Addressing the issue that goes through the minds of many, Prophet T.B. Joshua started the message by asking the age old question, ‘How do I know what my calling from God is?’ In answer to the question, the prophet explained that whatever you do through God, whatever He accepts you to do through Him – that is your calling. Raising the Holy Bible, he continued that the first step in knowing your calling is to get to know God better by reading His Word (Psalm 119:105). Referring to Romans 12:2, he said that when you let God transform you by the power of the Holy Spirit, He will literally begin to show you the way. Elaborating on the importance of God’s Word, he said that it is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit to nurture us and to furnish us with everything you need to succeed on earth. Giving practical advice on how to use the Word of God in everyday life, the prophet continued, “Talk Scripture in every conversation. You may be on the phone or in a business transaction. Use the Word of God to answer someone. The Word of God becomes your data base for your personal opinion.”
After the message, two women came forward to testify to the goodness of God for setting them free from strange addictions that had plagued their lives. One woman, Ruth Christian from Tanzania, having been freed from the bondage of eating uncooked rice in the name of Jesus, gave her testimony stating that since her deliverance, she no longer relished the taste of the uncooked rice. The second woman, delivered from an addiction to sniffing and drinking kerosene, testified that the smell of kerosene had become a revolting odour. Now, both of them are back to eating regular food and enjoying every bite.
Following the testimonies, Prophet T.B. Joshua introduced a group of people as they were ushered into the church auditorium – the beneficiaries of The SCOAN Scholarship Programme: the orphans, children of widows, physically challenged and others in need. Each term, the students come

to collect their school fees so that they will be able to continue their education. The recipients of the scholarship programme were given a total of 5 million naira in scholarships along with bags of top quality rice to assist them while they are busy studying. Part of those receiving scholarship were two young men, Clever & Onitsha, who received deliverance from the spirit of stealing through a prophecy from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. It was discovered that due to the lack of parental care and financial means, they had to stop attending school and were living a wayward life to support themselves. To get them back on the right track and prepare them for the bright future ahead, they were given 200,000 naira each to continue their studies at university. This scholarship programme is just one of the ways that T.B. Joshua leads by example by demonstrating this guiding principle – we begin to succeed with our lives when the hurt and problems matter to us. After the recipients of The SCOAN Scholarship Programme received their school fees, they were escorted to The SCOAN Rice Store where tall stacks of rice had been prepared and the Emmanuel TV Team were positioned ready and waiting to give them their bags or rice.
A video of The Emmanuel TV Partners in Lahore, Pakistan was the next item on the agenda showing the beginning stages of a school being built. The Emmanuel TV Partners along with a pastor from Lahore joined together to make the plans for a seven room school on top of his church building. Once the plans were finished, the supplies necessary to complete the task were brought in to begin laying the foundation – brick by brick. They will continue building until every room is completed and then the students will resume classes and be on the path of a bright future, all because The Emmanuel TV Partners let love lead and looked around to see those in need.
The second service began with Wise Man Racine delivering an inspirational and encouraging message: Welcome To A Place Of Significance. Using the example of Peter, Wise Man Racine gave hope to those listening by saying that Peter’s wasted hours were redeemed and he came to a place of significance, a place that was lost for a period of time. Jesus made Peter the center of his own world. What God has designed you to achieve in His master plan determines your divine course and cause in life. Ending the message, Wise Man Racine spoke into their lives, saying, “As it was for Peter, so it shall be for you! There is indeed a promise of radical transformation for you.” To end the second service, T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men prayed for the congregation and viewers all around the world – encouraging them to exercise their faith and step out in boldness to possess their miracles – healing, salvation and all of God’s blessings.
thnx to god for the anointd leader tb mentor,my hero,my warrior,man of god!
