Following a very enthralling Message entitled ‘Be His Kingdom Builder’ by Wise Man Christopher, the man of God mounted the altar and commended the Message for its depth and presentation among other qualities after which he reminded the congregation of the woman who, arrested by the Hoy Spirit during the mass prayer of the previous Sunday, confessed that she was wedded to a spiritual husband and bore two healthy male children to the spirit husband. The video clip was revisited.
The woman in question is Pastor Ruth Ajoka of Battle Evangelical Church, Lokoja who for years had prayed and prophesied to people. In course of the mass prayer in the Church, her spiritual husband disengaged from her in the pervading anointing of the Holy Spirit and advised her to surrender. It was at that stage that Ruth in a fit of manifestation opened her mouth to accuse the prophet of separating her from her spirit husband that she loved very much and by whom she had two healthy boys. She vowed not to allow that to happen because of her deep love for the spirit husband. She said she loved the spirit husband as much as she hated the earthly husband in Lokoja by whom she refused to have any child for 17 years because of her hatred for him. According to her, the spiritual husband put a crown on her head and gave her a wedding gown. The spirit husband also put a mattress on top of water and made love to her after which she lost affection for her earthly husband and hated him the more. Accusing the prophet of using his powers to separate him from the spiritual husband, she vowed to fight back but would not come close to the prophet because she could see the Godly powers in him. Going close to her and delivering her, the prophet prayed for her to have a child by her earthly husband. In the sobriety that followed her deliverance, she regretted the bad treatment she had meted out to her husband, adding that her husband had taken her to many places in a bid to have a child by her but she knew all that effort would be in vain and merely followed him to such places to please him.
The husband, Mr John Ajoka, a retired police officer of the rank of DSP, in a very sad mood told the surprised congregation his tale of woe in the hands of his wife. He had taken her to many places for deliverance but without success. He felt actually wrecked by his many efforts to get her delivered. He had also sent her to a Bible School for one year, all in the attempt to deliver her. Among other misdemeanours, she starved her husband of love pretending that she was praying and she would glue herself to her Bible from midnight to 4am as she read and cried, leaving her husband alone and starved in bed. In addition to all that, he took her to a hospital in Abuja where she was operated on and a crab extracted from her stomach in place of the much expected child. The husband paid a bill of N200,000.00 to the hospital for this evil perpetrated by Ruth and her spiritual husband. The husband in conclusion appealed to the man of God for his personal deliverance from the evil he had suffered in the hands of his wife and her spiritual husband.
The next man called to the altar was a South African by name Alfred Mahlangu, a legal consultant who received a prophecy during the New Year church service that he was deceived by a friend with whom he travelled to another country and joined a cult so as to become wealthy. One of the demands by the cult was that he would donate his daughter to them as a compensation for the wealth he would amass. As he had no daughter at the time of joining the cult, he happily agreed to do so. Now he has a beautiful daughter whom he loves very much and unless something was done urgently, he would lose the daughter to the cult. The prophet promised to pay for his flight ticket to South Africa to bring the daughter for deliverance or else he would lose her. The cultists would not pounce on her physically but she would go to bed hale and hearty but not wake up the following morning. Coming to the altar accompanied by the beautiful daughter, Alfred confirmed that a friend deceived him and they went from South Africa to Mozambique in 1998 where he was deceived to join a cult as was prophesied and in the process many charms were deposited in him. He also confirmed the donation of a daughter as revealed in the prophecy. It was not until 2006 that he had his first daughter whose life was being threatened by his cult membership. God had told him in a dream to name his daughter the ‘Protected One’. While he was in The SCOAN for the New Year service, his daughter had a dream in which she saw a big man who wanted to open her skull but as Alfred was being delivered in The SCOAN, the big man was affected and he ran away. Carrying his daughter, Alfred and she were delivered and he fell in reaction to the deliverance.
A professional assassin who was arrested by the Holy Spirit in the Church and asked to go and call his mother for a meeting with the prophet mounted the platform with the mother to report his mission to the Church. The assassin, Mr Chukwu by name, had trailed one man to the Church with the intention of assassinating him when he was arrested by the Holy Spirit and delivered.
