Expectedly, Day 2 of The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua began with praise and worship. Shortly before Pastor Elena Mieles and Pastor Sonia Blanco declared the events open and Pastor Jorge Valdez said the opening prayer, there was a rendition in Spanish entitled “Mi Amado”. After Pastor Roxana Coluche greeted congregants from all over the world, the worship session continued with The SCOAN Choir and the Spanish choristers. They sang, “Citizens Of Heaven/Let Us Rejoice And Be Glad!” They further sang: “You Are Worthy To Be Praised, O Lord!” There were also songs such as “Calm Every Storm”, “My Soul Says Yes!” and “Rain Your Power”. Spanish gospel artiste Miguel Angel equally gave two special numbers, “Salmo 108” and “Te Adoro”. In no time, the auditorium was saturated by a divine aura.

Before the woman of God joined congregants for the day’s ministration, Evangelist Joseph shared a few words of encouragement with them. He started by acknowledging the impact of Prophet TB Joshua as teacher, mentor and prophet to him and numerous others all over the world. He also thanked Pastor Evelyn Joshua for leading The SCOAN according to God’s Spirit.

He spoke about the need to exercise active faith that sets God’s Word working, before reading from Luke 7:7. “Let us allow our actions to match our confessions,” he told the people, “for faith without works is dead.” He equally cited John 13:34 and Colossians 3:12-15 as he urged the people to meditate on the Word constantly while showing love to others and leading by good example. He stated in a matter-of-fact way: “When we look into the Word and act on it, we bring Jesus Christ instantly to the scene.” Finally he assured the people, “Your expectations shall not be cut off.”

On Day 2, Pastor Evelyn Joshua gave a sermon entitled “FAITH IN GOD GIVES ALL”, for which she read from Proverbs 3:3-4. Starting on an emphatic note, she stated: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Write them on the tablet of your heart. God Almighty speaks to us by His Word through His Spirit.”

She told congregants to focus on God by way of genuine faith that does not rely on appearances or “outward show.” She said, “It is simply believing God and what He is able to do, no matter what happens.” Citing Hebrews 11:1 and Romans 10:7, the woman of God assured the people: “Faith cannot take a break.”

On how to identify the impact of God’s Word on His children, Pastor Evelyn Joshua said it could be seen “in our protection from evil, in our prosperity and in continued mercy.” She then encouraged the people to display faith that would allow them to receive during the prayer session. She was, of course, quick to deflect attention from herself, reminding the people: “I am not the Healer. I know the Healer. Jesus is the Healer!”

Bulgarian Couple Healed Of Sleep Apnea
It was in unshaken faith that Ivan and his wife Estala had made their way to the venue of The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua. Both of them were suffering from sleep apnea, a condition that made it difficult for them to sleep at night, leaving them weak in the morning and unproductive throughout the day. As a driver, Ivan had serious problems doing his work properly. Estala also had trouble doing her home chores and other things since she was always weak. To the glory of God, however, as the Bulgarians received prayer ministration on Day 1 of the crusade in the all-conquering name of Jesus Christ, the demons responsible for their issues were expelled. For the first time in a long while, man and wife slept peacefully at night, without needing their breathing machines. “We don’t need it anymore!” they declared to the world. They advised people to wait for their own healing, saying, “God’s time is the best.”

Pastor Experiences Total Life Transformation After Embracing Jesus Christ
Benjamin, a Spanish pastor, testified about the transformation of his life since discovering the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua on Emmanuel TV. “After heeding the message of the man of God to let go of all pain of the past, my life started changing,” he told congregants on Day 2. He also told of his visit to The SCOAN to receive prayer over every other area of his life. “I went home with the New Anointing Water and things got even better for me,” he added. Benjamin also received prayer by the woman of God over some health problems. “The issues left me immediately,” he said. Furthermore, Benjamin took his mother for prayer at The SCOAN and God healed her. Even more, Benjamin’s absent father has now returned home after Benjamin prayed over his picture at The SCOAN. To cap it all up, Benjamin was able to get married in The SCOAN, after three years of engagement. Rounding off his inspiring testimony, he urged people not to limit God. “Nothing is impossible for God,” he said, “and distance is not a barrier.”

For Ana, It’s An End To Nine Years Of Life In A Wheelchair!
Because she had the problem of difficulty in walking, Pastor Ana was forced to use a wheelchair to be able to move around. Although the doctors did their best for her, she experienced little improvement. “I was unable to do things for myself, including taking my bath and doing daily chores,” she disclosed on Day 2 of The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua. After suffering for nine years, however, the power of God had fallen upon Ana as Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for her on Day 1 of the Crusade. “It felt as if electric current was running through me as she prayed for me,” she said. She advised people to place their faith in God. Ana’s husband confirmed the healing. “I feel God’s presence in this place,” he exclaimed.
Mother And Daughter Set Free From Years Of Pain
For nine years, Marcelina from Dominican Republic had been unable to move around by herself. In faith and with the help of her daughter, she had made her way to The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua. “As the woman of God lay an anointed hand on me, I felt something leave my body,” the aged woman told congregants on Day 2. Since then, all pain has vanished from her body and she can now move around without help – as she demonstrated to all. Marcelina’s daughter confirmed the testimony but went ahead to share her own testimony as well. “I was liberated from evil spirits and my breathing problems also vanished,” she said in excitement. She advised people to wait on God.

75-year-old Woman Receives Strength In Ailing Limbs!
On Day 1 of The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua, 75-year-old Rosanna was among the recipients of prayer as during the ministration by the woman of God. For years, her right shoulder had been the source of pain and she could hardly use the arm on that side of her body. In the search for a solution, she had moved from one doctor to another. “I also had issues with my legs and I fell four times last year,” she recalled. For three months, the Colombian resident of Spain had stayed in the United States while seeking a solution to her problem. Since receiving the prayer of healing, however, Rosanna can now wave with her right arm and even swing it around. “My legs are good too,” she declared as she demonstrated all the things she could not do before.

And God’s Presence Overshadowed The Pabellón Fernando Martín
After the sermon, expectant and believing congregants witnessed the power in the Word being activated by the Spirit. Within minutes of the commencing of the prayer ministration by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, the atmosphere in the Pabellón Fernando Martín became fully charged with the anointing, bringing healing, deliverance, breakthrough and salvation to all who came in faith.

Also participating in the prayer session were the evangelists, who authoritatively commanded demons out of the people’s lives. Indeed, no foul spirit was able to escape the fiery presence of the Holy Ghost as people either vomited the poisonous substances in their systems or saw the entities in them manifest vigorously as an anointed hand fell upon them.

Prayer For The Pulling Down Of Strongholds
“Lord Jesus Christ, locate me in Your mercy, favour and compassion,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua urged the people to pray at the start of the Mass Prayer session.

Evangelist Chisom then told the people to pray: “You spirit of sin, destruction, anywhere you are: Out! You sickness, disease, anywhere you are in my body – I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out!” He declared on all: “Be healed! Be delivered!”

Evangelist Joseph prayed: “Every sickness in your heart, lung, bones: Out!” He also asked the people to pray: “You sickness, you contact with satan in my body, blood, bones – I command you by Holy Ghost Fire: Out!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua said: “We declare healing to your body, soul and spirit, in the name of Jesus! By the Blood of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Ghost – be freed, be healed, be delivered, in the name of Jesus!”

The woman of God also helped to lead the people to salvation by asking them to pray: “Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you as I am – a sinner in need of your mercy, forgiveness. Father, forgive me. Wash me with your precious Blood and save my soul today. Thank You, Lord.”
After giving the vote of thanks, the Planning Committee presented a plaque of acknowledgement to Pastor Evelyn Joshua and The SCOAN Team.

Closing Prayer
Pastor Walter Gonzalez and Pastor Claudia Galeano said the closing prayer at The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua.