STAY IN TUNE WITH GOD – Life is a battlefield where only the bold win, after so many battles. As Christians, when God leads us through a battle, it is in our own interest to tell of His goodness, kindness and mercy, thanking Him for not allowing our foes to defeat us. When God gives us His strength, He will always see us through all obstacles. The extent of His care and the strength of His might in our lives weaken, frustrate our foes.

In our walk with God, there will be both good and hard times. Are you sick? God is the Healer! Are you in bondage? God can set you free! Are you oppressed? God is the great Deliverer! Are you in need? God is the great Provider! Jesus Christ has the answers to all problems. We have no refuge than this command of Jesus Christ: ONLY BELIEVE! This is our refuge. We must have absolute trust in God that He is working out the answer. Remember that being faithful to God does not mean not facing persecution, name-calling or oppression. Daniel, Paul, Joseph, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego were all rejected and persecuted by men but God made their troubles work for their advancement.

Consider the case of Daniel, whose faith was challenged in a new way. He had two options:

I – Renounce and deny God, stop doing God’s work, worship Babylonian gods and become the king’s right-hand man with huge rights and privileges.

II – Maintain his stand with God and have his bones crushed by hungry lions.

These were indeed extreme options needing the grace of God to make the right choice. Daniel’s faithfulness and consistency are a challenge to all Christians today. So, whatever you are passing through, if it is allowed by God, never doubt your Guard.

Never a sickness Jesus Christ cannot heal, never a disease He cannot cure and never a problem He cannot solve. So, stay tuned to God in faith. Say: “Lord Jesus, give me the grace to continue to hold on to You regardless of the challenges, persecution and oppression! Let Your name be glorified and praised ALWAYS in my life!”

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