Sunday, June 2, 2024 was another blessed day for God’s people, so they were glad and rejoiced in it. They started the service with many songs of worship, some of which were composed by Prophet TB Joshua, such as ‘Rain Your Power On Me’ and ‘Reflect On God’s Mercy’. As they sang, they pled for mercy from the Son Of David, whom Esther of The SCOAN Sunday School exalted with ‘The Lord Is My Light,’ to the accompaniment of classical instruments. The choristers further extolled the Alpha And Omega, the God Of Everything who remains worthy to be praised. “This Is How We Win,” they declared as they celebrated the power of worship.

For his message Evangelist Ope read from 2 Timothy 3:16, after which he asked congregants pointedly, “When was the last time you read your Bible?” He also cited Genesis 1:26-27 before announcing the title of his sermon as “Use The Word”. He noted that many profess belief in the Almighty but doubt His Word. Among the verses with which he illustrated the message were 1 Peter 1:23, John 1:1, Hebrews 11:3, John 15:5, Psalm 119:105, Matthew 12:34, Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17, Genesis 1:3, Hosea 14:2, 1 Samuel 17:45-46, Psalm 118:17 and Joshua 1:8.

Evangelist Ope explained that God Almighty never does anything without His Word and by His Spirit, for the Word is in fact God. That being so, God’s children are expected to use the creative, affirmative power of the Word to organise every aspect of life, using the Word to silence the devil and shine the light into the darkness of the world. Regarding how to use the Word, he explained that the believer must act in faith by meditating on the Word and confessing it. “If your heart and mind are filled with God’s Word,” he observed, “you cannot but speak it.”

Describing the Word as both offensive and defensive, Evangelist Ope urged believers to utilise the reliable, dependable, trustworthy, authentic, real and incontestable Word to defeat the enemy. He said, “It is the Word of God coming out of our lips that produces an overcoming spirit,” hence the need for our words to be in harmony with God’s Word so that God’s Word can work wonders for us. Evangelist Ope ended thus: “When you use the Word, the world will not use you! When you use the Word, you will prosper.”

The Word Worked Wonders!

As she joined them for the Prayer Line ministration, Pastor Evelyn Joshua spent a few minutes to lead congregants in worship.

Thereafter she prayed: “Thank You, Lord. Father, You alone are worthy of our praise, thanksgiving. All glory and honour to Your name! Here we are again – Your children have come to seek Your face; reveal Yourself to them, O Lord! Let Your mercy, favour, compassion speak for them today, in the name of Jesus Christ! Give them new songs – songs of victory, songs of joys, songs of deliverance. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray!”

From all over the world people came to witness the unfailing power of God work wonders in their lives, for they know that there is never a friend like Jesus Christ, who heals all manner of illness –be it of mind or of body.

Arthritis, swollen belly, evil attacks, ankle injury, lung cancer, goiter, sickle cell anaemia, asthma, eye problem, hernia, breast lumps, schizophrenia, skin disease, etc. – these stood no chance in the presence of the Master Healer!

Also blessed was the fruit of women’s wombs as they brought themselves under the protection of God Almighty.

Indeed, Pastor Evelyn Joshua and The SCOAN Evangelists were used as vessels for God’s glory as they ministered with authority inside The SCOAN Auditorium. For sure, no demon was too powerful to be subdued by the anointing – thank You, Lord!

Their Cases Settled, Their Testimonies Restored!

When he joined them for the Mass Prayer session, Evangelist Chisom told congregants to declare: “My case is settled. My testimony has been restored.” He asked, “Are you ready to take back what satan has stolen from you?”

Citing Lamentations 3:37, Evangelist Chisom prayed: “Whatever that is decreed over your life by your enemy – whether from the north, from the south, from the east, from the West – be cancelled, in the name of Jesus, by the fire of the Holy Ghost!” He told them to pray: “You demon, you unclean spirit, anywhere you are operating in my life, in my family – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph told the people: “All messengers of satan operating in your life – command them out, in the name of Jesus!” He also told them to pray: “You demon, you messenger of satan, you unclean spirit, you are darkness; anywhere you are, I command you, I order you – Holy Ghost Fire: Out!”

