Dressed in cool, rich blue with a touch of black, members of The Emmanuel TV Choir sang from the depths of their hearts as they led the worship session for the service of Sunday, July 17, 2022. As evidence of God’s acceptance of the worship offering, the Holy Spirit descended into The SCOAN Auditorium and affected the hearts and bodies of congregants in preparation for the many blessings they were to receive.  

Afterwards, Evangelist Jemila stepped into the preaching position—her first time on The SCOAN pulpit. She announced, “I am a product of grace and all glory belongs to Jesus.” She described her early encounter with God’s servant Prophet TB Joshua. She said the man of God had asked her, “Would you love to become my daughter?” He had quickly assured her, she said, “I’ll accept to be your father.” 

Evangelist Jemila also acknowledged the inspirational leadership of Pastor Evelyn Joshua, saying: “She demonstrates that even amid trials, temptations and persecutions of all kinds, you can find courage in things that are discouraging.” In words echoing Prophet TB Joshua, Evangelist Jemila assured congregants: “When you trust in Jesus Christ, you can never go wrong. I mean, you will never be confounded in time or eternity.”

The preacher then announced the title of her message as “The Real Value Of Trials”. For the message, she cited various bits of Scripture including 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Romans 8:29, Hebrews 10:22, James 1:2, Isaiah 1:25 and Psalm 34:18. She started thus: “Yes, it is important that you and I know the real value of our trials; if not, we will find ourselves running away from the very things that are meant to speak strength and courage into our lives.”

Evangelist Jemila then used the analogy of gold refinement to describe what tests and trials do for Christians. According to her, “our character needs to be tested and refined in the furnace of trials, tribulations and challenges before we can step into a new level in life.” Knowing the value of trials, she said, will mean praising God even in the worst of times. She continued, “No one is ready-made before God got him,” hence the need for their refinement through trials.

Evangelist Jemila identified three stages in the Christian’s refining process: (i) the crushing, pounding and shattering stage requiring a broken, contrite heart; (ii) the washing process, which is done repeatedly to remove every impurity; and (iii) facing the blazing heat of actual trials. To be able to go through these stages successfully, she said, the Christian needs to keep the Refiner’s perspective—God’s perspective. In some of her final words she said: “Those who honour God in their trials, God honours them through their trials.” Evangelist Jemila therefore charged congregants not to give up and to take hold of their heart in the furnace of afflictions.

Wondrous Works Of The Holy Spirit

At the Prayer Line, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Father, we give You all the thanks, all the glory. Thank You for giving us testimonies…. Almighty God, revive us…give us overwhelming testimonies today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Let us be healed spirit, soul and body today, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

She then proceeded to lay hands on those who had come with various bodily, emotional, mental and spiritual issues. To the glory of God, wondrous works were wrought by the Holy Spirit during the Laying of Hands session as the woman of God ministered to cases such as epilepsy, difficulty in walking, asthma, mental illness and bleeding due to fibroids. Many fell under the power of the anointing and the foul spirits in them confessed before fleeing forever.

The raw power of the Holy Spirit continued to fill The Arena Of Liberty as evangelists James, Ope, Joseph and Chisom joined the woman of God in ministering healing, deliverance and breakthrough for the ultimate salvation of souls. Finally, the evangelists took turns to handle the one-on-one deliverance sessions!

Prayer For All!

“Anything that can stop you from being a partaker of this divine grace—break loose from it, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!” declared Pastor Evelyn Joshua as she rejoined congregants for the Mass Prayer session. She then asked them to use their Bible as a rod for dividing every Red Sea in their lives. She told them to assert: “The way out for me has come today because I have my staff in my hand!”

Continuing, the woman of God prayed: “All that stands between you and God’s promises—begin to give way, in Jesus’ name! Be healed! Be freed! Be delivered! Be loosed! In the mighty name of Jesus!” To the viewers she said: “Begin to declare yourself free right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Whatever satan might have planted in your life—declare yourself free right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!” Finally, she prayed: “Everything that is crippled in your life—begin to walk right now!”

Evangelist Joseph told congregants: “Any spirit that is manipulating your life, attacking your dream—command it out!” He also told them to pray: “You demon, ancestral spirit, evil spirit, familiar spirit…wherever you are—come out!”

Evangelist Ope prayed: “By the fire of the Holy Ghost, every garment of disgrace, shame, hardship, disappointment—Holy Ghost Fire, begin to consume it right now!”

Evangelist James prayed: “Whatever sickness, disease in your system, blood, body—I command it out! Receive solutions to your problems, in the name of Jesus! Every appointment with sickness, disease—be cancelled! In the name of Jesus, be healed of that sickness, disease!”

