On Sunday, May 14, 2023, The SCOAN Choir started the worship session with the most important prayer request in Christianity: “Holy Spirit, Breathe In Me/That My Thoughts May Be Holy!” As congregants joined in this divinely inspired composition by God’s anointed servant Prophet TB Joshua, evidence of the song’s power became clear to all as people began falling under the anointing and expelling the impurities in their systems. The choristers further led the people to sing: “Leave Me At The Altar/With My Father!”
With the people’s hearts now prepared for impartation, Evangelist James climbed on the altar with a core message from the ministry and life of Prophet TB Joshua: “FORGIVENESS BRINGS FREEDOM.” He read from Colossians 3:12-13, taking the proof text from the latter verse. He began thus: “Forgiveness is not ignoring what is happening. Forgiveness does not mean sweeping the dirt under the carpet; neither is forgiveness an option. It is a must – you must forgive. And remember, the way of obedience is the way of blessing.”
With reference to Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death, the preacher noted that forgiveness brings freedom to the forgiver, even though it may not always be easy to look away from the wrongs that others have done to us. He said: “We know it is not easy to always forgive but if we say we are Christ’s followers, we must follow His example. If He could forgive those who mocked and killed Him, then certainly we can find a way to forgive those who hurt us.”
Going further, he spoke on the need for true Christians to be more concerned about their offender’s relationship with God and less with nursing grudges, which affect their own relationship with God. “An unforgiving attitude not only destroys your relationship with God and others but also poisons your soul and robs you of your blessings,” he observed. He therefore described forgiving as a way of receiving freedom and blessings from God. “Remember, no one is perfect,” he reminded congregants.
Before closing the sermon, he urged everyone to release forgiveness to their offenders, saying: “In each of your prayers to your Heavenly Father, you must be able to say in your heart, ‘I know of no one that I do not heartily love.’ Then you can pray and receive from God.”
Affected By The Fire Of The Holy Ghost!
“Get ready to catch the fire!” Evangelist Joseph alerted congregants as he moved to the Prayer Line for the ministration of healing, deliverance and breakthrough. He prayed: “Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your people. O God of Prophet TB Joshua, we thank You because You are more than enough. Thank You, Lord Jesus! In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen!”
He then proceeded to lay anointed hands on people who had come from all walks and stations in life to be impacted by God’s raw power in The Arena Of Liberty. Among the cases were difficulty in walking, stomach ulcer, swollen legs, swollen belly, jaw swelling, cervix cancer, osteoarthritis, skin disease, fracture and stiff neck. There were also cases of epilepsy, drug addiction and mental disorder of all types including split personality.
Pregnant women were not left out either, with the foul spirits in many confessing before fleeing forever at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ. The evangelists also ministered to the children.
Covered By Active-Faith Confessions Wherever They Were!
“Give thanks to God for His love and mercy,” Evangelist Chisom told congregants at the start of the Mass Prayer session. He told congregants: “Whatever spirit that is troubling your life, finances, family – ancestral, contrary spirits – say: Out!”
Evangelist Ope told congregants to pray: “You spirit standing against my forward movement, I call you by your name anywhere you are: Out!”
Evangelist James told congregants: “Whatever that was not planted by God in your system, causing you sickness, disease – be uprooted, in the name of Jesus!” He also asked them to pray: “You sickness, disease – my body is not your dwelling place. I command you out, in the name of Jesus!”
Evangelist Joseph told congregants to pray: “Any closed door to my breakthrough, finances, destiny, career, family – I command you: Be opened!” He also prayed for them: “Every cage of limitation in progress – be opened, in the name of Jesus! Receive your key of breakthrough, blessings, in the name of Jesus!”
In a Mass Prayer clip, Prophet TB Joshua asked the people to appeal to the Holy Spirit to rain His power of freedom and deliverance upon them. “Your healing hand, O Holy Spirit, on me!” he asked them to pray. He then prayed: “Any object inside you, in your blood, bone, kidney liver – I command it out, in the name of Jesus. Wherever that affliction is located – I command it out in the name of Jesus!”
At God’s Command, Family Idol Hands Off Jeremiah’s Life!
Decades ago, while in the village, Jeremiah and his older brother had been sweeping the compound when they heard a frightening murmur from a secluded area of the premises. The noise had come from the idol housed in their ancestral shrine. “I didn’t realise this thing could talk!” he stared at his brother in shock. From that very moment, Jeremiah’s older brother became a stutterer. For Jeremiah himself, that event marked the day the aura of hatred enveloped him. “I suffered loss of love from even my family members,” he told congregants in The Arena Of Liberty on May 14, 2023 – a week after his deliverance there. “People kept losing interest in me,” he added. He told of other strange things that began to happen to him after the ‘talking idol’ episode. “One day, I went swimming with a friend in the village stream,” he said, “but he mysteriously drowned, and we saw his body only days later.” As time went on, Jeremiah started dreaming about snakes and a giant man who sometimes appeared to him in real life. Perplexed, he told friends about his bizarre experiences but none could point him in the right direction. Eventually, he stumbled upon Emmanuel TV and began following the ministration of Prophet TB Joshua, hence his eventual visit to The SCOAN on Sunday, May 7, 2023. On that occasion he had witnessed the raw power of God as the foul spirit in him manifested. “Since that day, I have been sleeping like a baby – no more nightmares,” he told the church with a smile while advising people to stay in God always.
