get Emmanuel tv on my dstv decorder but i have failed what must i do. I realy realy want this channel on my decorder, please help me.
Pliz help me program super califonia free to air decoder. Gime all the steps to follow
mishingo chiche
Thank u very much Prophet T B JOSHUA may God bless you more and more,and the anoiting of God always be upon you.God your ministry in JESUS name i pray.
Thank u for emmanuel tv
Am unable to watch emmanuel tv on my Dstv 1131 model decorder despite instaling the new frequecy u have posted on the web.can u assist me with imformation on how to instal emmanueltv on the 1131 only able to capture ezekiel tv,spirit world,homebasetv,kruiskyk,GNF Ttv,only.
I dnt know if the settings are the same,i’m in south africa. On network 2 and 3,use satellite name Hotbird. Use all the other settings and scan all networks.
I have tried to install this channel using all this method but it is not working. Emannuel channel is not watched only in my house. But I have installed to other house its being watched. I don’t know why to this one
Were are u staying,and also where is the dish facing ,all these play a vital part of getting a connection.
I have tried all the above but to avail as have upgraded to a PVR in South Africa and thus the old decoders are no longer in use around the country and we tried all but we can see other channels but Emmanuel is no longer there.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Hi u can not view Emmanuel on a PVR but u can on all the old ones, and also on the free to air decoders u purchase for +-R700.
The frequency settings do not work on my dstv decoder1110 in Zambia and it appears emmanueltv is not listed i want it help
Thank you people of God,
I fail to get Emmanuel TV for more than three days now.
I will search this now.
The settings don’t work on my decoder. Pls help
am using w7 decoder which setting do i use
I tried the settings several time, don’t work on my decorder. Can someone help. South Africa
Am pleased MAN OF GOD, In God I trust that one day I will set my foot in the SCOAN and meet the Man of God face to face, and if possible shake his hand in my life time. Thank you Lord.
Hi my name is lyzette nd m 4rm S.A, I seem to b struggling to put emmanuel tv on my dsd1132 plz help
thank u for notifiying US,God bless u richly
Help me, i have latest smallest dstv decorder of 2011 – 2012 model decorder but even though i install the frequency, to no avail i will be waiting.
All channels appear except for emanuel tv when i use those given settings.what else can i do?
Please help me, I have dstv decoder W7 and I tried to set up with all the frequency shown above but still doesn’t show. Please if there is anyone knows how to install it let me know.Thanks
Good day brothers and sister, how is life, I believe that God, the mighty Lord has blessed all of you. I have a serious problem, I have been followed and tormented by evil spirit for almost 3 years, let me tell my story, to you guys. One day I was approached by my neighbor, a male person and he came to my house requesting money as he did not have petrol and his wife was stranded in cape town, out of pity, I gave him R100 for the petrol. I gave the money with the intention to assistant him, later in the month, the same neighbor came back and requested money from, me and I give R500 in silver or coins, from that time, I started not to sleep at night and there was a presents of evil in my house, there was evil spirit in the house, one time, when I was awaking I saw a thing like an animal, standing up right and it immediately disappeared, from that time I have never had a sleep until today, I lost all the businesses I had and I am suffering now my life has changed to the worst.
Good day
Does anyone Know which satelite dish one needs to buy in order to view Emmanuel Tv in Mozambique,I would really appreciate it if someone knows or is from Mozambique.Please also post on Prophets Facebook Page.
God bless you.
Thank God….
To catch emmanuel tv easily in Africa and other fta u need strong decoder ,nothing less than 65cm dish, facing intelsat 10/ku 68.5’e wit frq 12682h,12562h 12722v 12602v . All wt symb rate 26657m/s .look 4 expert in installatn. by Tunnex.
superb man of God
Hi i thnk god u always there 4us im suffering wif my kidz bt u bring hope n 2our lifes i tnk u
l am failling to install TV emmanuel on my dstv.l do follow all the instructions but it doesnt install.wher lm supposed to install pas 7.its only lS7 .thers no pas7.please how can l install it l am desperate.
I’m still struggling to get the emmanuel tv in my 11100 dsd- dstv. Please help me with the installation.
Go to Google type NEW EMMANUEL TV FREQUNCY then you will see the code to get Emmanuel tv
Thanks u very for giving us the braek down may GOD continue to bless and protect for us, Amen.
I am battling to get Emmanuel TV in spite of receiving various settings from. Various source including Emmanuel TV itself and from friends already enjoying the blessed viewing. Can someone help me! I use Decoder DSD 3 U
Do you know the TV station that Jesus Himself minister to people? Try EMMANUEL TV and see if demons can come to your home. Whether you believe my prophet or not, just believe Jesus fisrt and ask God how is Prophet TB Josuah? God is with us.
I’m chronic for almost 8 years now. Financially broke. I ask for Gods financial breakthrough and healing
i wana see emmanuel channel on dstv
God is, and will for ever be great.
Thank you for the infor. Many wil be passed also the infor. Remain blessed!
Thank God for bringing in such a channel to this Relactant world, Its up to us to choose between GOD and the bad ways, THANKS EMMANUEL TV AND TB JOSHUA AND THE ENTIRE TEAM FOR THE CHANGE GOD BRINGS TO THE WORLD THROUGH YOU, MAY GOD BLESS YOUR WORK, AMEN!
I’m trying to logged on Emanuel TV channel but it keeps on disappearing time and again
Please. Help my family and I want to watch Emmanuel TV please. Help
from Maxwell Serumula and family
In Rusternburg (Mogwase )
Thank u people of God for notifying us in Jesus name.
Just have faith in yourself,emmanuel tv and with all churches which believe in the might name of jesus christ.With God’s work everything will change and is possible.Everything which will come out of the man of God,it will come to pass.As for me i am blessed.I LOVE YOU ALL.ALWAYS I BELIEVE I AM COVERED WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST AND THE FIRE OF HOLY GHOST.ALWAYS I PRAISE HIM IN THE,”NAME OF JESUS”.
I will be happy to be informed about the changes on Emmanuel Tv .Thanx to u Prophet TB Joshua for the word of God n deliverances we receive through this channel .
God bless all of us and we are in need of the sticker how can we i get it..i love to watch emmanuel tv everyday or sometimes.
Thankx godbless us so much dont let him go down
CORRECTION sure should read SHOW.
I was so obsessed with work that I could report to Cyber Crime Unit but please help me find the first person who posted and the logic behind such. People abroad all insisted I called them to confirm I was alive but many doubted my voice.
Channnel not helped
Watch emmanuel on dstv freq 12722 sym 26657 pol vertical fec half change network 2 to dstv w7 !wow!am in zim
I enjoy with emmanuel tv….
I give God the glory and I will worship him all the days of my life
Glory be to God. People of God please beware of the fraudsters like we are always warned. Some two weeks ago I was nearly cheated when some people said I should send some funds to a courier company to receive some package and some funds from MAN OF GOD SENIOR PROPHET T.B JOSHUA. I was nearly duped. They even called and impersonated Wiseman Christopher. Beware of those who take advantage of our SOUL desperation.
thank you Lord Jesus for the life of prophet TB Joshua and emmanuel tv. its our beloved channel,we drink emmanuel tv,we aet emmanuel tv,we sleep emmanuel tv,we dance emmanuel tv, we love emmanuel tv and we can not do without emmanuel tv,even if all channels are blocked having emmanuel tv only its enough for me and my family to live with.Lord Jesus bless our emmanuel tv.keep watching emmanuel tv,changing lives,changing the nations
pray for because its not coming on my dish
Thanx for the info Men of God
im failing to connect to emanuel tv with my new dstv decoder. Pliz help.
we are blessed with emmanuel tv channel
I can’t seem to get de channel for emmanuel tv instead of pass it only is7 only
I cnt connect to tb joshua wht must I do
Plz can u give me the wright easy steps to follow for emmanuel tv
Av tried the above installation is not working. Am using DSTV 910 maybe there is another method for that.
I can’t seem 2 find emmanuel tv can sum1 tell me the easy way
On my dstv I can’t set emmanuels may plz help me I try sevarl times and it refuses
i am blessed to have a true Prophet in my life and in our generation.i glorify God for this grace,Shalom
i am blessed to have accepted Prophet in my life,may God bless him and keep him,Shalom
Emmanuel! have tried all d method listed above for my dstv nd its not working. Am using dsd 910 that is for my decoder. Plz I ll be grateful if u can send me d rit format to use. Thank u.