Evangelist Chisom prayed: “Whatever spirit that is standing on the way to your breakthrough—I command that spirit to make way, in the name of Jesus! Spirit of limitation, hardship—I command you to make way! The way out for your business, career, finances has come!”

In a Mass Prayer clip, Prophet TB Joshua told congregants: “Every spirit that stands to challenge you—begin to rebuke it, in the name of Jesus!” He also prayed: “That infirmity, disease in your blood, kidneys, liver, bones—be loosed, in the name of Jesus! You sickness, disease—I command you: Leave my people! Whatever you might have taken in the dream, on the table of your enemy—I flush it out, in the name of Jesus!”


Healed Of Two Years Of Arthritis!

For two years, 58-year-old Mercy suffered from difficulty in walking due to osteoarthritis. Her right knee encased in a brace, Mercy sat before Pastor Evelyn Joshua on Sunday, July 10, 2022 to receive prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Two months before, Mercy’s pains had intensified and she was at her wits’ end. “I couldn’t walk fast, couldn’t stand or sit for long,” she said as she narrated how the problem had prevented her from doing many things. At that point, she realised the need for God, so she came to The SCOAN. At the Prayer Line, Mercy found her body vibrating once Pastor Evelyn Joshua laid an anointed hand upon her. “I thereafter became light,” she recalled. “Now I can do the things I was unable to do before,” she added. Mercy’s husband, Ozuem, said he had felt a lot of emotional pain during his wife’s suffering. “For those two years it wasn’t easy,” he disclosed while thanking God for freeing him from the emotional and financial burden of his wife’s illness. He advised people: “Run to God, no matter your problem.” Mercy herself advised the world to stick with God in all circumstances.

Healed To Walk Freely Again!

“I am healed, in Jesus’ name!” That was the declaration made by Esther after she received prayer on Sunday, 10 July 2022 at The Arena Of Liberty. She had been suffering from difficulty in walking due to injuries sustained in a motoring accident. Despite receiving treatment in hospitals and traditional homes, Esther did not get any significant relief. She had therefore taken her case to God during the service in question. Since her healing, she has been in fine health, walking briskly and energetically for the glory of God. “My ankle no longer shakes when I am walking,” she demonstrated to congregants. “Trust God and run to Him,” she advised them.

“God’s Involvement Makes A Difference,” Says Mining Engineer Who Got Divine Breakthrough

Portia from South Africa, a mining engineer, testified about the divine breakthrough that she received after attending a Living Water Service at The SCOAN on July 29, 2019. Before then, however, she had been praying along with Prophet TB Joshua on Emmanuel TV. After returning home from the Living Water Service in question, Portia continued praying in faith and soon opened her own company. With the help of God, she was able to weather the storm and to get her company on a sound footing. “Now, clients are looking for me all over the place,” she said while displaying pictures of her thriving business and its assets. She told the church, “God’s involvement makes a difference.”

Freed From Reproach Of Mental Illness

On Sunday, July 10, 2022, Eberechi was among those who received prayer over the problem of mental illness. Her issue had started one night in August 2018 while she was attending a prayer vigil. She had stepped out of the church briefly only to find a snake slither quickly across her feet. Afterwards, she began hearing accusing voices in her mind. The more she responded to those voices, the more people around her became concerned about her mental health, especially her husband’s family, who eventually sent her packing. Inevitably, she became lonely, sad and forsaken. Her studies were also affected, causing her to lose a year in school. During internship at a company, Eberechi had to be released before time owing to her mental issues. Despite going to several places, including a herbal home, she did not find any lasting solution. With no family to turn to during her crises, it took a caring neighbour, Happiness, to bring Eberechi to The SCOAN for prayers. Since the prayers, Eberechi has become a new creature. In a tearful testimony, she glorified God for rescuing her and advised people to trust in God.

“Like One Of The Ten Lepers, I Have Come Back To Glorify God!” Says Woman Who Turned From Barrenness To Fruitfulness

“I will never forget that day I first stepped my feet in this auditorium,” said Vivian as she began her testimony on Sunday, July 17, 2022. Twelve years previously, just after getting married, Vivian had suddenly started bleeding profusely. “I just kept bleeding and bleeding and bleeding,” she recalled. When the bleeding stopped as mysteriously as it had started, Vivian’s menstrual cycle ceased as well. For years, she could not call herself a woman. However, along the line, she discovered Emmanuel TV and began praying along with Prophet TB Joshua. Finally, one Sunday in January 2019, Vivian came to The SCOAN. On returning home, she found that her menses had returned. She and her husband then continued praying with the Anointing Water. Soon afterwards, Vivian found that she had miraculously fallen pregnant, even though doctors had claimed she could never fall pregnant. To the glory of God, she carried the baby to term and had her first baby, Greatness. For that pregnancy, doctors had told Vivian that she would need surgery because her baby was improperly positioned. However, after calling The SCOAN Prayer Line, Vivian returned to the doctors and they confirmed that her baby’s position had normalised. A short while afterwards, another pregnancy occurred and Vivian had baby David! “Like one of the ten lepers, I have come back to glorify God,” she said during her testimony. “There is nothing God cannot do,” she added. Vivian’s husband said, “God has wiped away our 12 years of tears.” He continued, “I am the happiest person in the world today!” He advised people to exercise belief while believing that distance is no barrier to the move of God.

Rescued From Malevolent Spirit Husband

The malevolent spirit in Vivian made numerous revelations on Sunday, July 10, 2022 during the one-on-one deliverance session. In 2009, Vivian had got incisions from her grandmother during a visit to the village. After receiving the incisions, Vivian began finding herself communicating with snakes in her dream. Anytime it happened, she would wake up angry, irritable and aggressive. Owing to this problem, she kept losing the men in her life, even as she constantly had issues with her employers and their customers. “Leave my wife alone or else…,” the spirit husband had threatened one of Vivian’s suitors in the dream. Of course, the suitor took off in real life! In one case, following a dream, Vivian rejected an offer to head a new company her then employer had just opened. However, Vivian’s current boss, Friday, dared to let love lead and chose to treat Vivian’s case as a spiritual matter. “I shall take you to The Synagogue,” he had told her. On picking up this information in the spiritual realm, the evil forces troubling Vivian appeared to her in a dream and warned her not to go to The SCOAN. Vivian then tried to avoid attending the service. However, the Spirit of God had the day and the rest is history. Vivian’s testimony was twofold. First, she received healing for her leg pain as the woman of God prayed for others around her. Second, following the deliverance session, she is no longer troubled by the spirit of anger and she now sleeps peacefully. After her deliverance, Vivian had a dream in which the evil body of water that used to trouble her was dried up by a divine hand. “Now I can walk freely; I don’t feel any pain at all,” she said. She advised people to put God first and to exercise faith. “With God all things are possible; no situation can last forever,” she said. On his part, Friday told of how he had kept discussing Vivian with his wife, who told him, “We are saved to save others; do not abandon her, since you know her problem is spiritual.” Said Friday about Vivian’s new way of life, “She is a wonderful person.” He advised employers to seek God’s face for staff who might be having spiritual problems.

Patricia And Niece Delivered From Serpentine Spirit Husband

Patricia’s problem had started when her mother was made to sleep in the same room with a snake as she sought solutions to her problems. As part of the conditions for serving the snake spirit, Patricia’s mother was afflicted with many issues, including stoppage of her menstrual cycle. Patricia’s mother was also never to behold a dead body and to stop sleeping with her husband. After Patricia’s mother mistakenly beheld a dead body in a hospital, she lost her senses and eventually died. Afterwards, the snake spirit decided it was going to possess Patricia, who bluntly refused. Consequently, the snake spirit started to trouble Patricia’s life, crumbling her business and causing her menses to cease. She would also see snakes in the dream and in real life. However, things started to change for Patricia when her son received deliverance at The SCOAN in June 2022. Weeks after, on July 3, 2022, Patricia received her own deliverance. As evidence of the deliverance, the snake that had been tormenting Patricia was killed in real life. She also bought a car after the deliverance. She advised people never to give up but to persist in seeking only divine solutions to their problems. During the same service, Patricia’s niece, Patience, was also delivered from a spirit husband that had been making her lustful, aggressive and suicidal. Although her problems had worsened after being taken to a spiritual home somewhere, Patience has no doubt whatsoever that she is now completely delivered from the spirit husband, after prayer at The SCOAN. “I had a dream in which I pulled away from him,” she said. “And I no longer feel suicidal,” she added. She advised people to move close to God and to attend a living church. 

Testimony After Service

Schoolteacher Healed Of Two Years Of Back Pain

After the service, Elizabeth, a Cameroonian teacher, testified about her healing from two years of back pain caused by arthritis. Now she can do things she had been unable to do before, including dancing vigorously and moving briskly. She will also no longer be needing her body brace. She advised people to believe God with their heart.

Healed Of Body And Breast Pain 

Elizabeth, a South African woman, testified about her perfect healing from body and breast pain owing to spinal issues. She had received prayer during the Prayer Line/Laying Of Hands session. Now she no longer needs her body and knee braces. “I feel like a 16-year-old now,” she said. She added, “I am throwing my knee and body braces away,” she said after demonstrating the things she can now do.

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