The service of Sunday, July 30, 2023 started with an intense session of worship during which the Holy Spirit took over the atmosphere in The Arena Of Liberty. “Son Of David/Have Mercy On Me/Your Divine Favor/Locate Me!” the choristers led the people to sing. Besides performing other compositions by Prophet TB Joshua, the choir went on to plead with “Abba Father” to “Liberate My Spirit.” Among the multitude were many who expelled blood and other poisonous substances from their systems as they received their deliverance and healing.

“It can only be God!” proclaimed Pastor Evelyn Joshua as she climbed on The SCOAN Altar to give the day’s sermon titled “THE GOOD AND THE FOOLISH PEOPLE”. Taking her proof text from Proverbs 14:7-9, she observed that people are evaluated as good or foolish based on their attitude to things. The message focused on living according to God’s standard and avoiding sin. “Sin is missing the mark,” she said, “whether consciously or unconsciously.”

The woman of God cited David’s penitence about his mistakes and indiscretions even as a man after God’s heart. “Perfection belongs to God,” she said, reading from Psalm 38:4-5. Regarding foolish people, she read from Psalm 14:1 to identify their characteristics, one of which is refusing to admit the error of their own ways. “Many people today do not see sin as their actual enemy,” she said. She therefore urged congregants to stay away from fools. “Fools,” she insisted, “never look inward to discover where they have missed the mark.”

In concluding her message, Pastor Evelyn Joshua advised congregants thus: “Ask God to reveal Himself to you, then when you pray your prayer becomes answered prayer. Before you pray, first watch to know where you have missed the mark, then your prayer becomes answered. Good people know that sin is their actual enemy; they don’t go about justifying their wrong actions.”

Foul Spirits Bow Before The King Of Kings!
In Mark 3:11 the Bible says: “Whenever the impure spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” And so was the case as Pastor Evelyn Joshua moved into the midst of the people to commence the Prayer Line ministration. On behalf of the people, the woman of God made a supplication to Heaven: “We are here, Father Jesus. Please come and do what You alone can do in the lives of Your children. Father, set them free. Heal them, O Lord! Deliver them, O Lord! Bless them, O Lord! In the name of Jesus Christ! Father, give them testimonies that will glorify You and You alone. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray!”
Full of divine fire, the woman of God declared war on cases such as difficulty in walking, stiffness of the neck, wrist dislocation, swollen belly, fibroids, ceased menstruation, bleeding, fracture, all forms of cancer and other issues troubling the people’s bodies. To the joy of the people, instant testimonies were recorded as demons screamed in torment before vanishing forever!

Pregnant women also presented themselves before the Throne Of Grace – and the Blood Of Jesus Christ set them free from all afflictions of the body, mind and soul!

Cases of epilepsy, mental disorder and addiction of any sort equally received attention as The SCOAN Evangelists joined Pastor Evelyn Joshua at The Prayer Line as well as for the Laying Of Hands session that followed. Indeed, there was ample proof that God is on the throne and hearkens to the voice of those who seek Him in faith and with a heart devoid of offence.

Touched By God, Whether The Enemy Liked It Or Not!
It was indeed a super Sunday as Pastor Evelyn Joshua led The SCOAN Evangelists into the midst of the people for the Mass Prayer session.
Evangelist Joseph started the prayer session by telling congregants, “Whether your enemies like it or not, you shall be delivered!” He asked the people to say: “My heart, hear the voice of God. O Jesus, deliver me, Lord, in Your mercy! Heal me, Lord, in Your mercy. Deliver me, Lord, in Your mercy!” He also told them to pray: “Every demon, contrary spirit, unclean spirit, familiar spirit – anywhere they are in your body – Holy Ghost Fire: Out! You demon, evil spirit, unclean spirit – anywhere you are in my body, I order you out!”

Evangelist James prayed for congregants: “That ancestral spirit, family idol tormenting your life, family, that generational curse – Out!”

Evangelist Chisom declared: “Whatever sicknesses, diseases, afflictions – anywhere they are – we command you: Out, in the name of Jesus!” He also told the people to pray: “Whatever sickness, disease that disturbs my peace, that causes me sleepless nights – I command you by the Blood Of Jesus: Out! You sickness, listen to the voice of God: Enough is enough – I command you out of my body!”

Evangelist Ope told congregants to pray: “You spirit of limitation in my family, career, business – I call you by your name anywhere you are: Holy Ghost Fire – Out!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua told congregants to proclaim: “Lord Jesus Christ, let my eyes be fixed on You and You alone! Lord Jesus Christ, do not let self-pity dominate my emotions!” She prayed for them: “Every spirit of lack of contentment, pride, envy, bitterness, hatred, fear – Out, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