I thank god for having prophet tbjoshua and emanual team and tv from the day I know there is this channel that’s my channel. Thank you Emmanuel tv may god bless you for work well done for the whole world keep it up
Senior prophet T.B.Joshua is a God sent prophet of our time with the attributes of our lord Jesus Christ.Long life man of God.
am still trying to know the emmanuel tv channel am on pas 7 dstv in zambia.please help me
hi pastor , here in DRC we can not watch emmanuel TV
Emmanuel is not working here in my house!
i leave in southafrica ,i want to Start watching emmanuel tv ,how do i set my decoder
May i first thank God for giving us a man like Prof. Tb Joshua, I and my family is one who can not stay without watching Emmanuel TV, and for more than one mouth i can not get it again from my decoder since i change my destination from Pretoria to Rand burg so please send to me the formality on how i can get on my email [email protected], please, i am dying here without Emmanuel TV is like hell and i cant coupe without it, is like part of my life
Obura Sylvanus
Man of God please help me, I use to watch Emmanuel tv in my house (Namibia) and suddenly i have a problem with my LNB the installer replaced the old LNB with the new one and there was an upgrading on DSTV. There is now IS20 instead of IS7. I tried to re-install emmanuel tv but with no success. Please help me man of God
Emmanuel! Children of God please help. My Emmanuel Tv settings (Dstv) are not working anymore. I live in South Africa, Pretoria. Please provide me with the new settings. Thank you and stay blessed.
Satan switched off TB JOSHUA chanel on my TV.I have tried to bring it back but I failed. That was the only chanel,I loved.And It was blessing me every day.I miss you Emmanuel,I stay in South Africa.
thanx 4 the update
The devil has done enough now its operation recover all a family friend from Nigeria suggested this channel for me and my family as we have been experiencing big family problems but now i can already sense that it is well with my soul.
I cnt seem to find pass 7 instead its w7, please help me. I’m in desperate need of deliverence.
unfortunately my decoder does not have the above mentioned and only has is20..I really want to tune in to emmanuel tv but my old settings dont work. I Need the settings for IS20 please. Thank you.
All the testimonies I have seen just propels me to serve God with everything in me, but instead I fail Him in avery way. I don’t want to go to hell because of my disobedience to God. Pls People of God, Pray to God that this mountain of sins may move out of my way. I want to serve God with out any hindrances.
thank you for the information. May the Most High guide you
thank you for the information. May the Most High guide you .thanks a lot
emmanuel.God is with us .amen
Hello,I hv tried all this but still I can’t get through,tnx
i can not find emmanuel tv on the air for the last one need ur help please
Thank you jesus am watchn now with all blessing indeed.fumbani munthali from malawi
Hello people of God. If your decoder does not have IS7 /10, use Hotbird on network 2 and 3. Use all the the other settings and scan all networks.
Thank you am watching now Ronnie Mwanza South Africa.
I cnt get Pas7/10,i only get IS20 on public i cant watch emmanuel TV.
Musa on network 2 and 3 use other press ok and on satelite name use Hotbird . I also dnt hav IS7/10, so i tried Hotbird and it worked. U wl have public IS20 and public Hotbird. U wl find Emmanuel TV on Hotbird. Be blessed!
I am a Sierra leonean in the capital city of freetown,my best t v station is tv joshua,I have tried d frequency above but could not go through what Should I do?I am having serious problems with my families, friends especially people who know me for t b joshua because I’m d one who introduced this station to them by doing some recording giving them to see zGod’s wonder
hi its sizwe
immediate i put 12722 and 26657 on network 3 the signal and quality become 0% what seems to be a problem
They do not work give me codes for is20
I also hv is20 only so i tried using Hotbird. Follow all the other settings bt on network 2 and 3 select other,press ok and on satelite name use Hotbird accept all settings n then scan all networks. You will hv two public bouquets and you will find Emmanuel TV on public Hotbird. Be blessed
iam sick man of God pray four me t b joshua
Thanks for emmanuel tv, it has been very helpfull o have emmanuel tv in our house, its helping my family a lot, I thank God for the profit TB joshua, to show us there is a way out at the end of day with each and every problem we are facing, God Bless
My super tech is refusing to show and other channels
It is with regret I send this massage to you since I came back from scoan. The JHB office is not available when we call their numbers no one answers.we have made the deposit for the Emmanuel TV partnership.
pls get back to me…
Hw can I set public channels
Good morning people of GOD,. Help me with signals to tune Emmanuel tv n PVR decoder. How do I do it please?
I wish i can watch your channels
I wish i can watch your channels but am unable due 2 settings.
Really, my question for years had been answered since the day i came across EMMANUEL TV with PROFET TB JOSHUA allowing himself to be used as a middum to help cast out this unwanted spirit in our livies, really its very scary out there without the help of our FATHER in heaven and HIS profet for our divine connection to fight against this evil spirit world wide. i pray GOD to continue using profet TB JOSHUA AS A GUID to us as we continue to glorify the name of the LORD in JESUS MIGHTY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If GOD should allow me make a wish, that would be meeting the profet facically just to say a big thank you for his time offer to GOD for our seek. GLORY BE TO GOD. ERIC ACHE from South Africa
Emmanuel! Indeed God is with us, Amen. Emmanuel.
Glory be to God! Alleluia !
Emmanuel! people of God please help me get emmanuel TV and I am using IS 20 I tried but no luck
I have a DSTV, The settings that were sent to me for the new frequence are giving me problems to configure. Please help
VERY BIG “THANK YOU” to The Lord-God-Almighty for the gift in the form of a prophet (TB Joshua) in our times. May all who love our creator and appreciate, honour and want to benefit from the blood of Jesus Christ agree with me in supporting, loving and never to stand against the anointed true Prophet of our God. We have seen how the ignorant have allowed satan-devil to use them to fight the prophet. It is about time we learn. I mean such a big mistake was committed against prophets of the living God previously. Even in the worse case, it was committed against our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If you are such a person, when are going to learn that you are serving your own enemy. We will continue to pray for you wishing that the grace of God reaches you. devil is a liar.
I’m struggling to install the channel pls help me .0820596060
Greetings in the name of jesus like gladness i have the same problem could you please forward me the most resent installations for emmanuel tv .I am i south africa i last saw emmauel tv on Tuesday 25 August 2014 Please help in jesus name amen just post intallation instruction to my email Thank you Jesus emmanuel
Staying 2 weeks without Emmanual Tv was malnutrition in my life and family. Thank God for this blog that I am now reconnected.
in Daveyton etwatwa we seem to have lost signal of Emmanual TV, please help
Good evening .I had tried all the settings but I couldn’t get Emmanuel channel or any other .Can you please help me out as this affected other people around me ?
Please can some1 help with new settings if there is any ?
Emmanuel. I last saw Emmanuel TV second week of August, can someone help with settings for Namibian viewers please.
I’m from South Africa.
I cannot watch EMMANUEL TV on the internet, previously I could.
Am no longer watchng Emmanuel because of this new settings I have several times but I can’t go through please help.2 mnth not wtchng Emmanuel tv it is not normal cnt cope
If you are using IS PAS 7/20
Advanced options
Dish installation
pin: 9949
network 2 dstv Is 20
frequency 12722
symbol rate 26657
fec 1/2
polarisation vertical
accept all
scan all networks
I mc emmanuel tv very mch now tht I nw I fnd thnxs 4 updtng us I wll continue wtch the prpht amen
Thank you Jesus Christ for given us gift of prophet tb Joshua and thank you for Emmanuel tv for changing my life
regardless of what happened. in SCOAN,God still exists and loves us all including TB Joshua and the deceased
God is wonderful and He will continue using Prophet TB Joshua regardless of what the devil did. we all know devil is a liar. Let us all hold unto faith as the man of God always says “I pray that your faith will not fail “
Celeste : i am an installer for C-Band as we’ll as Ku/Ka small Satellite dishes based in Sunnyside Pretoria.
I hava customer in Durban who needs Emmanuel.TV setup using his existing dish +decoder. With the transport, hotel costs for one customer it’s not cost effectiv ‘cos i charge R225 callout fee.
Can u refer aContact number of an expert/fundi with Emmanuel.TV experience +DVBs2 instrument in the Durban area 2 me please?
Please let us converge and support each other in these hard times………..this is only a test.
Phil Makwengwe
Emmanuel To God be the Glory in hard times and in good times. Emmanuel the Lord is good, Romans 14:8 is instructive. May the Almighty have mercy on those departed, so that they may be seated on the right hand side of the Father, and be there to receive us when our time comes. Thank you Lord, EMMANUEL.
Thank u people of God for notifying us in Jesus name
i thank God for Prophet TB Joshua.
Thanx you
The entry of MultiChoiceHD in Sub-Saharah has necessitated a New NIT setting
as of 28-Aug’2014
Until things have settled MultiChoice decoders (not FreeToAir decoder transponders) may be set to:
Select networkHome
[Write down all settings, especially LNB]
“Exit”(not “OK”)
[Leave network 2 for Horizontal Polarisation]
Select network 3-select iSAT 7/20
Frequency: 11674
Symbol rate: 28800
FEC: 7/8
Polarisation: vertical
NIT transponder: ON
Accept: “OK”
Select networkHome
[Restore settings to what u wrote down]Accept:”OK”
Scan all networks
Wait for scan, saving SI to finish (±17 min)
Push TV button on remote, use up arrow to
Select public iSAT 7/20 “OK”
Move with arrows to Emmanuel
Press “OK” “Exit”
[If this doesn’t work immediately then remove all favourites below 100 with Yellow/White button, and repeat the settings]
[Posted from .za]
FreeToAir +Free2View decoder’s transponders REMAIN UNCHANGED as posted 17-Nov’2010 far as SCOAN Emmanuel.TV is concerned namely:
12722 Ver 26657 FEC= ½
[Posted from .za]
Because Jesus lives I can face tomorrow. ….
