As they gathered for the service of March 10, 2024, congregants were conscious of God’s Word in John 4:23-24: “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

Therefore, purging their hearts of all offence and asking the Son Of David not to give them the judgement they truly deserve, the people raised their voices to Heaven alongside The SCOAN Choir. They started by inviting the Holy Ghost into their midst and calling for sin’s power over them to be broken. They sang: “Lord, We Give You Thanks/For All You Have Done/We Are So Blessed/Our Souls Have Found Rest.” It was indeed a mightily anointed worship session, with all witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit as they sang, “Zoe!”

“If God be for you, who can be against you?” asked Evangelist James as he joined congregants for the sermon entitled “YOUR OBEDIENCE PROVES YOUR FAITH.” He read from Luke 17:11-14, the passage about the actions of some lepers who obeyed the instruction from Jesus Christ to show themselves to the priests before receiving their healing. The message focused on the importance of acting in strict obedience to God’s instructions even when sense evidence may cause us to doubt His promises. Accordingly, the evangelist asked pointedly: “Is your trust in God strong enough that you act on what He says even before you see evidence that it will work?”

Like those lepers, Christians are to obey God at all times and to wait for His time, never going ahead of the One who knows the end from the beginning. “What is obedience?” the preacher asked. And to this he answered, “It is doing what the Word says, not what you come up with in your own mind.” Quoting God’s illustrious servant Prophet TB Joshua, Evangelist James said: “Obeying God at first seems hard until we come to see that all He asks is for our good and makes life full and free.”

Evangelist James carried on by noting that obedience to God’s instructions equips us with the capacity to cope with sorrow and hardship during those trials that test our faith and take us to a new level in our Christian walk. He observed that such obedience also manifested in the actions of the two disciples whom Jesus instructed to fetch a donkey and its colt in Matthew 21:2-3.

Similarly, it was such eventual obedience that freed Naaman from the affliction of leprosy. Obedience is the result of belief and trust in God’s Word. When we obey God’s instructions and commands, God will fulfil His promises to us. On that note, Evangelist James encouraged the people thus: “The way of obedience is the way of blessing. The way of obedience is the way of victory. The way of obedience is the way of success.”

And The Lord Touched Them For Healing, Deliverance And Blessings!

“Clap for Jesus,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua told the people as she joined them for the Prayer Line ministration.

Citing Psalm 121:1-3, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Heavenly Father, gracious God, we thank You. Father, we praise Your holy name. We bring You all the thanks, all the praises. We thank You for life and all the good things that life brings. Father, we thank You for those moments of peace, those moments of hope that flood our hearts. Father, we thank You for Jesus Christ. Thank You for all He said and did, pointing us to Your love. Father, we thank You for His divine healing over our lives – healing in our body, in our soul and spirit.

Father, we thank You for the victory over all that brings us pain. Almighty God, we thank You for the freedom that He gave – freedom from sin and its penalties. Father, we commit ourselves into Your hands today. We pray You lead as we follow, in the name of Jesus Christ! Father, touch Your children for healing, for blessing, for deliverance, for the salvation of their souls. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray! Thank You, Jesus!”

From all over the world, people came for prayer over afflictions such as difficulty in walking, shoulder dislocation, hernia, knee injury, kidney ailments, swollen belly, leg ulcers, epilepsy, mental disorder, poor vision, diabetes, and addiction of various sorts. As they entered into a new lease of life, the people exclaimed, “Thank You, Jesus!”

Also in attendance were women in various stages of pregnancy who received impact from on High as they brought issues of breech presentation, fibroids, cysts and spiritual attacks before the Lord Almighty.

With the incredibly mighty power of God carrying on in The Arena Of Liberty, The SCOAN Evangelists joined Pastor Evelyn Joshua in standing on the believer’s authority.

And as Jesus Christ remains the Foundation of The Synagogue, the One-On-One session was yet another opportunity for the evangelists to declare thus: “Fire, in the name of Jesus! Out, in the name of Jesus! Stand up – you are free!”

Gratitude On Emmanuel TV At 18!

The woman of God took a few minutes to thank everyone for their support on the 18th anniversary of Emmanuel TV, which was founded by Prophet TB Joshua on March 8, 2006. She said to the world, “Thank you for celebrating Emmanuel TV.”

The Day Their Stories Changed!

