On the 7th of July 2024, The Arena Of Liberty again thronged with congregants from all over the world. As the service opened with prayer, the people declared: “I rejoice in You, Lord. In your presence there is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures for ever more. I am gladdened by the works of Your hands. I rejoice in You, Lord!” Thereafter, they proceeded to sing different songs of worship that called down the Host Of Heaven, leading to manifestations of God’s incomparable power in the people’s lives. Determined to receive from the Lord, the people prayed in song before closing the worship session: “Locate Me Today, O Lord!”

For her message entitled “The More You Help, The Higher You Rise,” Evangelist Jemila read from Acts 20:35 – “I have shown you in every way, by labouring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’.” She then quoted Prophet TB Joshua thus: “Never come around people just because of what you can get – but come around people because of what you can give.”

Following this introduction, Evangelist Jemila went into her message proper, citing several Bible passages (e.g. Proverbs 3:27, Proverbs 11:25, Romans 12:8, Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11, James 5:19) on the need to help others in every way that God has made it possible for us. She enjoined believers to act with love towards others by helping them to move closer to their dreams of a better life, noting that “every person you meet today is trying to change his or her life in some way.” She observed that God wants us to cultivate relationships built on mutual trust, faith and love that subsists on reciprocal giving.

In essence, the evangelist charged each person to be a solution to someone in trouble – just as Jesus Christ is a Solution to their own needs. She said, “Our position in Christ Jesus is enhanced each time we help our neighbour.” Further in the well-demonstrated message, she cited Ananias (Acts 9) and Mordecai (the Book of Esther) as examples of those who assisted their neighbours to get a new name. To close the sermon, Evangelist Jemila quoted Pastor Evelyn Joshua thus: “Share your gift with others. As a man, you can never go wrong by doing what pleases God. Whatever you sow, that is what you reap. Whatever God has given to you, sow it back and it will return to you a million fold. You have no reason to doubt God’s sufficiency.”

A New Dawn For The People!
“It is a new dawn,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua told the people as she joined them for the Prayer Line ministration. She added, “When we find grace in the sight of God, we are entitled to everlasting joy.”

Before starting the ministration of prayer, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Father Lord, we bless Your holy name – the One and only true God, the Lord who fills our lives with joy, blessings, contentment, meaning, the One that calls us out of darkness and places us in His glorious light. Father, we have come to praise You this morning. We have come to thank You this morning. Thank You for setting us free from everything that holds us down in bondage. Father, accept our offering of praise, in the name of Jesus Christ. We are just here to say, ‘Thank You’.

We want to ask You, O Lord, to lead us to where we will not fear anymore but will believe the more, have faith the more, pray the more, in the name of Jesus Christ! Almighty God, touch Your children for a new thing today, in the name of Jesus! Fill their mouths with testimonies – testimonies that will praise Your name forever! In the name of Jesus Christ we pray! Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Father!”
Pastor Evelyn Joshua reinforced the sermon on helping others to rise. She told the people, “Whatever you have right now is a solution to someone with a problem; never mind how small it is.”
Rest assured in the saving, healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ, many from all over the world came with burdens of the body and troubles of the soul and spirit. In the people’s lives the Lord honoured His name and Word, as he healed them of neck stiffness, asthma, goitre, swollen hip, spinal cord injury and all forms of pain.

Pregnant women also bared their hearts to Jesus Christ, who soothed all of their pain.

Ministering alongside the woman of God, The SCOAN Evangelists attended to cases of difficulty in breathing, mental disorder, drug addiction, hernia, prostate enlargement, leg ulcers, peptic ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, osteoarthritis, sickle cell anaemia, and ovarian cysts.

Done with the Prayer Line, God’s servants stood on the believer’s authority to lay anointed hands on congregants in the main auditorium, pulling down every stronghold of the enemy! Of a truth, the Blood Of Jesus sets humankind free!

Clothed With The Garment Of Favour!
“You are a winner and you will remain a winner, in the name of Jesus Christ,” declared Pastor Evelyn Joshua at the start of the Mass Prayer session. “Be disconnected from the seen and be connected to the Unseen, for there God is,” she said before reading from Matthew 3:16-17. “May the windows of Heaven be opened for your sake,” she proclaimed upon the people.
The woman of God then prayed: “The current of mercy, the current of favour – may it continue to flow into your life, in the name of Jesus Christ. All that holds you down in bondage – be loosed, in the name of Jesus Christ. That affliction – be healed from it, in the name of Jesus. Whatever satan might have tampered with in your life – be recovered, in the name of Jesus!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua further declared upon the people: “May the favour of God speak for you today! May the favour of God silence every opposition in your life today, in the name of Jesus! By the mercy of God, be lifted up, in the name of Jesus! Excel in your business, career, marriage, in the name of Jesus Christ! By the mercy of God, may your expectations never be cut short, in the name of Jesus! Every sickness, every affliction – be healed of it, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
Turning to viewers all over the world, Pastor Evelyn Joshua proclaimed: “Father Lord, clothe Your children with the garment of favour, in the name of Jesus Christ! Anything that has tied them to where they do not belong – be freed today, in the name of Jesus! Anything in your foundation that has subjected you to a life of struggle, contention, hardship – receive your freedom today, in the name of Jesus! Be freed from every fear, every doubt, in the name of Jesus! May the mercy, favour, compassion of God continue to speak for you, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Joseph told the people: “Familiar spirits, contrary spirits wasting your life – command them out, in the name of Jesus!” He charged them to declare: “You demon, familiar spirit, messenger of satan – I call you by your name; anywhere you are in my body, soul, spirit – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom prayed: “You unclean spirit – no hiding place for you; anywhere you are – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Ope told the people to pray: “Every hidden sickness in my body – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist James urged the people to declare: “Every cycle of limitation in my life – be broken, in the name of Jesus! You cycle of failure in my career – be broken, in the name of Jesus!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “I command every familiar spirit: Out, in the name of Jesus! Receive the influence of the Holy Ghost in your home, in your business! Wherever sickness, disease is located – be healed, in the name of Jesus! Whatever you must have eaten in the dream – out, in the name of Jesus! You demon, familiar spirit – Out! Wherever infirmity is located – in your bones, liver, kidneys – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Delivered From Demons Of Anger And Fear
During the deliverance session of the service of June 30, 2024, Jesus Christ did not pass Amaka by. As The SCOAN Evangelists ministered with the power of the Holy Ghost, one of them laid an anointed hand on Amaka and the demons in her started to manifest, confessing many things and making many boasts. Within minutes, however, the demons succumbed to the superior might of Jesus Christ. A week later, Amaka returned to The SCOAN for her testimony. “I grew up realising I had links with the marine world,” she said. She told of how she was afflicted with the spirit of anger. “I couldn’t stay in a relationship for more than six months, for instance,” she said of the effects of the evil spirits ruling her life. Tired of her troubles, Amaka had taken her friend’s advice to visit The SCOAN for prayer. Regarding the state of her life since being delivered, Amaka stated that she is now free from the hold of anger and fear. “I had a dream that confirmed my deliverance and I no longer experience nightly visits from a spirit husband. She advised people to choose their friends wisely. “Talk to God; He will deliver you from all your problems,” she advised. An older female companion confirmed the change in Amaka’s life, adding that she herself had received from the Lord. “Amaka is now a new person – very calm and bold in the Lord,” the woman asserted. She also advised parents to draw their children to God.