Thank u God bless u
Hi Im also strugling to tune emmanuel TV for two weeks what might be the problem have i put the wrong codes or might i have been blocked or the problem is with my TV.please help me to get tune to emmanuel tv quickly
Mhani Reggy L.Maluks
I enjoy the chanel 595 music
Emmanuel! Could someone out there assist me with the latest setting for Emmanuel-TV please; Peter Mazibuko +27 712454516 – Johannesburg
can LNB make me experience low signal bcos my emmatv signal is just 42 but i tried repositioning my dish but still nothing changed my cable is ok would it be the fault of LNB though i am getting just 3 channels minus emmatv
pls help me can lnb let u get low signal?
If you are using a dstv decoder the new update won’t show public/pas 7 but IS20
Instead use W7 on to replace pas 7
but remmember apply the settings on both network 2 and 3. !!!!!
Emmanuel tv will show on w7 bouquet.
Thank you so much Man of God may our good Lord continue blessing you
Hello there. I used to watch TB Joshua few months ago but it suddenly disappaired. I guess its because the frequency has changed. I’m using Dstv IS20. network 1. Frequency: 11594, Symbol Rate: 27500, Fec:5/6, Polarisation: vertical. Please help me to install Emmanuel tv.
I like to thank God for his daily blessings…in our lives
God blees you
hi im using the decoder DSD 1110 ( + 2 ) I live in SA and can’t access emmanuel tv because my decoder doesn’t give me an option to enter the code:( please help!
i have really been bless by washing the Emmanuel T.V. I believe GOD will solve all my problems and heal all my diseases.Thank you Jesus,thank you prophet T.B Joshua.Amen
Hi I bought DSTV yesterday , I want to know how can I download emmanuel to my DSTV
I am sick can you pray for me please
I have been strugling with my installation,thanks to this method above has helped me,I was like missing a lot,thank God I am enjoying this chanel
Thank you people of good heart for always updating the saints out there so they dont miss the right connection with our Lord Jesus. May God bless you
i blessed watching tb joshua may god continue to bless him more
Thank u Lord God for your Mercies upon us… Thanku for Your Son Jesus Chris Amen
Plz cn I hv emmanueltv settings for Phillibao Decoder. Mobile 0027 730089472
I have lost Emmanuel tv channel .I have tried every settings that I got from here,but still nothing. So helpless now .
Please am struggling to tune to Emmanuel TV by applying all the new satellite setting but couldn’t get it right and am using IS20 but finding difficult please I need your urgent help to tune to Emmanuel TV.Thanks,
Kindly regards,
Louis.(from South Africa)
i love emmanuel tv
thank God for emanual tv what a blessing it keep reminding me what authority we have in the name of JESUS our lord and savior in this bad times we live in live has became cheap LET us prepare our self and be ready because the time is near to go home Let us pray for division of our souls and spirit so that the Holy spirit may teach us spirit without the interefence of the flech wich is connected to the world let us part from the flesh and live in the spirit and get strong in the spirit so that it can rule and command the flesh to obedience then only we will be able to grow and stand the test of time to came AMEN
I no longer have emmanuel tv signal on dstv South Africa. Please help me with the settings. Thank you
I need emmanuel TV settings guys plzzz…
Pls help me with the new settings of emmanuel tv
Dear Emmanuel Team,
Thank you very much for the TB Joshua blog of the 25th of January 2015 unfortunately it seems to be in French may
you kindly send me another one in english.
Thank you in advance and please remain blessed.
With Regards from,
Good morning people of God , thank you so mush for new settings God bless you all!! EMMANUEL
Ever since I meet TB Joshua and Emanuel tv my life has changed to better.
May god bless prophet tb joshua.and fulfill whatever his heart desires,Good morning!!!!
Thank you
Iv been trying to install the new Emmanuel tv settings but im failing,please can i have the new settings i live in South Africa.I use IS20 on my dstv decoder.
Good evening,i have been trying to install the dstv public channel but I seem not get it installed. Please assist with the the installation keys. Am I. South africa. I love Emanuel tv and I miss it a lot because I last saw it I. 2014 august. Amen
Thank you in advance.
I’ve treated all settings I could find n I can’t get it to work on our dstv
i need new settings of emmanuel tv,i stay in Midrand using IS20,please help me.
emmanuel tv and the word of God from our true prophet Tb Joshua the father of many nation gives us good live every day in Christ Jesus.
Struggling with settings on dstv is20 in Cape Town South Africa
I thank you,May the hand of God continue touching you that the world May change.
I thank you man of God for the good work you are doing.Remain blessed in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Ifeel easy always when Iwatch Emmanuel Tv with Prophet Tb josua
Hey im from south africa how do I tune in emmanuel tv?
brethren plz help me I,m using decoder HD decoder help me with settings for Emmanuel tv or prophetic channel
im also having a H.D decoder and im struggling please assist me i need emmanuel tv posted if u change the settings bles u
its really good sharing site.
Attention all Emmanuel TV Viewers:
Emmanuel TV has moved from frequency 12682, symbol rate 26657 to frequency 12722, symbol rate 26657 – where you are watching us now. Please share this message with others. God bless you!
Press “Menu”
Press “Installation”
Press “Auto Scan” or “Auto Search” or “Scan All” or “OK”
Scroll down the list of channels for “Emmanuel TV” or “Emman”
Press “Menu”
Press “Installation”
Press “Manual Scan”
Select: Satellite Name – IS7/10
Select: Frequency: 12722
Select: FEC: ½
Select: Symbol Rate: 26657
Select: Polarisation: Vertical
Press “Scan” or “Search” or “OK”
Scroll down the list of channels for “Emmanuel TV” or “Emman”
Press “menu”
Press advanced option
Press code: 9949
Select network 2-change to DSTV Pas 7
Select LNB ON
Select LNB mode: dual frequency
Frequency: 11170
Symbol rate: 26652
FEC: 5/6
Polarisation: vertical
Enter “OK”
Scan all networks
Wait for scan to finish
Push TV button on remote
Select public PAS 7/10
how about h.d decoders this settings only comply with regular decoders
I cannot access emmanuel tv since the changes on frequency, pls help me. From South Africa, we use 20 not 7.
Plz help us the EMMANUEL channels is removed from our dstv,thank from South Africa we tried every day to do settings but nothing happened.
Am neo I’ve many testimony of man of God TBJ on through television
I lost Emmanuel settings i had tried my best please help it written your account might been in errors please vist dstv blah blah blah am so sesparate for help anyone who can help me God will surely bless u in Jesus name.
im also having a H.D decoder and im struggling please assist me i need emmanuel tv
Man of God. Pls i manage 2 buy a secondhand phone. And there s a pasword that i dnt knw. Pls help me and send me the code.praise God. Amen
Help me I,m using Explora Pvr HD decoder pls help me with settings
Pls send me new setting for Emmanuel tv
Hello man of God, I’ve try all the settings I still can’t find the channel. The only massage I got after selecting Public IS20 It says:
your account may be in arrears.
Please help. Thanks
Good Morning. May the faithful Lord Jesus Christ provide Emmanuel TV with everything so that the Living Word of God is televised to every corner of the world. I encourage the people of God to keep watching Emmanuel TV and see what the Lord can do to his people he created.
Good Morning. Where can we go from his presence? No where. I bless and glorify God Almighty for giving the world Emmanuel TV. Many souls are being healed, redeemed, delivered and blessed, because of Emmanuel TV. Millions of people watch Emmanuel TV and they view what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing in the arena of liberty. God Almighty is using Emmanuel TV to reach out to all the corners of the world and spreading the wonderful and Living Word of God.. There is no country in the world which does not receive a signal of this wonderful channel which God Almighty provided and which has helped many people to built their faith. Many people are testifying the goodness of the Lord Almighty through watching the good works of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Emmanuel TV. Many people are testifying the goodness of our Savior when the pray along with the Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua touching their television screen by faith and they are receiving their deliverance, healing, redemption, prophesy and all of the God’s blessings.