“May the joy in your life never suffer corruption, in Jesus’ name,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed as she joined the people for the Mass Prayer session. She read from Matthew 8:1-3 and encouraged the people to place their faith in God Almighty. She asked them to declare, “Jesus is the Healer, the Blessing Provider, the Restorer!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “I command the healing power of God into your life, in the name of Jesus Christ! Receive your healing, deliverance from every disease, affliction, shame, in the name of Jesus Christ! I command every form of sickness, disease in your life to go out today, in the name of Jesus Christ! I command freedom into your life today, in the name of Jesus Christ! I command healing into your soul, spirit and body, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be healed! Be freed! Be delivered! Be restored! Be blessed! In the name of Jesus Christ!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua also told the people to decree: “My head – reject affliction, failure, disappointment!” She equally prayed for them: “Receive freedom from poverty, setback, failure, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be restored to the position in which God made you. Every garment of shame, disgrace in your life – be torn, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua turned to viewers all over the world: “We command every spirit that is challenging your Sonship in Christ Jesus to break loose! Every spirit that has kept you in bondage – we command you to be set loose, in the name of Jesus! Be loosed from those shackles of evil, disappointment, failure, hatred! May your lost glory be restored, in the name of Jesus! I command healing, blessing into the lives of Your children! Breakthrough in your career, business, marriage, in the name of Jesus! Father, open closed doors for Your children. Let the windows of Heaven be opened for your sake, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Ope told the people to pray: “Thou Son Of David – by Your divine mercy and favour, every spirit from the pit of hell calling for my head – Holy Ghost Fire: Out! You spirit of darkness calling for my head – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Chisom told the people to pray: “You unclean spirit – no hiding place for you! Anywhere you are: Out, in the name of Jesus! You spirit from my past, disturbing my present and future, listen to the voice of God – in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph urged the people to decree: “Every spirit of affliction affecting my health – anywhere you are, I command you, you messenger of satan – Holy Ghost Fire: Out! You demon, darkness, messenger of satan attacking me day and night – anywhere you are: Come out!”

Evangelist James urged the people to decree: “Every chain of disappointment, setback, failure, poverty holding me down, holding my family down – be broken, in the name of Jesus!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “I command the power of God to come down upon you. Every infirmity – wherever it is located – I command that infirmity in your blood, tendons, bones. You demon, infirmity – out with all your sickness, failure, disappointment, setback, barrenness! Anywhere sickness, disease is located in your life, blood, tendons, kidneys, liver, fluids, bones, on your skin – I command them out, in the name of Jesus.

The man of God further proclaimed: “Let the power of God come on you! I speak to your career – let the story change! Let your story change – the story of your business, finances, career, marriage! History about your life – begin to change! History about your marriage and family – begin to change!”

Mid-service Testimony

“I Thought The Power In The Synagogue Was Gone!” Says Man Who Vomited Evil Cowries After His Mission Failed

During the Laying Of Hands session, God’s power exposed the root of darkness that had overshadowed Michael’s life. He vomited evil cowries tied up with an evil thread! During his instant testimony, Michael confessed to being on a mission of destruction in The SCOAN, having been recruiting people into satan’s kingdom for decades. Having met his waterloo today, he admitted, “It was a mistake coming here today.” Taken up by Pastor Evelyn Joshua on his mission in The SCOAN, Michael further confessed, “I thought the power in The Synagogue was gone!” The woman of God reminded all, “Jesus Christ is the Foundation of The Synagogue.”


Kensay Gets Her Deliverance For Free!

“Fire all over your body!” declared the evangelist as he uttered words affected with the power of the Holy Spirit upon Kensay during the service of March 3, 2024. In church a week later, Kensay recalled her childhood experiences. She also spoke about her life as an adult. “I used to dream of a man getting intimate with me and I would sometimes get so dizzy that I would pass out,” she said. She also told of how she faced disappointments all her life. “Things weren’t working for me and I often got suicidal,” she continued. Kensay also narrated how several people demanded money to help her get delivered. “I refused to pay because I believed deliverance should be free,” she said. To the glory of God, Kensay got her deliverance free of charge in The Arena Of Liberty! “Now I am full of life and health,” she stated. “Hold on to God,” she advised others.

Elderly Woman Walks Freely Again!

Before she received prayer on March 3, 2024, elderly Concepcion could barely walk, even with her walking sticks. She had been suffering from diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. “I could not do anything and I felt it was time for me to quit the world,” she said on March 10, 2024, during her testimony. “My body started to shake as the evangelist prayed for me, and when I got up I could feel the strength in all parts of my body,” she said excitedly, demonstrating her healing. She advised others to believe in God and join a living church.

Freed From The Shackles Of Alcohol Addiction!

