Mounting the altar after the message had been given, Prophet T.B. Joshua reminded the congregation of some important prophecies of the previous service and advised that the video clip be activated for the benefit of all. The video clip revealed Wise Man Harry as he issued a prophecy to one of the congregants during the Monday noon service. In the said prophecy, the wise man drew the attention of the congregant, by name Shehu to a woman he met years back and to whom he promised marriage. Soon after, the woman in question became pregnant and came to inform Shehu of the pregnancy resulting from their love match. To her surprise however, Shehu reacted not only in fury and threat but also disowned the pregnancy. Thereafter, they never saw each other even after the delivery of the baby who already was of school age. In the prophecy, Wise Man Harry reminded Shehu of the brusque and harsh treatment he gave to the lady when she reported the pregnancy to him. He then advised him to look for the lady and ask her for forgiveness as he was the owner of the child. He also advised him to make a restitution, take charge of the child’s education and also care for her until she was a responsible member of society. That was the only way Shehu would overcome the many difficulties he was facing and have his way open in life.
In his own testimony, Shehu introduced himself as hailing from Kaduna State but working in Port Harcourt. He said that he came to The SCOAN accompanied by his wife whom he married in 2003 to receive the Anointing Water because of the difficulty they were having over pregnancy. According to him, the wife had not been pregnant even once since they married. He however decided to stay for the Monday service after receiving the Anointing Water on Sunday. Following the prophecy, the man of God advised Shehu to go and bring the lady and the child. The prophet gave him some money for the journey. His immediate problem was how to locate them as he had not heard from the woman for the past seven years. A friend of his helped him to locate the woman by directing him to Nasarawa State where she was. Both the woman and her family welcomed him and readily forgave him as they had watched the prophecy on television. The child was however said to be in Kaduna. He therefore gave the mother money to go to Kaduna and fetch her.
After the video clip, the four of them (Shehu, his wife, the woman and the child) emerged on the podium where Shehu confirmed the prophecy and also introduced his wife, the lady and their child.
The man of God admonished the entire congregation on the need to be careful in life as those past incidents that could bring problems to one’s life might look so unrelated and trivial that one may not attach any significance to them, yet these trivial incidents have the potential of generating a life problem. He concluded by promising Shehu that he would tell him the mind of God on the issue later.
The next clip revealed a man who had come to The SCOAN in search of a solution to a spiritual problem that had been disturbing his life. Captain Moses of the Nigerian army told the church of his bad experience with a spiritual burden for which reason he was led to a place where he met people chanting. Rather than being healed there, the spiritual problem increased. He saw himself being chased by masquerades and also eating in dreams. Coming to The SCOAN for healing, he initially sat on the gallery but on a second thought, he came to the ground floor of the church to take a seat in the second service. As the mass prayer went on in the second service, the contrary spirits in him took control of him and threw him into a fit. In reaction the man of God gave him a packet of the Anointing Water by which he received deliverance. Since the deliverance received through the packet of the Anointing Water, Captain Moses had never been tormented by contrary spirits or seen himself eating in dreams. He has been effectually delivered by our Lord using the packet as a medium.
Another clip also showed the response to the Anointing Water in other countries and its efficacy in dislodging evil spirits in people and restoring the people to normalcy. In Ghana for example many fell down and were delivered as the evangelist in The SCOAN, Ghana branch prayed and sprayed the Anointing Water on them. An interesting case was that of a lady who had been blind for 13 years. Her husband, a corporal in the Ghana Police Force, had taken her to many hospitals for treatment but he never achieved any success. As soon as the Anointing Water was sprayed on her, she could see well and recognize people. In the excitement of regaining her sight she ran towards her husband, jumped on him to give him a hug. The Anointing Water effectually dislodged the spirit of blindness which had tormented her for 13 years.
Another video clip from South Africa also revealed many miraculous incidents like those seen in the clip from Ghana. A very striking one was the case of a Congolese resident in South Africa. For quite some years, the man had had the problem of kidney stones for which he was operated on in 2003. But even after the operation, like the other treatments he underwent because of the sickness, he was never healed. He still experienced pain as he urinated and occasionally saw blood in his urine. When the pastor in South Africa sprayed the Anointing Water on him, he fell like most other congregants who received deliverance. When he went to urinate, he saw that the attempt was not accompanied by the usual pain or blood. On the contrary, he picked two kidney stones from his urine and happily came back to show them. An elderly man in the congregation described as a medical doctor by profession, authenticated them as kidney stones. The Anointing Water makes no distinction between one country and another as it unseats evil spirits wherever they are, thus proving that there is only one God who is omnipresent and omnipotent.
The Anointing Water shows unrivalled efficacy wherever it is administered in disregard of the spiritual forces in the countries in question. In Greece many fell under the Anointing brought about by the Anointing Water and many people were released from the bondage of contrary spirits. One spectacular incident was the healing of a woman of tumours in her breast.
In Russia, many brought bottles to receive the Anointing Water for future use. A woman among them fell under the Anointing and all the ailments which she had been battling with were wiped away. Among these ailments were the pain in her spine as a result of the accident she had, the tumour in her vertebrae and the rupture in her disc. The aches in her shoulders for which reason she had worn a neck collar for two years and the toothache she had been suffering from were also cleared away by the Anointing Water. She had been to hospitals many times but was not cured. It was the Anointing Water that finally and effectually gave the much needed healing. Also healed was another woman who had been limping. Similar stories of success were also revealed in Ukraine and other countries.
Mr Theophilus, a Nigerian from Edo State but resident in the United States of America, also gave his own testimony. His case was diabetes with other complications as diagnosed in 1996 and because of which he had been to many hospitals without finding the cure. In January last year, he came to The SCOAN for the Anointing Water. This singular event ended the infirmity of 15 years. The hospital report after the first application of the Anointing Water was 90 but dropped to 84 by the second report. The Anointing Water has normalized his sugar level and his doctor declared him healed of diabetes. Glory be to Jesus!
A young lady from Malawi gave a testimony on how the cancer of the uterus which had been her problem for years miraculously vanished following the administration of the Anointing Water. Her gynaecologist had given her no hope whatsoever of a cure. It was in this state of hopelessness that she came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water which did the miracle for her. Her doctor, who was very much surprised, confirmed the healing.
The miracles and wonders which have become a feature of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations attract the attention of the agents of satan who regularly come from both water and land to the church to put the powers of The SCOAN and Prophet T. B. Joshua to test. In course of the mass prayer, a man identified as a witch doctor vomited in the church. Unluckily for him, the prophet had known the man’s mission but was just questioning him to hear from him. In coming to know and challenge the power in The SCOAN, he lost the little power he had when he vomited a cowrie and a ring. The man revealed that he was a big witch doctor patronized by many who sought redemption from evil forces. He had used cows, goats, fowls among other animals to secure redemption for his clients.

