A story in Nigeria’s Sunday Sun concerning the Emmanuel TV Haiti Earthquake Relief team who are currently in Haiti with medical personnel and foodstuffs to assist the victims of the tragic earthquake and help in rebuilding the nation…
Synagogue opens field hospital in Haiti
• Plans to adopt 500 orphans
To give medical attention and succour to the wounded and children turned orphans by the devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti, the Synagogue church last Sunday flew in a plane -load of medical and food supplies.
In partnership with some foreign charity organizations, the church with headquarters at Ikotun, a suburb in Lagos earlier dispatched an advance team last Saturday to the Caribbean Island. As reported by the church’s satellite television, Emmanuel tv, the advance team and the plane, a chattered cargo plane took off from Miami, Florida, U.S.A.

The cargo plane with registration number N587 and Emmanuel TV boldly emblazoned on it in blue letters also had on board a team of doctors, nurses and sundry humanitarian workers.
Reporting live for Emmanuel TV, Gary Tange showed viewers the warehouse where the medical and food supplies were stock piled before being loaded aboard the cargo plane.

The owner of the plane who also pilots it, Tito Menedez was full of praise for Synagogue and the General Overseer of the church, pastor T.B. Joshua. As televised live last Sunday afternoon before the plane took off, Tito said: “I’m happy to be part of this private effort. Prophet T.B Joshua and Emmanuel TV are great.”
During the church service on Sunday afternoon, prophet Joshua explained why Synagogue is in Haiti, saying: “Haiti has given me sleepless nights. If it means selling my clothes, I’ll do it. We are going to take care of the wounded, the sick, the hungry. We will also adopt at least 500 orphans and take care of them there.”
Speaking to Sunday Sun on the corridor of the church immediately after the service, prophet Joshua further said, “I’m looking at a convenient time to join our team in Haiti. We and our partners want to help.”
He put the cost of the project at $3 million.
By Jossy Idam
Sunday, January 31, 2010