“I used to drink alcohol all day,” Ayodeji confessed on Sunday, March 10, 2024, “and it seriously affected my appetite and lifestyle.” The Sunday before, he had been in The Arena Of Liberty for prayer over his addiction. “I used to quarrel with my wife and other family members because I was always angry,” he went on. He also told of how he had lost several contracts because of his drinking problem. “Potential clients used to dismiss me politely after perceiving the smell of alcohol on me,” he disclosed. Since receiving a touch of liberation, Ayodeji has become a new creature in Jesus Christ. He advised others, “Be careful about the type of friends you keep, and be sure to take your issues to God.” His wife confirmed the transformation, saying, “Everything is fine now.” She advised people to take their issues to God Almighty. Ayodeji’s mother, who had insisted that he come to The SCOAN for his deliverance, was all smiles as she confirmed the transformation. “Don’t give up on God,” she advised others.

Hepatitis B Vanishes In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ!

For 17 years, professional chef Alloy suffered from the scourge of Hepatitis B. “It affected my ability to stay on a job,” he told the church on March 3, 2024, during his testimony. For all that time, he experienced weakness of the body, could not bathe with cold water and always had movements in his chest and back. To the glory of God, however, he received prayer on 24 December 2023 as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Afterwards, Alloy went for a test and the doctors found that his hepatitis had vanished! Alongside his wife, Alloy advised others to look up to God for healing, deliverance and salvation.

Anointing Foils Satan’s Plans Over Twin Divine!

Divine, a twin boy, had woken up one morning unable to walk. His parents were surprised but they reposed their faith in Jesus Christ, so they brought him to The Arena Of Liberty for a touch sanctioned by the Throne Of Grace. “Initially, I shivered on seeing him in that condition and I feared the worst,” said Divine’s father on March 3, 2024. To the glory of God, after prayer ministration by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, Divine got on his feet and began to walk freely. In no time, his appetite returned and he ate a hearty meal! Six-year-old Divine demonstrated his healing in The SCOAN, alongside both his parents. His mother advised others to take their problems to God Almighty.

E-mail Testimonies

  • Hanne, a 44-year-old from Ireland, suffered from bedwetting from childhood. Since an encounter with Emmanuel TV in 2015, Hanne has ceased bedwetting. After calling The SCOAN Prayer Line, she subsequently secured a job in 2023, alongside a contract for her husband. Today, the couple is enjoying a new lease of life!
  • Florence, a Ghanaian living in South Africa, had received prayer over her risky late-age pregnancy. She had played a Mass Prayer video where Prophet TB Joshua declares light upon every situation. After the prayer, Florence had her baby with ease!
  • Jennifer from Botswana had been feeling excruciating pain in her back – pain so severe that it made her cry. In the search for a solution, she played a Mass Prayer video of Prophet TB Joshua and the Spirit of God overpowered her, causing her pain to disappear. Jennifer also received healing for her stomach ulcers, following that prayer video!
  • On behalf of his wife, Happy from Zimbabwe testified about healing from thyroid cancer. The wife had received prayer on The SCOAN Prayer Line after her surgery. At that time, she could not yet speak audibly, as doctors had given her at least a month to recover her voice. To the glory of God, however, prayer without boundary restored the woman’s voice in just a few days!
  • Charlotte, a Togolese living in the USA, was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and ovarian cysts, which put her and her baby at risk. Doctors said that she needed preterm inducement. Having handed over her case to God, Charlotte had baby Isaiah without needing any inducement whatsoever – all glory to God!
  • Mary, a Kenyan living in the USA, testified about the healing of her Kenya-based brother from prostate cancer and end-stage kidney disease. She had called The SCOAN prayer Line on December 31, 2023. Glory be to Jesus Christ!
  • Olatunji testified on behalf of his sister, who had lost a baby a year before. After ministration of the New Anointing Water, his sister fell pregnant again. However, her umbilical cord was wound around the baby. Olatunji then played a Mass Prayer video that caused his sister to have her baby with ease! Thank You, Jesus Christ!
  • Yongo, a Cameroonian living in Germany, used to have nightmares in which he saw himself back home in the village. The struggling football player then called The SCOAN Prayer Line and vomited the roots of his problems as an evangelist prayed for him in Jesus’ name.

After-Service Testimonies

This man had been suffering from waist and stomach pain. During the Mass Prayer session, the power of God located him and instantly ended the pain. He is now free and highly elated. Glory to God!

Nancy had been suffering from hotness of the stomach, which caused her so much discomfort. To the glory of God, during the Mass Prayer session, the condition disappeared!

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