man of God where would we be if not for Emmanueltv,iam learning a lot,
yes, of a truth, i believe in you. What a power exaltation. I now know the call of God in my life. I pray to God to help me be the hearer and doer of his word. I pray to God to strengthen this ministry so as to continue this good work of helping the less priviledge in the society. Yes, i must confess that this ministry have shown Gods love to all irrespective of their faith. Keep it up and dont listen to distractous
My past is over in Jesus name
Man of God, i wld lyk 2 thank u 4 the verse /Psalm 119v105/. I wz just knowing the verse and meditate it Bt nt know what this word mean? Thank u Prophet TB Joshua!! This word is nw a light 2 my path! God bless us all
May God bless the Synagogue, Church of all Nations spiritually and economically. May God put in the heart of people to offer more in order to help the poor. May God also bless Nigeria and the world, especially my country Cambodia.
Pray for me also so that the sickness in my body dies for ever
I know that one day jesus crist will deliver me through the man of God Tb joshua
Amen 2 dat man of God.May God richly bless u n Jesus name…
T.B joshua what a gift of God to humanity.we have been so blessed and transformed just by hearing and applying God‘s word taught by the man of God.
God i thank You for everything
tb. Joshua may God bless ur ministries. Amen….
Thank you man of God for using you to help and deliver people. God Almighty is your strength from post to post Amen
God bless you man.of God
I love the works you are doing Prophet TB Joshua, SCOAN and the Emmanuel TV partners, may God richly bless you.
Prince A.
Lusaka, Zambia.
May the good Lord increase you and the ministry every side
May God richly bless you as you take care of the needy
I love Jesus and I want him to take charge in my life, I need him to free me from every bondage in my life in th name of Jesus Amen!
Lord! Give me the grace to do my calling by talking your Scripture in every conversation.And by reading Gods Word.
May the lord be wt u all the time.
Thank you JESUS for spoting & making me an object for miracle & a turn around in my life. Amen
May the Lord richly bless as you take care of the needy
Am really touched by the word of prophet of God, please is their any means i can speak with him. May God continue to strenghten you ane for the rendered services to humanity.
God bless sir
From kano, Nigeria
Am really touched by the word of prophet of God, please is their any means i can speak with him. May God continue to strenghten you ane for the rendered services to humanity.
Ifeanyi Ezechukwu
From kano, Nigeria
God bless you sir
Lord help me 2 have an eye that sees those in need. And your holyspirit 2 guide when l read the bible
may God reword u sir
To God Almighty be all the Glory!
May the almighty god deliver me from all my human limitation and help me to fulfill hi 0divine call of my life in jesus name amen
tanks,papa may GOD bles u ,and nigeria and my country drcongo.
God be with you always man of God and all at Scoan. Keep up the blessed work
To God be the Glory..Amen!! ,i really need the Anointing can i get hold of it ,am in South Africa?
im a christian. Bt i want the God 2 help 4 weakness tht is me, like i want to be a faithful person to God and i want the power of God to use me, to be in me as i am. And to be a straight person to him, and im willing to preach his word in the whole of my life, and where can i get an anointing water, as i am in Zimbabwe Thank yu man of God, (bt my real name is Taurai Chara)
Am inspired and motivated!
I just want to thank the LORD,for the lives of Prophet TB Joshua and the 5Wiseman!You are a blessing to us!
Man of God heaven is where u will go i pray
God bless you man ofGOD for reaching the unreachables like LAhORE ,i am also waiting for my invitation to come ,since last yaer i applied to come to synagogue.i am a pastor going throigh challenges,i need your help
God bless you pastor
As it was for Peter,so it shall be for me!!Amen
Lord thank u.may u bless tb joshua.we need him.amen
thank you for the powerful words of encouragement. may the man of GOD pray for my country ZIMBABWE:- so that the leaders hve a heart for people and stop corruption, hatred and self interest
As it was for Peter,so it shall be for me!! Amen
Thank u man of God for such kind of reveletion concerning the call of God. I wz really blessed. Please cul and pray for me +26772279840
I call on God, to restore my life and my household. And to read the word as it is required from me. My the Lord bless you to what u do for his people, the poor, orphans, and the vulnarables. Amen
Truely the man of God is a blessing to many.May the SCOAN continue to be used by God to prove the ultimate power of Jesus Christ.These are end times and only through such man of God can we be directed 2 know what is good and leave what is not good.May the Good Lord continue to bless the work of his own hands.amen… EMMANUAL
Man of God Almighty Sinor Prophet TB Joshua.only God Almighty will reward you for ur love and kindness toward children of men.Thank u somurch man of God.once again Thank.
