On Sunday, March 29, 2020, Prophet TB Joshua delivered a message to viewers all over the wold in an online service from the new Emmanuel TV studios from Lagos, Nigeria. Titled WAIT UPON THE LORD, the message reiterated the need for Christians to wait on God rather than allow circumstances around them to force them into taking rash decisions. Beginning with a reading from the Book of 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, he urged them to pray for a hearing heart. “Ask God to shut your mouth, open your heart to receive this message. Faith is of man’s heart. When we throw up our hands to the Lord, God’s hands have room to work. I want to share with you the manner in which the power of God works,” he said.

The man of God further demonstrated that whatever condition a believer faces, rather than destroy him or confine him to the dictates of surface understanding, it gives him or her an opportunity to use the Word of God to make the impossible possible. In other words, the Word of God gives us the strength and faith to see the best in every bad situation – to see positivity in negativity and to see victory in defeat. “When we are weak, I mean when we are not strong, we see the urgent need for God; this makes us completely dependent on God. This makes us to spend more of our time reading our Bible with devotion and praying because He speaks to us through His Word, by His Spirit. In Isaiah 40:31, they that wait upon the Lord will exchange strength. When you are weak, you are strong. When you are poor, you are blessed,” he added.

Prophet TB Joshua submitted that acknowledging our weaknesses is victory itself, especially, if we mean it with all our heart. He called on viewers to use the weapon of prayer to break themselves loose from every bondage or weakness that is ravaging their lives, in Jesus’ name, adding that Jesus knows all that is wrong inside and outside of us: “Right now, I can see chains breaking. I can hear chains breaking, in the name of Jesus. Chain of affliction – be broken, in the name of Jesus! I can hear chains breaking. I can see chains breaking. Chain of affliction, chain of virus, chain of coronavirus – I can see chains breaking, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

On prayer, the man of God said it is very possible to master the act of praying in the spirit, without necessarily uttering words. He reckoned that praying in the spirit is possible when we attune our heart to it. In other words, it is not always that a Christian has to shout or pray out loud. He recommended praying in the spirit because it is an act one can engage in while doing other things. “I use all my heart and days getting my heart in tune for prayer. When you look at the Book of Job 11:13-19, it is not possible to spend all your days and all your time with the word of prayer on your lips but it is possible to spend all your time, all your days, in the spirit of prayer. As I am walking, I am praying because faith is of man’s heart. When I say heart, I mean spirit. As I am talking to you, I am praying because faith is of man’s heart. As I am waving to you, I am as well praying. Faith is of man’s heart,” he said.

Describing habit as a gift from God, Prophet TB Joshua made Biblical allusions to great men who made prayer a habit: “Habit is a gift from God. Anything you do twice becomes easier. I pray every day – it is a habit. It’s a gift from God. Let’s take a look at some Biblical characters. Daniel 6:10 – Daniel prayed three times a day. That is habit. Are you talking about the Psalmist? The Psalmist prayed seven times – in the Book of Psalm 119:164. Let’s talk about the disciples of Jesus; they met on the first day of each week (Acts 20:7). Habit is a gift of God.”

Still on habit, the man of God shared a very wonderful health-improving habit in a broadcast from the Emmanuel TV Studios during the week – the lemon and hot water drink. He advised that slices of lemon in hot water enhance digestion amid other health benefits, adding that the recipe is more effective when consumed in motion: “I will advise you to walk around your compound, your premises, as you are sipping. When you are moving and sipping, it helps digestion. Those who have extra energy were advised to add push ups to the routine. “For those of us that are fit enough, you can still do press ups when you wake up in the morning,” he said. Demonstrating the benefits of this habit in his own life, he showed a clip of his previously larger stature before adopting this habit. He then proceeded to do push ups, giving an example for those who were fit enough to add this exercise to their own daily routine. The man of God also advised people to carry their doctors along when undertaking this habit: When you are taking your hot water and lemon if your health condition permits you, I advise you to consult your doctor for counsel, e.g. pregnant women consult your doctor for advice. You know God is the God of nature.”

Concluding the man of God, once again demonstrated how spirit prayer works in the life of a believer. “…when you begin to meditate on what you read, turn it over and over and over again in your heart, your heart means your spirit, your spirit will act upon it. And when your spirit acts upon the Word, the Word gains supremacy over you…There is a force behind. Who is the force? God. You are not alone. When you speak, God speaks. When you talk, God talks; when you look, God looks; when you laugh, God laughs – that is gaining supremacy over you,” he added.

In the Sunday broadcast, the Emmanuel TV choir conducted a powerful Live worship session inspiring viewers all over the world to live above their fears and acknowledge God for all He had done in their lives.

May the Word of God become your biggest weapon against every discouraging situation you may be facing right now, wherever you are, in the mighty name of Jesus! Emmanuel!

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