At the first Sunday Service of the year, congregants were charged to “Let it go and move forward.” And that was as it should be, the New Year mantra being “My Forward-Looking Year”. They thanked God for the gift of life and asserted boldly: “By faith, I believe the Lord is taking me from where I am now to where He wants me to be. In His name I step out of the trap of satan into the fulfilment of God’s promises for my life.”
Reminded of Prophet TB Joshua’s observation that “worrying about tomorrow cripples our ability to think, act, and exercise faith in the present,” the people discarded their fears and asked for the Lord to send His Word of Light to illuminate their lives. In another composition by Prophet TB Joshua, they sang: “Welcome To My Heart, O Holy Spirit!” With the atmosphere now brimming with divine presence, the people witnessed power descend from Heaven, causing manifestations for transformation.

Urged To Stop Taking Journeys Into Yesterday
For his sermon, which had the title ‘Let It Go And Move Forward’, Evangelist Chisom read from Isaiah 43:18-19 and Philippians 3:13-14. Other texts cited were Luke 5:4, Hebrews 12:1-3 and Philippians 3:12-13. It was a message on the importance of acting on God’s promises not merely confessing them. The main point of the sermon was that believers should ignore their past and focus on the future. “Let it go so that you can grow,” he urged the people, describing such an approach as the key to self-discovery. The only time believers are permitted to journey back in time, he noted, is when they reflect on God’s blessing, mercy and favour.

Failing to look forward, the evangelist continued, can only lead to discouragement, which will disqualify one as a vessel in God’s vineyard. He therefore encouraged the people to never give up. “Victory is not for those who quit,” he observed, “but for those who endure.” Charging the people to do away with unforgiveness and the quest for vengeance, Evangelist Chisom advised them to cast their burdens on Jesus Christ and to drop the weight of the past.

Keep Your Solid Front
It was with a heart full of gratitude that Pastor Evelyn Joshua greeted the people as she joined them for a brief word of exhortation. She prayed, “May the New Year open new doors and opportunities and fill your heart with love.” She then sang, “We Are Grateful, O Lord!”

“Your past will be over as soon as you keep your solid front,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua assured the congregation. She read from 2 Peter 1:3-9 and highlighted the qualities required for living a truly new life.

A New Year Of Open Doors
At the Prayer Line, Pastor Evelyn Joshua encouraged the people thus: “Whatever that problem may be, whatever name it is being called, it is the work of satan. But our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came that we may have life in abundance.” She prayed: “That life, that light, that joy we will receive, in the name of Jesus!”

Standing on the believer’s authority, the woman of God prayed for many who had come with various issues, including difficulty in walking, numbness of the hand, convulsions, drug addiction, and complications from sickle cell anaemia.

With unshakeable faith in their hearts, expectant mothers also presented themselves and the fruits of their wombs before the Lord. Every impediment to falling pregnant was also removed in Jesus’ name.

The SCOAN Evangelists also joined Pastor Evelyn Joshua to minister to cases such as hernia, piles, skin disease, throat cancer, diabetes, and breast lump.

Inside the Main Auditorium other congregants received a touch backed by Heaven, leading to the exposure of every hidden thing – for the glory of the Lord!

As God’s servants stood not in their own names but in the name of Jesus Christ, the fire of the Holy Ghost neutralised all stubborn demons in the people’s lives!

Every Satanic Chain Was Broken
At the start of the Mass Prayer session, Evangelist James declared upon the people: “May the joy of the Lord be permanent in your life, in Jesus’ name.”

He urged the church to pray: “Every evil spirit, familiar spirit holding my emotions hostage – I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out! You satanic chain around my will – chain of pride, chain of disobedience – be broken, in the name of Jesus! You unclean spirits, you demons manipulating my mind – by the fire of the Holy Ghost: Out!”
Evangelist Chisom charged the people to decree: “You unclean spirit, you ancestral spirit operating in my life: Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Thus did Evangelist Ope charge the people to pray: “You spirit of affliction operating in my life – Out, by the fire of the Holy Ghost! Poison in my blood – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Joseph invited congregants to declare: “Garment of shame, cobwebs of shame, poverty, irritation – anywhere you are in my body, in my family – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for the people: “May your feet never slip, in the name of Jesus! May you never stumble, in the name of Jesus! May the current of favour continue to flow into your life, in the name of Jesus! May your good destiny never wither, in the name of Jesus! Out of your mouth will come testimonies, in the name of Jesus!”