Father, l thank u for ur grace u betowed on us and healing on my entire household. Father, thank u sir.
Great man of God. He epitomises Christ in loving even your enemies. A father to the fatherless, Husband to the widows. A man I so so much like and respect. I have filled out the visitors form online, send text messages and called the designated phone numbers of my intentions of visiting Synagogue Church Of All nations in May 2012 but yet no one had called me or sent me an acknowledging mail.
I am a Canadian Nigerian and wants to celebrate my birthday with Prophet T B Joshua before seeing my family. Please I need a response to my request.
God bless.
Am not finding it is not moving well we it me at father is seriousely sick.he having joint problem stroke and cannot work we are facing a lot we dont have food to as maney to pay our fees so the man of GOD to help my family than you.
May God bless his world through his word
Thank you my lord. May GOD continuously show his mercy and favour to his people by using his servant PROPHET T.B JOSHUA. You’re realy encouragious man of GOD. The better is not good enough. The BEST is yet to COME. Thank you. frm SOUTH AFRICA.
I thank God for the Calling message,am one of those who used to wonder what my calling is in house of God. I realised that everyone is called to do something,and I chose to be a Prayer warrior as stated in Ephesians 6 v 18.Take it upon yourself to be your brothers keeper,least we become weary and lukewarm. May God continue blessing this ministry,we are also always praying for you!!!Jesus is Lord and surely his coming back.
thank God 4d life of d man in d synagogue n al emmanuel tv partner, may d gud Lord continue up holding u. Amen. 4rm ondo
despite d crititism n condemnation, u’v alwayz bin d cynosure of al eye, tank God 4ur lif.emmanuel.
Tank God 4ur humility, n grace of solvin peopl problmz dat comz ur way. Tank u jesus,emmanuel.
I thank God for gift of prophecy in this ministry, as man of God said before,we are more used to pastors than prophet. As human being we love to twist things and come to our conclusions and confuse many.As for me ,I take it upon myself to do what prophecy ask us to do,thus PRAY!!!,I cannot debate on it cause mostly prophecy comes in parables,and a prophet should be your best friend in the body of christ!!!Amen
LORD, I thank u for the life of Prophet T.B Joshua and the five Wisemen. Father, renew their strength each day and give them greater power. I really want to be a member of Emmanuel TV, so help me God.
may god bless u daddy!!!
thank God fo giving us a prophet lyk TB josh.keep on keeping on,i can’t wait to see u man f God.
may GOD bless the synagogus,Church of all Nations also bless prpht TB Joshua 4 his good will of of pls i need special deliverence frm my business,my marriage,my finacial life,in my family,in my children,s.prpht t b joshua prayer 4 my gbaramatu kingdom 4 peace,unity,love,hope…am zibinmoghan.k.moses or keep intouch with me on http//[email protected]/
It is a very good things in life to be give out to needy. Daddy thanks for assisting the needy, God i want to hear ur call bcos this is year of Comeback to God.
Give me the grace Lord,to lead by example!
I love that statement from Man of God ‘ You begin to succeed in your life when the hurt and Problems of other matter to you’
O Lord bless me endeed;enlarge my terittory,Let your hand be upon me,take away all evil in and around my life.What you have deposit in Me which is Domant make it to function in fullness to make a difference to the life of People.Let the potential you pregnanted me with give birth now in Jesus name.
I believe that this is my year of come back from every Limitation,setback,rejection,disappointment,delay,cage and all sort of Placed and inheritage curses for God has position me for my victory and breakthrough to fulfill my dream in a great dimension in Jesus name.
