On Sunday, March 12, 2023, the evangelists who opened the service led congregants to pray thus: “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Wash my sins away with Your precious blood. Forgive me my sins, Lord, just as I forgive those who sin against me.” They also prayed: “O Holy Spirit, come down and manifest your power in our midst, in Jesus’ name!” In recognition of human helplessness, The SCOAN Choir sang: “We Are Absolutely Nothing Without You, Jesus!” They then called for God’s light to dissipate darkness: “Imole De/Okunkun Parada/Here Comes The Light/Time For Darkness To Vanish!”

Evangelist Joseph’s message was delivered with power and conviction. And that was as it should be, for he addressed the church on the message “DON’T QUIT”. He read from Numbers 14:4-9, Job 19:25 and Philippians 4:13, among other passages. The summary of the message was that believers must keep waiting on God to see them through, without exploring any short cuts or alternatives to whatever they seek. “Be immovably, firmly steadfast on the promises of God for your life,” he said, “because all things will work together for your good.”

He cited the spectacular example of Job, who stayed loyal to God despite the severity of his situation and the unwise counsel of his wife and friends. Accordingly, he urged believers never to be moved by emotions, feelings or sense evidence but to stay in faith always. In Evangelist Joseph’s words, “Whatever that is ruled by emotions will influence our conduct and character; so, don’t base your life on emotions.”

He further told congregants that victory comes from within – with strong affirmations of the totality of God’s promises in His Word to us as believers. “We cannot rely on bits and pieces of God’s Word,” he warned. As such, he strongly advised against quitting in the face of challenges. “There is light at the end of the tunnel,” he assured the church, “as long you are standing on the Word of God.”

Finally, he stressed the need to see failure as a means to achieving maturity in the Christian walk. “No matter the ups and downs you may be experiencing in life, don’t give up, don’t quit but dig deep and fight it through,” he counseled listeners and viewers.

Prayer Remains The Master Key!

At The Prayer Line, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Father Lord, align our will with Yours. Let Your kingdom flow through our hearts, taking us to where You want us to be. May the floodgate of Heaven be opened and let Your healing, deliverance, blessing rain on us today, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Standing on the believer’s authority, the woman of God walked boldly into the midst of the people to utter efficacious prayers of healing, deliverance and breakthrough to people with different ailments. Among the cases were asthma, skin disease, umbilical hernia, swollen belly/scrotum, goitre, grievous boils, difficulty in walking/breathing/urinating, hypertension, chronic cough and chronic rheumatism. Also impacted by the power of Jesus Christ were those with issues of mental disorder, drug addiction and affliction by demonic forces.

Pregnant women also entered into a covenant with the Lord over their coming bundles of joy!

God’s unending work of blessing, mercy, compassion and favour went on as evangelists Ope, James, Joseph and Chisom, joined the woman of God to expose the root causes of issues in the people’s lives and to expel them.

“Fire, in the name of Jesus!” declared the evangelists as they took on the stubborn demons in the lives of some of the congregants. After confessing their mission, the demons vanished forever. Indeed, at The Arena Of Liberty, the anointing is freely available for those who believe!

He Was Told, “Go and Sleep.”

Owing to mental health issues, a man had been suffering from difficulty in sleeping. After he received a touch in the name of Jesus Christ, the man was told by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, “Go and sleep.” Within minutes, sleep returned to his eyes! Thank You, Jesus!

God’s Power Knows No Barriers!

“A steadfast look at Christ Jesus,” said Pastor Evelyn Joshua, “will never look in vain to the Holy One.” With those words, the woman of God had started the Mass Prayer session of the service. She told congregants to assert: “Lord Jesus Christ, liberate my heart, free my heart, sanctify my heart from all evil, from all wickedness! Lord Jesus Christ, sanctify my heart, purify my heart from all evil, wickedness! Father Lord, replace the bitterness there with the sweetness of your love.”