The woman of God continued to declare: “You will dance publicly, in the name of Jesus! It shall be well with your life! Wherever you are having pain – be healed, in the name of Jesus! Receive your deliverance, in the name of Jesus! Breakthrough in your life, in your family, in the name of Jesus!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua prayed: “I break every door that has locked your heart – be released right now, in Jesus’ name! I open your heart to the Holy Spirit, to the Father, in the name of Jesus! I command healing on you, in the name of Jesus! Wherever affliction is located – I command it out, in the name of Jesus! I command you satan: Remove your hand from my people, in the name of Jesus!”

Hindi’s Day Of Healing And Deliverance!
In a dream Hindi saw someone attack her. “When I woke up in the morning,” began the school teacher on January 5, 2025, “I started feeling severe pain in my bones.” She went to hospital for treatment, getting drugs and a lumbar corset in the process. “But the pain persisted, making it impossible for me to do most of my duties at work,” she explained. She also recalled hers and her siblings’ difficult childhood. “We used to come down with illnesses not expected in children,” she said. In her own case, Hindi would hear strange voices in the home. “Taps would get turned on and off by invisible figures,” she told the church. One of her sisters was forced to quit her marriage.
When Hindi asked her mother about the situation of things, she was told that demons were responsible. “I lost my job because of illness, and marriage has been impossible for me, as men kept disappointing me at the last minute,” she said. Unable to benefit from further medical help, Hindi took her brother’s advice to visit The SCOAN for prayer. “By that time I had become a burden to the people around me,” she said. Since the 29th of December 2024, however, Hindi’s life has changed after receiving the prayer of healing and deliverance. “Now I can do everything by myself,” she declared. “Hold God dear to your heart and seek out a living church,” she advised others.

God’s Power In Anointing Sticker Heals Pain From Surgery!
After a surgery, Ebube had continued to feel severe intermittent pain in her navel area. “I didn’t know what else to do, as the doctors couldn’t do much for me in the last ten years,” she told the church on January 5, 2025. “Whenever the pain came, I wouldn’t be able to go to work or do anything,” she continued. At the Candlelight Service on the 31st of December 2024, she had received the Anointing Sticker for the year 2025. A few days later, the pain came and Ebube immediately moved in faith, pulling out the Sticker and placing it on her tummy. “At once I felt the pain vanish and I could sleep on my stomach for the first time in ten years,” a glowing Ebube said. She advised people to believe in God’s power.

Sarah used to be afflicted by the demon of anger. “It made me violent towards my children,” she said on January 5, 2025, “and I often bloodied them.” There were also voices telling Sarah that she wouldn’t make it into 2025. She also suffered from various illnesses for which doctors could find no cure. She was losing weight and the hair on her head. “It was mainly because of the voices threatening to take my life that I came to The SCOAN on December 29, 2025,” she disclosed. Following a touch by an evangelist, Sarah fell under the anointing and the demons in her confessed their atrocities. Since then, she has been living peaceably with her family, especially her husband and is no longer violent towards her children. “Just hold on to God,” she advised others.
A Spectacular Deliverance For The Wilsons!
Sarah’s husband, Michael, glorified God for delivering not only her but also the rest of the family. “There is now calmness in my home,” he confirmed, even as he opened up about coming from an idol-worshipping family. Regarding his heritage, Michael said that his maternal great grandmother, grandmother and mother had been the sole surviving child in each generation. They were worshippers of a python spirit. “But we refused to carry on that tradition,” said Michael. He also narrated how his father kept rising and falling in business. “The demon caused me to be angry always,” he confessed, noting that he had once beaten one of his children so badly that the boy’s arm got dislocated. Holding on to God, however, Michael had come for prayer on the same day as his wife. God’s deliverance power located him and since then he has defeated the spirit wife in his life. “God is real; stop trying to figure Him out by human reasoning,” he advised others.
Their daughter, Victory, was also afflicted by the same spirit. “Anytime my parents beat me up, I would keep knocking my head on the wall just to hurt them,” she said. She also admitted that the spirit of anger made her rude not only to her siblings but also her parents and teachers. When God’s power located her, however, Victory fell to the floor as the Holy Spirit worked wonders in her. “Now I no longer have nightmares and I am obedient to my parents,” she said. Another child of the family, Wilson, testified about his deliverance from the spirit of stealing and the scourge of bed-wetting. “Do not allow the devil to use you,” he advised.
Grandmother No Longer A Candidate For Amputation!
“I faced severe illness that took so much money from my children,” said grandmother Virginia on January 5, 2025. Almost lost for words, Virginia expressed herself word by word as she testified in The Arena Of Liberty. “The doctors had suggested amputation but one of my children had objected,” she said, “urging me to come to The SCOAN.” After receiving prayer for her leg ulcers as one of the evangelists ministered on December 17, 2023, Virginia also got ministered with the Anointing Water.
Today her leg ulcers have dried up for the glory of the Lord! To demonstrate her healing, grandmother Virginia danced and sang for all! “God never abandons us; let’s embrace Him,” she advised. Virginia’s daughter, Blessing, recounted the events leading to the illness ten years ago. “I took a step of faith and brought her here,” she said, “and I thank God for the healing.” Blessing advised parents to take good counsel from their children.