According to him, on the day of his arrest, he and the victim-to-be had come the same time in their different cars to the Church, parked their cars about the same time and went together into the Church. Mr Chukwu’s plan was to assassinate the man on the way to the Church, in the Church or close to the man’s home after the service, depending on when the opportunity offered itself. While mentally perfecting his ignoble scheme as he kept a watchful eye on the man, Chukwu among others welcomed the man of God to the auditorium and then the altar. However, as soon as the man of God took the microphone from the wise man, Mr Chukwu began to have sensations of discomfort in his entire being. Some kind of disenabling weight descended on him and he was no longer the agile criminal he had known himself to be. At this
stage, he signaled the lady who was his ready accomplice that they should leave. Confused in the pervading atmosphere of the anointed presence of the Holy Spirit, his accomplice totally misunderstood him and proceeded to send back contrary signals to him. In desperation, he got up and decided to leave the lady behind but engulfed in the unusual atmosphere of the Holy Spirit, he was visited with a harvest of confusions on the one hand and a struggle with himself as to how to be able to leave the Church. In a flux of sensations which encapsulated reality with hallucinations, he saw himself under pressures of attack but could not put himself sufficiently together to hit back, partly hazy and partly in a fit of electrocution as he was. In this fit of discomposure, he surrendered himself for deliverance. He said his parents had disowned him in his lifestyle of criminality and he had an inner yearning to reunite with them as their child- a yearning fructified by the deliverance. Delivered, Mr Chukwu saw the need for a life of moral discipline predicated on sound education and wished to go back to his alma mater, Imo State University, Owerri, from which he absconded five years before at 400 level into a lifestyle of assassination.
His mother, Gift by name, proceeded to tell the story of her son, Chukwu after she had been introduced. According to her, she was filled with fear when her terrorist son whom she had not seen for four years arrived in the village and she told herself that her end had come. Her son had beaten her in the past if she opposed any of his wishes. He never respected her as a mother and it was a relief to her when Chukwu travelled. When Chukwu told her that he had come to report to her the invitation of the man of God, she did not easily believe her and she secretly went to consult her sister and her husband who encouraged her to go to Lagos in response to the invitation. Her fear that Chukwu might have plans to assassinate her could not be allayed easily. However, she felt a bit relieved when it was decided that an elder brother to Chukwu should go with them. In Lagos, her fear was still there when Chukwu was phoning the man of God of his arrival with his mother. It was only when they had been ushered into the presence of the man of God that she was totally relieved. She was very happy that Chukwu could go as far as to the man of God and she thanked God for that.
They were happy to hear of the man of God’s readiness to send Chukwu to school to complete his education and for which purpose he gave Chukwu the sum of N400,000.00. They all thanked the man of God for the offer.
Mr Innocent from Taraba State mounted the platform accompanied by his sister to tell the congregation how his release from life jail was effected. He was an armed robber who was arrested in 1993 at the age of 29 and jailed for life. According to him, he and other prisoners were watching the Emmanuel TV on Sunday when as requested by the prophet, he filled in a prayer request form. He filled in the words, ‘I need freedom,’ and waved it as the man of God instructed. The man of God also said distance was no barrier, anywhere you were you would get your blessing to which he responded, Amen. He dropped his request form on the ground as they were being collected in the Church. Thereafter, he felt joyful within him in place of a stone of sadness that he had harboured in his heart and he told God that if he was released, he would give the testimony. That was after he had spent 17 years in jail. A week after that, the wife of the governor toured the prisons to release some listed inmates. On that day, the governor’s wife pointed at him that he must be released even though his name was not on the list. His mission to The SCOAN was therefore to testify to the goodness of God as he had promised. No wonder, his ‘EMMANUEL’ was the loudest among those who mounted the platform for a testimony that day. Asked how he felt now after the release, he confirmed that his dreams were no more of destruction as they used to be in his days of armed robbery. He now sees peace in his dream. The man of God promised to retain him for some time for the Word of God.
Mr Ayuba, a pastor in a charismatic centre, Kaduna was introduced to Emmanuel TV after which he bought his personal satellite dish which he and his wife enjoyed. To their surprise, his wife’s asthma of 30 years was healed through watching Emmanuel TV and he got promotion from Assistant Patrol Man to Assistant Supervisor in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria after years of stagnation. This confirms that the Lord uses any medium to butter the bread of His loved ones.
