Jesus Christ wanted His resurrection power to flow through His believers. This desire was fulfilled on Sunday the 3rd October 2010 as Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men ministered healing to the sick, liberation to the oppressed, and God’s blessing to those in need in The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, through God’s Word and by His Spirit. Truly, the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power is available to the one who believes.
The amazing, power-packed service started with a parable:
In a certain province, a king whose only son was about to get married sent his two servants to the market to buy good fruit for the wedding ceremony. One of the two servants took along with him a sample of the good fruit to the market, while the other servant hurriedly forgot to go with the sample of good fruit. When they got to the market individually, each of them saw two sets of fruit:
1. The good fruit and
2. The bad fruit
The servant with the sample of the good fruit identified it, bought it and quickly brought the good fruit to the king for his only son’s wedding ceremony. The other servant who forgot to go with the sample of the good fruit delayed, bought and brought the bad fruit to the king. The king received the servant with the good fruit and ushered him in to the banquet hall to eat and dine with the bride and the bridegroom, while the servant with his bad fruit was thrown out.
This is a parable. Let’s open this parable and discover the truth in it.
Here, the two servants represent two sets of people in the world today who are given an equal opportunity to hear, believe and obey the Word of God. To the wise in heart, this parable shows that there are those who hear but do not believe and obey the Word of God and there are those who hear, believe and obey the Word of God. By their fruit you will know them.
God always rewards the obedient. He does not necessarily reward good, smart or wealthy people; He rewards the obedient. When God the Almighty comes to reward mankind, the question will not be, “Who comes from the North, South, East or West?”, “Who can read and quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation?”, “Who can preach and teach powerful sermons?”, “Who can fast and pray all day?” but this very question will be, “Who is a doer of the Word of God?” because it is the doer of the Word of God that receives things from God.
Proof text: James 1:22-25
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.”
Today, we study the Word. We know all about the Word, but we do not do it. We fail to know that knowing God is not only seeing His works but also learning His way. It is the will of God to bless you, to prosper you, to heal you, to deliver you and to save you but you have a role to play. The great Gospel duty is to believe. Do you believe? Remember that in life, everything has theory and practical. Your life is full of theory and practical. Christianity is two-sided – theory and practical. For us to enter the practical side of Christianity, we must understand that what God wants from us is far more than just saying, “Thank You, Lord for healing me”, “Thank You, Lord for delivering me”. It is as much about listening as it is about speaking – I mean, how we respond in the dialogue.
Christ is the Word by whom God speaks to us. When you know that the Word is God speaking to you now, it is not difficult to obey it – to act upon it. How do we act on the Word of God? The Bible says in the book of Romans 10:8-10, for with the heart man acts on God’s Word. The heart acts and drives the mouth to confess. We are called to God’s kind of lifestyle based on positive faith, thinking, talking and acting. Mankind is designed to think, talk, act and plan with God. When you act with God, you will know God’s opinion about yourself and others. But this can only happen through His Word, by His Spirit – when His Word and His Spirit become an integral part of our being. For it is only the doer of the Word that receives things from God. Ask Solomon – the wisest man in the Bible – in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 and he will tell you that those who are rich in the true sense of the word act on the Word of God. . The doers of the Word of God receive at their obedience a gift from God – the gift of the Holy Spirit. I do not say a part of the Holy Spirit, a measure or a manifestation. What I mean is the gift of God. The reason why many Christians cannot get the Holy Spirit after graduating from theological school is because they commit the Word into memory alone. When you commit the word into memory alone, It will not influence your conduct and behaviour. One thing I want you to know is that you cannot build one up spiritually on philosophy and theory of the Word. Everyone is born-again ordinarily, but not everyone is born-again spiritually. We are only made spiritual by living in the Word and by the Word living in us. Therefore, we must embrace the wonderful Word of God as the most effective instrument for change. So, read your Bible regularly, attentively and repeatedly so that you become familiar in the way and manner God speaks and the way and manner we answer Him with our lives. This powerful message by Wise Man Christopher challenges all to take God’s Word to heart, truly make it part of us so that it will, by its very nature change us – and when it does we will be called to act, act with God.
Before the Wise Men entered the prayer line to minister to the hundreds who had come from across Nigeria and from countries around the world, Mrs Falaiye Ekosanmi came forward to bring a message of encouragement to those waiting to receive. A video playing in the church showed that Mrs Falaiye was previously not the joyful, healthy person the congregation saw in their midst.