My year of come back to do my calling in a right and a big way.
my blessing this year is huge,i am dreaming big!
It is well,God time is the best,and this is an acseptable time for me.
I will do it,Yes i can do through christ who strentherned me.
Prophet TB Joshua your my Mental,my Spiritual Father and my prayer partiner and if im daughter of this kind of Annointed Man,why i cannot do what my father has started!
Im blessed to have someone like this praying for me daily.
I receive all my breakthrough Keys to do exraodinary in Jesus name.Amen
Man of God thanks for helping the needy is God that will pay you back but pls pray me and my family so that the hand of the good lord will be upon us cus the world is full of evil I want to know my calling from God pls reply me
Thank you Jesus for being with us, for loving us unconditionally. God I need more n more in my life let your mercy n favor speak for me. In Jesus name amen
Praise be to the Almighty.
In Jesus name amen.
Iam now posted to a remote village were I could not watch the life service as i ues to do when i was in the town but thank heaven for the Blog that I can still get the sunday service preaching althought I now miss the viewers prayers which I have been attending for the last seven years due to the kind of my job.regarding the message it is awesome, iam bless.
I am asking for prayers,I am going for a Zimbabwe National Army final selection.Please pray for me to succeed,I believe God will lay his hand on me.
I wnt 2 thnk evry 1 who kept us in their prayers during the dificult we were facing I thnk u all in Jesus name. May God bless u Emmanuel crew.
Lord God Almighty,You are soooo wonderful….
Thank you man of God for being agood teacher and also for being agood giver,may our loving lord always continue to supply so that you can give the more,your family will never luck in jesus name.
May d lord Almighty continue 2 bless u more n more as u impact in many pple lives in a different ways, i also prayed that God should give me d heart 2 give others in jesus name Amen.
The man of God Prophet T B Joshua is a bench mark which i constantly use to tell real man of God from the false ones. I do this through his teaching and his deeds. He also is a constant guide to me through dreams of him of which i have had two so far. I thank God for raising up the standard through this man of God T.B Joshua.
What a great messages from both prophet T B Joshua n wise man Racine… Amen to that.will u please pray for me n deliver me from all da habits dat m encountering n change my feel more n more of my connection to God. In Jesus name.
Man of God help me ,am a born again believer for some time now, currently am failing to pray because many are the things i ask God to help me with but it seems God does not hear me. I want to know him more pray for me i need God to come through for me.
amen.may the name of the most high jesus christ be praised.may god bless the emmanuel team,emmauel tv partners and prophet tb joshua for all their good deeds,may god reward them always.i’m always inspired.thank you
may he continue using you man of God so that many can receive from the hands of the lord who gives generously…..
I enjoyed that teaching “CALL OF GOD”. I really want to understand my calling too. May the Lord keep using you to open our hearts and eyes to HIS truth through you.
i love you dady
God is love and this love we took as HIS image. May the peace, joy and love of christ grow mightly in you as you strive to teach the greatest law. LOVE! PEACE UNTO YOU
He is a great annointed man of God dat hve changed my life in so many ways,tho im here in South Africa ,i hve recieved deliverance from man of God thru dreams,may God continue to stregthen him,all his gd wrk to continue.i know he is a true man of God nomatter wat pple say?may God grant him more nd more years.Amen.
The Kingdom of God is not in words but also in power.
Revelation 1: 5-6
Christ who is the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth. to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and father to him be glory and power for ever and ever.
What a blessing and honour it is for one to have Prophet TB Joshua as a Mentor and spiritual father.
I pray that God Almighty open the eyes of His people. Oh Lord that we may be able to realise what He has given us through His able servant Prophet T.B Joshua. Amen!
I am blessed eachtime I listen to the Prophet’s teachings and prophecies. Hallelujah!
Thank you jesus.In your word is my salvation,healing,deliverance,redemption.Aleluya.
thank u man of god i like the encouraging words.
Now i know and i’ve seen that distance can never be a barrier to the power of GOD from the MAN OF GOD to make me what HE talks about.Thank you MAN OF GOD.
