FREEDOM: Delivered From Spirit Of Snake!

Slightly intoxicated from the evening’s drinks and mind ablaze with the night’s exhilarating liberty, a sardonic smile marked Chichi’s countenance as she walked briskly through the dark Lagosian streets. Could life be better! With no cares to check her, responsibilities to tie her down or plans to restrict her, life was without limits, each new day birthing new opportunities to exercise new independence. Suddenly, the silence was shattered: “Hello Chichi…” Whipping around in a myriad of shock and wonder, Chichi beheld the intruder of her solace to discover a dark man with an eerie countenance, smiling softly. Thoughts began racing – moments earlier she had surveyed the empty street opposite the graveyard. Where did this man come from? “I like you… come with me.” Chichi stared on, caught in the conflict of reason and freedom. ‘Well, why not? Should be fun!’ Reason waned and Chichi followed. It was a decision ever etched in the echelons of her life experiences, a decision she would later describe with the term, ‘disastrous’, a decision that left her enslaved in the hands of evil for seventeen years of torment

Spirit of Death Deliverance – 'I See Dead People…'

“When I am in the market and I want to buy something from somebody, before I get there, the person may initially be looking normal, but the moment I say: ‘How much is this commodity?’ suddenly the person would just change to a known dead person. Then I would leave. I would not buy what I wanted to buy again. Another experience is that, if I want to eat, I will see dead people. They would want to put their hands on the plate, then I would be afraid and would not eat again, and at the same time, I was getting skinny, because the moment they appear, I have to drop the food… They look like normal human beings, but in my heart, I know that they are dead. …They are familiar dead people… They will show me the time. They will tell me your time is up.”