On Sunday, March 19, 2023 The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations again played host to people from all over Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world. In spite of the crises rocking the nations, God’s people made out time to be in His presence – worshipping and thanking Him for all His blessings in their lives. To be sure, in hard times or good times, true Christians owe themselves the duty of praising God. As the worship session intensified, led by The SCOAN Choir, many in The Arena Of Liberty began vomiting the poisonous substances in their systems while others trashed about on the floor as the demons in them fled out of their spirit being. The songs exalted God’s glory above all the earth and hailed Jesus Christ as the Alpha and Omega Who does it always in the believer’s life.

On that note, Evangelist James welcomed congregants with the following prayer point: “May your case file be touched, in Jesus’ name!” The topic of his sermon was a two-word phrase: “THE QUESTION”, for which he read from 2 Kings 4:16-24. The proof text was the story of the Shunammite woman who had miraculously had a son after years of barrenness but had suddenly lost him in mysterious circumstances one afternoon. Asked by Prophet Elisha’s servants whether all was well with her soul, the woman had answered, “It is well.”

Based on that exemplary response, Evangelist James focused his message on how believers should respond when asked about their condition in difficult situations. He told the church that, like the woman in the proof text, Christians should look beyond their situation, seeing in it redemption, renewal and revival.

According to him, people of faith do not fail to admit the existence of problems but actually supplant natural truth with spiritual truth, which they confess for the glory of God. “Man’s faith,” he said, “is measured by his confession…and what you say will become a physical reality in the natural world as you steadfastly hold on to your confession of faith.” Evangelist James therefore urged congregants to praise God in every situation while speaking positively about it.

Met At Every Point Of Their Needs!

Before starting the Prayer Line ministration, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Father, locate us in Your mercy, favour, mercy today. Let Your compassion wash off all our iniquities. Almighty God, Holy Spirit, set your children apart for Your attention today. Father, meet them at the point of their needs. Healing in Your name! Blessing in Your name! Deliverance in Your name! Victory in Your name! Protection in Your name! Breakthrough in Your name! In the name of Jesus Christ!”

Among the cases that God Almighty settled were difficulty in walking, stroke, asthma, hole in the heart, leg ulcers, breast cancer, swollen belly, skin disease and hernia. None of these cases was impossible for Jesus Christ to handle!  

Prayers were also said for pregnant women in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And as these children are brought forth into the world, God Almighty will take control of their lives for His eternal glory!

As they joined the woman of God in the Laying Of Hands session, the evangelists fired at demonic presences in the people’s lives, “How did you enter this person?” Then they proceeded to lay anointed hands on the people as they evicted such presences in Jesus’ name!

Prayer That Breaks All Barriers!

At the start of the Mass Prayer session, Pastor Evelyn Joshua read from Psalm 4:1 and told congregants to eject every spirit of deception, confusion, manipulation and gaslighting from their lives. She said, “Every spirit that is not of God – command it out now, in the name of Jesus!” She prayed: “I cancel every negative pronouncement against your life, in the name of Jesus! Every garment of satan – be removed now, in the name of Jesus!”

For viewers all over the world the woman of God also prayed: “Receive your healing, blessings, deliverance, breakthrough, in the name of Jesus Christ! May the glory of Lebanon be yours, in the name of Jesus Christ! Receive your freedom! Father, open the doorway of Heaven for Your children! Let all Your promises be their portion, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist James told congregants: “Every inherited bondage in your life, family – begin to rebuke it, in the name of Jesus! Every family idol, ancestral spirit frustrating your effort – say: Out!”

Evangelist Ope told congregants to pray: “Every demonic activity in my life, I command you in the name of Jesus: Be broken! You spirit of delay, I call you by your name anywhere you are – Holy Ghost Fire: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom prayed: “That spirit that caused you disease, affliction – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph told congregants: “Every spirit causing you poverty, failure, setback, limitation – command it out! Every spirit that might have caged your dreams – command it out! Every spirit that might have veiled you with poverty – command it out!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “Whatever satan must have used to connect you to himself – I disconnect you!” He also told congregants: “Every sickness, disease in your organs – muscles, kidneys, blood, tendons, bones – begin to flush it out, in the name of Jesus!” The man of God then declared: “I can see you being healed, delivered!”


Satan’s Mission Fails As Asthma, Depression Vanish In God’s Name!

Sometime in 2022, Helen was at The SCOAN for prayer over the breech presentation of her baby. On returning to her doctors for another scan, it was confirmed that her baby had indeed been restored to the normal position. She then went on to have the baby without any trouble. However, smarting from defeat and shame, satan sought to tamper with Esther’s health, giving her asthma and depression. Together with her believing husband, Esther returned to church for prayer on March 12, 2023. Following ministration by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, Esther regained her full health as all traces of asthma and depression vanished in God’s name! “I no longer have nightmares,” she disclosed. She advised the church, “Just have faith in God and He will do it for you, whatever situation you are passing through” Helen’s husband confirmed her transformation. “Believe,” he said, “and don’t ever give up.”

Charles Breaks Free From Demons Of Lust, Anger And Aimlessness!

