NOTHING HAPPENS FOR NOTHING -Mention any great Biblical character and you would see how much pain he had to endure to come to a new level in life. It is the principle of life that for everything, there is a purpose. I mean, nothing happens for nothing. Unless you understand this principle, you are bound to despair or murmur when things seem to go contrary to your expectation.

If Hannah had been impatient over her inability to bear a child as expected, she would have sought other shortcuts to achieve her desire and history would have been changed. Today, many have changed the history of their lives through their inability to see beyond their immediate situation.

Those who see beyond their immediate situations do not despair in the face of seeming disappointment. Have you received a sack letter? Remember, many successful men today once had the same experience and were moved to a higher level in life thereby. Is it lateness in marriage or a delay in bearing a child? Is it inability to get a job in spite of your efforts and qualifications? Or is it poverty in spite of your hard work and goodwill? Think well, as a Christian and you would see the purpose of God in your situation. I mean, behind your situation lies God’s promises for your life.