Prayer is a two-way conversation, in which you talk to God and God talks to you. I mean, God listens to you as you pray and replies according to the state of your heart. Remember the Bible says, ‘Blessed are those who are pure in heart.’ This means Christianity lies in the heart. What is the state of your heart? When you read the Bible without offence, you are hearing God talk. Prayer and Bible reading should always go together. One is not complete without the other.
When you hold an offence in your heart, you should not be surprised if the Bible does not have any value to you. This is what the Bible means by: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8) In other words, they shall understand the Word of God in God’s way. Offence has created a wall between us and God. We resist the devil by not becoming offended. You will receive in a moment what you have been seeking for years the moment you let go of your offence!