Having come for healing from a severe leg ulcer which had decayed her entire leg, Mrs Falaiye, sitting in the same seats as the afflicted that Sunday, had received the power of Christ’s resurrection throughout her entire system, resurrecting all that had been dead. The once decaying leg, flesh, muscle, oozing with poison, was now fully restored, closed and glowing. Running through the prayer line tapping her healed leg, Mrs Falaiye increased the faith of all to receive their own promised miracle. She stood as living proof that the Miracle Worker, Jesus Christ, is still alive – and that He was just a moment away from them.
Mrs Grace Boza, a woman living in the United States originally from Sudan, later came forward to present her own story. She had been brought to The SCOAN by her sister-in-law in the previous week, as they were seeking divine healing for Mrs Grace.They had taken Mrs Grace to many places in search of a solution to her problem of Multiple Sclerosis and Inability to Walk, all to no avail. The two women had been watching the live Sunday services in The SCOAN for some time on Emmanuel TV in the United States with a large group of friends and family. They had witnessed with their own eyes the healings of others who had come to the church and their faith was lifted up that God would provide Mrs Grace’s healing in the same manner. When the opportunity to come to Nigeria arose, the two women did not hesitate, even as one left a daughter in the hospital who had just delivered a newborn baby. They believed they could not afford to miss this life-changing opportunity.
As God would have it, the two women were seated outside the church auditorium in the Overflow Congregation when the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, passed. Calling out for help, Mrs Grace’s sister-in-law caught the attention of the man of God. He spoke to her for some minutes as he awaited instruction from the Holy Spirit on what to do next. Suddenly, he instructed the sister-in-law to bring Mrs Grace forward and then began to pray for her in the power of the Holy Spirit. Immediately, Mrs Grace stood up from her chair and began running – something that had been impossible for her for many years. The scourge of Multiple Sclerosis was wiped away as Mrs Grace began to walk in the light of God’s miracle working power.
As she came inside the auditorium to share her testimony, her expression and laughter reflected that truly, she was now walking in the light of God. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause to the Miracle Working Jesus Christ as Prophet T.B. Joshua explained the reason for the delay in calling Mrs Grace. He stated that there are two prayers, Spirit prayer and practicing prayer.
Spirit prayer is prayer that is led by the Holy Spirit. Practicing prayer is conventional prayer, prayer that comes from memorizing words in a book. As Prophet T.B. Joshua waited for the Holy Spirit to instruct him in prayer he taught all a valuable lesson – when the Holy Spirit leads you to prayer, you will pray as if He is the One praying – and you will see His result! Glory be to God!
Going now towards deliverance, the church was astounded with the Goddey Eromosele family’s tale. Each member came forward to explain how their lives had been destroyed by the family’s only daughter.
The man of God then called the daughter, 20 year old Edose, forward to ask her side of the story. To everyone’s surprise, the young girl confirmed that she was the one responsible for the family’s destruction as she is a witch, an agent of satan. The man of God nodded in confirmation that yes, the girl truly possessed the spirit of a demon that had caused the destruction of the family.
But how did such a young girl come to have such a huge problem? Prophet T.B. Joshua told the parents that they were the cause. They had been given a child from God, a child without a demon.
It is the upbringing that had allowed her to be possessed of the devil.
He advised parents, our children are gifts from God – not to be spoiled, to be given all they ask for – but to be trained in the way of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
The congregation also welcomed a ‘local champion’ as a popular Yoruba movie actor, Charles Olumo, known as “Agbako” (meaning Misfortune) came forward to share his story. Mr Olumo is a 54 year movie veteran in Nollywood, Nigeria’s popular movie industry.
The 84 year old actor has spent a life time portraying mischievous and evil characters in a wide variety of movies. His visit to the church today was, however, not to promote a movie but to seek assistance from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Several years ago he developed a sickness that refused to be cured. He underwent two major operations and suffered a stroke after the second operation which left him paralysed. Because of his negative role in the movies, he began to be associated with those characters which caused people to shy away from him. At one point, a man died and he was arrested for his murder, simply because of the character he played. Members of the acting community had to bail him out and explain that though his character may commit such an atrocity, Mr Olumo could not. After 6 months on the sick bed, he started moving from place to place, seeking solution, all to no avail. To pay for the medical bills, he had to sell his property, including the house he was building for N300,000. Summing up his narrative, he told the man of God that he was coming to him for help as all hope was lost.
Appreciating the man for his boldness in coming forward and sharing his story and respecting the great age of the man, at 84 years, Prophet T.B. Joshua explained that the man is at a stage in life where he should enjoy his last years on earth. He had seen so much and done so much but now, with two surgeries and a stroke in his background, he needed time to rest. He brought a gift of N500, 000 for Mr Olumo and encouraged others to take up his case as well.