Thank SCOAN for this article. Has it was for Peter, let it be for me, my family and the entire world. God be with you man of God, the wisemen and all at SCOAN.
May God bless u man of God
Iam nid help with my mother she is very sick with high blood,etc. I wnt 2 pray 4 me en my boyfrnd help withim thru sickness, me with all my problem fiance,work, i wnt 2 gt marry 2
Thank you Lord for giving this generation an upperhand to experience the presence of Jesus in our midst as was during the days of Him (Jesus) and His disciples.
i francis,from kaduna i, need your help, man of god delivered me help man of god
Unto God be the glory! Amen!
Thankyou Jesus for the gift of our father in the lord Prophet TB Joshua. Man of God, I pray that God will continue to bless you to bless others. You are the man of the people and we have learnt a lot from your teachings of giving and loving others. Pray for me for deliverance. I also like eating sand soil. Deliver me man of God.
Let God be God, and Him alone must be honoured.
Africa, must be proud to have someone from God like TB Joshua. Those who know it like me must not stop thanking God The Almighty. I am proud to be an African and to have this man of God i my continent, not far from my country.
May continue to bless you and all those who are arround you!
Amen to that. I am a very proud person of the prophet and African. I feel blest and my prayer is that God should continue to watch over his life. And i know one day, just oneday i will surely, meet him,i believe that. Am proud Zambian,to God be the Glory.
Am truly convinced of prophet TB Joshua, that he is truly a man of GOD. No doubt about it. LORD should have mercy on those who are still doubting.
Emmanuel!Emmanuel!!Emmanuel!!!.More Wisdom for My Great Prophet.In Jesus Name.
Glory be to God and our father Jesus Christ!
Thank you man of God,let this annointing of God in Prophet’s life fall afresh on us so that we will be able to change the world around us,because this is nothing else,but this is through his WORD by his SPIRIT.
Thankx Lord for your man senior Prophet Tb Joshua,wise mans and his family. May u guide and bless them always
i would lIke to thank God for the Prophet’s life and the whole synagogue team for lifting up the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and for all the wonderfull things you do for the needy ,may God bless you , iwas blessed as i read the mesage and may God reveal my calling now
Man of God, I thank God for your life and that of the Wise Man because it’s through watching Emmanuel TV that I have hope to live again. My God will never fail me, continue to be a blessing to the world and may God keep all of you who are connected to the work of the ministry!
God is awesome
Thank God for the Life of Prophet TB Joshua and the SCOAN. GOD put you on this world for a purpose and your purpose is a very profound and fundamental one for this world. Thank you for uplifting us spriritually bcoz from the lessons that we learn we are able to uplift other people. We will keep praying to GOD to bless u and give u the strength to continue healing the world. I wish u more blessings and longer life for the benefit of the world. Thank you very much.
Help me Lord to realise and pursue my calling in life.
call of God has realy inspired my faith.i hav began to read my bible which is in the holy spirit’s hands so prophet tb joshua help me so that God can refresh my mind and his spirit renews my strength. Pliz pray for my baby boy his 1year old the doctor said he has foot drop and sickal cel pliz help me in prayer and may God grace be upon u and the wise men. Peace be with you.
Lord God of prophet tb Joshua deliver me.
Thank you man of God,Stay blessed and may the good Lord continue using you in his gratious work.We are blessed to have you
May the Lord assist us where ever we a lost
The spirit of the lord is coming 2 take u out of this bondage right away. And so let it be 2 u and me in Jesus name
Emmanuel, God be wth us. Lord Jesus save me 4rm bondage in dis year nd come to my resque b’cos i need God intervention in my life. Peace.
