“Take stock and know the truth,” said Evangelist Shina to congregants as he gave the sermon for the service of January 19, 2025. Before the message, the people engaged in a session of soulful worship where they glorified God for His constant help and asked the Holy Spirit to pray through them. They also asked for sin’s power over them to be broken, acknowledging that only the Holy Spirit could help them overcome the flesh. Visible on the faces of many of the congregants was their connection to the celestial realm of worship as the Host of Heaven descended into The Arena Of Liberty.

The SCOAN CHOIR at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
The SCOAN CHOIR at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
The SCOAN CHOIR at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
The SCOAN CHOIR at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

What It Means To Take Stock And Know The Truth

Evangelist Shina at the SCOAN Altar  at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

Evangelist Shina started his sermon by blessing God for His incredible power and might in The Synagogue. He also honoured the memory of the founder of The SCOAN, Prophet TB Joshua, even as he celebrated God’s faithfulness in the life of Pastor Evelyn Joshua.  

Evangelist Shina at the SCOAN Altar  at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
Evangelist Shina bible reading at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

“There are certain things in our lives that need to be changed,” Evangelist Shina told the church as he announced his proof text of John 8:31-32— “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’” Giving the sermon title as “Take Stock And Know The Truth”, he said pointedly: “If you don’t take time to find out the truth, you can never come to the knowledge of the truth.”

Evangelist Shina at the SCOAN Altar  at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

“Freedom from sickness and affliction,” the evangelist continued, “comes from knowing the truth and knowing the truth is knowing Jesus.” According to the preacher, faith exists on three levels, the first level being gaining knowledge of the truth through digging into God’s Word.

Evangelist Shina at the SCOAN Altar  at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

The second level of faith, he observed, is accepting the truth by demonstrating firm belief in God’s ability to heal, deliver and save. “Many accept the blessings of Jesus Christ,” he pointed out, “but do not accept His message. Finally, he identified the level of commitment to the truth whereby the Christian “remains an agent of the truth even in the face of temptation.”

In rounding off the sermon, Evangelist Shina urged the people to “cultivate the mind of Christ” by relying on the Scriptures while knowing the truth and standing for it always.”

And It Rained Healing, Deliverance And Breakthrough!

Evangelist Joseph Opens the Prayerline at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

At the Prayer Line, Evangelist Joseph assured congregants: “God is good all the time!” He added, “Engage your heart in faith.”

Evangelist Joseph Opens the Prayerline at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

“Faithful Are You, Lord!” Evangelist Joseph sang. He further sang: “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour!”

Evangelist Joseph ministers prayer at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
Evangelist Chisom ministers prayer at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
Evangelist James ministers prayer at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
Evangelist Ope ministers prayer at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

At the Prayer Line were people suffering from difficulty in walking, fractures, bone cancer, asthma, arthritis, difficulty in urinating and prostate cancer, among others.

Evangelist Ope ministers prayer to pregnant woman at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

For pregnant women and other women experiencing issues of bleeding, protruded womb and fibroids, God’s promises became a reality!

Evangelist Joseph healed a woman that cannot walk at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
Evangelist James prays for a man with fire burn at The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

Other cases that received attention were fire burns, drug addiction, epilepsy, leg ulcers, swollen belly, chronic headaches, mental disorder, severe cough, and arthritis.

In line with 2 Corinthians 10:4, which says, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,” hundreds of congregants inside the auditorium witnessed God’s unfathomable power as it exposed the root causes of issues in their lives.  

Standing on the authority in the name of Christ during the One-On-One session, the evangelists also cast out the demons hindering the people’s present and future.

And The Lord Touched Them All!

“This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it,” Evangelist Chisom asked the people to declare as he joined them for the Mass Prayer session.

Evangelist Chisom read from Genesis 18:2-3 and asked the people to request of the Lord: “O Lord, by Your divine mercy, if I have found favour in Your eyes, do not pass me by. Touch me, O Lord, and I will be healed, delivered, blessed.”

Continuing the prayer call, Evangelist Chisom decreed: “All spirits operating in your life, business, family – unclean spirits, ancestral spirits, family idols – anywhere they are: Out, in the name of Jesus!”

In his turn, Evangelist Ope charged the people to pray: “You spirit frustrating my business, my efforts – anywhere you are: Out, by the fire of the Holy Ghost!”

Evangelist James told the people to pray: “You spirit of sickness, disease causing me pain – in the name of Jesus, my body is not your dwelling place. I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out!”

On his part, Evangelist Joseph prayed: “All evil veils, cobwebs, garments of shame blocking your destiny – Holy Ghost Fire!”

Prophet TB Joshua, in a Mass Prayer video, declared: “That spirit must leave you today – spirit that causes you pain – I command it to pack up!  Whatever is hindering your miracles – give way, in the name of Jesus! Wherever that disease is located – Out, in the name of Jesus!” The man of God prophesied upon the people: “Hear the voice of affliction no more!”

After-Service Testimony

Mrs Mbaka had been suffering from arthritis for five years. Five days before the service of January 19, 2025, she had experienced its most debilitating impact. “I couldn’t move without feeling severe pain,” she said. During the Prayer Line ministration of the service, she received an anointed touch as the evangelists ministered. “I started walking freely again,” she smiled. Glory be to God!