Receiving the gift, Mr Olumo was stunned, removing the money from the gift bag and laughing heartily in the congregation. He then immediately began to pray for the man of God, that God would continue to pour His mercy and favour upon Prophet T.B. Joshua for the good work he had done in his life. Truly, ‘Misfortune’ had been transformed in the light of God!
Apart from Mr Olumo, 4million naira was distributed in scholarships for several needy students who had come to The SCOAN seeking assistance to finish their educations. Giving their testimony one by one, each expressed their sincere gratitude at receiving the gift from God and promised to fulfil their educational requirements and even surpass the expectations of the man of God – in appreciation for the undeserved gift.
In one of the most exciting parts of the live Sunday service, the church received a telephone call from evangelists currently inside the Macedonia Crusade with Wise Man Harry in Macedonia and Greece. The evangelists described the events as they were happening inside the crusade. The church heard how the blind began to see, the lame began to walk and the possessed were set free as Wise Man Harry offered Spirit prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. During the prayer line, one woman came forward and tried to attack the Wise Man, attempting to strike his face several times – only to be defeated by the mighty Word of God. Proof that God’s Word is power and fire that makes satan and his agents tremble and flee! Later during the crusade, a woman came out shouting that she possessed the spirit of satan. As she shouted, “I am satan” the Holy Spirit’s fire fell upon her, consumed every negative power within her, and she rose liberated from the unclean spirit in the name of Jesus Christ! These were just a few of the miraculous happenings that were taking place live and direct from the Macedonia Crusade with Wise Man Harry as Prophet T.B. Joshua and the other Wise Men were busy ministering to those in The SCOAN and the viewers across Emmanuel TV. As we look forward to the wonders God will work in our midst and abroad next week, we remember the words of Prophet T.B. Joshua – the best is yet to come!!!
EMMANUEL…we as a family feel honoured to be under such a powerful ministry!! God is truelly saying something. I am amazed at the beauty of God and his miracles, his faithfullness and his never ending love for us. Amen.
quiero desiros que sois los mejores
que dios le de mas fuerzas ha tv.
My name is Ross and I was born in Bulgaria (Europe), I’m 33 and I now live in Italy. I feel the fire of God’s call in my life and I want to be a blessing to others as the Prophet TB Joshua and teams. I want to become your disciple and be taught by TBJoshua, I have to do. I am married with 2 children. I love you.
To a true Christian, it makes sense why faith has to be followed by works.Jesus always demonstrated the two aspects of a Faith Christian, the spiritual education and the practical application of the spiritual knowledge and possession of the Word.Jesus taught GOD’S WORD and always demonstrated the truth and authenticity of His teachings by, healing, freeing the bondaged and strengthening those whose faith needed strengthening and encouragement.
It now has become obvious that we are to emulate what Jesus did by being obedient to the instruction of the Holy Spirit under instruction from GOD.
Possessing the Word only in memory and not having the patience and wisdom to listen and obey The Word at all time leads to false declarations of the Grace and Glory of The LORD!
Such is the misnomer nowadays!! Everybody ”knows it all”.
We have to be grateful for The Man of God for labouring tirelessly in his mission to continue the works of Jesus Christ, leading all and sundry to understand what is required of us within the WORD.
ya i appreciate the massage is good indeed, i loved it im a young man in Botswana and i like jesus christ very much im always praying to receive the healing from God allpowerful. i have gone many churches but they teach the word of God different and this confuse me, coz i don’t know which one is correct, i love God, and i read the Bible every day. God bless you all Aman.
I watch T.B Joshua on Emmanuel TV daily my mum and mum to my wife were introduced to this channel too. You! they say there is no such power and spiritual healing such as the one found at Emmanuel T.V. My wife has a problem of fits which attacks her once in a month. I hope well-wishers can see this script so that they come in to help poor me to reach Nigeria. The problem has been there for four (4) years. Well i know a way is found once my knock is heard God will open the door. The disease is embarrassing because it attacks her in Class since she is a teacher. God hear my Prayer salvation is at Emmanuel T.V for people who believe like me.
There is no one we have not forgiven because we believe we need forgiveness. God bless this
Jesus Christ never fails. Hear, trust and obey the Word of God and everything shall be added unto you. Indeed be the doer of the Word of God and God shall reward you.
I thank too much for the Grace of the Lord,that has given to his belivers,may GOD bless I am coming
I thank God for prophet’s teaching because its true that we only listern to the word of God Almighty but we do not do what the word of God says.
