Once the Sunday Service of September 8, 2024 started, congregants were reminded to rid their hearts of all bitterness as a prelude to receiving from the Throne of Grace. Surely, it was important for them to equip themselves with divine mercy, light and power in their fight against satan’s kingdom. As they voiced the desires of their hearts through worship, the Lord made mighty moves among the congregation through the Holy Spirit. The people sang of their preference for Jesus, bearing 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in mind. Their voices rang out loud in the Main Auditorium: “Thank You/Thank You, Lord/Thank You For Everything You have Done!” Among other songs composed by God’s servant Prophet TB Joshua, congregants besought the Lord: “Abba Father, Take My Heart Away From Fleshly Desires!”

The SCOAN Choir ministering during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
The SCOAN Choir ministering during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
The SCOAN Choir ministering during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Evangelist Shina gave the sermon for the day, entitled “Remain In Him”. He read from John 15:4-8 and asked congregants to read verses 1-4 later. “The Word of God is a living, growing force and God does nothing without His Word,” he began. He noted that the proof text was a call to Christians to bear worthy fruit by avoiding the many distractions of life. Encouraging the people to resist such distractions, he noted that pain, frustration, fear, guilt, shame, discouragement, depression, disappointment and a sorrowful heart are also other things that distract some.   

Evangelist Shina giving the message during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Shina giving the message during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Evangelist Shina encouraged the congregation to make Christ their Source. “A Christian’s life comes from Christ Himself,” he said, “and you cannot bear the fruits of Christ’s life without having Christ.” To have Christ abiding in him or her, a Christian must constantly stay immersed in the Word of God. In his words, “God uses the Word to transform how we believe, how we think and ultimately how we act or live.” Speaking further, the evangelist noted that the duty of staying in Christ may be difficult “but not impossible to execute.”

Evangelist Shina giving the message during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Evangelist Shina urged the people to strive to remain connected to Christ and His Word and to unplug themselves from wrong connections. In his final words he said: “Abiding in Christ and His Word abiding in you is the secret of bearing fruit to the glory of God; it is the secret of going on and on in the face of life’s vicissitudes. When you remain in Christ, it will end in joy.”  

Their Day Of Testimony

At the start of the Prayer Line ministration, Evangelist Chisom said to the people: “Today is the day the Lord has made. Today is your day of deliverance. Today you shall testify.”

Evangelist Chisom addressing the congregation at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Before starting the ministration of prayers of healing, deliverance and breakthrough for the salvation of the people’s souls, Evangelist Chisom shared a word of encouragement on faith.

Evangelist Chisom addressing the congregation at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

And the miracle-working God intervened in the lives of those who had come with various cases, such as difficulty in walking due to stroke, wrist dislocation, goitre, swollen legs, sickle cell anaemia, and drug addiction.

Evangelist Chisom ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Chisom ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist James ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Joseph ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Joseph ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Pregnant women also received prayers for the safe delivery of their babies and the preservation of their own lives.

Evangelist Ope ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Ope ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Chisom ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Looking steadfastly to the Master Surgeon, congregants from all over the world also received healing for piles, leg ulcers, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, blood cancer, mental disorder, urinary tract infection, addiction to smoking, severe cough, and swollen neck/body/thigh, etc.

Evangelist Joseph ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Ope ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist James ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Ope ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Chisom ministering Healing and Deliverance at the prayer line during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Done with the Prayer Line cases, The SCOAN Evangelists moved back into the Main Auditorium to minister to the needs of other congregants in the Main Auditorium.  

Evangelist Chisom ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Chisom ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist James ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist James ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Joseph ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Joseph ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Ope ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Ope ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

During the One-On-One session, God’s power equally reigned supreme as every shade of darkness was dispelled from the people’s lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Evangelist Chisom ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist James ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Joseph ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024
Evangelist Ope ministering One-On-One  Healing and Deliverance during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

And Upon Them Rested Jesus’ Healing Hand!

At the start of the Mass Prayer session, Evangelist Joseph told the people to declare, “Today is my day and one thing is certain: I am not going back the same way I came. My situation, sickness must bow!”

Evangelist Joseph leading the Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Evangelist Joseph asked the people, “What is your situation?” He told them to command their situation to go away, using the name of Jesus Christ. He continued: “That ancestral curse, that familiar spirit, that demon – summon them, command them to go, for they are all powerless before Jesus Christ.” He prayed: “In Your mercy, O Lord, come and deliver us! We command every demon, every familiar spirit, every unclean spirit, every messenger of satan operating in your life – anywhere they are: Holy Ghost Fire – Out!”