A ‘Private’ Healing, A Public Testimony!
When nine-year-old Daniel was brought to the church by his mother Gina, it was because he had a swelling in his private part. One day, Daniel had opened up to his mother about the discomfort he was feeling in his penis. “I gave him a drug to relieve the pain but there was little improvement and he couldn’t sleep,” Gina said on January 5, 2025. The little boy said that he had had a dream about the issue days before. Gina then took him to hospital for further treatment.
Knowing that the problem had spiritual roots, Gina had decided to bring her boy to the Prayer Line. Ever before receiving prayer, however, Daniel’s miracle had started happening in The SCOAN. “His organ began to ooze out pus and he complained about feeling cold during the deliverance session,” Gina said. After a touch in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Daniel’s pain vanished within three days. Daniel confirmed the healing. “When I urinate, I don’t feel pain anymore,” he said. “Thank You, Jesus,” he concluded.

For Valma, It’s A Double Dose Of The Miraculous!
Valma, a registered nurse practising in Australia, had suddenly experienced numbness of the right arm as she prepared a patient for surgery. “I was seen by a doctor and an MRI was conducted on me,” said the South Sudanese. Valma told her mother about the situation. It was decided that she should visit The SCOAN for prayer. “I had to reduce my workload because I couldn’t do most of my work,” she said. Since receiving prayer, however, Valma’s arm has returned to normal. She also testified about getting direction over her career choice. “At that time, in 2019, Prophet TB Joshua had prayed for me,” she said, “and I had gone ahead to get several scholarships for further education.” She advised young people to seek God’s help. Her mother, Siama, also praised God for the miracle.

Restored To Sanity By The Anointing!
On October 27, 2024, Anthonia received prayer in The SCOAN over the affliction of mental disorder. On January 5, 2025, during Anthonia’s testimony, it transpired that it had all started before she was born. “My mother had a dream in which someone handed her a baby,” Anthonia said. Afterwards, her mother had fallen pregnant with her. In school, Anthonia found that she kept struggling. A day after her birthday, Anthonia went to the market with her sister. “I took ill at the market and later got drugs for malaria,” she recalled. From that point onwards, Anthonia took leave of her senses – until the day of her restoration through anointed prayer. “Anthonia was so difficult to manage,” said her sister, “as she wasn’t willing to wear clothes and was scattering things inside the house.” On learning about the situation, a brother of Anthonia’s had suggested she be brought to The SCOAN. “I was the one bathing and talking care of her other needs before the healing,” the sister said, thanking God for the miracle. “Believe in God and go to a living church,” she advised.

Ulcer Sores Vanish For The Glory Of God!
Kadri, a 65-year-old man, was at The SCOAN Prayer Line on June 9, 2024. His left leg had ulcerated just below the knee. “It started with a dream in which someone shot me,” said the farmer. He continued, “I woke up feeling pain in the leg.” Kadri couldn’t go to the farm and had to depend on his wife for support. Realising that only God could heal him, he asked to be brought to The SCOAN for prayer. “Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me and gave me the Anointing Water for further ministration,” he recalled. Within a month the ulcers dried up and Kadri returned to the farm – for the glory of the Lord! “I don’t feel any more pain,” he confirmed as he walked around to demonstrate his healing. He advised others to run to God for the solution to every issue of life. His wife, Monisola, confirmed the family’s struggles during the crisis. “We are here to glorify God for seeing us through,” she said. “God is the Solution to all problems,” she reminded the church.