Waw!! I love the teaching of prophet T.B Joshua and the wise mens. I thank God that many Joshuas are coming up!!! This is a huge blessing to the whole world!! May God bless and increase his anointing upon Pt. Joshua, the wise mens and the scoan!… AND…THE BEST IS INDEED YET TO COME!! THANK YOU JESUS!
Glory be to God almighty for His miracle working power in His anointed servants, trully Jesus Christ is alive and changes not.
Dear Man of God,
I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour – Amen
My writing today is concerning Imran Sulaimana who is in America staying with his parents and I am writing from Malawi – I am grandmother to Imran.
Imran was involved in cargo train accident in which he developed injuries like severe internal bleeding, broken legs, spinal cord and arms. He was operated and the back bone was connect back with screws. With the Right Hand of ALL Mighty God Imran now is in stable condition. I have been touching screen praying for him. Please Man of God ask Jesus to touch Imran so that he can walk again.
My request is – please Man of God include Imran Sulaimana on prayers since the Hand of God is not short, so that he will walk again.
Requesting prayers for myself – high blood pressure and diabetes
break through to my business, work and home
I am also would like to visit SCOAN – please write me acceptance letter.
yours faithfully,
Emmie Kadamika nee Amani (Malawi)
Dear child of GOD…
Thank you for your heart felt prayer, for it has been answered by our beloved Lord Almighty. Because of his mercy & grace I am able to write to you this day, surviving such a tragic accident; Getting struck by a train while on foot. May the Lord uphold you, bless you, and shower you with his unconditional love.
In faith…I hope to soon take these God given steps that were delivered to me too rejoice with you in a warm embrace of Godly love.
once more thank you for your prayers;
Imran Sulaimana 🙂
I love and like the teachings of the man of God, TBJ. May the Lord grant him many more.
All I ask for from you is breakthrough in my life as well as deliverance for my family. I also need Annointed Water and a single visit to the SCOAN.
Praised be the Lord. Hallelujah!!!
I am in Zimbabwe in Harare i watched you TV Emmanuel with my family may God bless Mr TB Jushua and his FAMILY
Emmanuel! My Prophet , Senior Prophet T. B. Joshua you are God’s sent for this generation. I am Vincent James from Delta State but residing in Port Harcourt. I love all that God is using you to do. Few months ago within me, I asked, will God just leave the task on the senior Prophet? But today, God had provided the answer. I’m seeing the Elishas (wisemen) doing the work. May God continually keep you for us. Sir, kindly remember me in your prayers. (1) Change of genotype from AS to AA. (2) Deliverance from spirit wife. (3) Family deliverance from evil covenants & curses (4) Healings for my big brother Mr. Mike Imala, in Delta state experiencing waste pain & arthritist. (5) Healing for my sister, Mrs. Helen Emu in Delta state. She fainted as a result of heart failure & spiritual attack. Finally, Distance is not a barrier. God is Able. For the best is yet to Come. EMMANUEL.
Emmanuel! My Prophet , Senior Prophet T. B. Joshua you are God’s sent for this generation. I am Vincent James from Delta State but residing in Port Harcourt. I love all that God is using you to do. Few months ago within me, I asked, will God just leave the task on the senior Prophet? But today, God had provided the answer. I watch the Elishas (wisemen) doing the work. May God continually keep you for us. Sir, kindly remember me in your prayers. (1) Change of genotype from AS to AA. (2) Deliverance from spirit wife. (3) Family deliverance from evil covenants & curses (4) Healings for my big brother Mr. Mike Imala, in Delta state experiencing waste pain & arthritist. (5) Healing for my sister, Mrs. Helen Emu in Delta state. She fainted as a result of heart failure & spiritual attack. Finally, Distance is not a barrier. God is Able. For the best is yet to Come. EMMANUEL.
christianity is life, the power and autority of jesus comes from the heaven to the human beings r from daily needed to god ,if we need jesus comes with his autority in our life,but every body canot need this things,if you need the face of god you can see always ,and miracle comes after,so i have to give you god bless you the man of god,josua,always i have seen the miracle of god in your ministry,but i am afriead one thing so many people deliverance but does they have accepte the life ,path of god,or simply they need only deliver,jesus say for those deliver from different disease,dont do again sin,be follow me,so plesase pray agian for those people,and i asked pray for my country eritrea god bless my government and people,god bless you,and pray for me,
Long live man of God Prophet T.B Joshua,we love you and the entire SCOAN and Emmanuel T.V team,God will continue to protect you from your enermies both visible and invisible in Jesus’s Christ Name Amen.Emmanuel.
