Faith in God is a spiritual force that grows and develops in the heart of man. Faith is of man’s heart and man’s heart means man’s spirit. One thing we should bear in mind is that God is Spirit; therefore, faith in God is not a natural issue but a spiritual issue. In Luke 10: 19, the Bible says that Jesus has given all believers the power and authority to use His name. However, this authority must be exercised by faith according to the will of God, not the will of man. That faith is expressed by believing with our heart and confessing with our mouth.

There is power in our mouth and the belief in our heart is released by faith out of our mouth. Faith requires you to speak before you see or feel the results. No matter your situation, you need to speak faith and act faith to activate God’s power. Faith releases the blessings of God’s healing, deliverance, salvation, breakthrough and anointing. All these are for whosoever wills, for Jesus Christ has already paid the price. Just believe, for believing is our connection.

God Almighty has promised to respond only to the faith that is promised in His Word, faith that is rooted in the Word of God. Today, God will give you the heart to have faith only in Him, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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