“Forgive Me, O Lord/It’s Me Again,” said the lyrics of one of the prayerful songs with which The SCOAN Choir opened the service of May 21, 2014. To further prepare the hearts of the people for God’s Word, the choristers sang about God’s holiness as they called for the Helper to rescue them. They intoned, “Lord, We Wait On You,” as The Arena Of Liberty became charged with God’s presence.

On joining congregants for the sermon Evangelist Ope assured them, “Your case is settled today!” He started by asking a series of soul-piercing questions regarding what and how they see. “What you see depends on the kind or type of eyes you possess,” the evangelist noted. He then announced his sermon title as “The Eyes of Love”, reading from 1 John 3:15-18. He explained that, contrary to the popular saying, love is not blind but actually has eyes to see what can be done to better the condition of others. He said: “Love looks around to see those who are in need, those who are in a helpless situation, those who are discouraged, those who are cast down, rejected, hungry, lonely, sick, unsaved – and responds.”

Proceeding with his message, Evangelist Ope observed that the eyes of love rejoice when others are doing well and see opportunities in difficulties, without ever wanting to see others languish in misery or condemn others for their sinfulness. “You can never attract what you attack,” he noted. The preacher also read from Matthew 25:40, Galatians 6:7 and Matthew 7:12 to back up the message. Quoting Prophet TB Joshua, he said, “The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but on how happy others can be because of you.”

Therefore he concluded: “Do to others what you want others to do to you. Looking the other way when your fellow brother is in need or trouble is equally rejecting Jesus. The wound of one is the wound of all. Don’t ignore your conscience! People want to change but they don’t know how to go about it. Rather than criticising them, pray for them. People need help! Help because you need to be helped!”

Brought Before The Master Healer, Jesus Christ!

At the Prayer Line, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Father, we bless Your name! Holy Spirit, we honour You! Give us the desire to obey Your command and to continue to stay in fellowship with You. Set us free from sin and its consequences. Stretch forth Your hand of healing, blessing over Your children. Look upon them with Your mercy, love, compassion, and fill them with Your everlasting joy!”

She then proceeded, with the evangelists, to minister to the people in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Among the cases were difficulty in walking, sickle cell anaemia, liver and pancreatic cancer, urinary tract disorder, leg ulcers, hernia, goitre or swollen belly due to heart problems, ankle fracture, asthma and other debilitating conditions. Other cases were epilepsy, mental disorder, drunkenness and drug addiction.

Just as well, there were prayers for pregnant women as they presented themselves for prayer over overdue gestation, breech presentation and other sundry issues concerning them and their babies, as well as those with bleeding due to fibroids.

The ministration continued as the woman of God and the evangelists moved to various parts of the auditorium to lay hands on the rest of the congregants. There were instantaneous reactions as demons in the people’s lives confessed openly before succumbing to Jesus Christ. In one case, the woman of God cast out a demon that had been forcing a Ghanaian woman to eat soil for the past few years. Thank You, Jesus!

Their Utterances Set Them Free!

“In God’s house there will always be drumming, praise and thanksgiving,” said Pastor Evelyn Joshua as she introduced the mass Prayer session. She told the people to pray: “Lord Jesus Christ, restore my sight! I want to see Your touch of healing, blessing, deliverance!”

The woman of God prayed: “Every power that is challenging your Sonship in Christ Jesus – be delivered today, in the name of Jesus! Any contact satan may be having with you – we command it out, in the name of Jesus! Be healed! Be delivered! Be freed, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

She told viewers all over the world, “Begin to reject every torture from the enemy of your soul.” She also prayed for them: “Be released from every affliction, disease, impurity! You are released, freed, delivered, healed, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Evangelist Joseph told the people to pray: “Every familiar spirit, every unclean spirit – I kick you out, I order you out! You demon, unclean spirit, hidden spirit, you darkness – by the authority in the Word of God, I command you: Come out!”

Evangelist Chisom told congregants to pray: “You unclean spirit, ancestral spirit – anywhere you are, tormenting my life, I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist Ope told congregants to pray: “You spirit of stagnation, delay – I call you by your name: Out!”

Evangelist James prayed: “Every yoke of limitation upon your life, career, every circle of disappointment – be broken, in the name of Jesus!”

In a Mass Prayer clip, Prophet TB Joshua declared with the believer’s authority: “You demon, familiar spirit – we come against you, in the name of Jesus! Every hidden place you are in – the spirit that kills, steals and destroys in your life – we command you out, in the name of Jesus! Every spirit that is holding you down, that is causing you shortcomings, pain – I release you, in the name of Jesus!”