praise the lord pastor, i Know lord jesus is with you all the time . before visiting your website i heard only the name t.b joshua, after visiting the sites i was shocked., what mighty miracals Jesus is doing in nigeria through you , and from that day i started praying to lord that india my country needs Jesus and my nation can see the mighty hand of Jesus through you , so i request you pastor in the name of jesus please visit india, INDIA NEEDS THE CHANGE
Iam writing this letter on behalf of BETHSEDA CHURCH COUNCIL OF INDIA , mainly working in the unreached people,
gospel ministry, church plantation and school ministry
awaiting for your replay
you are always welcome in india
praise the lord pastor, i Know lord jesus is with you all the time . before visiting your website i heard only the name t.b joshua, after visiting the sites i was shocked., what mighty miracals Jesus is doing in nigeria through you , and from that day i started praying to lord that india my country needs Jesus and my nation can see the mighty hand of Jesus through you , so i request you pastor in the name of jesus please visit india, INDIA NEEDS THE CHANGE
Iam writing this letter on behalf of BETHSEDA CHURCH COUNCIL OF INDIA , mainly working in the unreached people,
gospel ministry, church plantation and school ministry
awaiting for your replay
you are always welcome in india
email address:- [email protected]
postal address: Bethseda church council of india
Goodwill samrudhi B-1
Gokul nagar, Dhanori
Pune 411015. Maharashtra
contact no,- 09763858647 / 09850149237
Man of God,
I am very, very proud of your behaviour and manner also the way God is using you.
When I heard about Harry and showing us historic pictures about Paul and Saelasi(sp). Me on my own my spirit and soul and that miracle that took place in the cage (cell) (home of miracles) is back to it’s original place. Christianity has done it’s way round the world and God is back on our middliest. What makes me happy must – GOD USING BLACK MAN. People of God let us worship him must.
What I would like to ask you father is, can’t one Malawian learn and be with you there to deliver (Wise Men) at one time here in Malawi. His name is Gunson( would like to be one of your wise men from Malawi.
This is for you Josas A Zulu
Distance is not a barrier, God’s blessings reaches every corner of the universe.Believe in him (God)
your wife will be healed of that illness in Jesus name,keep watching Emmanuel T.V and repeat what the wise man and T.B Joshua says .
Satan is stealing our beloved ones and what he enjoys most is to humilate. them.
my mother and my brother is also sick but i believe that God will heal them no matter how long it takes.He never said goodbye
praise the lord in Jesus name
God bless you and your family
Truely,it’s no secret what God can do.He is capable of using anyone,He’s capable of doing anything as long as it’s for His Name’s Glory sake.we thank the Holy Spirit to dwell wth us,it’s a proof that God is real.
I thank you very much the Man of god TB Josua, I know the grace of God around him.
Hi Dear
am a Married women from Namibia then I have a problem of my married for 9 years now, my husband hate me and our children he is going away with another women who have a two children now.
Our home are broken now the is no peace, no love no comunication no every thing.
Now I want to came there but there is no money, I need a pray and advise that what can I do. I was appointed to be a Pastor on June this year but my husband not born again, he hate a christian but he live too much Political.
He did not assist with my children O’ assist me
Thank you dear, God bless your work
on November 10, 2010 at 8:36 am | Reply Linea N.N. Haimbodi
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I thank you very much the Man of god TB Josua, I know the grace of God around him.
Hi Dear
am a Married women from Namibia then I have a problem of my married for 9 years now, my husband hate me and our children he is going away with another women who have a two children now.
Our home are broken now the is no peace, no love no comunication no every thing.
Now I want to came there but there is no money, I need a pray and advise that what can I do. I was appointed to be a Pastor on June this year but my husband not born again, he hate a christian but he live too much Political.
He did not assist with my children O’ assist me
Thank you dear, God bless your work
Hi Dear
I thank you very much the Man of god TB Josua, I know the grace of God around him.
am a Married women from Namibia then I have a problem of my married for 9 years now, my husband hate me and our children he is going away with another women who have a two children now.
Our home are broken now the is no peace, no love no comunication no every thing.
Now I want to came there but there is no money, I need a pray and advise that what can I do. I was appointed to be a Pastor on June this year but my husband not born again, he hate a christian but he live too much Political.
He did not assist with my children O’ assist me
Thank you dear, God bless your work
Man of God, God has made u awesome and so he has to me through u.I have now realised that im born,i live for and will die for THE WORD OF GOD coz it is THE LIFE.surely without Jesus we ar nothing.