Join the Conversation


  1. What a world we live in. I’m just thankful & glory be to God Almighty for sending us His anointed servant Prophet T.B. Joshua to deleaver & heal us in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  2. May the name of God be Glorify for magnifying Himself through His anointed men Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise men.I prayed for more anointing and the power of God upon the life of Prophet T.B.Joshua and his able Wise men to enable them save more souls in Jesus Name. Amen

  3. Thank God ,you are our everything we need in life.Glory and honour be unto you for whatever your are doing to us.We praise you Lord.

  4. Thank you LORD!they test your power but at the end they become it is the time of which doctors to receive lord jesus and to tell the truth to their customer that the only solution is to receive lord jesus amen

  5. Praise GOD!They test your power but at the end they become yours!now it is the time for which doctors to tell the truth to their customer that the solution is only to receive lord jesus amen!

  6. Praise the Lord. What a living Lord we serve. Nothing is impossible with Him. All we need to do is keep on believing more. After reading this i personally have been encouraged to believe more. Amen


  8. God thank you for your servant prophet T B. Joshua and the wise men for the miracles and also for the powerfull worship team and the entire congregation at the SCOAN ,my desire and prayer is to worship with you one day.

  9. GOd is still in the healing business.
    I bless the name of GOd for his mighty works at the scoan.

  10. Dear Man of God, This message has blessed my soul greatly. Thank you. May I also use this medium to thank you for the message on Faith. It was replayed yesterday the 01/03/2011. The message seemed to have been prepared directly for me. Now I know that it honours God when I trust Him despite what the situation seem to be in the physical, and that as such, God honours me as well. Now I will confess that He is my Saviour, my Deliverer, my Healer, My liberator, my Benefactor, my success my redeemer, my Comforter and my all, despite the difficulties I am going through, and what is obtaining in the physical. Thank you. That message has brought some wonderful and undescribed solace to my troubled soul. I need more of such sermons. God bless you more and more.