Emmanuel TV have been in Mexico, Columbia, South Korea, Singapore in other countries in Africa just to mention a few countries which Emmanuel TV broadcasted where the God of TB Joshua was using his Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua was holding Crusades to preach and to teach the powerful and wonderful Living Word of God and many souls surrendered to follow Jesus Christ. Still in those countries where Prophet of God visited many people received their healing deliverance, redemption, prophecy and all of the God’s blessings. The lame could walk the sick were healed and those people who were tormented by demons received their deliverance.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the Prophet of God attended the Pastors Conferences in many countries where the Ministers of God were being imparted.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the ministration of the powerful Anointing Water in United Kingdom. Many people testified to the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ when they received their deliverance, healing, redemption and all of the God’s blessings. Still in United Kingdom many people received presents from Emmanuel TV team. Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the children of God like Yinka who received scholarships and others to study their degrees in the United Kingdom. Not forgetting the footballer who was also mentored by the Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua (Well done children of God) God loves you all
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the Prophet of God was doing the charity work in Nigeria. He gave scholarships to the orphans and to many other children around the world and he opened an Emmanuel School in Pakistani. He also donated the bags of rice to the students.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the Prophet of God was giving cars and money to the physically challenged who went for Olympic Games in India and others who went for Olympic Games in other parts of the world and were given money and vehicles for winning gold medals, silver medals and bronze medals for Nigeria and for the continent of Africa. WELL DONE CHILDREN OF GOD. God loves you all.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua was donating rice, money and other good things to the orphans, widows, widowers, homeless, elderly, physically challenged, visually impaired, to the little people, and donating to other people who under privileged in Nigeria and in other countries.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when Prophet of God donated money for charity and presents to the under privileged people in Indonesia, Colombia, in other parts of United States of America, in Russia and in other countries.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when Emmanuel TV Team and Partners were donating to other countries like Haiti Philippine and India disaster relief fund.
Emanuel TV broadcasted when the powerful Anointing Water, Morning Water, Anointing Sticker, Anointing Bracelet and Water Therapy was being introduced in the name of Jesus Christ and many people are testifying to the goodness of the Lord Almighty.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the Prophet of God was being used by God Almighty to prophesy, deliver, healing, redeeming and praying for the viewers all over the world and in the arena of liberty.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted when Prophet of God was given Awards in Columbia and in the arena of Liberty. Many people watched the Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua preaching and teaching the beautiful and Living Word of our Heavenly Father and the good news of his Son Lord Jesus Christ. Many people watched when the Anointed Servants the Wise Men were preaching and teaching the beautiful and Living Word of God, prophesying and praying for the children of God in the arena of liberty. Broadcasting when the Evangelists were preaching and teaching the beautiful and Living Word of God. Many people viewed the Birthday of the Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua being celebrated In Colombia, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Mexico, United States, Indonesia and in many parts of African countries and other countries, just to mention a few places where his birthday was celebrated in the name of Jesus Christ.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted the inspiring and beautiful songs from the Choristers in the arena of liberty in the name of Jesus Christ. And also it broadcasted the children of God who were playing instruments in the arena of liberty and the Ushers who are being used by God Almighty to do his great works of God and not forgetting the Cleaners who are making sure that the arena of liberty is always clean for the glory of God.
I have just mentioned some of the things which Emmanuel TV Broadcasted all over the world in the name of Jesus Christ.
May the God of TB Joshua give Emmanuel TV the desire of his heart and make all his plans succeed. May He lavish you with the riches of His grace and may he lavish you with all wisdom and understanding. May he continue to show you the path of life and fill you with joy in His presence.
May the good and faithful Almighty God give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause.
Good Morning. Where can we go from his presence? No where. Some of the wonderful things which Emmanuel TV broadcasted. When the children of God who were addicted to eating soil, mattresses, charcoal, maker pens and other things were delivered in the name of Jesus Christ, and there were given the delicious food which was prepared from the canteen by the children of God Almighty. Emmanuel TV broadcasted about the testimony of the Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua when he started the Synagogue Church Of All Nations. Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the Morning Water and the Good Morning Sticker were introduced. Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the Faith Bracelet was introduced. Emmanuel TV broadcasted when there was a Candle Light Services on the New Year’s Eve. Emmanuel TV broadcasted when the children all over the world were celebrating the birthday of the Anointed Servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua. Emmanuel TV Broadcasted when the young children were doing some dramas on Christmas Day, to celebrate the birth or our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will not forget the Evangelist who were also doing some dramas in the arena of liberty in the name of Jesus Christ
Good Morning people of God
The Lord is good all the time, and all the time the Lord is Good. Blessed be His holy name. Prophet T B for accepting and obeying the Lord’s voice, may the Almighty bless you in a unique way and your family. Prophet TBJ continue to pray for us and with all this going on, Luke 10 vs 19 will never fail for we are in it together in spirit. Hallelujah
Ishe Tenzi wedu zita renyu ngarikudzwe pasi nokudenga nokusingaperi, ndimi bako redu kudzamara tazouya kumusha mukuru watinoshuvira zuva regarega.
Good morning all and stay blessed and continue to watch EMMANUEL TV.
thank you
god bless
Emmanuel – God with us. May the good Lord Almighty make your heart be glad and joyful in His love. May He be gracious to you. May He fulfill all His promises to you and may He fulfill all He has planned for you. May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. In the name of Jesus Christ
God is Love, munhu anopupura kuti Jesu mwana waMwari has LOVE, anerudo, kana Ishe vanogara maari. Kana uchida Mwari hama yangu idawo hamayako semurairo watakapiwa naIshe. Kana tichidana Mwari vanogara nesu nokuti Mwari RUDO (Love). In Jesus Name, stay blessed people of God and continue to grow in faith as you watch EMMANUEL TV.
Good morning,
Emmanuel – God with us. May the good Lord Almighty show you the path of life and fill you with joy in His presence. May He take care of you always in the name of Jesus Christ
Plz can I have settings of tb Joshua channel to 0824620606
Prophet Tb Joshua is the real deal may god bless him more
Thank God to give us Prophets. And no one will remain in darkness in Jesus name Amen
I am Leaving in Lesotho. All of my favorite chanels have disappeard- Emmanuel TV , Mercy TV , Celebration TV. Please help me out with steps to recover them.
Good morning Zimbabwe
Starting next week, Emmanuel Tv, on channel 390. Good morning.
Emmanuel tv new frequency
please let me know if you got the channels
Please phathe
I wish you a blessed Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua, Mrs E Joshua,
to the Choristers, to the Choir, to Emmanuel Singers,
to the Emmanuel TV Partners and Beneficiaries
to the Sunday School children of SCOAN, to the Emmanuel TV Kids, to the Emmanuel TV Children,
to the SCOAN Beneficiaries,
to the Emmanuel TV Viewers,
to the Emmanuel T V Crew and to the Emmanuel TV Team and to the Emmanuel TV Beneficiaries
to the Ushers,
to the Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua Beneficiaries,
to the Wise Men,
to the Evangelists,
to the IT Staff,
to the Cleaners
to the Canteen Staff and to the entire SCOAN family. In the name of Jesus Christ
May the grace of the Lord and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you forever. May the good God Almighty bless you all with all of Gods blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ
Thank you people of God
i want to recive thechnnel >>form egypt>>tell me frequency .
Thank you
Emmanuel-God with us. Good Morning Children of God i am encouraging you to keep watching Emmanuel TV on channel 390 on DSTV. And pray along with His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua touching your screen by faith and receive your healing, deliverance, breakthrough and all God blessings and receive your prophecies for individuals and for the whole world. And listen to the powerful teaching and preaching which will change your life and transform your life. May the good Lord Almighty richly bless Emmanuel TV with all of Gods blessings. May He bless the Emmanuel TV crew and team and may he strengthen them with all power according to his glorious might and riches. May He fill the Emmanuel TV with His glory. May He teach you what is the best for you and direct the way you should go. May He meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. May He strengthen you and help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. May He grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life. May He bless all the work of your hands and may He bless everything you put your hands to. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Scoan Below Email Address For years:….official email: [email protected]
CONTACT SCOAN ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW….:Scoan Below Email Address For years:…official email……….: [email protected]
Scoan Below Email Address For years:…official email: [email protected] Invitation Letter(s) to the Scoan,
Good morning; I watch Emmanuel tv through digital station but now is no more coming what can I do to get it
Congratulations Emmanuel TV. You are now 10 years old and I am wishing you many more blessed years. Millions of viewers have been blessed with all of Gods blessings, healed, delivered and redeemed through you and praying along with His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua touching their screens by faith. Millions of viewers have been watching His anointed servant giving to the needy and prophesying to the viewers and in the Arena of Liberty and millions of people were received their deliverance, healing, blessing, redemption and breakthrough. Millions of viewers have been watching the powerful praying, teaching and preaching from His anointed servant, from the Wise Men, from the Evangelist. Millions of people have been watching the inspiring songs from the choir. Millions of people have been watching the Ushers holding people The lives of millions of people were turned around and transformed.
I glorify and praise Lord Jesus Christ for giving the whole world Emmanuel TV. Millions of people are watching and witnessing what He was doing when He was on earth through His anointed servant. And He is still doing it today through His anointed servant.
