Are you aware that He is coming soon? If so, are you prepared for His return? Are you worshipping the Lord in truth and in Spirit? Are you helping others to develop their talent or are you blocking their progress intentionally? Are you one of those who copy the mannerisms of God’s servants but live a contrary life? Those were some of the questions that pricked consciences during the service of December 1, 2024.
As usual, congregants started the day with songs of worship, glorifying God for the dawn of the last month of 2024. For the Lord’s abiding grace upon them and their family, the people sang so soulfully that they called down the Host of Heaven in no time. As The SCOAN Choir explored their rich repertoire of spirit-stirring compositions, fire from celestial realms descended into The Arena Of Liberty, paving the way for the people’s desired future. “O,” they exclaimed, “How We Love The Way You Father Us!”
On stepping onto the altar, Evangelist Joseph reminded the people: “God is good all the time!” He proceeded to read from Matthew 25:14-30, then gave his sermon title as “Prepare – He Is Coming Soon”. Thus, he used the parable of the servants and the talents to depict the actions of many Christians today. While some use their gifts positively, he noted, others either fail to develop theirs or use them to make their brothers or sisters fail.
Evangelist Joseph then appealed to the people’s conscience: “Do you know that it is a sin against God making your brother fail, as you may actually be making a generation to fail?” On that score, he encouraged the people to see life as a loan from God – a loan to be used for servicing others for the ultimate reward of Heaven. Accordingly, he charged them to focus on developing whatever God has entrusted into their care. “Run your race well because Christ is coming soon,” he warned the church.
They Submitted – And They Received!
“You shall be blessed beyond measure, in Jesus’ name.” Those were the words of prayer with which Pastor Evelyn Joshua greeted the congregation as she joined them for the Prayer Line ministration.
Before starting to lay hands on the people, the woman of God prayed: “Father Lord, we bless Your holy name; Jesus Christ, we thank You for today. Holy Spirit, we thank You for Your presence. Almighty God, we ask for Your mercy, favour and compassion; let it continue to speak for us, in the name of Jesus…. We desire to cease from doubt and self, and so, Father, fill us with the confidence that You alone can do Your work in our lives, in the name of Jesus Christ. O Lord God Almighty, touch us and heal us of every manner of hurt and pain as we submit ourselves today! Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Father!”
The unfathomable power of God moved mightily at the Prayer Line as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered to the people. Among the cases were difficulty in walking, prostate cancer, neck pain, and fractures.
Also at the Prayer Line were women who received the anointing to deliver their babies safely.
Alongside the woman of God, the evangelists stood on the believer’s authority to command relief upon those suffering from difficulty in breathing, kidney tumour, drug addiction, bleeding due to fibroids, inguinal hernia, mental disorder, prostate enlargement, chronic kidney failure, piles, and leg ulcers, among others.
In the name of Jesus Christ, by the Blood of Jesus Christ and by the fire of the Holy Ghost, congregants in The SCOAN Auditorium also received a touch for healing, deliverance and breakthrough for the ultimate salvation of their souls!
Indeed, every stubborn spirit bowed to the name that is above every other name: Jesus Christ. For sure, the evidence of Jesus Christ is lives changed!
Stop Faking It – Live Like A True Christian
Pastor Evelyn Joshua charged the people on the need to serve God in truth and in Spirit. Regarding those seeking to identify with the name and Christian brand of Prophet TB Joshua, she stressed the need to acknowledge God’s power in the life of God’s servant and to take the path of truth and godliness that he followed.
And God’s Light Shone Upon Them All!
“Thank You for Your love, mercy and kindness over our lives,” said Evangelist Ope at the start of the Mass Prayer session.
He prayed: “Thou Son of David, by Your divine mercy and favour, every spirit troubling my life: Out! You contrary spirit, anywhere you are in my body, in my family: Out!”
Commanding foul spirits, Evangelist Joseph declared: “Demons, familiar spirits, evil spirits – anywhere you are: Out!”
Evangelist Chisom charged the people to decree: “You spirit, the cause of my sickness, disease – anywhere you are operating in my life: Out, in the name of Jesus!”
Taking his turn, Evangelist James spoke with fire from Heaven: “You unclean spirit, the cause of stagnation, limitation, backwardness, delay, disappointment – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!”
On taking over, Pastor Evelyn Joshua told the people: “Disconnect yourself from every demonic bondage, every inherited curse.”