Blessed With A Baby, Blessed With Breakthrough!
In August 2019, the Daniels from Ghana had visited The SCOAN for prayer and ended up receiving part of the money that another worshipper was blessed with. They also went home with the Anointing Sticker and Morning Water. As a childless couple then, the Daniels had initially wanted to invest the money in baby clothes. In the end, however, they took the advice from Prophet TB Joshua that people should invest in farming. “We bought seedlings with that money,” the wife, said on July 7, 2024, “and God blessed the work of our hands.” She told the church that their farming business did so well that they completed their house easily and were able to meet their many other obligations. To the glory of God, the couple also received the gift of a baby. “Everyone needs prayer,” the woman advised others. She also advised people to prayerfully use any item they get in The SCOAN. Her husband said, “I now know what it means to be a father.” He advised people to take God seriously and to build their Christian life by prayerfully using their faith tools.

They Doubted The God Of Prophet TB Joshua, But He Embarrassed Them With Breakthrough!
It was a testimony of amazing breakthrough for the Radikwatas from Botswana. They had been engaged in farming but had been failing at harvest time since 2012. “We ended up in debt and my husband had to look for paid employment,” said Mrs. Radikwata during their testimony on July 7, 2024. Later, the family got a restaurant franchise comprising many branches. “In 2014, our business started going down again and we closed the last restaurant sometime in 2016,” she continued. To worsen matters, Mr. Radikwata had his contract terminated. “My father advised us to visit The SCOAN,” Mrs. Radikwata recalled, “but, repeating what we had heard, we told him that Prophet TB Joshua was not a man of God.” In the end, however, the Radikwatas accepted to start watching Emmanuel TV and praying along with Prophet TB Joshua. By 2017, the couple got an engineering contract and continued praying to the Lord. In 2022, they were in The SCOAN for the cross-over service on the last day of 2022 and the first service of the year 2023. To the glory of God, the family has now secured a much bigger contract that allows them to employ over one hundred people, even as other contracts have been streaming in. “For those who are still in doubt, The SCOAN is where we found the light; indeed, there is power in this ministry,” Mrs. Radikwata said. Her husband said, “Thank You, God of Prophet TB Joshua.” To the glory of God, two of the family’s children have been able to attend university education in Scotland and the USA.

Email Testimonies
- Akew from Sweden testified of her deliverance from spiritual attacks after fasting for three days at the instruction of Prophet TB Joshua in her dream. She said that the man of God laid hands on her and completed her deliverance. She subsequently conceived and delivered a baby girl!
- After calling The SCOAN Prayer Line, Graham from Bayelsa testified of the mercy of God on his wife’s safe delivery.
- Fatime from Chad was delivered from evil spirits, as well as from the spirit of unforgiveness. She had called the Prayer Line over hers and her sister’s cases.
- Cynthia, a Zimbabwean living in South Africa, was set free from delay and barrenness by touching the screen and praying along with Prophet TB Joshua. She has now delivered her baby boy – to the glory of God!
- Stephanie from the United States testified about her first daughter’s safe delivery after she called The SCOAN Prayer Line. “My daughter delivered a bouncing baby girl without complications,” she wrote.
- Jane from the UK testified about her husband’s healing after prayer over the phone and ministration of the Anointing Water. “My husband is healed and his heart is working perfectly,” she wrote.
- Chidi, a Nigerian resident in Uganda, rejoiced over his wife’s safe delivery after an overdue pregnancy. He had called the Prayer Line.
- Ella, a Nigerian based in Italy, was healed of swollen leg after calling The SCOAN Prayer Line. Thank You, Jesus!

After-Service Testimony
For quite a while, Jonathan had been experiencing severe waist pain that affected his daily activities. He used numerous medications but felt little relief. To the glory of God, however, he received instant healing after falling under the anointing during the ministration of prayers by Pastor Evelyn Joshua and The SCOAN Evangelists. “I got back up and found that all the pain was gone,” he told the church.