The gracious Lord Almighty loves and blessed Emmanuel TV because millions of people are being introduced to Emmanuel TV everyday by friends. Deuteronomy 7:13 And He will love you and bless you and multiply you: He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock, in the land of which He swore to your fathers to give you. If the good Lord Almighty promised to bless His chosen people with Emmanuel TV. He will also continue to bless Emmanuel TV and make Him fruitful and increase his numbers. The Lord Almighty will continue to give you success in whatever you do according to His will. The Lord will prosper you where ever you go and you will be successful. And He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life and He will bless all your work and He will bless everything you do. He will bless you in the city and He will bless you in the country. May the good Lord Almighty meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. May He fill you with His glory. May He teach you what is the best for you and direct the way you should go. May He fulfill all His promises to you and may He fulfill all He has planned for you. May He give Emmanuel TV the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will. May He richly provide you with everything for your enjoyment. May He keep you away from all harm and watch over you.
Emmanuel TV is changing lives, changing nations and changing the world.
I am encouraging children of God to keep watching Emmanuel TV and introduce Emmanuel TV to others so that they see Jesus Christ working in Spirit using His anointed servant in the Arena of Liberty.
I am wishing you a Long Life Emmanuel TV. In the name of Jesus Christ.
May the grace of the Lord and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
We wish to inform all those who have registered online for visit and have not yet received their invitation letter(s) and wants to VISIT SCOAN this month.
ORDER FOR THE NEW Morning anointed water,sticker,mirror book and your invitation letter to the Scoan,You are to contact us here in our admin for verification department email: scoan-churchworldwide@ , If you would like to join EMMANUEL TV PARTNER contact the above E-maill address.
Scoan official email for years is this: via:.. scoan-churchworldwide@
To visit scoan contact via:.. Above Email Address
Fill some questions,submit to them and wait for a confirmation response from scoan…
Fill the following and send to this official via: scoan-churchworldwide@
Address: ………….
Age: …………….
Country: ………………
city: ……………….
Phone number: ……..
Postal code: …
via: scoan-churchworldwide@
MORNING Anointed Water and all new anointed christian materials. This information is for those people that are ready to make a change in their lives. Those people that desire MIRACLE AND DELIVERANCE,FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH. Your testimonies will amaze the world as you place your order in the name of Jesus. EMMANUEL. Distance is not a Barrier. we awaiting your details….
#The SCOAN Original Message Stay in Christ#
#TBJoshua #DistanceIsNotABarrier#
We wish to inform all those who have registered online for visit and have not yet received their invitation letter(s) and wants to VISIT SCOAN this month.
ORDER FOR THE NEW Morning anointed water,sticker,mirror book and your invitation letter to the Scoan,You are to contact us here in our admin for verification department email: scoan-churchworldwide@ , If you would like to join EMMANUEL TV PARTNER contact the above E-maill address.
Scoan official email for years is this: via:.. scoan-churchworldwide@
To visit scoan contact via:.. Above Email Address
Fill some questions,submit to them and wait for a confirmation response from scoan…
Fill the following and send to this official via: scoan-churchworldwide@
Address: ………….
Age: …………….
Country: ………………
city: ……………….
Phone number: ……..
Postal code: …………
via: scoan-churchworldwide@
MORNING Anointed Water and all new anointed christian materials. This information is for those people that are ready to make a change in their lives. Those people that desire MIRACLE AND DELIVERANCE,FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH. Your testimonies will amaze the world as you place your order in the name of Jesus. EMMANUEL. Distance is not a Barrier. we awaiting your details….
#The SCOAN Original Message Stay in Christ#
#TBJoshua #DistanceIsNotABarrier#
Where can we go from His presence? No where.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave the whole world Emmanuel TV, to change lives, to change nations and to change the world. Emmanuel TV have been broadcasting showing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ working in the Spirit using His anointed servant prophet of God Senor Prophet T.B. Joshua. Many people have been healed, redeemed, delivered, blessed through praying along with His anointed servant. Some of the people of God have received their prophecies,and some of them have received their breakthrough for the salvation of their soul. In the name of Jesus Christ. Distance is not a barrier
Emmanuel TV televised the works of charity which are taking place all over the world. The following is some of the charity work which were televised by Emmanuel TV:
Emmanuel TV Team visited Pakistan at Lahore in Asif Town and they build a Charity School for children called Emmanuel School for orphans and for the needy children. The building materials and other items for the school were provided by His anointed servant and by the Emmanuel TV Partners from all over the world. The school children and the adults thanked God Almighty who used His anointed servant and Emmanuel TV Partners for building a school for them. Because their lives will be improved.
Emmanuel TV team visited Mexico and they went to Chiapas where there is San Migual Community who had no lights and electricity in their area. The materials to install the electricity and the lights were provided by His anointed servant and the Emmanuel TV Partners from all over the world. The San Migul Community where also provided with an Ecological cooker which was built for them. The people of God cooked their food with an Ecological Cooker. The children and the adults enjoyed eating the food cooked with the same cooker. They thanked Jesus Christ who used His anointed servant and Emmanuel TV Partners for giving them the lights, the Ecological Cooker and many other things which they were given by Him for their enjoyment.
The Emmanuel TV Team from United Kingdom visited Ukraine – Rozdil Orphanage for boys who received the new play things, money, other items and the gifts which were provided by His anointed servant and the Emmanuel TV Partners from all over the world. The Emmanuel TV Team from United Kingdom they did the work at the orphanage and the boys were very happy to receive the new play things and the gifts. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves the orphans and the needy.
Emmanuel TV televised the children from Synagogue Church Of All Nations Sunday School celebrating the Palm Sunday. The children were dancing, other children were beating the drums and one was riding a horse. The Holy Bible advises us to train the children the way they should go so that when they grow old they will not depart from it.
Keep Watching Emmanuel TV
You are to contact THIS E-mail address And ORDER FOR THE NEW Morning anointed water,sticker, [email protected] bless.
Emmanuel TV have been televising Mary – Jean Nleya another beneficiary of SCOAN scholarship scheme. Mary – Jean Nleys studied her Law Degree at Pretoria University the best university in Law Degree in South Africa and she passed with a distinction and a first class. Mary – Jean Nleya was given an INTERN at International Criminal Court in Haig Natherlands for tow months.
Mary -Jean Nleya used to go to SCOAN for prayers and encouragement from His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T. B. Joshua. She visit SCOAN 2010 because she had no father who can pay school fees for her education, so that she can continue studying. Then she received her school fees from SCOAN Scholarship scheme.
Mary – Jean Nleys said she was also ministering Anointing Stickers and Anointing Water so that she would do well in her studies.
Mary – Jean Nleya celebrated her graduation ceremony with her family members who were enjoying the delicious graduation meal.
She studied her Masters Degree in Law at University of Cambridge in United Kingdom and she got a first class.
Another beneficiary of SCOAN scholarship scheme is Olayinka Oduwale and many other students from all over the world and Onazi the footballer
Mary – Jean is now studying her PHD at Harvard University Law School in the United States of America which is the best Law School in the world. Many World Leaders and Presidents of Superpowers all over the world were trained at Harvard University Law School
Mary -Jean Nleya thanked His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners for their prayers and support. Her mother Chipo and her sister also thanked His anointed servant and Emmanuel TV Partners for their support and prayers for her daughter
The gracious God Almighty will lavish you with the riches of His grace and lavish you with all wisdom and understanding. He will lavish you and your family with His love.He will fulfill all His promises to to you. He will fulfill all He has planned for you. He will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will. He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Delight yourself in the love of God And He will give you the desires of your heart according to His will. He will strengthen you, help, and uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will give you success in whatever you do according to His will. He will bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers. He will bless you and your family with all of Gods blessings. May the grace of the Lord and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you, your family and all the students who have studied Law and all those who are studying Law, be with the students who studied other degrees and those who are studying. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Better is not good enough but the best is yet to come. In the name of Jesus Christ
Keep watching Emmanuel TV
Emmanuel TV have been televising and replaying the prophecy prophesied by His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua about the bridge witch tragically collapsed on 31 March 2016 at Kalkata in India which was close to Hooghy river. Killing many people and injuring hundreds of others. The bridge was under construction.
My deep condolences to the nation of India and to the children, friends, relatives and family members of those who died in this tragic incident. May the compassionate Holy Spirit comfort you and strengthen you during this trying times. May His unfailing love be your comfort.
I pray that the compassionate God Almighty strengthen you, comfort you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. May He give you courage and strength. May your soul find rest in God alone because He is your Savior and he will wipe away all your tears. May He satisfy you every morning with His steadfast love. May He take care of you.
The Lord Almighty who have everlasting kindness will have compassion on you and He will deliver you and redeem you. He will continue to lavish you with His love. He will lead you into His righteousness and make His way straight before you and He will guide you. He will strengthen you and keep you and He will make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. He will turn His face towards you and give you peace.
I am encouraging you to look to the Lord Almighty and His strength and seek His face always. Pour your hope in the Lord for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full of redemption. Read your Holy Bible and pray everyday so that you will grow. He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. May He grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life. He will lavish you with the riches of His grace and He will lavish you with all wisdom and understanding. He will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will. He will fulfill all His promises to you and He will fulfill all He has planned for you. He will fill your houses with His glory. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause.
In Isaiah 66:13 As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted In Jerusalem. In other words the Holy Bible is advising us that: as a mother comforts her child, so the compassionate God Almighty will comfort you also.