Evangelist Ope told the people to pray: “You spirit frustrating my life, causing me setback, wasting my time – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Ope leading the Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Evangelist James urged the people to pray: “Every affliction, every sickness, every disease that entered my life knowingly or unknowingly – I command you in the name of Jesus – Out!”

Evangelist James leading the Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Evangelist Chisom told the people to declare: “You sickness, you disease – anywhere you are in my body, your end has come. Anywhere you are tormenting my organs – Out, in the name of Jesus! Whatever spirit holding me down in poverty, limitation, setback – be it in my business, career, finances – Out, in the name of Jesus! Whatever closed doors to breakthrough in my business, career – be opened, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Chisoim leading the Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua told the people: “Every spirit of destruction, stealing, killing that is attacking your business, career – begin to command it out, in the name of Jesus!” He decreed: “You evil spirit – leave my people! Every spirit that is trying to twist your career – Out, in the name of Jesus! Jesus’ healing hand – fall on you, in the name of Jesus! That sickness, that infirmity in your blood, organs – Out, in the name of Jesus! Whatever hindrance – be it unforgiveness, anger, jealousy, unbelief, envy – give way, in the name of Jesus!” The man of God proclaimed: “You are declared healed in the name of Jesus! Your bones, blood, organs – be freed from sickness, infirmity! Jesus’ healing hand is on you – be healed, be delivered! In Jesus Christ’s name we pray!”

Prophet TB Joshua leading the Mass Prayer

Closing the service, Evangelist Ope assured the people in the name of Jesus Christ: “That breakthrough, that appointment, that clearance you have been waiting for – it has happened!”

Evangelist Ope leading the Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024


Elevated To New Heights After 15 Years Of Stagnation!

Makwal, now a director of nursing in the health ministry, had been stagnated at work since 2008. “I had many projects I couldn’t complete,” she said on September 8, 2024, “and I watched my subordinates overtake me as the years went by.” Realising that only God could help her, Makwal had stayed with her Creator. She therefore made out time to attend The SCOAN Crossover Service into the year 2023 – the Year Of Laughter. To the glory of God, since then, Makwal has had two promotions – first from deputy director of nursing and then to director of nursing. “Now I have completed my building projects and I have had other appointments,” she said. Before she gave her words of advice, Makwal sang a song extolling God in Hausa. She said to the people, “Run to God and He will rescue you.”

testimony giving during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Now A Daughter Of Zion!

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, Patricia from Kaduna started her testimony with the story of how she was covenanted to demonic forces. “I was ill as a child and my mother took me to a spiritualist, who later jokingly said I had become his wife,” Patricia said, recalling what her mother had told her. As she grew older, Patricia began to realise that evil forces were after her. “I started to see a man come to me in the dream,” she said, “and I turned out to be a stubborn child.” Years later, she left home after an argument with her father. “When I eventually got married, I failed to get along with my husband Peter, although he tolerated me so much,” she said. Along the line, her husband finally managed to bring her to the Arena Of Liberty. “I felt a cold sensation wash over me as the evangelist touched me,” she said. Since then, she has been living a life of freedom for the glory of the Lord. “Now I believe in God’s power,” she admitted. She advised others to take their issues to God. Peter recalled how a spiritualist had advised him to leave Patricia. “But I knew that God would handle my case, so I came to The Synagogue with my family,” he said, thanking the Almighty for taking control. He advised people to seek out a living church.

testimony giving during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Desperate For Money, An Orphan Is Recued From The Cliff Of Death!

On August 11, 2024, the power of the living God fell upon Chibuike. Following a touch backed by Heaven, the demon in Chibuike started to confess its atrocities. On September 8, 2024, the young man returned for his testimony. It transpired that he had taken some desperate steps during his mother’s illness. “I agreed to offer sacrifices to idols because I badly wanted her to get well again,” he told the church. But, alas, his dear mother died! “I was shattered and decided to stop serving the idols,” he said. He then spoke of an uncle who brought him to The SCOAN on several occasions. “But I would leave the church and join bad company in the neighbourhood,” he continued. The demon in Chibuike persisted in tricking him into leading a wayward lifestyle. “I was apprenticed to a trade but I got kicked out because of consistently bad behaviour, just before I was due to graduate,” he confessed. He went on, “With the little money I got from my disappointed boss, I went into town and joined another set of bad boys.” The other boys introduced Chibuike to money-making rituals that almost claimed his life. “I believe the rituals failed because God wanted to save my life,” he proceeded.

