THE LANGUAGE GOD UNDERSTANDS – Matthew 4:3-4 says, “Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, ‘If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.’ But He answered and said, ‘It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”.’” During Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, He quoted the Scriptures and showed us the proper way to respond to trials and temptations. This means that our confession is important, for the belief in our hearts is released by faith out of our mouths. So, what are you saying about your situation?

Prophet TB Joshua says there are two languages: the language of the Bible and today’s language. The language of the Bible is the language God uses to create, save and deliver us, while today’s language is the language we use in our business, to correct our children or gossip. Since today’s language does not have God as its source, it fails to accord with God’s Word. Remember that if we resist satan with a lively faith in Christ Jesus, he will flee from us but if we do this by our own words, he will triumph over us. So, we must speak our words from the heart so they can become one with God’s Word, I mean in the power of the Holy Spirit. Words not one with God’s Word will be idle, meaningless, and oftentimes destructive.

The Holy Spirit inspires children of God to talk, so we will get no result if we do not wait until He speaks through us. The only language God understands is that of the Scriptures. Remember that holy men were inspired by the Holy Spirit as they gave divine messages. As believers, we must be led by God’s Spirit always. In Prophet TB Joshua’s words, “Confession builds the road over which faith carries its mighty cargo.” So, our confession precedes our healing, deliverance, and all of God’s blessings. Therefore, we must be led by the Holy Spirit since our confession gives us possession.

SAY THIS PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, help me to say only what I believe in my heart.

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