My lord prophet,i alwys watch ur live service every sunday,God wil enrich u ad ur ministries
Man of god l need yo blessings please
Thank you man of god for every thing you are doing to the pipo n need .Man of god pliz pray for my fatha he has been bwitched since 2005 he had every thng shops bttl stores butchery and stands bt nw man of god he is hoples he qualifyd hs grade11 examz and waz imployed as an MD maneging director since that year he z duing peace work jobs selling tomatoes and vegetables help us man of god i hope u wil pray for my daddy hz name z godfrey munyoro i pray that u wil read my comment may thegud LORD KINDLY REWARD U IN JESUS NAME AMEN
God bless you man of god i pray so that he wil gv you mo wisdom and strength you are blessing to ths nation
Thanx 4 the good work u r doing i pray tht 1 day u wl prophesy my life through here bcz im nt hapi in my whole lyf dissapointments in lyf bad lucky so plz man of god touch my lyf in ur prayers in jesus name
My name is Emmanuel Aslem, am hail from Ugelli north local gvrt area of Delta state and i am born and brought up in Estako central local gvrt area of Edo state by Mr and Mrs Emmanuel Esemure. There is one thing which i believe that God can do in our life especially my family. I want the hand of God should be upon us because we have no father nor mother but all i need in us that my parent left behind is unity and God shoul let our helpers should locate us in any area we are and if i should be given any opportunity to go SCOAN CHURCH OF NATIONS bcause i hav alot to tell since we our parent. I want to use this opportunity to THANK the senior Prophet TB Joshua for the caring and guidains towords the life of the needs and i pray that the good Lord we reward him accordilly in JESUS NAME…. AMEN. Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
This is God at work.May the good Lord continue to bless mankind through this Ministry.God of Abraham,Isaac,Jacob,Joseph,Moses,Joshua,King David,Apostles Paul,Peter ,Prophet T B Joshua I agree with you.EMMANUEL TV PARTNER ZW008766
I thank my God for prophet TB Joshua ur teaching of the Word of God is inspiring thnk u for showing us the way may God bless u Im learning frm u every day
God’s direction is always right.I know that one day God will show me my calling in his name.
God is doing a wonderful work through you. May the Lord remember your good works. Do you know that during the last public revolt against fuel subsidy in January, some thieves went around some areas in ibadan to rob people of their belongings just as the man of God prophesied. The people of the area cried out on the radio for police to rescue them. God is in control in Nigeria
I salute you man of God!
Man God prophet T B Joshua, i am really proud of you as my mentor, spiritual director & my teacher. Your generousity can only be rewarded by God alone. The best investment is HELP. You have proved it beyond doubt in your life & ministry. Go ahead our heavenly God will continue to bless you & the wisemen mightly in Jesus name. . . . Amen.
GOD bless you man of GOD and your family for helping the needy and poor .praise the lord he is great and good every day and every time .
With god nothing is impossible thank man of god i am a women with 2 kids and i am 6mnths pregnant please pray for me against operation on delivery and a vacancy thank u man of god
i want to talk to one of the wiseman i believe they are used by GOD also, my number is 0026876030904 my country is SWAZILAND plz plz plz plz GOD BLESS T.B JOSHUA and the whole family of scoan
may anyone who is a regular attender at scoan to pls get me an annointing water if possible my country is SWAZILAND i can’t afford to fly to nigeria pls anyone who knows exactly how painful it is how to struggly
I need deliverance from an ancestral curse affecting my family. Nobody has risen to prominence in decades in my family. It is like my life is driven by forces antithetical to God’s purpose for my life. I need deliverance. My name ALEMU DENNIS. ALEMU is my family name in Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. My phone is number 08120387499
Daddy God wil bless you in abundant in Jesus Name Amen
God is good, I can see dat Senior Prophet TB Joshua is a real Man of God. Emmanuel.!!!!!!!
Oh Lord God Almighty I pray that you sends your Holy Spirit to be with me so as I may know my calling. Help me to understand the Holy Bible your words from you, in Jesus name, amen.
The most important thing I ussaually see in the life of SCOAN is love for the orphan, children of the widows, physically challenged and others in need.
while others use these vulnerable for their own gain, TB joshua and the SCOAN calls them to receive help. what a love GOD can offer through SCOAN.