The woman of God then prayed: “We command every root of bitterness, suffering to be out now, in the name of Jesus Christ! Everything that holds you in bondage – loose its grip in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ! We command every spirit to loose its grip on your life, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be freed from every monitoring spirit. Be freed from every evil veil that covers your destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ! Let there be freedom to you, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Evangelist Ope prayed: “Every contrary spirit manipulating your destiny, career – by the fire of the Holy Ghost: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom said to the church: “You familiar spirit, you ancestral spirit – anywhere you are in my family – I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out! You contrary spirit, your end has come! I command you by the light of God: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph told congregants: “Spirit behind your sickness, causing you affliction – command it out!” He also urged them to pray: “You sickness, disease in my body, you poison in my blood – anywhere you are, I command you: Out!”

Evangelist James told congregants to pray: “Every chain holding my progress, breakthrough – be broken!”

For viewers all over the world Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Every spirit that has been hindering your progress – be exposed, disgraced right now, in the name of Jesus!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua prayed: “Power of deliverance – release your children! Do it again, in the name of Jesus! Whatever spirit attacking their bodies – Holy Ghost! Whatever spirit attacking their bodies – spirit of infirmity, disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension – Holy Ghost! That spirit – leave my people! Be healed!”

Mid-Service Charity

Earlier in the year, Ms Nnaocha had felt the raw power of God in The Arena Of Liberty during the Laying Of Hand session of The SCOAN Sunday Service. On that occasion, the demon in Ms Nnaocha had confessed that it was the idol of her father’s house and that it had the sole mission of rendering her useless in life. As part of that mission, the demon had made the woman fall into the hands of a man who forcefully converted her into a sex slave, although she had only gone to work for him as a housekeeper after his wife’s death. For eight years, this man abused the helpless woman in every way, eventually fathering three children by her. On hearing Ms Nnaocha’s story, Pastor Evelyn Joshua and some Emmanuel TV Partners were moved to offer assistance. As such, during the service of March 12, 2023, the church issued a cheque of one million naira to Ms Nnaocha, alongside three bags of rice and a hamper. With tears of joy streaming down her face, Ms Nnaocha thanked Pastor Evelyn Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners all over the world.


Despite All Odds, Maryam Becomes A Mother!

It was with a broad smile that Maryam began her testimony on Sunday, March 12, 2023. Four years into her marriage, she had been unable to conceive, prompting people to call her barren. But Maryam continued to wait on God, despite satan’s efforts to render her hopeless. On returning home with the New Anointing Water that she got at The SCOAN during a visit, she continued to pray with it in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Two weeks later, she found that she had fallen pregnant. Months later, however, the pregnancy threatened to miscarry and Maryam thought that she had lost it. Joining her faith with her husband’s, however, she returned for another test and the doctor confirmed that the baby was still intact. God’s wonder again manifested itself as Maryam’s water broke months before her due date. She was told that she needed immediate surgery to evacuate the living baby, which would be preterm. In faith, Maryam and her husband moved to another hospital where doctors again confirmed that it was indeed a miracle that her baby was still alive. They also told her that she needed immediate surgery. While the doctors marveled at the miraculous situation, they eventually managed to bring the baby out alive – at seven months. To the doctors’ further amazement, there was little infection on baby Gift, who was already about three months old as at March 12, 2023.  Maryam’s husband, Umoru, confirmed the miraculous delivery of his baby. “Miracles still exist,” he said in excitement. Maryam advised people, “Always pray to God – He is alive!”

Raphael Changes His Ways And Embraces God!