Evangelist James told the people to pray: “You spirit of infirmity – I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out! Every sickness, disease in my body – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist Ope urged the people to pray: “You spirit of setback in my family, anywhere you are – Holy Ghost Fire: Out! You spirit frustrating my business, career, anywhere you are – Holy Ghost Fire: Out!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua told the people: “Ask for the abundance of God’s grace. Ask God to give you a faithful spirit. Ask Him to give you the future you desire.” She prayed: “Receive the future you desire. Receive that blessed, prosperous future, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every word that comes out of your mouth today – be anointed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Anointing that will shame the adversary! Everything that stands between you and God’s grace – be removed right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Turning to viewers all over the world, Pastor Evelyn Joshua said: “Begin to command the goodness, blessings of God into your life! Begin to speak the good language to your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!” She asked the people to declare: “I am linked up with God! I am not on my own; Christ lives in me! My prison door is opened! My bondage is past! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Friend for life!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua told the people to declare: “Lord Jesus, locate me in Your mercy! I am ready to be healed, to be saved, to be delivered!” The man of God prayed: “Be delivered, in the name of Jesus! You shall be located, in the name of Jesus! Receive your deliverance! I command that nightmare to leave you, to leave your career! Leave, in the name of Jesus! Whatever affliction in your life – come out!”

The man of God further prayed: “That problem in your health – receive solution! Every pain, every affliction in your body – receive solution, in the name of Jesus! Wherever there is affliction in your body, blood, fluids – receive solution, in the name of Jesus! Receive deliverance, in the name of Jesus! My marriage, business – be blessed, in the name of Jesus! Breakthrough, in the name of Jesus!”


Released From Two Years Of Bodily Pain And Misery

On May 26, 2024, she had entered The SCOAN Auditorium in a desperate condition. By the time she was done receiving prayer, however, 58-year-old Faith, a Nigerian based in Greece, was full of excitement as she cast off the medical aids that had adorned her body for the last two years. She had suffered lumbar and cervical spondylosis after tumbling down a staircase. “You will have to undergo surgery,” her doctors told her. In the meantime, they gave her drugs and recommended medical aids for her waist. Not long afterwards, Faith experienced a spiritual attack wherein someone shot at her chest. “Doctors told me I had now lost my bone marrows,” she said. “Make sure that you never fall; if you do, no one will be able to repair your bones,” they added. Assured that God was able to heal her, Faith made her way to The SCOAN and received prayer as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. “I felt an electric shock as she prayed for me,” said Faith on June 2, 2024. Since then, she has been able to walk freely without needing a neck collar, a lumbar corset, knee braces or compression socks. “Now I sleep like a newborn,” she asserted. She advised others to seek God in every situation.

Failed By Witch Doctors, Rescued By Jesus Christ!

The spirit of death had been troubling Janet, bringing her misery in all areas of life, including keeping her unmarried. During the deliverance session of the service of May 26, 2024, the Spirit of God located Janet. As she narrated during her testimony a week later, Janet had been a bed-wetter and had suffered from various infections because a spirit husband constantly bothered her at night. Her life was marred by rejection and disappointment. At some point, she found a man who wanted to marry her. “He did so much for me but eventually died after an accident,” she said. Janet’s life became even more miserable, as the man had been a pillar of support in many ways. Moreover, she began to see herself in dreams eating with dead people. “I knew it was time for me to get my deliverance, so I made my way to The SCOAN,” she said. To the glory of God, Janet is now delivered for free! “Witch doctors failed me but now I can sleep without taking medications and no longer dream of the dead,” she disclosed. She urged others put their trust in God Almighty alone.

They Had Given Up On Him But God Showed Up And Fixed His Broken Leg!

Forty-three-year-old Joseph had broken a leg in a motoring accident. Although he got extensive medical treatment, he remained condemned to using crutches. “I almost had one leg amputated,” he recalled on June 2, 2024. Doctors had been horrified about the extent of his injuries. “My right leg had virtually been pulled off,” he said. Eventually, he landed in an alternative medical centre. “I was there for one year but kept praying to God, even though I was ready to let my wife go,” he said. Joseph’s wife was faithful and devoted, however, opting to stick with him against all odds. Joseph had had a vision in which an image of Prophet TB Joshua encouraged him to seek God. Supported by his wife and a sympathetic driver, Joseph had made his way to The SCOAN for prayer on March 31, 2024. Following prayer by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, Joseph witnessed the incredible because he believed in God’s power! Today he is able to walk freely without any crutches. “Go to the right place and the Lord will appear to you,” he advised others.

Heart Of Stone Replaced With Heart Of Flesh!