She turned to viewers all over the world, saying: “Lay your troubles at the feet of Jesus Christ. Rebuke every sluggish spirit in your life. Every spirit of stealing, killing and destruction – come out right now, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every spirit of hatred, fornication, lying – we command them to come out of your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
The woman of God continued: “Receive your freedom from fear, doubt, unbelief! Be healed from that affliction, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be delivered from that darkness, in the name of Jesus Christ! May the light of God shine upon your business, your life, your children, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “Whatever spirits attacking your body – your bones, your kidneys, your liver – Out! Whatever spirit attacking your body – spirit of cancer, diabetes, hypertension – Out, in the name of Jesus! Receive the healing hand of Jesus Christ!” The man of God assured the church: “Fear not; Jesus has defeated sickness and poverty!”
Miraculous Healing Of Hot-Water Burns!
On the 3rd of November 2024, when little Chimsimdiri received prayer in The SCOAN, she was in severe pain from hot-water burns. The top layer of her skin was gone and the bare flesh oozed out pus. “The doctors treated her but the injuries were refusing to heal,” her mother said on December 1, 2024. Not knowing what else to do to ease the pain, the girl’s parents had sought the face of God. “My girl got healed once the evangelist prayed for her,” the little girl’s mother said, before advising others to take their case to God. Given the state of the girl’s body on November 3, only the anointing could have restored her skin to its current state. Thank You, Jesus!
Anointing Heals Stubborn Waist Pain!
Lana had been having severe waist pain for the last seven months. “I used some painkillers recommended by the doctors,” he told the church on December 1, 2024, “but I felt little or no relief.” He returned to the doctors but they had nothing else but more drugs for him. “Still I wasn’t getting better,” Lana disclosed. Along the line, a colleague gave him the Anointing Water. “I ministered it prayerfully,” he continued, “and felt a strange sensation that kept me on my seat for a while.” When Lana got up, he found that the pain had vanished. “I kept checking myself throughout that day and I haven’t felt the pain since then,” he confirmed while exercising himself. He advised others to have faith in God.
After 15 Years Of Stagnation, Patrick Gets A New Name!
“I have a new name,” declared Patrick when he started his testimony on December 1, 2024. For 15 years, he had stayed on the same rank because his new certificate had not been officially acknowledged. “I wrote numerous letters complaining about the situation until it got to the highest authorities,” he said. Upon realising that the battle was the Lord’s, however, Patrick handed over the case to his Creator.
Raising the spiritual items of the Anointing Water & Anointing Sticker – the medium God used for his breakthrough – Patrick said, “This is powerful!” He had placed the spiritual items on his certificates and prayed that any obstacle to his promotion be removed.
On 20th May 2024, the answer to that petition came when a letter requested him and others to send in their updated certificates. “I sent in my certificates and got a new rank,” he said. “The battle is the Lord’s; use your spiritual tools,” he advised others.
Spectacular Healing For Child And Mother!
On July 28, 2024, Catherine vomited the impure deposits in her system as she received prayer in The Arena of Liberty. Following a toothache, her cheeks had started swelling. “We took her to the doctors and we were in the hospital for days,” Catherine’s mother, Ngozi, told the church on December 1, 2024. The young girl’s father had suggested she be brought to the church for prayer. “My daughter vomited after Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for her,” Ngozi said. An excited Catherine told her story by herself, ending with the words: “Now I can eat – thank You, Jesus!” Ngozi also shared her own testimony. “My leg ulcer vanished after I used the Anointing Water in December 2023,” she told the church. She had gone to different places for a solution but all to no avail. “The affected leg was such a sorry sight and people were running away from me,” she said. To the glory of God, Ngozi’s leg is now perfectly healed!
Man Vomits Pins After extraordinary Deliverance From The Occult!
During the service of November 24, 2024, yet another extraordinary thing happened in The Synagogue: a man named Confidence vomited pins after receiving an anointed touch as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered. As he lay on the floor, Confidence cried for help. “There are so many other things inside me; please help me, Woman of God,” he begged. Acknowledging the power of God, Pastor Evelyn Joshua announced that Confidence would be staying behind for further deliverance. Across five days at The SCOAN Prayer Mountain, Confidence, vomited a few other objects as the fire of deliverance burned through his body.
A week later Confidence shared his testimony. He began by telling of how he had approached an occult group for wealth. “I wanted to escape the poverty of my family,” he said. The occult group performed a ritual involving a ram. Confidence returned home with the head of the ram in a calabash. “I was to sacrifice a cock to the deity in the calabash so I could get anything I wanted,” Confidence recalled. As a gospel singer, Confidence had been looking to ‘blow’ in his career. One day, however, a menstruating young woman got into the room where he kept the calabash. “The calabash started boiling furiously,” he said. When Confidence called the occult priest, he was told that he shouldn’t have allowed the woman into the room. Later that day, Confidence got rid of the calabash. “One of my three big dogs died that night,” he disclosed.
Confidence didn’t give up, however; so, he confided in a friend who took him to another occult priest in a neighbouring African country. There he engaged in many ritual practices, including visiting a graveyard and getting betrothed to a spirit wife. “I had been in desperate search for fame and money,” he admitted, “so I didn’t mind those rituals at all.” But Confidence saw only marginal improvement in his finances and career, so he further dug in. “The man said I would have to undergo another ritual involving a coffin,” Confidence went on. For one hour the young man underwent what was called ‘soul loss’, during which time he took leave of his senses. On returning to reality, Confidence saw loads of money in different currencies. But there was a condition to accessing the money: Confidence was to sacrifice a member of his family. “I wasn’t ready to do that, so I left,” he continued. Expectedly, the occult group tormented him in the dream.
Instead of giving in to that group, however, Confidence allowed himself to be led to yet another occult temple. Meanwhile, his spirit wife continued to tag along. In the bid to part ways with her, Confidence got introduced to another occult group. “I was asked to provide a goat and a ram, as well as over a million naira,” he said. But the new group still wasn’t able to free Confidence from the spirit wife despite all the strange rituals that he underwent again, causing him to see huge snakes and dead people. Then, another friend introduced Confidence to one more ritualists’ enclave, where he was married to another spirit – this time, a river spirit.
After this latest ritual, ‘important calls’ started coming in for Confidence and he began to make money and buy cars. Then the spirits told Confidence that he had to start helping them, too. “We will give you something with which you will be recruiting people into our kingdom,” they told him. In the end, Confidence came face-to-face with his spirit wife. “She was ugly and charcoal-black in skin tone,” Confidence reported. He then went on to build a temple in honour of the spirits that had given him money and some fame. “They told me to buy land near a body of water and to build a temple close to it,” he explained. To earn the people’s trust, Confidence built a church in the front of the land, with the temple behind. He placed a big mirror in a special room in the temple. “I named the temple and the river ‘Clear Mirror’,” he went on. In the church, Confidence was meant to give out things such as soap and water. “When people use those things, they see results and become members of our kingdom,” he disclosed. He also had a special padlock from the spirit realm with which he could either stop people’s progress or supposedly release favours to them.
Not satisfied, Confidence sought out other spiritualists to offer him protection. In the process, he first met a man who invoked the spirit of a vulture into him, then he moved to another one who invoked several fetish objects into his body. “I continued to see dead people in my dreams,” he said. By this time, he was now involved in the use of hard drugs. “I knew that this was no longer my kind of person,” he said. And that was how he started the process of securing his deliverance. “I called The SCOAN Prayer Line and my deliverance process started then,” he said, “so I decided to come here physically.” Once Confidence decided to visit The SCOAN, the demons around him went into overdrive. “They said I would have an accident on November 27 and die on December 15, 2024,” he recalled. On the way, Confidence got attacked by hoodlums; however, he still managed to make the trip to Lagos, with the support of a God-sent driver.
On receiving prayer in The SCOAN, Confidence first got healed of the ear and bladder pain that he had been experiencing for years. As he lay on the floor, he said, he could sense God’s power working wonders in his body. For the next five days, Confidence continued to vomit different items as the power of deliverance fell upon him at The SCOAN Prayer Mountain. According to him, a figure clad in white was on hand at The Prayer Mountain to help with His deliverance. To the glory of God, Confidence is now free from dreams where dead people appear. “I am light now, as every evil thing has left my body and I no longer feel the urge to take hard drugs,” he said. “I shall no longer serve the devil and his agents,” he declared, “because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Personal Saviour.” For advice Confidence said, “The God that gives everything you want is here in The Synagogue.” He urged others to seek out a living church.