For viewers all over the world, the woman of God prayed: “Every battle that is confronting you – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every power that is oppressing you – be removed! Every power that is questioning your Sonship in Jesus Christ – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Receive your healing, deliverance, blessing, breakthrough, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua commanded: “Every familiar spirit: Out!” He continued: “Be delivered, in the name of Jesus! Be healed, in the name of Jesus!” He further prayed: “Whatever you may have eaten at the table of your enemy, whatever you may have eaten in the dream – out, in the name of Jesus! I can see that sickness, disease wherever it is located in your bone, kidneys, liver, blood – I command it out!”
Retired Military Grandmother Kept Looking For Her Pain But Jesus Had Taken It All Away!
Jane, a retired military officer, was at The Living Water Service on Friday, July 28, 2023. Before she went on The Altar of Prayer, she expressed faith that God would attend to her case. Her right foot heavily bandaged, she hobbled towards the point of prayer and knelt in worship and supplication before the Lord. Minutes later, she stood up hale and hearty. Unable to contain her excitement, Jane screamed in relief as her last son shed tears of joy. Jane also told of her healing from bleeding due to surgery for piles. “Since Friday, I have stopped experiencing bleeding in the operated part,” she said during the Sunday Service of July 30 where she demonstrated all that she had been unable to do before. Jane’s son, Marcel, also spoke. “I almost turned back when I saw the huge crowd,” he said before restating how his mother received her healing. “Just have faith in God,” he advised.

Professional Nurse Healed Of Three Years Of Cervical Spondylosis
Angelina from Ghana also testified on July 30, 2023. “The moment I rolled my body on The Altar Of Prayer,” she said in reference to The Living Water Service, “I felt a healing sensation from my neck downwards.” She was speaking about her healing from cervical spondylosis of three years. The professional nurse said that she had been managing the pain with a neck collar, until Jesus came to her rescue. “Now I can sleep and turn my neck easily,” she added before advising people to wait on God.

Six Months Of Lumbar Spondylosis Ends At Living Water Service
It was in December 2022 that Henry first noticed he had a problem. Later, his doctors diagnosed him with lumbar spondylosis: a grim verdict that confirmed why he had been homebound all the while. Of course, he had been taken from one possible solution source to another. “At one point, I flew a doctor from Lagos to my base in Asaba,” he said while sharing his testimony on July 30, 2023. Two days earlier, he had been brought to The Living Water Service, his body fitted with a lumbar corset. His supportive wife standing beside him, Henry sat in a chair and explained his issues before climbing on The SCOAN Altar Of Prayer. While praying in his heart, he rolled over on the floor a few times – and he received his instant healing! He and his wife were beside themselves with joy as they screamed tearfully, “Thank You, Jesus!” Henry’s wife told of how she had suspended her business to care for him. “Now I will be free to face my business, even as he can now get back to his work,” she smiled. Henry advised people to seek God in a Holy Spirit-filled church.

After Witnessing God’s Power At Living Water Service, Uduak Becomes Whole Again!
For three years, Uduak had been suffering from lumbar spondylosis leading to severe difficulty in walking. In January 2023, she was flown to India for treatment but the pain persisted. On hearing about the Living Water Service, Uduak decided that she had to attend. “If you have faith, you are free to go there,” her husband had encouraged her. To the glory of God, Uduak attended the service and God healed her! Now she can do all that she had been unable to do before, including walking briskly and exercising her limbs. She advised people to seek God for solutions to their problems.

A Stop To 14 Years Of Difficulty In Walking, An End To Marital Crises Caused By Foul Spirits
During The Sunday Service of July 23, 2023, 23-year-old Godfrey received prayer in The Arena Of Liberty over the problem of difficulty in walking. “When Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me and ministered the New Anointing Water on me that day, I felt a cold sensation and began to feel better,” he testified on July 30. For fourteen years, Godfrey had been unable to move around by himself. “Don’t go to native doctors, who will ask you to bring the head of a lion; go to God,” he advised the world. Godfrey’s sister, Grace, also testified excitedly, saying that she would now be relieved of the trouble of tending to her younger brother.

“God also located me during the service,” said Grace as she narrated her own deliverance experience. She stated that foul spirits had crept into her life as her mother took her around for healing at witch doctor’s homes. “I kept having male figures coming to me in the dream and very few men were interested in me in real life,” she recalled. Although Grace finally managed to attract a single man who proposed and initiated marriage, her home lacked peace. “I never had affection for my husband,” she said. “He always irritated me,” she added. Since the deliverance power fell upon her, however, Grace now feels affection for her husband. She also sleeps blissfully. “Day breaks too soon now,” she joked. Her husband, Bernard, advised all to seek God’s face in all things.
Regina Breaks Away From Mermaid Spirit!
The boastful spirit in Regina succumbed during the service of July 23, 2023 as a SCOAN evangelist commanded fire upon it. On July 30, Regina thus started her testimony in The Arena Of Liberty: “In my dreams I used to see a figure that was half-woman and half-fish, and she used to call me her daughter.” She also said that she used to have intimacy in the dream – something that caused her so much hatred and trouble in real life. “My children used to dread me,” she admitted, “because I frequently beat them up mercilessly.” She spoke further, “Whenever I cursed people while angry, the people I cursed would see the effects immediately.” Eventually, Regina came to church with her husband and, even though the devil tried to distract her, the Spirit of God stayed with her to ensure her deliverance. “I had become uncomfortable as the evangelist moved towards me,” she said. Minutes later, the evil spirit started confessing its atrocities, and then fled forever. Regina’s husband, Godwin, told of the struggles he faced before getting his wife to watch Emmanuel TV. “Now she is a changed person,” he confirmed. “Run to God,” he advised people. “The God of Prophet TB Joshua has the solution to all your problems,” he insisted.