“I made him join a cult,” declared the demon in Emmanuel during the deliverance session of the service of May 26, 2024. That demon also afflicted him with aggressiveness. As the fire of the Holy Ghost coursed through Emmanuel‘s body it caused the demon in him to scream for help. A week later, Emmanuel told of how he had worshipped idols with his parents. As he grew older, he normalised the idea of offering sacrifices to demonic forces. “At some point, I went to Ghana and spent six months there to fortify myself spiritually,” he told the church. In a dream, he saw himself selected for execution. “Your time is up,” he had been threatened in that dream. Along the line, however, God sent him an angel in the image of Prophet TB Joshua. Having been following services in The SCOAN for some time, Emmanuel knew that it was time for him to seek divine deliverance. To the delight of Heaven, Emmanuel entered a new lease of life on May 26, 2024. Now he is a man of prayer, praise and Bible reading! He advised the youths to avoid bad company; he also encouraged parents to keep praying for their children and engaging them positively. 

19 Years Later, Joshua’s Fire Burns Remain Healed!

When he was six months shy of his third birthday, Joshua suffered severe hot water burns that made a mess of his frail right arm. Placed gingerly on his 33-year-old mother’s lap, Joshua received prayer as Prophet TB Joshua ministered on August 19, 2005. As the man of God stretched forth his hand in prayer, power flowed from Heaven to both little Joshua and his mother Florence, whose body vibrated visibly. Right from that point, Joshua started to heal rapidly. “He asked for food, after which he fell asleep,” Florence recalled. For two weeks, the little boy had been neither able to eat nor sleep. On returning home that day, Joshua had started to do the things he had hitherto been unable to do. Testifying to the glory of God, nineteen years after, he is now a vibrant young man. He advised others to trust in God.

A Mysterious Fall – But Carla’s Bones Heal In Jesus’ Name!

On December 1, 2023, with faith in her heart, Carla from the USA sat for prayer in The Arena Of Liberty as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered at the Prayer Line. She had fallen at home and injured her arm. “I was taken to the hospital for treatment,” she said on June 2, 2024, “and they asked me to return for a massage.” Along the line, Carla found that she needed to change hospitals. “It was a long trip to the new hospital,” she said. Not satisfied with medical treatment, she decided to make the trip to Nigeria. “After Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me, ministering the Anointing Water, I started to feel better immediately,” she said, “and six months later I’m back to testify.” To the glory of God, Carla’s faith in God helped her to avoid surgery! “My faith was huge,” she told the church.

Anointing Restores Hearing And Career!

It started with minor pain in the ear. “I thought it was just a boil,” said Gabriel. Two weeks later, the problem had worsened. “I could no longer hear with the left ear and it buzzed constantly,” he recalled on June 2, 2024. Although he was assured that he would get better after taking drugs, Gabriel never got better. Bothered about having fallen behind in spiritual matters, Gabriel besought God to have mercy on him. Then, as he was moving house, he came across an empty bottle that had contained the Living Water. “I took a step of faith and managed to get the last drop of water in the bottle into my ailing ear,” he disclosed. It was a surprise for Gabriel as he found that he could suddenly hear again! With that healing also came business breakthrough for the fashion designer. “An old customer in Nigeria placed an order for new clothes and an American customer sent me USD500 as a gift,” Gabriel said. The young man realised that he had been doubting God’s power. However, having reconnected with God’s Spirit, Gabriel has now reaffirmed his commitment to serving God. “Youths, embrace God!” he advised. His father Monday glorified God for the healing and urged parents to direct their children and wards to the Lord.

10 Years Later, Cancer-Damaged Leg Remains Restored To God’s Original Design!

When he was 10 years old, David sustained a left-leg injury that resulted in cancer. Bone stuck out in the front of the lower part of the leg, with rotting flesh visible to all. When it was time for prayer, God’s servant Prophet TB Joshua said he would like to see stubborn cases yield to prayer. Minutes later, he prayed for David in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Seconds later, David took his first steps with the damaged leg, without using his crutches. The children of God erupted in shouts of praise, for divine healing had indeed happened before their very eyes! It was a day in June 2014. In no time, David became whole again. Ten years later, he returned to The SCOAN to reaffirm his testimony, detailing all that had happened from the day he sustained the injury and underwent surgery to when he received his healing and recovered fully. “The damaged bone fell out exactly three months after I received prayer,” David said on June 2, 2024, flanked by his mother and uncle. His mother Maria recalled her encounter with God’s power, even as his uncle told of how he had suggested that the boy be brought to The SCOAN. David ended his testimony with an original composition as a tribute to God’s anointing on Prophet TB Joshua. “Keep coming to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations; it is a church for the world,” he said.

Exhortation On Charity Three days to the third anniversary of Prophet TB Joshua’s transition, Pastor Evelyn Joshua, with the support of Emmanuel TV Partners, presented the sum of three million naira to elderly members of The SCOAN. She also gave them rice and provisions as well as fabrics.

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