May the grace of the Lord and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Emmanuel TV has been televising and replaying a prophecy of an Egyptian Aircraft which was hijacked in Egypt. But because of God’s intervention the hijacking did not succeed and all the passengers and crew were rescued. I give God all the glory and I thank Him for rescuing all the people who were on board.
The gracious God Almighty will strengthen the crew the passengers, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will take care of you. He will richly bless airline, the crew, the passengers and their families with all of Gods blessings. He will bless all the work of your hands and He will bless everything you put your hands to. He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life. He will lavish you with the riches of His grace and lavish you with all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He will lavish you with His love. He will fulfill all His promises to you and He will fulfill all He has planned for you. He will richly provide you with everything for your enjoyment. He will show you the path of life and fill you with joy in His presence. He will fill your houses with his glory. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. He will bless you in the country and He will bless you in the city. Read your Holy Bible and pray everyday so that you will grow.
May the grace of the Lord Almighty and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Emmanuel TV has been televising and replaying a prophecy of some people who want to attack France. Children of God where encouraged by His anointed servant to pray for the nation of France.
In Psalms 32:7 You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. The Holy Bible is advising us that the Psalmist was saying God Almighty is His hiding place He will protect Him from trouble and surround him with songs of deliverance. If God Almighty was His hiding place and His protection from trouble and surround him with songs of deliverance. He will surely do it in the nation of France.
The gracious God Almighty will fill the nation of France with His glory. He will keep you away from all harm and watch over you. He will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will give you the desires of your heart and make your plans succeed according to His will. He will lavish you with the riches of His grace, and He will lavish you with all wisdom, understanding and knowledge. He will lavish you with His love. He will take care of you. He will richly provide you with everything for your enjoyment. He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. He will bless you in the city and bless you in the country. He will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life.
God is not the author of confusion and disorder but of peace. In Ephesians 2:14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one and has broken down the middle wall of separation. In other words the Holy Bible is advising us that God Almighty is Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts Read your Holy Bible and pray everyday so that you will grow.
May the grace of the Lord and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with the nation of France now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Keep watching Emmanuel TV
His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua conducted a 2 days Crusade at Cali Colombia. Many people were healed, delivered, blessed and redeemed in the name of Jesus Christ.
After the two days Crusade His anointed servant held a meeting with Metropolitan Police Command Centre in Cali Colombia where the Evangelist gave out the Evangelical items to the the Police Officers. The Police Officer read about the biography of His anointed servant. He said that the mother of His anointed servant was pregnant for 15 months. After His anointed servant was born. A great stone missed him were he was sleeping. He came from a poor family but God Almighty used him powerfully. His anointed servant went to St Stephens Anglican School and he was a leader of fellow Christians and he was called a small pastor. His anointed servant could not finish his education because of poverty. What he has achieved was his personal efforts. When he was young he knew how much he needed God.
His anointed servant was given an award during the police meeting so that he would look like a policeman. His anointed servant said that the job which the policeman were doing was the same job. He said that the police was doing the job of maintaining law and order in the natural and he does it in the spirit.
His anointed servant donated $100,000 USD to the Police Social Welfare Association of the police. For the widows, widowers, orphans, for those who are on the sick bed and for those who were injured during the service. He said that his commitment was to partner with the police in Colombia by praying for the police so that the crime rate should go down.
The Chief of the Police thanked His anointed servant for donating $100,000 USD for the widows, for the widowers, for the orphans, for the injured and for those who are on the sick bed. Colonel Wilson Vergara of Cali Metropolitan Police Commandant wanted God Almighty to reduce crime and delinquency through God Almighty Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Gaitan thanked and appreciated His anointed servant for choosing Cali city for conducting a crusade in Cali Colombia.
His anointed servant left after he had a meeting with the Cali Metropolitan Police in Colombia.
The good Lord Almighty will richly bless the Police and their families with all of Gods blessings. He will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. May you find great delight in the love of the Lord Almighty and He will give you the desires of your heart according to His will. He will richly provide you with everything for your enjoyment. He will lavish you and your families with His love. He will fulfill all His promises to you. He will fulfill all He has planned for you. He will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. He will take care of you. He will lavish you with the riches of His grace, and He will lavish you with all wisdom and understanding. In the name of Jesus Christ.
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During the SCOAN live Sunday service His anointed servant Prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that: A huge bridge in India will collapse between Wednesday and Thursday. He advised the people of God to pray for India. And he said that it will be a Breaking News
On Thursday 31 of March 2016 the bridge collapsed on the ground in the city of Kolkata near Hooghly river. 22 people were killed and hundreds were injured and the government paid $7.500 USD to the victims relatives. IOO metre chunk collapsed on the ground. The security and other people were doing frantic effort to rescue the survivors. The bridge was under construction for five years.
My condolences to the nation of India, to the children, to the family members and friends of those who died in this tragic incident. I pray that God Almighty will strengthen you and comfort you during this trying times.
May He strengthen you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will restore your soul and revive you. He will keep you from all harm and watch over your life. He will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. He will lavish you with the riches of His grace and lavish you with all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He will lavish you with His love. He will meet all your needs according to the glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He will fill the nation of India with His glory. He will take care of you. He will richly bless you with all of Gods blessings. May the grace of the Lord and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
During the SCOAN live Sunday service His anointed servant prophesied a balloon being hijacked: In March 29 2016 an Egyptian aeroplane was hijacked. The aeroplane was grounded in Cyprus and all the passengers and crew were rescued. The passengers were allowed to go. The hijacking was not related to terrorism. The hijacker had hijacked the plane over his ex-wife and he was arrested.
The gracious Lord Almighty will keep you away from all harm and watch over the lives of the Egyptian people. He will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will restore your soul and revive you. He will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. He will lavish you with all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He will lavish you with His love. He will meet all your needs according to the glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He will fill the nation of Egypt with His glory. He will take care of you. He will richly bless you with all of Gods blessings. May the grace of the Lord and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
During the SCOAN live Sunday service His anointed servant prophesied on 31 January 2016 that; The French country should tighten its security because there are evil people in the northern part of the French country. He said that: Some of those people were chased away and there are still some in the town. These people are planning to assemble so that they blow a lot of people. He advised the people to pray for the French country.
The gracious Lord Almighty will keep you away from all harm and watch over the lives of French people. He will strengthen you, uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will restore your soul and revive you. He will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. He will lavish you with all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He will lavish you with His love. He will meet all your needs according to the glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He will fill the nation of France with His glory. He will take care of you. He will richly bless you with all of Gods blessings. May the grace of the Lord and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
You can also watch Emmanuel TV on DSTV channel 390
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Isaiah 63:9
In all their affliction He was afflicted, And the Angel of His Presence saved them; In His love and His pity He redeemed them; And He bore them and carried them; All the days of old.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted His anointed servant prophet of God Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesying during SCOAN live Sunday service.that a huge bridge in the nation of India will break. He said they should pay attention between Wednesday and Thursday. He advised people to pray for the nation of India. Breaking News. On 31st March 2016 a huge bridge collapsed in India in the city of Kolkata, killing 22 people and injuring hundreds others. The huge bridge was near Hooghly River. And the bridge was still under construction. The bridge was on construction for 5 years. A 100 meter of chunk fell on the ground. Some people and the security personnel were working hard to rescue the survivors. The government paid $7,500 USD to the relatives of the victims.
My deep condolences to the children, to the family members, to the loved ones and friends of those who lost their lives during this tragic accident. May the Holy Spirit comfort and strengthen you during this mourning time. May their soul rest in peace.
The Holy Bible is advising us that: In all their distress He was distressed and the angel of His presence saved them. In His love and mercy He redeemed them, He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old. God Almighty feels what you are feeling and His unfailing love and mercy redeems you, comfort you and lift you up and carries you up every day.
In His great mercy God Almighty did not abandon you. For He is gracious and merciful God and He loves you. I am encouraging you to put your hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption. Your hope in the Lord Almighty should not be shaken, because He is sharing with you in your suffering and He will share with you in your comfort. The Lord comforts His people and will have compassion on His afflicted ones. He will never forsake you, leave you or forget you.
Stand firm in the faith and be courageous and be strong. In Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Our compassionate Heavenly Father is your refuge and strength an ever present help in trouble. He is your strength and your shield if you trust in Him He will help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. You can do everything through Him who gives strength.
If you put your hope in the Lord Jesus Christ you will renew your strength. You will soar on wings like eagles, you will run like and not grow weary, you will walk and not faint. He will restore you and He will revive you. Lord Jesus Christ is the father of compassion and the God of all comfort. He comforts us all in our troubles. I am encouraging you to read your Holy Bible and pray everyday so that you will grow.
!st Chronicles 15:11 Seek the Lord and His strength. Seek His face evermore. The Holy Bible is advising us that: To look to the Lord Almighty and His strength and seek His face always. He will guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along the straight paths. The Lord Almighty will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you.