Not giving up yet, Chibuike sought out another ritualist. “I made a lot of money subsequently but I wasted it on riotous living,” he conceded. Consequently, he raked up a heavy debt for which he required the help of family members to pay off. Pressing on, Chibuike returned to his current spiritualist, who demanded that he sleep at a cemetery for seven days. “I gave up on the third day,” he said, “and the spiritualist managed to make an evil soap for me using the sand that I took from the burial ground.” Soon, he noticed his body starting to swell and develop sores. “After the seventh day of using the soap, all the sores on my body vanished,” he said. But there were many other obstacles on the way. First, he was to get a live eagle. He got the money for the eagle. The eagle was produced. Next, he was to get a horse that a king had mounted only once. He got the money for horse. The supposed horse was produced. On and on went the process until the ritual failed. “For over six months I stayed with the spiritualist, who wouldn’t let me go,” he said. With reality having dawned on him regarding the futility of his mission, Chibuike reached out to his family for help. They taught he wasn’t serious about changing his lifestyle.

Eventually, Chibuike’s sister sent him money. Now he needed to escape from the spiritualist. “I think he sensed I was about to leave, so he started monitoring me very closely,” Chibuike said. His chance came, however, when the spiritualist went to buy items for another ritual that he was going to undertake for three of Chibuike’s friends. “The spiritualist threated to kill me when he learned I had left his place,” he recalled. “You will suffer in poverty for life,” he declared. Since receiving his deliverance, however, Chibuike has had several confirmatory dreams in which he fought off the spiritualist and other satanic agents. He advised the youths to shun greed and the lust for material things. “Never lose hope in God,” he strongly advised others. Chibuike’s uncle, Gift, summed up the story. “At a point, I asked him, ‘Can’t you help yourself?’,” Gift recalled. “It was a long battle indeed to bring him to the church,” Gift said. He advised parents to lead their children to Jesus Christ. His sister, Jessica, advised all young people to be patient. “Riches come from God – be patient for your future,” she warned the youth.

testimony giving during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Delivered From The Malice Of Ancestral Demons!

During the service of September 1, 2024, the demon in Pawan confessed that it had meant to waste her life. “My mother had me when she was 13 years old,” Pawan disclosed a week later, during her testimony. She told the story of her childhood, explaining how her life had changed after participating in rituals involving the skull of her grandmother. “I started to have bad dreams in which I saw long-dead people,” she said. “Life was difficult for me in every aspect – career, relationships, etc.,” she added. Because of these issues, Pawan started to visit witch doctors. “But my situation worsened,” she admitted. Since her deliverance in The SCOAN, however, Pawan has come into a new life. “I feel light and relieved and no longer have bad dreams,” she said. She advised others to seek Jesus Christ. 

testimony giving during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

Email Testimonies

  • Collins from the USA had been having difficulty in urinating alongside pain in his knees. After calling the Prayer Line, he fell into a deep sleep and woke up totally healed.
  • Anna from South Africa had been experiencing ceased menstruation. She called the Prayer Line on July 5, 2024. Five days later, her menses returned.
  • Patience, a 55-year-old Zimbabwean nurse, had been unable to do her work effectively because of constant thigh pain. After calling the Prayer Line on 24 July 2024, she returned to work without feeling any pain.
  • Ntombi from South Africa testified about her husband’s recovery from hiccups. She had called the Prayer Line for prayer on a few occasions and was excited to see her husband recover from the unrelenting hiccups.
  • Michael from Zambia testified on behalf of his wife, who had been past her due delivery date and was anticipating surgery. After ministering the Anointing Water and praying along with Prophet TB Joshua, Michael’s wife had her baby on her way to the theatre!
  • Lilian, a 16-year-old Nigerian girl, was feeling excruciating pain accompanied with cold sensations and other feverish symptoms. After receiving prayer over the telephone, she regained her health. She also stopped having bad dreams.
  • Gudani from South Africa, a diabetic patient, testified about the safe delivery of her baby. She had called the Prayer Line on 17 May 2024. Hours later, her baby came and was free from diabetes. Gudani had previously lost a 23-month-old baby to congenital heart disease. Thank You, Jesus!
Testimony received through emails shared during The SCOAN Sunday Service September, 2024

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