What will suprise me will be if they did nothing. Synagogue, church of all nations has credibly established that they are practicing the words of Jesus christ. Again God Bless T B Joshua. He let God use him, and i excitedly looking to an exciting tomorow.
The Hait earthquak is breath taking. I have no words for the charity work the SCOAN is doing. its practical christianity that is faith at work I wist I could participate. May God bless them. To God be the glory. AMEN
All Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ. What the emmanuel tv team the partners and Prophet T.B Joshua are doing is breathtaking the donations made by the church surpasses donations made by goverments. T.B Joshua your heart is rare, i was touched by your words “Haiti has given me sleepless nights and i’m ready to sell my clothes to help them” your life is evident of Jesus everlasting love. You have taught me how to give, may the Lord God give back to you a thousand time what you have given. This shows that there is no greater love than calvary.
when we see the photos Announcing that the Anointed prophet of our generation is comming to Sudan we was expected a great Breakthrough in our Muslim country. but Unfortunately we heared that prophet t.b Joshua is not comming we became like Awakened from a dream. Although we were being Informed that the prophet is not comming we also not able to Believe and many of our people reached to the Stadium to attend the Program please prophet t.b joshua we need your visit to Sudan so that our dream come true.we always see ammanuel.tv it is Wonderful we like the Prophecy, healing, and the designings all are from above. God bless you.
As I see the photos it reminds me about the end time. Oh God, heal their land and cover than from another earthquake.
Thank God that we have great man of God that have the mind of Christ; May God pay and reward you for your great charity work to the people of Haiti.
People of Haiti, I say God is in control and May you live the acceptable way of God. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I wish to sincerely thank the scoan group and the great man of God prophet TB Joshua for what they are doing for humaninity.May god give you long life to accomplished that which you have started. My sincere advice to the Hatians is that they should repent from their believe in feitish gods that have no answer,for this is a sign that God is not happy with their idolatry. Repent and return to Go and He will heal your land.This is warning!!!
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, i have come that they may have life,and have it to the full.
John 10:10
Thank You Jesus,Thank You Man Of God TB Joshua,Thank You Emmanuel Tv Team.
May the name of the Lord be blessed as the people of hait will start looking to the true and only God that created the whole world. As they will see and notice the love of God through the SCOAN team. May the Lord provide. Amen
I would like to thank the man of GOD Prophet TB Joshua and the Emmanuel tv team for showing their support to the people of HAITI.And i just pray to our Creator to remember and bless them.People of Haiti do not lose hope for our LORD declared into his word that he will never leave nor forsake his children…and i love you the people of HAITI in JESUS s name..
May His name be glorified evermore. God is always speaking something through something. Let the Earth issue be a turning point for some of the survivors in Jesus Name Amen
I just want to thank the man of God Prophet TB Joshua about his teachings .Giving is the only way to be blessed and from him I learn that, the only way to overcome and to be blessed is to accept the word of God and give.
Thank you man of God for everything that you ‘re doing for our nation and the nations of the world.
Regards Mandla Mhlophe
South Africa
I support the rescue efforts. The strength of the Haitians, and the nations, organizations and indivuals who did not hesitate to help has been a true inspiration for ordinary citizens like myself. I am certain that part of the survival was connected overall intense effort all put forth.
As I said already I think the SCOAN Team will also do the evangelistic so the people of Haiti may know what it means to a Christian that is Christian faith at work. May the Name of the Lord be blessed.
Doctor Gondwe
Its not a suprise for me to see what senior prophet T.B Joshua is doig to hait becouse he is a man who love helping people regardless of race,continent, country or religion. the haiti issue is shocking to me i dont know the help i can render. Lets just pray for the people of haiti becouse we never know who will help you tommorow.
I was left with no words as I watched yesterday that there is another cargo from the uk for the scoan. May the Lord continue blessing he team and the partners.
God loves the cheerful giver.May God bless The SCOAN and all partners.
I remember the words of Jesus when he told the disciples you are privileged to see what you are seeing for many prophets had desired to see the days of the son of God. In the same way i found myself blessed to be born again in a day like this where a man of God like Prophet TB joshua who make us to believe that the book of ACTS was not story but truth, and that today Jesus is still the same.
Prophet TB JOSHUA your life has transformed my life, my greatest desire is to walk in love and to be a servant of God that experiences his power. i believe God next year my wife and i will visit the SCOAN to tap the anointing in the life of the man of God.
Evangelist Bessawa Eugene from cameroon
Dear friends in Jesus christ , you’re blessed.
My name is Seme Lapointe , Iam the director a small non profit organization in La Gonave , Haiti. The name of the project is (OGED) . we has been in La Gonave , Haiti since October , 2003 to support and help the orphanage with shoes, food ,and clothes. On january 12, 2010 ,as you know that Haiti has been distroyed by a terrible earthquake who are distroyed and killed 65% of Haitian people. now we need your assistances to provide shoes and clothes or think about how may you help us in the other way to make up the orphans in La Gonave , Haiti get a better life for tomorrow.
we thank you for advanse , and we hope each time you help poor orphans, God will help you more. For now we have about a copo thousands of orphans are looking for the help mentioned of the above.
Your Email address is
we beleive your response will make the orphans greaters.
Than you again.
God bless you.
God bless the good giver that.
GOD bless all of you that give time and all what you can for the suplies for the people of Haiti. God bless you all .We want also to give our support for Haiti for help with our church tocheter we colect some clothes and school aseccories and other things they need. We want to receive the address of the clinigue of Haiti to sent them.
God bless you TB Joshua and all your staff that working with you
Emmanuel – God with us
I thank Snr Prophet T B Joshua the Emmanuel tv Partners and fore most I thank God Almighty for helping and donating to the people of Haiti who were in tragedy. People of Haiti God Almighty is the comforter remember to pray and thank God in every situation and have patience and persevere and do not give up on God. In every situation God has something to say.
James 5:11
As you know we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perserverance and what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
People of Haiti do not lose hope keep praying in faith and in Spirit and ask God Almighty to guide you keep your focus on future. God loves you as he does to any of his children. May the grace of the Lord and the love of Christ Jesus always be with you. Amen
I believe God the almighty will enable me one day to visit the nSCOAN and get the blessings from God as through Man of God Prophet TB Joshua Amen
That is the love of God , ministry does not begin with love of people, you ougth to love God first,geniunly T B Joshua he a man of God , this the fear of God , man of God continue to do the will of God.
Prophet TB JOSUAl is a really man GOD, he has been a blessing to me my family and generation,GOD will continue to bless and proper your ministry in (IJN)
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
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