A Gift For The People

Courtesy of Pastor Evelyn Joshua, the people received the gift of the Anointing Sticker!


Anointed Prayer Prevents Foot Amputation

On May 12, 2024, when Osinama received prayer over an ulcerous wound on the top of his left foot, he was a rather sorry sight. Sometime in 2023 he had been involved in an accident in which he sustained deep injuries. “The doctors told me that my foot would have to be cut off,” he recalled on January 19, 2025. Not willing to have the foot amputated, Osinama played a fast one on the hospital staff, secretly leaving the premises as they slept. “A woman saw me some days later and advised me to visit The SCOAN,” he continued. Osinama decided to heed the advice.

“After praying for me, the evangelist asked me to drop my stick and walk freely with my left leg,” he said. He also took home the Anointing Water, which he ministered prayerfully over a few days. “People were shocked at my quick recovery,” he said, “and I told them it was God’s power that healed me.” As he concluded his interesting testimony, Osinama stomped on the floor with his left foot and walked briskly to demonstrate his perfect healing. “Take God as your Source of support,” he advised others.

Freed From Afflictions From The Marine World

John from Delta State started his testimony by confessing his ties to marine spirits through his parents. As John grew older, instead of receiving support from the spirits, he began to face challenges – first in education and later in business. Moreover, he also witnessed numerous failed relationships. “Nothing was working for me,” he admitted on January 19, 2025, “and every investment kept going down the drain.”

On being introduced to Emmanuel TV, John started to follow the channel and later decided to visit for prayer. “As the evangelist moved close to me, my breathing became fast and I felt sensations all over my body,” he continued. Since his deliverance, John has stopped having nightmares and running into strange cobwebs. “Seek God for the solution to your problems,” he advised.

No Longer A Son Of Darkness!

“I came from an idol-worshipping family,” disclosed Friday as he began his testimony on January 19, 2025. “I ate so much of the meat offered to those idols, especially in pepper soup,” Friday continued. He admitted sneaking out of school sometimes just to join the meat-eating ritual. After a fight with a cult member in his area, Friday had agreed to join the cult group. During his blindfolded initiation, he got beaten up severely for many minutes – until he managed to find a fire that he was required to locate before the torture could stop. “My first assignment after the initiation was to provide money and other stolen items to the group,” he confessed.

Subsequently, his crime mates introduced him to crack. “I became addicted to crack and had to start stealing more money to be able to buy more of it,” he continued. Because of his boldness, Friday was taken by his underworld boss for more spiritual fortification. Eventually, however, he got arrested and locked away for two months. “My boss had arranged for my release,” he said. After Friday’s release, his sister Blessing took him in and told him about The SCOAN. Upon receiving a touch backed by Heaven, Friday felt God’s power surge through him. “The following day I woke up with no urge for drinking or smoking,” he said, “and I knew that God had taken over my life.” He advised others to embrace God. His sister confirmed the change, urging others to exercise faith.

Two Sisters Witness God’s Deliverance Power!

Two sisters gave their testimony in The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)

During the deliverance session of the service of January 12, 2025, Winnifred and her sister Ginika witnessed God’s deliverance power. A week later they returned to the church for their testimony. Winnifred began by recalling her growing-up years. “I used to get angry easily,” she said, adding that her mother had used to do her best to calm her down. She also told the church about her struggles with comprehension. “Most times I didn’t understand what I was reading,” she disclosed.

Winnifred also narrated how her mother’s prayers frequently saved her from difficult situations, including accidents. Determined to get divine help, Winnifred had made her way to the church and God’s Spirit had exposed the roots of her issues. “Always have faith in God,” she advised others, even as she encouraged children to obey their parents. After corroborating her sister’s story, Ginika also glorified God for her own deliverance.

Email Testimonies

Email testimonies were read in The synagogue Church of All Nations on 19 January 2025 (TAKE STOCK AND KNOW THE TRUTH)
  • Johana from South Africa called the Emmanuel TV Prayer Line concerning her husband’s body pain on January 9, 2025. She herself also received prayer over the pain in her feet and womb. The demons responsible for her issues manifested and now she is healed, just like her husband!
  • Dr. Jackson from Tanzania called the Prayer Line on 10 August 2024 and the demons in him confessed about being responsible for preventing marriage in his family. A few months later, Jackson got married to his long-time fiancée!
  • Nelly from South Africa called on behalf of her pregnant daughter on 13 November 2024. After the prayer, her daughter delivered a healthy baby without any complications!
  • Anna Paul from Botswana had a cough that came with shortness of breath. She called the Emmanuel TV Prayer Line and expelled substances from her system. Since then, she has stopped coughing.
  • Brian from Zambia testified about his wife’s pregnancy with twin girls in January 2024 following prayer in December 2023. As the pregnancy progressed, the devil tried to play a trick on the family’s faith, bringing complications to the pregnancy. Brian continued to call the Emmanuel TV Prayer Line for divine intervention to avoid surgery for the delivery of the babies. In the end, the twin girls were delivered safely without surgery!

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