On being arrested by the Holy Ghost during the service of March 12, 2023, the demon in Charles had succumbed with little resistance. The demon confessed to being responsible for the issues of lustfulness, anger and aimlessness in the young man’s life. It had all started after Charles briefly watched a pornographic video on his phone. Although women would get intimate with him in the dream, Charles never felt attracted to them in real life. Since his deliverance, however, he has lost all interest in pornography and no longer has nightmares. In a confirmatory dream, he had seen a demonic snake killed on his behalf, thus marking the end of satanic affliction in his life. He advised people to keep their faith in Jesus Christ. Charles’ sister, Amaka, thanked God for rescuing him.

God’s Right Hand Of Power Keeps Baby Perfectly Safe!

On October 9, 2022, Bunmi was in The Arena Of Liberty over her pregnancy. She had been scared about hers and her baby’s survival, so she had taken her case to God. When the baby was due, the Holy Spirit took control and Bunmi had her baby without any fuss. Later, the devil tried to unsettle Bunmi by afflicting her baby with difficulty in breathing. With no one else but God to turn to, Bunmi brought her ailing baby to church on January 8, 2023. By the following day, Bunmi and her husband realised that the problem had vanished – to the glory of God! She advised people to take their problems to God. She was flanked by her husband during their testimony on March 19, 2023. He said, “We are thankful to God for our testimony.”

Released To A Life Of Peace And Ease After Expulsion Of Foul Spirit!

During the One-On-One session of the Sunday Service of March 12, 2023, the foul spirit in Jennifer had deluded itself into thinking that it could withstand the fire of the Holy Spirit. Of course, within only a few minutes it had fallen flat on its back. For years, the terrible demon had made Jennifer an extremely aggressive person who could barely maintain relations with family and friends. “I used to fight a lot and I was never satisfied until I had made someone bleed,” she said during her testimony on March 19, 2023. She added, “I used not to keep friends and I had problems with my relationships.” To the glory of God, however, Jennifer can now affirm that God has taken control of her life. “Whatever you are passing through, don’t give up; God will surely intervene,” she told congregants. Jennifer’s father, Paul, expressed his joy at receiving an answer for his long-time petition to God over his daughter. “Run to God,” he said. “He will see you through,” he added.

Healed Of The Spirit Of Bed-wetting!

On Sunday, 12 March 2023, the cruel spirit in Rejoice finally left after having tormented her for many years. During that period, Rejoice had been a bed-wetter and she had used to experience internal hotness. Because of these issues, she had mostly kept to herself and had lost confidence in her ability to do well in life. Although the devil had tried to stop Rejoice from coming to church on that day, God’s will had actually been done and Rejoice’s deliverance had happened. Today, she has a new life of freedom in Jesus Christ. “Just keep the focus on God; one day He will do it for you,” she advised the church. Her father, Friday, narrated how he had erroneously besought household powers while seeking a child in the early days of his marriage. “Obviously I went to the wrong places,” he said. He thanked God for his daughter’s changed situation. “Right now everything is gone,” he confirmed. Citing the Book of Philippians, he urged people not to be too anxious about their issues but to take their case to God Almighty.

Musa Finds Beautiful Bride After Deliverance From Household Powers!

On 25 August 2018, Musa from Niger Republic had been one of the recipients of prophecy as Prophet TB Joshua ministered during a SCOAN Sunday service. His family had been witnessing many problems, including premature deaths. While in the Nigerian city of Benin, Edo State, he had been inspired to attend the service after a formerly jobless friend secured a job following his visit to The SCOAN. Later on, Musa had a dream in which Prophet TB Joshua gave him water to drink. As at that time, Musa used to have wet dreams and he used to see dead people while sleeping. During his physical encounter with Prophet TB Joshua, Musa’s issues of gonorrhea and addiction were mentioned, following which they disappeared. After receiving prayer, Musa noticed that women were no longer rejecting him, even as he himself stopped nursing lustful thoughts. “To the glory of God today,” he said, “I am a married man.” He told the church, “God is in charge; let us wait patiently for Him.” Musa’s wife, Chidinma – a Nigerian from Imo State – thanked God for taking control of her husband’s life.

Healed Of Asthma And Protruded Womb!

It had taken just an anointed touch for the evil spirit in Esther to manifest during the service of March 12, 2023. The spirit had confessed to preventing Esther from having another child. Testifying a week later, Esther recalled that, on her wedding night, she had had a dream in which a woman had warned her, “Leave my husband alone.” From then on, Esther had started to experience health issues, including asthma. Although she had managed to have a child after two years of intense prayer, Esther could not have another baby because her womb had become protruded afterwards. For the last 11 years, that had been Esther’s condition until God settled her case. Now, both the womb protrusion and the asthma are gone! “I can walk far and breathe well now,” she said in excitement. She advised people, “Don’t lose hope; God will surely see you through.” Esther’s husband, Evaristus, told of how his wife’s family had accused him of being responsible for their daughter’s many unexplainable issues. He also told of how he had taken his case to God. “I give God the glory, for it is now all in the past,” he said. He told the church, “Look up to God; he has the final say to our problems.”

After-Service Testimony

During the Mass Prayer session, this man vomited the poisonous substances in his system. Now he no longer feels any pain in his body. Thank You, Jesus!

At The Prayer Line, Christian from Ghana received prayer over the problem of waist pain, which he had been having since the day a wall gecko vanished into the wall after jumping from his waist. On the night the wall gecko attacked him, Christian had been having a dream in which he was warned not to marry a certain woman. Today, he no longer uses any walking aid. “Believe in God,” he advised viewers all over the world.  

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