  11. Our God is a GOD of the future as well as the present.
    He always shows up, shows off and takes the glory.
    All glory and power and praise belong to The Almighty Jehovah.
    He is worthy of praise and worship.
    Thank to all the dedicated servants of God under the capable guidance of the Man of God , Prophet TB Joshua, may God see him live to fulfill his purpose.

  12. God is good and He loves everyone. I say this because God is Love. The message revealing what is happening to people after taking Anointed Water, Wrist Band gives hope to everyone that has access to Anointed Water that no matter how long it takes results shall be seen. God is working in his own way and time everyone shall testify. We all pray and believe that the word of God is live and what has been done to others would be done to all in Jesus Christ name. Glory be to God. Man of God Prophet T B Joshua and all wisemen and prayerworriors God be with you that you do His will,

  13. The doctors’ reports said I had 10-30% prostate cancer and diabetes. In desperation I searched for air-fare of Lagos, Nigeria, but a voice said, “Where is your faith?” I read Mark 11:23-24 and said, “I am healed based on Mark 11:23-24.” Although, there is a little pain, I still stand on Mark 11:23-24. I really cannot afford to go to Nigeria or to get the Annointed Water. Also, I decided to testify at some local churches that I am healed and continue to thank God for healing me!

  14. Dear Man of God,Prophet TB Joshua.May God increase your greatness and comfort you in every side.In Jesus’Name.Amen
    Thank God for your life and I thank Him for He is using you mightily and richly for His Glory.In Jesus’matchless Name.Amen


  16. God bless TB Joshua and alls People who work with him in the Arena Liberty of SCOAN. I am over happy for the wonderful delivrance, healing , Prayer line , and Prophety in the SCOAN in Lagos, .
    When GOD is with US ,who can be against us: Nobody

  17. it is amusingly frank seeing a full-fledged man cum spiritualist intentionally trying D power of God. No wahala, anytime they wil go 2 SCOAN, they wil fished out

  18. To God be the Glory ! and indeed God is with us and who can be against us ,Emmanuel ! we Emmanuel viewers wait on our turn to visit the scoan to receive the anointed writ band and anointed water we pray
    thank you LORD for prophet T.B Joshua

  19. Emmanuel!Emmanuel!

    Happy birthday Emmanuel TV . Thank GOD for this divine station.
    May God’s grace be more and more that it may cover the entire World.

  20. happy birthday Emmanuel TV may God continue to do his wonders in your church and those who does not know there is Emmanuel TV be revealed to them. i like your channel so blessing distance is not a barrier i am blessed

  21. Thanx to our lord God to send people like TB JOSHUA to the world to preach the gospel, we are very blessed to have someone like you, it is realy amazing, that all things that you prophesis to man are all true, this man is realy send by God.your teaching is really touching it really helped me, i am noe read the bible and pray because of you teaching i am a real christian now , please pray for my break through of what i am praying for, realy touching the screen is important to me, it really happening with Prophet TB Joshua

  22. Thank you so much for the power of the holy spirit which is continuing to reach many people as is witnessed to the maltitude of people who are being healed, saved from different ailments.May the grace of the almighty God be with you forever more.Indeed Jesus is love let us do love,act love,let love lead.


  23. This is to show that the power in the name of Jesus Christ is greater than all the combined forces of the kingdom of darkness. GLORY BE TO ALMIGHTY GOD


  24. Praise God for all the mighty works God is doing! May his name be glorified and may he guide the Man of God and the Wise men always so that they accomplish the mission of God.

    Jesus is still with us! He never said goodbye.

  25. Bravo to God Almighty, Bravo to our Savior Jesus Christ and Our Cherished T.B Joshua. The Emmanuel T.V is a world t.V. No church performs miracles with clear scan or view like the T.B. Joshua team of Prophets. T.B Joshua is a real man of God. I have watched many telecasts from Other churches but here i find rest.

