Are you in your silent season – that season when the unseen hands of God are actually working in your life even if you do not realise it? During our silent season, we may be tempted to give up because we think God has abandoned us. But, no, that is not the time to give up but the time to keep persevering, as Evangelist Joseph told congregants on Sunday, January 12, 2025.

As usual, the service started with a worship session during which the aura of the Holy Spirit took over the auditorium and caused manifestations in the people as they placed a demand on the anointing while keeping their hearts free of offence. “Thank You, Lord, For All Your Love And Attention,” congregants sang. They also asked the Holy Spirit to pray through them and they shouted hallelujah to the Lord.  

Your Silent Season – A Time To Persevere

Evangelist Joseph read from Isaiah 40:31 and Job 8:7 for his message entitled “Your Silent Season – The Unseen Hands Of God”. In the well-received message, he noted the need to see trials as necessary for spiritual growth. “Let us thank God for our trials,” he said, “because they give birth to a new beginning.” Trials, therefore, are not a time to murmur but a time to endure for the coming enjoyment.

For sure, the preacher observed, God’s invisible hands are in operation during the believer’s silent season. And because He is never too late or too early, God will manifest His wonders on time. He therefore counselled the people to wait for God’s voice concerning every aspect of their lives. Referring to the wilderness journey of the children of Israel, Evangelist Joseph encouraged the congregation: “Endure now and enjoy tomorrow.”

Their Hope In God Almighty

“It is your attitude, your character that will make the year new,” noted the woman of God as she joined the people for the Prayer Line ministration. “Those who have no hope,” she added, “are those who have no God.”

Starting with prayer, the woman of God lifted her face to Heaven: “Father, we bless Your holy name. Holy Spirit, we welcome You. Heavenly Father, the Giver of faith, we thank You that in Your grace and mercy You allow us to know Your Son, Jesus Christ, as our personal Lord and Saviour. Father Lord, we thank You for the joy, we thank You for the peace. Thank You for the hope that we have in You. Almighty God, we are here again. Let the heavens be opened for our sake, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Father, You are God, the Creator of Heaven and earth. Almighty God, see to all that concerns us today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Let Your healing power, your deliverance power fall afresh on us today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, remain with us and guide our steps as we walk, in the name of Jesus Christ! Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord!”

As many presented themselves for prayer in faith over difficulty in walking, smoking/drinking addiction, asthma, sleep apnea, and scrotal hernia, etc., their faith was rewarded by Heaven.

Expectant mothers were also around to seek the safe delivery of their babies through the unfathomable power in the name of Jesus Christ!

God’s power equally moved in cases of mental disorder, heart trouble, kidney disease, hernia, anus cancer, and leg ulcers, etc.

Those who called upon His name received a liberating touch backed by Heaven for the restoration of their destiny.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministering healing and deliverance at The SCOAN Sunday service 2025

In line with God’s Word in Matthew 10:1 – “Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness” – every stubborn demon lost the battle as the evangelists fought with the sword of faith!

And They Received A Word Of Deliverance, Healing And Breakthrough!

“Prepare your heart; the Son of God is about to work in our midst,” said Evangelist Ope as the Mass Prayer session started. “In my life, O Lord, take all the glory,” he asked the people to pray.

Evangelist Ope Mass prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service - Silent Season

For the first prayer point, Evangelist Ope told the people to say: “Thou Son of David, by Your divine mercy and favour, every spirit sent into my life, sent into my family to disturb me, to worry me, to destroy me – anywhere they are: Out!”

Evangelist Ope Mass prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service - Silent Season

Evangelist James urged the people to pray: “Every ancestral spirit that entered my life knowingly or unknowingly – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out! You ancestral spirt, you family idol – anywhere you are: Out!”

Evangelist James Mass prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service - Silent Season

On his part, Evangelist Joseph prayed: “Spirits causing you cycle of affliction – anywhere they are: Out!” He also charged the people to declare: “You sickness in my system, you poison in my liver, bones – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph Mass prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service - Silent Season

Evangelist Chisom told the people to declare: “You unclean spirit operating in my business, operating in my career, causing me limitation – anywhere you are: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom Mass prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service - Silent Season

Pastor Evelyn Jo cited Isaiah 51:11 and declared: “You will enter into the presence of God with thanksgiving, in the name of Jesus Christ! Father, take away every sorrow, anger, disappointment, jealousy, envy and anoint me with the oil of gladness, peace and joy.”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua Mass prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service - Silent Season

The woman of God declared joy upon the people: “Every worry that bothers you shall be turned to unending joy, in the name of Jesus! Joy in everything you lay your hands upon! Overflowing joy, peace in your home, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua further prayed: “Father, help our faith today, in the name of Jesus! Receive that word of faith, deliverance, in the name of Jesus! Whatever sickness in your body – let the healing power of God fall upon you today, in the name of Jesus! Freedom in your life, in your way, in your finances, in the name of Jesus!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua Mass prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service - Silent Season

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “Receive, in the name of Jesus! I release you, in the name of Jesus! I release your health, in the name of Jesus! Come out of the cage, come out of the prison, in the name of Jesus! That sickness in your liver, in your kidneys – Out! Any disease in your blood – be flushed out! In the name of Jesus, you fibroids, you disease in the kidneys, in the liver – Out! I command healing on you, in the name of Jesus! Be delivered, in the name of Jesus! Dry bones shall rise again! Whatever generational curse – you are delivered, in the name of Jesus!”

Prophet TB Joshua leading the mass prayer
Daddy leading the mass prayer


“God Has Helped My Mother,” Declares Boy Whose Mother Was Healed Of Difficulty In Walking

On December 29, 2024, Florence was one of those who received prayer over difficulty in walking as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered. She had returned from work one evening feeling pain all over her body. “My children thought it was a joke but by the following morning I had to go to the hospital,” she recalled on January 12, 2025. Doctors later diagnosed her with liver issues. Barely able to walk, Florence had managed to make her way to the church. The night before receiving prayer, she said, an image of Prophet TB Joshua had ministered to her in the dream. “It was the same way that Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me when I came to the church,” she said. After the prayer, Florence screamed in gratitude to God, demonstrating all that she had been unable to do. “Run to God in times of challenges,” she advised others. “The pain had been so much for my mum,” said one of her children. In dramatic fashion, another son demonstrated Florence’s pain. “God has helped my mother,” he declared emphatically.

Testimony - Silent Season

Benjamin Breaks Free From The Idols Of His Father’s House!

Benjamin came from an idol-worshiping family. “We used to eat some of the food sacrificed to the idols,” he said at the start of his testimony on January 12, 2025. As he grew older and went into the world of work, he had no qualms about having incisions on his body. “My older brother told me they were meant for protection,” he told the church. He had joined his older brother’s business as an apprentice. “My brother showed me care initially but he later turned against me and I had to leave his business,” he continued. While struggling on his own, Benjamin had a strange experience in which he saw a raw egg in a bag of rice that he was going to sell. In trying to find out why he had had the experience, the young man had gone to a spiritualist who took money from him and assured him that the problem had been solved. “But my case soon worsened,” continued Benjamin. Along the line, his wife came across Emman TV and told him about it. “Initially I had thought it would be no different from all the other places I had been to,” he said. Eventually, Benjamin decided to give it a try. “I did a few days of fasting and prayer, after which God showed me a vision about His power in The Synagogue,” he went on. When Benjamin told a friend residing in Lagos, the friend had tried to discourage him about visiting. “When I came here, I saw a completely different picture of things,” said Benjamin. After the service, he went home with the Anointing Water and Sticker.