The demon in 19-year-old Raphael’s life had meant to mess up his destiny, afflicting him with the spirits of lust, anger and aimlessness. However, once the anointing landed upon him during the service of March 5, 2023, Raphael thrashed all over the floor as the demon in him started to get punished by the fire of the Holy Ghost. Minutes later, Raphael became calm, having come to the realisation of his new life in Jesus Christ. Testifying a week later, on March 12, 2023, he disclosed how the spirit of lust had made him waste his time chasing after women, leading him to drop out of school owing to bad grades. “I used to dream of getting intimate with women during my younger years,” he recalled. He added, “I also used to see different women dancing for me in the dream.” In his mother’s bid to salvage the situation, she had tried to set him up in a trade but the process had failed as Raphael could not concentrate. At one point, Raphael had needed his mother’s intervention for him to be delivered from a situation that could have cost his life, after he contracted something nasty. To the glory of God, since his deliverance, the young man has been purged of the urge to engage in fleshly desires. He is also now interested in returning to school and making real progress in life. “When I came online the other day,” he said, “I blocked my bad friends on social media.” In a sober tone, he begged for his mother’s forgiveness. He then advised the youth to avoid bad friends, confide in their parents and embrace the way of God. His mother, Amaka – a senior police officer – thanked God for the great work of transformation in her son’s life. She also told of how she herself had received her deliverance from the idols of her father’s house earlier on. “I am no longer a slave to the idols of my father’s house,” she declared. “My son and I have now become prayer warriors!” Amaka testified. She advised parents to pray for their children always while training them in God’s way.

Ovarian Cyst Vanishes After Anointed Prayer At Ghana Meeting With Pastor Evelyn Joshua

Assibi from Ghana was at The Ghana Meeting With Pastor Evelyn Joshua on January 23, 2023. As at that time, she had been having severe stomach pain for a while. When doctors later found that there was water in one of Assibi’s ovaries, they told her that urgent action had to be taken. Assibi told the doctors that she would seek God’s face, so she intensified her pray-along sessions on Emmanuel TV. During Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s visit to Ghana, Assibi presented her case before God and received prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. On returning to her doctors, tests revealed that Assibi’s ovarian cyst had vanished completely – to the glory of God! She advised people to keep their faith in God in every situation.

E-mail Testimonies

  • Martha from South Africa had suddenly started vomiting one night. Soon, her body became one huge ball of pain. The following morning, the school teacher could not make it to work but managed to call The SCOAN Prayer Line. During the call, the anointing caused her to vomit the roots of her ailment and she got better immediately!
  • Lizzy, a resident of Switzerland, had called the Prayer Line sometime in February 2023 after having repeated nightmares. The demon in her had manifested during the call and since then Lizzy has received divine peace in her heart!
  • After receiving prayer on the phone in February 2023, Richard from Ghana was healed of chronic headaches!
  • For a Ghanaian woman the affliction of ceased menstruation ended the day after she received prayer over her condition. To God’s glory, she had vomited the impurities in her system during the prayer session.
  • In 2022, while pregnant, Claudia in Angola had been diagnosed with a low-lying placenta – a situation that was potentially deadly for her baby. Not giving in to fear, she continued praying and called the Prayer Line during her due date. To be sure, the God that never fails took control and Claudia’s baby girl has been growing in grace and power!
  • Another case of ceased menstruation came in from Glory in Cape Town, South Africa. On March 4, 2023, she had prayed along with Prophet TB Joshua on Emmanuel TV. Later that night, Glory’s menses had returned!

After-Service Testimonies

Jude from Imo State was healed of difficulty in walking due to back pain. Despite receiving orthodox and alternative treatments, he had not felt better. However, Jude’s six-year-old burden was lifted after an anointed touch from Pastor Evelyn Joshua during the service of Sunday, March 12, 2023. Now he no longer needs a lumbar corset and he can do all that he had been unable to do before!

Last year, Elizabeth had sustained an injury just below her left knee. She thought it was something so small that it did not need any extra attention. To her dismay, however, the injury refused to heal and began to seem ulcerous. She then decided to report the stubborn injury to Jesus Christ. Within three days of receiving prayer at The SCOAN, the wound dried up! In the light of her experience of God’s power, Elizabeth advised people to believe in God. Her mother also thanked God for the healing.

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