    The Spirit is one and one God. All churches are doing a wonderful job but here at SCOAN you do not doubt whatever miracles are performed.

    The annointing water is so powerful. I had multiple problems which i cannot not tell here but now iam delivered. People out there- you will achieve nothing by saying no, that is magic, no that is what is wrtten in the bible of last dyas that there will be many that will do miracles but do not believe them. The same Jesus said if you have faith even as small as a rape seed you can move mountains he was not telling it to the other humans but ourselves. Hence T.B Joshua is one of those people that have faith that is more than that of a rape seed. Lets try to follow what he says about Jesus and see if we will be wrong before God. He says he does not do miracles in his name, and many are the times when i have seen him stopping people even to kneel before him or praise him in the synagogue on T.V.

  26. Makolane

    Here in South Africa ( BLoemfontein )we are so blessed to have the man of God(Pastor POONYANE ) who God uses him ,and i like him because he does not take the Glory of God but he always says it is because of Jesus that he perfoms the miracles he is performing.Praise the works of God, this shows that God is the one who deliver us from evil. May the Lord of Glory be with you until the second coming of CHrist. WE LUV U JESUS

  27. Emmanuel. Could u please provide a message from hebrew chapter 4. Thanks.

  28. Emmanuel. I am greateful for what God has done through pur Prophet. I was healed from TIA(Mini-Stroke) by Jesus through Pastor Poonyane in Bloemfontein South Africa

  29. My Faith will continue to rise by the testimony of the Holy spirit and i thank God for such medium in Jesus name.Amen

  30. Thanks lord for giving us you people to suvive God people evils. I love my God he is so gread too all

  31. i am from middelburg e.c. I would like to asked the paster to pray for me for deliverenc.i believe if he pray for me i will be deliverd thanks God bless

  32. I would like to recieve delieverance because i keep on havin sexual dreams, feelings and i always eat in my dreams. And i always have problems in my relationships


    2 Corinthians 8:9
    And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound

    Almighty God is able to supply more grace to us that is he will give us all what we need and more than we need so that we will always have what we need for ourselves and more than enough to every good cause. He will always make you rich enough so that you may give to others at all times, so that many will thank God for your gifts which they receive from us
    Gods grace is in abundant and it is great, it is a free gift to so many people through the grace of the one man Lord Jesus Christ.
    The sin of one man began to rule on earth But how much more will those who receive Gods provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through one man Lord Jesus Christ. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. It is by grace that we have been saved.through faith and it is the gift of God.
    Sin must not be our master because we do not leave under the law but under Gods grace.
    The choice of God is based on grace not on what we have done.
    Refuse to reject the grace of God, because it is sufficient for us and his power is made perfect in our weakness. That is when ever we are doing the work of Almighty God.
    I am encouraging all the children of Almighty God to not receive God’s grace in vain.
    May the Lord Jesus Christ and Almighty God our Heavenly Father who loved us by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope. Encourage our hearts and strengthen us to do every good deed and to speak good words

  34. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I kindly encourage you to read the following message please. Thank you.

    We are kindly encouraging persons to consider the Bible’s hope for the future. Contrary to what many think, God has a BRIGHT future for persons who do His Will. God promises to turn this Earth into a beautiful Paradise. Scriptures like Psalm 37:9-11, 29; Psalm 115:16; Isaiah 45:18; Isaiah 55:11; and Matthew 5:5 prove this. To find out more about this matter, we encourage persons to go to the website, Look under the heading, “Publications” and locate the Bible-based book, WHAT DOES THE BIBLE REALLY TEACH? Chapter 3 discusses more on the subject of a Paradise Earth. You are also invited to have Bible discussions with a mature Jehovah’s Witness on that subject and other Scriptural subjects as well. Benefit too from a wealth of other information found at, including instructive videos for people of all ages. Millions are already seeing and appreciating the value of the information at You will too. Thank you for reading.
    Another site to check
    Best regards,

  35. I would like to receive deliverance because I have anger problem and it has also affected my relationship with my Fiance Lucky Moholo please Pastor pray for me I need to be saved!!!

  36. God is great all the time and we thank him for the life of our hollyness Tibi Joshua and man of God David Poonyane we are truly blessed.

  37. How can I get annoiting water I am not working and have no cent to come to Nigeria

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