Friday lived as a member of a secret society and armed robber after he lost his parents. He innocently met a friend for help. The friend in reaction gave him a form to fill in. Unfortunately after doing this, he found himself with a mark and in another realm in the night where he also saw the friend who welcomed him to the realm. He had by that, acquired the power to disappear among other powers and went to places to rob. Watching Emmanuel TV, he felt touched and he slumped. He did his usual incantations to help himself but all to no avail. One of his thumbs is much smaller than the other one and it is said to be the source of blood for his cult signatures. He came to The SCOAN for deliverance and he was delivered by God using his anointed servant, Prophet T. B. Joshua.
After twelve years of graduation but without a job, Mr Godspower became very disappointed in life. He came to The SCOAN for the Anointing Water on 12th September 2010 with which he prayed after applying to Delta Polytechnic in August for appointment. Thanks to Almighty God, his prayer was answered as he was not only invited for interview but also found appointable. Today, Godspower is a lecturer in the Dept of Statistics, Delta Polytechnic, Ozoro thanks to the Anointing Water which served as an instrument for communicating with God.
In course of the mass prayer on the previous Sunday, a congregant by name Anthonia wandered about the auditorium aimlessly in manifestation as she was said to be possessed with water spirit. She has married five times but does not have any of them as her husband at the moment. In fact according to the prophet, she has married six times. The prophet revealed that she spent over a week in a hotel with a man adding that the man in question was married and she might be destroying his marriage. The marine spirit in her would not allow her to retain any of the husbands and she would go on marrying and remarrying but for the deliverance she had. She abandoned one of the husbands because according to her, she woke up to see her turning round and making incantations about 1am. She called her mother to tell her the incident but the mother advised her not to leave him. The climax of his misbehaviour was when he came to Enugu for a marriage. Apart from refusing to greet his wife, he behaved as if he were insane. These are the facts about one of her jilted husbands. However, she was delivered to embrace a new life of marital bliss.
The Synagogue Church Of All Nations has the ministry of charity which looks at the problems of orphans and widows and how they can be addressed. This ministry in partnership with Emmanuel TV and Partners awards scholarships to orphans and other people considered to be in need of such assistance. At the beginning of every session, those already enjoying the scholarship, from primary school to university level, come to The SCOAN for the money for their school fees. The Sunday service of February 6th welcomed these students and pupils who came from far and near to collect their school fees. Surprisingly many of the students who came for the exercise displayed report cards which have them in the first or second position in their classes. Notable among them was the Abumere family where almost all the children came first in their classes. Among those who received their fees was one Aka Stephen, a Ghanaian who had just been admitted to a university in Ghana but had no relation or friend at home to pay his school fees which is in the range of N145,000.00 He was one of the lucky recipients of a school fees envelope. Many families left with joy as the school fees of their children will be paid without tears thanks to the Ministry of Charity of The SCOAN.
Mrs Tessy Osegbo and her husband from Delta decided to visit The SCOAN to seek the face of the Lord as their doctor in Delta State had told them that Tessy must deliver through caesarean section because of her narrow cervix. The doctor specifically told them that no man of God could be helpful to them because of the narrow cervix and that she must do the operation. Ignoring the doctor and his pessimism, they came to The Synagogue where the man of God prayed for Tessy and assured her that she must deliver the baby. Power came to her as she received these prophetic words from the man of God. Moments after the prophet’s prayer, she delivered her baby safely. In their testimony, the couple also revealed that the prophet gave them money as they prepared to go back to Delta State. We thank God Almighty for making possible what human beings consider impossible.
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Am so happy about the gospel that change lifes and gives hope of heaven,i thank Jesus because am also a part of this great gospel.
I thank God for Emmanuel TV for changing the lives of criminals and the human race both Africa and the European world, to accept our Lord JESUS CHRIST.The channel is visible,i watched Emmanuel TV with my lab top at Nottingham in United Kingdom [UK]
Psalm 100,praise be to God Almighty!
Dear Man of God, I watched a replay of the live service of 6/02/2011 and I was held spell bound to my seat and glued to my TV screen by the Manifestations of the Mighty presence of the Almighty God. Thank God for Prophet T.B Joshua and the Emmanuel TV crew.
Please, Please Man of God, kindly again explain to us how it was possible for this woman with a spiritual husband to pray for people. She said she used to see visions as well. Was it the power of the Almighty God? Did she hear “GO” from God? Was The Almighty God operating in the same body with the Powers of darkness? Please, I am so confused and need clarifications that will bring me back on the rails.
I hope and I am waiting for the reply. Thank you.