“There Is No Sickness God Cannot Heal!” Says Woman Healed Of Multiple Ailments

When she faced the world to testify on May 21, 2023 about the impact of God’s raw power upon her life, Stella started by thanking her sister-in-law Karen for introducing her to Emmanuel TV. Sometime in 2016 she had had a dream in which a mysterious hand landed upon her head. On waking up, she began to experience multiple ailments including difficulty in breathing and walking, constant illness and insomnia. “The doctors could not find what was wrong with me,” she recalled. However, after ministering the Anointing Water that Karen gave her, Stella noticed an immediate change in her health status. “I can walk!” she had screamed excitedly that day. She also told the church that she can now sleep  and breathe well, for the glory of the Lord. “Believe in God,” she advised viewers and congregants. “There is no sickness God cannot heal,” she added. Karen told of how her Stella had insisted on testifying in The SCOAN. She advised people to keep their faith in God, who is everywhere. “Your mountain must move; it has no other choice,” Karen insisted.

Anointed Touch Releases Ceased Menstruation!

In 2020, Godsave had a successful fibroid surgery. But her celebration was soon cut short. “My menses became irregular,” she disclosed. Two years later, the menses vanished altogether. “For four months I did not see my menses,” she continued, “until I went to an alternative medicine practitioner who stuck her hand deep into me and burst a huge ball of thick blood lodged in my womb. Although Godsave’s menses did return on that occasion, after a few months the problem recurred. Godsave went back to the female herbal practitioner for a repeat of the process and her flow again resumed. On a third occasion, however, the woman’s efforts yielded no result. Doctors then told Godsave that she had fibroids and needed surgery. For some strange reason, the surgery could not be performed because the doctor said that he could not access Godsave’s private part. The troubled woman then decided to take her case to God. On receiving prayer in the SCOAN on May 14, 2021, Godsave returned home and her miracle happened. “I heard the sound of a balloon bursting inside of me and black, dirty blood just kept gushing out,” she said with a grateful smile. She advised people to put their trust in God.

With Evil Veil Cast Off, Patience Is Now A Child Of Favour!

Patience had been faced with rejection all her life. “You’re a bastard,” her father used to taunt her. Inevitably, life was miserable for the young girl. At 16 years old, she began to have dreams in which she would see herself in the marine world. “A giant man used to welcome me there,” she said. “He promised to not forsake me and to give me anything I wanted,” she continued. Patience told of how she was taken all over the world by the marine husband but remained wretched in the real world. Along the line, she met a man whom she thought truly loved her. “He disappeared after we got together and I haven’t seen him for the last 15 years,” she said. Suicidal thoughts then started tugging at the strings of Patience’s heart. However, she decided that she could not abandon her children to the loveless world in which she found herself. “Despite being nice to people, they just couldn’t make themselves like me,” she further stated. “Some of them even admitted my niceness and urged me to seek deliverance,” she went on. On May 14, 2023, Patience decided to seek God’s face in The Arena Of Liberty. “Something left my body that day, after I received a touch from one of the evangelists,” she recalled. Since then, Patience has had two confirmatory dreams in which she disconnected from the marine husband and the evil forces that had been siphoning her money away. “One of my long-term debtors suddenly called me and paid up the money that he had been refusing to pay back,” said Patience. She advised people to have faith in God. Patience’s daughter, Juliet, thanked God for purging her mother of many negative things, including the spirit of anger.

Deliverance And Healing For Farida And Her Family

Farida used to have dreams in which a spirit husband would get intimate with her. “In one of those dreams, I gave birth to a child with two teeth,” Farida said during her testimony on May 21, 2023. “I told my mother about,” she said, “and she took me to a spiritualist who performed some rituals on me.” Instead of improving, however, Farida’s situation got worse. Saddened by it all, she had decided to make her way to The SCOAN for prayer on May 14, 2023. Right there in The Arena Of Liberty, God’s power fell upon Farida and the foul spirit in her manifested. Since then, the spirit husband has vanished from her life. Back at home, Farida’s father and his wife also got impacted by God’s power! “Have faith for your healing and deliverance; this is not about religion,” she advised congregants.

Healed, Delivered By The Only Legitimate Power!