“I ministered these items on our home and business,” he said, “and our business started to boom,” he testified. Benjamin also recorded another miracle. I returned home to find that God’s power in the Anointing Sticker had stopped a fire that would have consumed our house,” he reported. After a while, however, Benjamin started to step out with other women. “Eventually my business started going down as my wife noticed my infidelity,” Benjamin disclosed. Realising that he had sinned against God, Benjamin decided to return to The SCOAN. “That day Prophet TB Joshua ministered to me in the Mass Prayer session of The SCOAN Sunday Service,” he recalled. He had screamed aloud for the man of God’s attention.

To the glory of God, Benjamin began to receive favour again in his business. “I gave a lift to a man who ended up asking me to supply him a trailer of rice,” said Benjamin. His business had picked up again, even though the idols of his father’s house were still trying to bring him down. In search of definitive deliverance, Benjamin had made his way again to The SCOAN on January 5, 2025 and God’s spirit had located him. Now he has broken all ties with the demons of his father’s household. “With God all things are possible,” he encouraged others. “We are free now,” his wife asserted.

Testimony - Silent Season

“I Love The New Me!” Declares Formerly Suicidal Woman Delivered From The Marine World

“I am her husband – she belongs to me!” boasted the demon in Andromeda on January 5, 2025. Minutes later, Andromeda’s body went limp as the evil spirits in her departed. A week later, she returned to The SCOAN for her testimony. In her younger years, she said, she had always dreamt about the marine world. “I met many royal-looking figures in the underwater world,” she recalled, “and a certain male figure used to sleep with me in the dream, with manifestations in real life.” Andromeda was afflicted with the spirit of anger. “I used not to be able to forgive people,” she said. Moreover, she couldn’t keep friends or learn a steady trade. “I couldn’t stay in marriage,”, she added, “and lost the son I had in the marriage.”

On a few occasions, she had tried to kill herself – through poisoning, jumping down a roof, stabbing and being run over by a car. Every single time she attempted to take her own life, however, Andromeda failed. Her second marriage had also failed because of mutual violence. “I stopped taking care of myself because I felt worthless, believing that no one would ever want me,” said the mother of one.

To the glory of God, however, the power of the living God had fallen upon Andromeda as the deliverance session carried on. “I felt different degrees of bodily temperature as the power of deliverance fell upon me,” she told the church on January 12, 2025. Today, Andromeda has become a new creature – no more nightmares or swimming in the river. “I love this new me,” she declared. “There is a God that still listens,” she reminded others, while thanking Emmanuel TV Partners for supporting God’s work.     

Testimony - Silent Season

Email Testimonies

  • Michael from Delta State testified about his wife’s safe delivery after an overdue pregnancy. He and his wife had called The SCOAN Prayer Line and the size of their big baby had reduced enough for it to be delivered without surgery.
  • Kula from South Africa had felt severe pain all over the body on 6 October 2024. Within a few days, the pain intensified. After receiving prayer over the phone through The SCOAN Prayer line, however, Kula witnessed all of the pain vanish!
  • Chantel, an Italian married to a Nigerian, delivered her baby without complications, even though doctors had been certain she couldn’t have the baby by herself.
  • Joseph from Namibia had a bad cough for two months. After getting prayer over the phone, he felt strength all over his body once more!
  • Monica from South Africa was in The SCOAN on 7 July 2024 and went home with the Anointing Water. Although she was to have been transferred to another hospital because of her high blood pressure, she ended up having her baby by herself after ministering the Anointing Water. Thank You, Jesus!
Email testimonies read in The SCOAN Sunday Service January 12th, 2025

After-Service Testimony

Esemin Archibong, a retired deputy superintendent of police, was flanked by her husband and son as she glorified God for protecting and elevating her throughout her career. “Ever since I received prayer and spiritual materials from Prophet TB Joshua,” she recalled, “my life has not remained the same.” She testified about the rapidity of her promotion up to her retirement rank. “Indeed, I thank God for my rewarding career,” she reiterated. Her husband, a military detective, equally praised God for the DSP’s 35-year service.

Testimony - Silent Season

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