God is definately a God of impossibilites!!! Emmanuel
Yes is true that to God everything is possible, to those who believe, as i read to that deliverance in the prisoner who got released while watching, thanks God for giving us prophet TB Joshua it was so amazed, God is good all the time, Halleluya
Thank God for the published testimonies.
I need God’s diivine intervention in my life, family and business. I am managing director of a company – batjojk services limited with no results, profits and income from the company. I only manage with my salary as civil servant. I work with the House of Assembly, Port Harcourt.
I believe God can deliver me and give me a breakthrough through the SCOAN, but I need the wrist band and water urgently. I will pay the cost of these things. My job now does not allow me come to Lagos until I will be on leave sometime in October.
Is it possible I speak with Prophet on line. My number is 08055342997.
Each time I watch Emmanuel tv I learn new things. In the past I thought that a pastor does not need prayers from other pastors since he/she is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Until now I have learnt that a pastor may be afflicted too and needs another pastor to deliver him/her.
I have of late watched many pastors (including the evangelist from Yokoja) who were possesed but were delivered at the SCOAN.
We thank God for raising a prophet within Africa who is doing things at the command of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.
Surely with GOD all things are possible.
I thank God for changing my life through the teachings and prayers of the man of God prophet TB Joshua and the wise men.
Previously, my nights were full of nightmares but now I some times dream the man of God praying for me and prophesying into my life.This has really changed my life and brought hope for me that even if things do not seem to be working in my favour, God is still saying something.
Thank you for this post. I have been waiting for it for a long time. I am always on the move and do not have time to watch Emmanuel tv. Now I can know about prophetic ministry in scoan. Also include prophecies of the prophet. Thank you
How great is our God, sing with me how great, how great is Our Gods. I and my family have been blessed via Emmanuel tv. Thanks to the prophet and all who made this possible, God bless you all
Thank you man of God.
Wow, i missed some of this episode during the last Sunday live service due to power outbreak in my area. I believe i am connected to the end of the service in spirit and thank you for the update and the Lord Jesus Christ for the many miracles happening in the SCOAN each Sunday and the viewers are not left behind as they are also giving testimonies on their own on account of what is happening in their life after watching Emmanuel tv. As the man of God Prophet TB Joshua always says that distance is not a barrier for the healing power of Jesus Christ only believing is our connection. Keep watching Emmanuel tv truely God is still saying something to the situation of yours.
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ
Snr Pastor T B Joshua
And we who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lords Jesus Christ glory and being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory , which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Spirit.
2nd Corithians 3 vs 18
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ
Thank yu for the word that is changing our lives for nothing is imposible with God. I love the preaching of wise man Christopher he motivates me so much.
To God be the glory for signs and wonders that we witness at SCOAN
Good Day, i greet you all in the name of our lord and saviour JESUS CHRIST, i thank the Lord for what he is doing in our lives through emmanual tv and our beloved daddy prophet TB JOSHUA. i am passing through a hard timeright now but i know that my faithful GOD will deliver me for the bible says many are the afflictions of the rightous but the LORD delivers them out of them ALL! Praise the Lord! people of GOD lets continue to pray for one another. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!
Truely truely in the name of Jesus Christ all in all God has ordered all.Thank you Emmanuel tv and Scoan.Amen
God bless you Man of God,Prophet TB Joshua
I give Glory and Honor to God for He Glorifies His Name in the Synagogue Church of All Nation through His Anointed Man of God Prophet TB Joshua.In Jesus mighty Name.Amen
We thank Almighty for using his servant during our generation, Prophet TP Joshua is really a man of God and we thank him for allowing God to use him. No sickness Jesus cannot heal and disease He cannot cure. Man of God may God increase your days
Theres nothing else i can say other than praising and thanking our heavenly father for his marvelous works at the SCOAN , may his holly name be glorified .
Praise the Lord. Indeed the ways of God are past finding. Prophet T.B. Joshua, may God continue to anointing afresh nevery day to stand the test of time and also give you deeper and deeper revelation for the liberation of the world’s bondage, oppressed, depressed, sick, and diseased in the name of Jesus. You are blessed among men.
God is still walking amongst us just as He could walk on the earth and talk to Moses.EMMANUEL!!!!
Praise God,with him nothin is impossible.I WANT TO GIVE A TESTIMONY.My mada received fundin 4 her project,dey put de money into their Pastor’s Acount and he disappeared.It was so bad dat the police had 2b involved.I wrote a prayer request on the SCOAN website and ystday he came by himself to talk.2day he gave them half de money and promised 2give de rest on 4th March.THANK U 4 PRAYIN 4 US.GOD BLESS U MORE.
