WE ARE NOT ALONE – When you look around to see what is going on in the world today, you will agree with me that man’s most deceptive enemy is fear. Fear changes our focus, it weakens our desire and determination. Fear is a more deceptive enemy than satan himself. As Christians, we are commanded by God to fear not, for those who are for us to protect us, guide us, fight for us, and defend us are more than those who are against us, to destroy us. Who are they? Heaven says that they are angels who are unspeakably more numerous and infinitely more powerful. The Book of 1 John 4:4 says, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” This means that men and women of faith are led by an indwelling Spirit of grace, which is greater than he who dwells in the world.
As the Word gets into our blood and grows to gain supremacy over us, we do not need to fear or panic anymore because we are not alone. Since God is with us, we and Him are lifting the load together – fighting the battle together. Who can battle with the Lord? If the Lord be for us, whom shall we fear? We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us.
Naturally, our enemies may stand a better chance of victory considering their numbers, credentials, age, experience in warfare, and the instruments at their disposal but supernaturally, we are superior because we are on the Lord’s side, let’s trust in God’s authority and not man’s majority. Fear not for the Holy Spirit who is constantly walking by your side will defeat fear for you today. God fought for David against Goliath and He will fight for you today. He fought for Moses and the Israelites against their enemies and He will fight for you today. Every mountain for your sake shall be levelled. The pillars and foundation of your problem will be crumbled and those things that are against you will be for you today by the power of God.