If you remain in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His words remain in you. Then you will ask for anything you wish and shall have it.
I pray that Jesus Christ will make His home in your hearts through faith and I believe that He will equip you with everything good.
May the grace of the Lord and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever more. May His unfailing love rest upon you. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalms 33:11
The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The plans of His heart to all generations
Emmanuel TV broadcasted His anointed servant prophesying during live Sunday service at SCOAN. His anointed servant prophesied a balloon being hijacked. Breaking News. On March 29 2016 an Egyptian aircraft was hijacked carrying 70 passengers and crew. The aircraft was asked to land in Cyprus. All the passengers and crew were who were on board were rescued and the passengers were told to leave the aircraft and the crew remained inside the aircraft. Several people were later seen on the plane. The Authorities said that the hijacking was not related to terrorism and the hijacker was arrested.
The Holy Bible is advising us that the counsel of the Lord stands forever. The plans of His heart to all generations. In other words: But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purpose of His heart through all generations. The Lord Almighty foils the plans of the evil people and He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. There is nothing our Lord cannot do.
The eyes of the Lord are on His children and on those who hope is in His unfailing love. He deliver them from trouble and keep them alive. He is your helper and your shield.
I thank and glorify Lord Jesus Christ who fought for you He rescued the Egyptian aircraft, the passengers and the crew. He is what He says He is. Do not be afraid stand firm in the Lord. The Lord will strengthen you and He will fight for you.
Our Lord and Savior is an awesome God who gives strength and power to His people. How awesome are His works. In Psalms 66:5-6 5 Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men. 6 He turned the sea into dry land. They went through the river on foot. There we will rejoice in Him. The Holy Bible is advising us that: The Psalmist was saying that: Come and see what God has done, how awesome His works on mans behalf. He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters on foot, come let us rejoice in Him. If God Almighty managed to turn the sea into dry land it was possible for Him to thwart the plans of the hijacker.
Great is the Lord Almighty and most worthy of praise and His greatness no-one can fathom. Generations to come will commend your wonderful works to another. They will tell of His mighty acts. They will speak of His glorious splendour of His Majesty and meditate on His wonderful works. They will tell of His powerful works and they will proclaim your great deeds and they will celebrated your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all He has compassion on all He has made. May the grace of the Lord and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of God be with you now and forever. May His unfailing love rest upon you. In the name of Jesus Christ
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called one body and be thankful.
Emmanuel TV broadcasted His anointed servant prophesying during live Sunday service at SCOAN on 31st January 2016: He said that there are evil people in northern part of a French country. He advised them to tighten their security. He said that some of the people were chased away from the town but there are some who are still in the town. He said that these people are looking for a place were people will assemble so that they will blow them. He asked people to pray for a French country.
The Holy Bible is advising us that: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. In other words: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since we are all His people and you were called to peace and you ought to be thankful to the Lord of peace.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Lord of peace He is not the Lord of disorder. God Almighty has called us to live in peace because if there is peace everyone is happy, lives will be saved and no-one will be afraid.
In Romans 14:19-21 19 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. 20 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for the man who eats with an offense. 21 It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. In other words the holy Bible is advising us that: Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes man to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.
For He Himself is our peace, He has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. by abolishing in His flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which He put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to us
The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
God Almighty loves you and He is a merciful God, He will protect you, He will not abandon you, He will not leave you and He will not forget you. He will foil the plans of the evil people and Her will thwarts the purpose of the peoples. May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. May the grace of the Lord and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. May His unfailing love rest upon you. In the name of Jesus Christ.
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Thank God who open my eyes to discover the TRUE man of God th joshua and emmanuel tv you are a TRUE prophet of God
Exodus 15:11 Who is like You, O Lord, among gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness. Fearful in praises, doing wonders.
I salute the children, the families, the loved ones and the friends of the people who lost their lives during the devastating earthquake in Ecuador for their courage, strength and for their hope in the Great Physician who loves them so much and who wipes away all your tears. There is nothing He cannot do and there is nothing which can separate you from His love.
Emmanuel TV televised when Emmanuel TV Team was buying some essential items to be donated to Ecuador after the devastating earthquake in their country. Some of the goods which were bought were rice, food, bath soaps, washing soaps, water, fruit powder drinks. For Emmanuel TV Relief Ecuador Aid.
The essential items were bought by Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners. The goods were loaded and were transported to the LAS Cargo Plane. Before the goods were loaded in the Cargo Plane each item was checked and scanned for quality control. The Cargo Plane was chartered by Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners. The LAS Cargo Airline was in business for 45 years. A Boeing 727-200 was to transport the Emmanuel TV Relief Aid to Ecuador.
The Cargo Plane was to be loaded with Relief Aid, huge goods, like food, bathing soap, washing soap and other essentials For distribution to homes who lost their livelihoods and homes.
The Emmanuel TV Team said we are not helping our fellowman only but at the same time we are showing God’s provision.
The Cargo Plane was loaded with 20 tones of Relief Aid and it arrived at Ecuador in San Fransisco de Quito airport. When the Cargo Plane arrived. It was welcomed by the army. The Emmanuel TV Team told the army that: The food and humanitarian relief is an expression of love from Prophet T.B, Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners. The Relief Aid for Emmanuel TV Team Supplies was transported by army trucks to the people who were misplaced The army trucks were loaded with Emmanuel TV Supplies. When the army trucks arrived they were unloaded and the essentials were packed in plastic boxes and were distributed to the affected families. The earthquake survivors received the Emmanuel TV Relief Aid. Some of the essentials which were distributed where food, bathing soap, washing soap, powdered fruit drinks, drinking water and snacks. The Earthquake Survivors together with the children thanked Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners for giving them The Relief Aid.
The Holy Bible is advising us that: Who among the gods is like Him O Lord? Who is like Him Majestic in holiness awesome in glory working wonders. Let us put our hope in God Almighty, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption. The Great Physician delights with those who put their hope in His unfailing love. Those who hope in the Lord Almighty will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. He will not forget you, nor forsake you nor abandon you. In the Book of Romans 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given us. In other words: Hope does not disappoint because God Almighty has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. If we have hope in Christ Jesus, we are pitied more than all men. We ought to have hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.
The compassionate Lord Jesus Christ will restore you and He will wipe away all your tears. He will revive you again and you will rejoice in Him. He will comfort you, strengthen you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. The compassionate Lord Jesus Christ said that: Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. He will restore the joy of your salvation and He will grant you a willing spirit to sustain you.
Lord Jesus Christ loves the children. In the Book Mark 9:36-37 36 Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them. Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives not me but Him who sent me. The Holy Bible is informing us that: Lord Jesus Christ said that: Whoever welcomes one of these little children in My name welcomes Me and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me. Children obey your parents in the Lord for this us right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise. So that it may go well with you and enjoy long life on earth. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Let us worship the Lord Almighty in the splendour of His holiness. Because He is worthy, He is reliable and He loves us.
The gracious God Almighty will richly bless you and your family with all of Gods blessings. He will lavish you and your family with His love. He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life. He will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. He will lavish you with the riches of His grace and lavish you with all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He will fill your house with His glory. He will take care of you. He will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will. He will give you success in everything you do according to His will. He will bless you when you go out and bless you when you come in. He will make you the head and not the tail, you shall be above only and not beneath. He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. He will bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers. May the grace of the Lord and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Keep watching Emmanuel TV and watch the goodness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in peoples lives. So that you build your faith and trust Him and believe Him that He is reliable. He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever
Fraudsters are advertising Scoan anointed materials..Beware!!!For prayers,enquiries and request.Chat through Scoan Whatsapp Channel +2349058155503 or email:[email protected] bless you all.
Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
On Sunday 10th July 2016 during a Sunday Live Service At The SCOAN. Prophet T.B. Joshua gave a prophetic message regarding an attack on Thursday.
These were his words…
Since morning God keep saying we should pray and fast on Thursday and avert any attack in any nation on Thursday. This coming Thursday pray and fast. And I say which nation? I cannot see the nation, which they are talking about. But every nation just pray on Thursday an attack on any nation to be averted. Okay. So please open your lips and pray right now on Thursday. In Jesus Christ name. We cover Thursday with the blood of Jesus. Begin to cover Thursday with the blood of Jesus. Cover Thursday with the blood of Jesus. In anywhere cover with the blood of Jesus. In Jesus Christ name.
The Holy Bible is advising us that; Not to fear for the Lord Almighty is with us. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. He will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. Out of His glorious riches the wonderful Lord Jesus Christ will strengthen us with power through His Spirit in our inner being. For He is our refuge and fortress.
The loving and glorious Lord Jesus Christ make wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear He burns the shields into fire. He settles the disputes for many people and nations. They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into burning hooks. Nation will not take up swords against nation, nor will they go for war again. Lord Jesus Christ came to prosper us and to give us life in abundance.
In the Book of Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. Apostle Paul sent and epistle to the Philippians. He said that; He can do everything through Him who gives him strength. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gives strengthen to His people so that they can do everything through Him.