The amazing power of God. I thank God for the SCOAN. Is there a way that i can also get the wrist band or anointing water without visiting the SCOAN. Pliz help.
Dear man of God,
Is there enough word to explain the very great miracles going on in the scoan? Do the nigerians people know how
deep Jesus loves them to have you?
But what always bring my tears is not only the great miracles but the an changed promise of Jesus to those whom they really blieve on him. And i am sure you are the bliever of this age . Jesus bless you for ever.You are our new era moses. Lead us to heaven like that of mosses who lead the Israel to cunan.
please let me see you before i die.I am on the way of collecting money to come to you .
Let God’s name be forever praised. The gastes of hell will never prevailed against the church. Prophet T.B. Joshua, Jesus has called you into Ministry and not man or your self-will. He has anointed you to continue where He (Jesus) left to destroy the works of the devil, to bring liberty to the oppressed, depressed, bond, barren, destitute, orphaned, abandoned, neglect and so on.
Continue as he said in his word until he comes very soon. Jesus is Lord and indeed, Emmanuel is with us. Amen.
Man of god pray for me right now, make my enemies surrender before me, i am living like in jail here because of all the people who are gossiping and trying to dent my name, please broke this joke for me, i am desperate for your mercy.
Help me, man of god!
May the Mighty God bless Prophet TB Joshua and his family.
thank you Lord for your Mercy
Emmanuel – God with us
You are God forever you will be.
Thank you Lord for your grace and love.
To all the people of God All Mighty let love lead in our lives. Love makes the world go round.
i am Benedict Mokom from Cameroon , I will like to have the wrist band or annointing water, i am in cameroon ,please i want the man of GOD to help me pray for me to have a job and a visa .i have live school looking for job the is not job for me ,so i want to go out of cameroon and look for me i can continues my education .i am a welder and i am holder of BACC in sheet metal .so please i know distance is not a barrier for me i can still receive in jesus name and i want you to pray for my family what every things they are doing should go well .
this is my number 0023776728060
thanks my father in the lord and the Wise Man
The Wor Of God is life
From [email protected],I really thank God for what is doing in the SCOAN.I have seen the hand of God at work .And you know what, you are really changing peoples’ lives God bless you prophet T.B Joshua and Emmanuel partiners so that you should continue blessing others.And i pray that God should give you more years to live on this earth in Jesus name Amen.To the
Emmanuel – God with us. If God is with us who can be against us
All the children of God Almighty who wants to visit SCOAN should complete a questionnaire which is in the SCOAN website under the name not then you get an invitation to visit SCOAN. Please children of God Almighty let us use the best facility of going to SCOAN provided by the Man of God Snr Pastor T B Joshua.
May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless you Snr Pastor T B Joshua and the wise men in every arena of your prosperity. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Please deliver me 4rm being jobless,drunkad,thief,lier,unmaried,unsuccesseful,unprogresive,useles.please help me to be a prosperouse God fearing mother of 2 boys n 2 girls,bring the father of my kids back,open the doorsof fevour on me?please let God take control of my situation?
Man of God please help me 4rm the traps of the Devil.Diliver me man of God,please ask God to intervine in my life.T.B Joshua please help me naw by the blood of Jesus. From: Jorrieda Graca Jeje
Good Morning. Emmanuel – God with us. I bless and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ for what he has done in the lives of his children for the salvation of their soul.
A Pastor was prayed for by the Anointed Servant Prophet of God. Senior Prophet T B Joshua so that the spiritual husband is separated from her. And another child of God came to seek the face of God Almighty at SCOAN so that she can deliver safely through prayer. Another Pastor was promoted through watching Emmanuel TV and his wife who had asthma for 30 years was healed and another child of God was delivered from secret society through watching Emmanuel TV and another child of God who was possessed of marine spirit was delivered. And another child of God ministered the powerful Anointing Water and he got a job after 12 years of joblessness. The children of God who are orphans received their school fees. There is nothing which the God of T B Joshua cannot do through the resurrection power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And if he does it, He does it effectually. I encourage you children of the Most High God to make the word of God standard for life so that all what you have received will remain permanent in Jesus Christ name
Keep watching Emmanuel TV and view what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing in the arena of liberty.