A Divorce Ordered By Heaven!
Despite its stubbornness, the demon that had been troubling Happiness had no choice but to succumb to Jesus Christ on Sunday, May 7, 2023. At six years old, Happiness had started having dreams in which she engaged in immoral things. As she grew older, she began to thirst for partying, smoking and drinking. “But I never told my mother about it,” she confessed while testifying a week later in The SCOAN. When Happiness finally did bare her mind, her mother’s response was to take her to a so-called spiritualist who said that a spirit husband was bothering Happiness. When the ritual failed, the spiritualist tried to distract Happiness from the real issue by advising her to engage in international prostitution. “You will make a lot of money,” the man had pressed on. He added, “You can just make babies and sell them off to make money.” Happiness refused. As the problems persisted, Happiness became depressed and suicidal. Not giving up, Happiness’ mother took her to another spiritualist who made her take yet another bath. But there was still no way of locking out the spirit husband. To worsen matters, this spiritualist started requesting intimacy with Happiness. “My mother encouraged me to see a third spiritualist,” Happiness further disclosed. “Of course, it all came to nothing,” she quickly added. Thereafter, Happiness’ mother decided to seek the face of the Lord and started watching Emmanuel TV and attending SCOAN services. Finally, Happiness agreed to come to church with her mother on May 7 and the rest is history. “I shook uncontrollably during the deliverance session,” Happiness said excitedly a week later. “I no longer see the spirit husband and I don’t feel like killing myself anymore,” she testified. She thanked all mothers while advising children to share their problems with their parents while trusting in God. Her mother, Love, thanked God for the deliverance and said, “Her character has changed and everything is fine.” She advised people to take their problems to God only.
The Irony Of Miracle’s Life!
Although his parents named him Miracle, this young man never believed there was a difference between magic and miracle – until God’s power located him in The SCOAN on March 12, 2023. With a broad smile on his face, Miracle testified on May 14, 2023 about his deliverance from smoking and drug addiction. From an early age, he had started experimenting with dangerous substances. “I could smoke a packet of cigarettes within 30 minutes,” he said of his smoking habit in later years. Inevitably, drug addiction began to affect Miracle’s schooling and business. “I sold up all the goods that were in the shop set up for me, alongside my mother’s things and those of other family members,” he said regretfully. He also told of all the places to which he had been taken for a solution. “At one of the places, my mother got a bill of 480,000 naira but there was still no solution to my problem,” he said. To the glory of God, on hearing about Miracle’s case, an uncle had advised that he be brought to The SCOAN for prayer on March 12, 2023. “I doubted my deliverance at first,” Miracle said. “But as the weeks went by, I could not believe that I had actually lost the urge for smoking and drug use,” he added. “Something left my body after that touch,” Miracle recalled. He then told congregants how he had declined outing requests from the friends with whom he used to smoke. “Truly I am healed, delivered!” the elated young man asserted while advising young people to keep away from bad friends. Miracle’s longsuffering mother, Chinwe, disclosed the challenges that she had faced with her son as she took him to various places in search of a solution. “He never believed the pastors or prophets,” she said. “Everything I have he sold,” she continued. “I refused to kick him out, as many people advised me,” she said. On the state of her son now, Chinwe said, “Since that time till today my son is totally healed!” She advised people to believe and take possession of what they ask in Jesus’ name.
With His Swollen Scrota, This Young Man Was Seen As A Goner But Jesus Christ Saved Him!
On February 26, 2023, right inside The Arena Of Liberty, something spectacular happened in the life of Valentine as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered prayer upon him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. He had been driving to work one day when he started feeling weak and decided to park by the roadside. “The next thing I saw was that people had gathered all over me and they had started calling my family,” he recalled during his testimony on May 14, 2023. Days later, Valentine’s scrota began to swell. “They took me to a witch doctor who charged quite a huge sum, but the problem remained,” he said, “and I could no longer function in daily life.” To the glory of God, however, someone had advised him to visit The SCOAN for prayer and the rest is now history. Valentine advised people: “Stop running up and down – go to God for a free solution to your problem.”
After-Service Testimonies
During the Mass Prayer session, this man felt an electric shock in his chest and vomited the source of discomfort in his body. Now he feels light, after being healed for the glory of God.
This man expelled bloody poisonous substances from his system and now he is healthy in Jesus’ name.
For many years, this woman could not sleep owing to the pain that troubled every part of her body. After the Prayer Line ministration, she received her perfect healing. “All thanks to God,” she said.
Michael was healed of osteoarthritis during the Mass Prayer session! Thank You, Jesus!
Mrs. Gibson was also healed of lumbar spondylosis during the Mass Prayer session. Now she no longer needs a lumbar corset to aid her movement, even as she no longer feels any pain. She advised people to seek God’s help.
After an accident three years ago, Celina continued to feel severe pain in her limbs that made it hard for her to walk. Now she is healed forever, in Jesus’ name! “Take your problems to God,” she advised others.
On August 14, 2022, Florence was brought to The Arena Of Liberty for prayer over the problem of mental disorder of nine years. On May 14, alongside her brother Phillips, she testified about her perfect healing. Phillips advised people to trust in the Lord.