The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ will set us free. I cover Thursday with the precious blood of the Prince of Peace. The precious blood of Christ a lamb without blemish or defect.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born and He was given to us by our loving Heavenly Father and the government will be on His shoulders. He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
We are commanded to love one another and to love God Almighty with all our heart, with our strength, with our soul and with all our mind.
May the grace of the Lord Almighty and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with us now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way and be with you all. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Keep watching Emmanuel TV and watch what the Lord Almighty can do through the prophetic messages. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Viewers all over the world.
To order for the morning water or To Visit SCOAN this Month,Contact The SCOAN Admin below:
[email protected]
Exodus 33:19
Then He said. I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
On First Sunday of the year 3rd of January 2016. Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied concerning the currency crises in South Africa.
These were his words…
First of all Southern Africa. If I may talk about South Africa. The currency that is going up and down will soon be stable. By August you will begin to see fading away of the challenges. We often come out of the challenges stronger.
The Holy Bible is advising us that: The good Lord Almighty will cause all His goodness to pass in front of you, and He will proclaim His glorious name in your presence. He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy and He will have compassion on whom He will have compassion. What a wonderful Savior who loves us. He is merciful to His children.
Our Heavenly Father has good and great plans for you which no-one can count. In the Book of Psalms 33:11-12 11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The plans of His heart to all generations. 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. The people Has has chosen as His own inheritance. We are advised that: The good plans of the Lord Almighty stand firm forever, the purpose of His heart through all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance. An inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade kept in heaven for you. God Almighty will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will.
In the Book of Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good. We are advised that: God is not a man that He should lie, nor a Son of Man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act. Does He promise and not fulfill. When God Almighty blesses you, He blesses you forever. When He delivers you He delivers you forever. Lord Jesus Christ came to give you success and to prosper you in every area of your life. God Almighty so loved the world the He gave is only beloved Son so that you have life in abundance.
In the Book of Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you future and a hope. The Holy Bible is advising us that the good Lord Almighty knows the plans He has for us, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. He will not forget you or leave you. The Lord is good all the time all the time the Lord is good. He will never stop doing good to His children. He will rejoice in doing good to you. Because He loves you without measure. How great is the love the Father lavished on us, that we should be called children of the Most High God.
In the Book of Psalms 34:8 Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him. We are encouraged to taste see that the Lord Almighty is good. Blessed is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.
The good Lord Almighty will lavish you with all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He give you what you have not asked for, both riches and honor so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among leaders and nations. He will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. In the Book of 1 Kings 4:29-31 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. 30 Thus Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the men of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For He was wiser than all men than Ethan and Ezrahite and Heman, Chalcol and Darda, the sons of Mahol and his fame was in all the surrounding nations. We are advised that our Heavenly Father gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight and a breath of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore. His wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the men of the East and greater that all the wisdom of other nations. He was wiser than any other man including Ethan the Ezrahite wiser than Heman, Calcol and darda, the sons of Mahol and His fame spread to all the surrounding nations.
The good Lord will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. He will give you success in everything you do according to His will. He will make the South African currency to be stable forever and for His glory. He will fill your nation with His glory. May the grace of the Lord and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ be with you now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.
John 15;16
You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that you your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
On the First Sunday of the year 3rd of January 2016. Prophet T.B, Joshua prophesied concerning the currency crises in South Africa.
These were his words-
First of all, Southern Africa. If I may talk to South Africa. The currency that is going up and down will soon be stable. By August you we’ll begin to see fading away of the challenges. We often come out of the challenges stronger. So that is the currency.
The Holy Bible is advising us that: Our Savior chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the loving Father will give you whatever you ask in the name of Jesus Christ. The glorious God Almighty loved you, He chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last forever. He will richly bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers. The faithful Father loved you and you should remain in His love and abide in His love.
The good Lord Almighty should be exalted because for what He has done and for what He will do. Let His glory be over all the earth.
In the book of James 1:12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. The Holy Bible is advising us that: Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that the faithful God has promised who love him. Our Savior never fails He will do what He said He will do.
Let the earth rejoice and be glad and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His glorious name. He has done great things and He will do greater things in future.
In the Book of Psalms 30:1 I will extol You O Lord, for You have lifted me up. And have not let my foes rejoice over me. The Psalmist was praising the Lord Almighty he said that: He has lifted him up and have not let his foes rejoice over him. God Almighty is awesome He will never leave you nor forget you or abandon you. He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He will bless all the work of your hands and bless everything you put your hands to. He will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will.
In the Book of Jeremiah 28:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord; thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. The Holy Bible is advising us that the faithful God Almighty declared that He knows the plans He has for you to give you hope and future. He loved us and He gave us His only beloved Son Lord Jesus Christ so that we have life in abundance and enjoy it. Great is His faithfulness. He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life.
The good Lord Almighty will lavish you with the riches of His grace and He will lavish you with knowledge, wisdom and understanding. He will provide you with everything for your enjoyment. He will give you more than you ask or imagine for both riches and honor so that in your life time there will be no-one like you. He will lavish you and your families with His love. He will richly bless you and your families with all of Gods blessings.
In the Book of Jeremiah 33:6 Behold I will bring it health and healing. I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth. We are advised that the faithful and gracious God Almighty will bring health and healing to you He will heal His people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. He will fill your houses with His glory. He will give you a happy and good health long life. He will show you and give you His incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to you. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Keep watching Emmanuel TV and watch the powerful prayers, replayed prophecies, replayed preaching and teaching, the Morning Water, the Morning Stickers, the Anointing Water and the Anointing Stickers what they are doing in the lives of people. In the name of Jesus Christ
Pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua and touch your screen by faith and receive your healing, blessings, deliverance and redemption. In the name of Jesus Christ. Many people are coming to SCOAN to testify the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives.
people of God outside Nigeria
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]
with your full
names full address phone number
what you need.
it doesn’t cost much.
God bless the SCOAN FAMILY’
Glory be to God
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]
Dear Fraudster,Scammer,Stealer ,
Please stop to pretends as a workers of SCOAN using any FREE email like gmail,yahoo ,etc. Only real email is from [email protected] is there to refer. Please STOP to selling anointed water, stickers ets that related to scoan.
Correction: Scoan.Org
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior ” TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]
Viewers All Over The World.
Beware of fraudsters
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , faith book..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua …
Email me directly on
my personal email(
[email protected]
(You will get your parcel under 42 hours.)
Remain Blessed.
Distance is not a barrier.
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]+++
Viewers All Over The World.
Beware of Fraudsters.
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , faith book..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua …
Email me directly on
my personal email(
[email protected]
(You will get your parcel under 72 hours.)
Remain Blessed.
Distance is not a barrier.
The gracious God Almighty will richly bless you and your family with all of God’s blessings. He will lavish you and your family with His love. He will give you and your family a happy and good health long life. He will fill your house with His glory. He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life. He will bless all the work of your hands and He will bless everything you put your hands to. He will richly bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers. He will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will. He will strengthen you with all power according to His glorious might and riches. He will give you success in everything you do according to His will. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. In the name of Jesus Christ.
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected].
The gracious God Almighty will richly bless you and your family with all of God’s blessings. He will lavish you and your family with His love. He will give you and your family a happy and good health long life. He will fill your house with His glory. He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life. He will give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed according to His will. He will give you success in everything you do according to His will. He will bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers. He will bless all the work of your hands and He will bless everything you put your hands to. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. He will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with His righteous right hand. In the name of Jesus Christ.
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]
The gracious God Almighty will richly bless you and your family with all of Gods blessings. He will lavish you and your family with His love. He will give you and your family a happy and good health long life. He will grant you abundant prosperity in every area of your life. He will bless all the work of your hands and He will bless everything you put your hands to. He will richly bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers. He will give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good work. He will give you success in everything you do according to His will. He will richly provide you with everything for your enjoyment and He will fill your house with His glory. In the name of Jesus Christ.
We wish to inform all those who have registered online for visit and have not yet received their invitation letter(s) and wants to VISIT SCOAN this month.
You are to contact us here in our admin for verification department email:Scoan , If you would like to join EMMANUEL TV PARTNER contact the Below E-mail address And ORDER FOR THE NEW Morning anointed water,sticker,mirror book and your invitation letter to the Scoan, CONTACT SCOAN ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW.: Scoan Below Email Address For years:….
Fill in the followings and send to this official.
email..: scoan-churchworldwide@
Address: ………….
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Country: ………………
city: ……………….
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Postal code: …………….
When you know God is reliable, faith comes spontaneously, faith grows spontaneously. Once these details are received we would start the processing of your visit. Stay Bless
EMMANUEL. Distance is not a Barrier. #The SCOAN Original Message Stay in Christ#
#TBJoshua #DistanceIsNotABarrier#
Please be safe on this blog
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]‘
Fraudsters are advertising the Scoan anointed
materials..Beware!!!For prayers,enquiries and
request.Chat through Scoan Whatsapp Channel
+2349058155503 or
email:[email protected] bless
Please be safe on this blog
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]: