Paid To Blaspheme Prophet T.B. Joshua!

Many have heard varying rumors and startling reports concerning the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua, which seem a total contradiction to what they are watching on Emmanuel TV day-in and day-out. But for the spiritually minded, such division and contention only serves as a sign of God’s divine calling in his life. The Scripture clearly …


When a man is subjected to persistent barrage of attacks instigated by his foes and detractors, the very simple question to be asked is: What is/are his sin(s)? The world has seen and heard of the stories of individuals who dared to change the world by involving themselves in peculiar acts and activities; those which …

Prophet TB Joshua And Constant Criticisms

Many Nigerians are gainfully employed and many are not,in fact cannot even brag of a regular source of monthly income. But both the employed and the unemployed share same status;that of the liberty to express themselves,set agenda and contribute to public opinion. Opinion translates into an issue when it is an informed opinion, but alas even when it is not, like a wild fire, it burns and it becomes inextinguishable until it achieves its desired effect which is likely to glorify or detract one’s fame.