It is now time to understand that vulnerability is not a thing to make one live like a slave for you help him/her.
when someone need somehelp, please help. dont make them slaves for your farms, housekeeping, businesses or whatever evil way you may involve them.
please help the vulnerables and those in need to receive success too.
Thank u fo interceding fo us.
God will continues to be with you man of God,we appreciate God presence in your life
th’s wndful,i also nid hlp wnt 2go bac 2xul,no parents,i wl b hapy if u hlp me,i stay in zimbabwe
I’m prayin and askin God that one day i will be a patecker of this blessing of God througt the man of God or even to be oppotune to worship with people in the SCOAN church of all nation, i’m a nagerian leaven in Adamawa state an offan child…GOD remember us
Thank You Jesus Christ for You wise message through Your servant T.B Joshua, the Wisemen and the Emmanuel Tv crew and partners. Jesus Christ, help me to locate anointed water from SCOAN. I am in Zimbabwe and my number is 0772976568. My final hope is in Jesus Christ. Lord, l ask for employment. Can anyone deliver me by calling my names and directs the anointing water to me. You are my only God of Abraham, lsaac and of Jacob. The Lord who provides. Amen.
Dear joshua I wish to came and present gospel music @ church services am from zimbabwe am blind seeking for help am 28year old pray for my healing I want to see again when I was 15yrs I lose my sight
Prophet TB Joshua u r a true man of God.Pray 4 our country Zambia that no one shuld’nt get injuired or die as we r playn Ivory Coast 2nyt AFCON 2012 CUP Finals.May the Good Lord continue pouring his Blessings upon Life and i thank the Almighty 4 giving us Prophet T.B Joshua u r a True Man of God.thank u…
Prophet TB Joshua u r a true Man of God.i thank the Alimighty God 4 giving us the World Prophet TB.Joshua.Pray 4 our Country Zambia as we r playn Ivory Coast AFCON 2012 Cup Finals that people shoud’nt die or get injuired during Celebrations,Thank u Man of God.
Where can we go from his presents? No where. God Almighty told us that if you follow him. We will be the salt of the earth and a light of the world
Touched by the testimonies pls pray for me
Man of God be blessed always with your team and let your blessings come upon those of us who in diverse ways need the blessing of God. I want to grow in faith and freed from ancestral curses. Please help me. Thank you.
I need God intervetiion in my life dis year so pls man of God help.
Ooh Lord thank you for answering our prayers. Thank you for the Afcon 2012 Cup finals we won. We need your blessing God. Thank you Jesus.
Man of God I want to have faith and freed from ancestral curses, witchcraft,and limitation in our family.
I think everyone should longing to have The Spirit of God more than anything else. Thank you men of God for wonderful teaching.
I would like to thank the whole team of Emmanuel T V for what you are doing to people’s lives may God continue to show His powers through you. I would like you to pray for my family.
Oh what a great message,Thats what i needed for mi day.I really want to be guided by the Holly Spirit.Thank u man of God and may God bless u all.
May God bless u man of God. Parye of me
May God bless u man of God. Parye 4 me
Emmanuel!!!! Indeed God is with us. Glory and honour be to our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.I’m commenting on the interview that was conducted by the media on the man of God and his wife our mother madam Joshua. What an excellent response was.I’m pleased by all your responses.You both answer in a simple and straight forward way of showing the world that you are Godly focus not earthly or canal.It was clear that out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speak. Indeed you spoke up your hearts. Every time I see you reacting to a propaganda or any slanderous remarks or any attack off some kind I see divine wisdom.My spirit grows everytime you respond to an attack.You are undestructable,you have survived all kinds of weather through grace.May our Lord reveal more of himself to you for our benefit and edification.I’m waiting for God’s time to receive a touch from you man of God.You are a stalwart by the grace of God.Whatever you do,is for God’s glory. You take no credit at all unlike others,but gave it all to him who deserve it.What a faithfull servant you are. Its like I can see our Father in heaven saying “I’m well pleased with you”. I Love you very much Dad. You have shown me the way. I will follow your teachings until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.Thank you my dear Brothers Wise men you are on track.Follow the footsteps.Hold him by the hem of his garments.We don’t know if the Lord is going to keep him long with us.Remember Enock and Elijah,they were also taken. May our Lord Jesus Christ preserve him until he comes back for the benefit of the world. I love you Dad. Thank you all.
Iam so very much inspared.May God continue in this ministry.
I got admission to east ukrainian national university in ukraine to study computer science and i need about 2million naira and i don’t have it, what will i do.
I got admission to east ukrainian national university in ukraine to study computer computer science and i need about 2milion naira, and i dont have that kind of money, what will i do
thax God for all, T. B. JOSHUA GOD BLESS U
Thank you Jesus for your Mighthy works through your servant Prophet TB Joshua. Light has conquered darkness and many souls have been delivered while many has repented. Thank you Jesus for your Mercy and Favour which has brought much assurance and believing in the Holy Spirit
ME and my family shall live by God’s word. I will let God use me. We really need to answer God’s calling by accepting his will in our live. Believing that God is our light is the most important thing we should do.
Lord I wanna know what most I do? Most I wait or? The is a guy how is saling his car with R175000 bot he said I will gave to me with R50 000,let your will be done
Amen in Jesus name
By the grace and mercy of the Son of Love, Jesus the Christ, I am very thankful that He(Love) has revealed and granted unto you my beloved Brother, Prophet TB Joshua the divine mantle and secret to the Father’s Heart (LOVE).
In accordance to what you are doing and teaching us my understanding is if one is not filled by the Holy Spirit of Love he or she will not be a position to be a child of love and living a life of Love. I now realize by revelation and understand of 1 Corintians 12,13 and 14 that if we are not clothed in the image and likeness of the love of God we most likely will never be the Sons and Daughters we ought to be here upon this earth and in eternity.
I hope and pray that we the children of God (Love) will come to the realization that the most important aspect of the ministry the Father of Love has granted unto you is to teach us how to obtain and live the life of LOVE. We need to realize that it is not by lip service but in spirit and in truth (heart). I am now understanding that it is very important for us to understand that Love is an issue of the heart or inner man and not of flesh or external man. I think one of the major areas where the enemy have been able to deceive most of us is our failure to examine our motive when we do things; are we doing them for man to praise us or for the glory of our Lord and Saviour.
If and when we understand the Love we Christians must posess and live by comes from the Father of LOVE and it is given to us by the Son of LOVE and it is manifested through the Holy Spirit of LOVE. I now understand that the kingdom of God is the kingdom of LOVE because God is LOVE.
Therefore, we as children of God need to understand that this kind of LOVE is not of man and couldn’t be given by man because man was and is incapable of paying the price. The glory belongs to the ONE who paid the original price. Let us understand that only the the ONE that has made us partakers deserves all the glory not us.
This true Love commands a very high price that couldn’t be paid by any or all the treasures or the value of all things that comes from the kingdom of this world but only from the kingdom of heaven(LOVE) that comes from above, Our Lord and Savor Jesus the Christ.
the bible says when a man is calld he will be empower.
D most primary tin in lyf is d mind. Nw i thnk God 4 dis opportunity “am in 80% of word wit pple” i nvr considered dis in arquing words from Bible & other novels on d negative side.
D issue of d mind; hw do i knw what my calling frm God is?
Whatever He accept me to do through Him —- dat is my calling.
Teaching as explain it dat i most read His word (Bible) to knw God better.
Psalm 119:105 Romans 12:2
whn u allow God to trasformed u by d power of holy spirit, He wil literally begin to show u d way.
Another important knowledge i got again is, mk God’s word ur data base on every day practice in live either on phone or business places, use d word to answer & transact ur daily affairs 4 ur personal opinion.
My question is hw do i start? wit dis currepted nature by stealing/collecting smth dat does nt belong to me & also like women/girls. Which way/step shld i take 1st bcoz i don’t wnt to mis heaven.