On May 14, 2021, when God’s deliverance power fell mightily upon Priscilla, the demon in her was compelled to confess its many atrocities, among which was that it had inserted something in her to make men not want her. Testifying on May 21, Priscilla went back to the year 2017. “I used to see myself in the river, swimming,” she said. She also told of how she had started to have dreams of being intimate with a spirit husband after a preacher laid a hand upon her at a crusade. “I also used to see snakes in my dreams,” she added. A few years later, she attended another crusade after which she had a dream in which a snake entered her. Furthermore, Priscilla had a dream in which she saw a broom and dirt particles in front of her office. “I prayed against the bad dream,” she quickly noted. In the morning, Pricilla did see the same broom in front of her office. She then said the same prayer she had said in the dream. From then on, she began to experience severe stomach pain that the doctors described as ulcers. When the situation worsened, Priscilla struggled to make her way to the village, where she was taken to a spiritualist. The situation worsened, however. Eventually, she decided to heed her sister Chioma’s request that she visit The SCOAN for prayer. “I was doubtful at first but I later agreed – and the rest is history, after I received an anointed touch,” Priscilla said emphatically. She advised people to avoid witch doctors and seek only Jesus Christ. Chioma glorified Jesus Christ for her sister’s healing.

“It’s Like We Have Just Started Our Honeymoon!”

“I destroyed her!” boasted the evil power that had been dwelling in Vera. During the service of May 14, 2023, following an anointed touch, that demon had manifested, confessing many disturbing things. During her testimony on May 21 Vera said the demon had crept into her life in her younger days, when her grandparents used to worship idols. “The demon made me suffer, killing members of my family and making me lack affection for my husband and other family members,” she told congregants. She said that she kept having failed pregnancies because of attacks from the demon then running her life. Tired of her problems, Vera had made her way to church for the prayer of deliverance. Since then, she has been full of love for all, especially her husband. “It’s like we have just started our honeymoon,” she gushed. “Only God can rescue you,” Vera told congregants as she ended her testimony. She also knelt before her husband to apologise for all the trouble that she had caused him. Her husband also urged people to believe God.

At Last, Celina Receives Her Healing!

On May 14, 2023, Hon. Celina from Enugu State was in The SCOAN for prayer over the problem of difficulty in walking following an accident three years ago. “I used to fall all the time,” she said as she started her testimony a week later. In the search for a solution, Celina had gone to numerous places, including native doctors. On heeding her friend’s advice to visit The SCOAN, Celina did witness God’s raw power as anointing fire burned through her system to bring her permanent healing. “All the pain is gone!” she declared excitedly. She advised people to seek out a living church. Celina’s friend also advised people to trust in God.

“This Is The Beginning Of My Testimony!” Says Man Healed Of Four Years Of Inability To Walk

As at the time he was driven to one of the entrance gates of The SCOAN on May 14, 2023, Darius had been unable to walk for the last four years. Minutes later, however, he was taking gingerly steps into The SCOAN Auditorium, after prayer rained upon him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. A week later, Darius made his way back to The SCOAN to give God all the glory. It had all started one morning in 2019 when Darius found that he could not rouse himself from bed. What followed was four years of immobility that forced Darius’ wife and son to be homebound in order to care for him. Having patiently waited for the right time, Darius’ family had brought him to the church for prayer on the day in question. “It felt as if surgery was being performed on me,” Darius recalled of how he had felt during the prayer session. Now he can do many of the things he had been unable to do before, including walking and using his right hand. “This is the beginning of my testimony,” he asserted. He advised people to take their case to God. Darius’ wife told of the challenges that the family went through during the period of the illness, even as she glorified God’s name for the healing. His son also spoke. “I want to thank God,” said Fortunatus, whose schooling had suffered as he stayed around to care for the ailing man.

After-Service Testimonies

During the Mass Prayer session, Okechukwu vomited the substances that had been causing pain in his chest area. “Thank You, Jesus, for setting me free!” he said.

During the Prayer Line ministration, Musa was healed of difficulty in walking. “Now I am well and can walk, as my spine has straightened,” he said.

At the Prayer Line, Diabo was healed of leg fracture and now he can walk freely. “I no longer need a walking stick and have not felt the need to take my drugs since this morning,” he said.

After being delivered from addiction to eating soil, Irene from Ghana now enjoys eating food. “I can eat a double portion of this meal,” she assured all.

For eight years, Christina, a Nigerian based in Canada, suffered from degenerative disc disease, which led to difficulty in walking. After prayer by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, Christina started walking and moving her body freely.

King came with the problem of leg fracture that had been affecting his productivity. “I felt a hot sensation as the woman of God prayed for me,” he said. Now he can walk, squat and walk briskly.

Mary was healed of lumbar pains that had caused her difficulty in walking for the last 15 years. Her faith was boosted when she started watching Emmanuel TV, hence her decision to visit The SCOAN for prayer. “All of the pain is gone now!” she declared excitedly, turning her neck, squatting and jumping in demonstration of her perfect healing.

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