Proverbs 3:5 -6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
As Christians, our path to the throne cannot always be rosy; we are bound to experience loss, alongside moral, economic, and social uncertainties. Troubles sometimes come not because we have taken any wrong steps but because we are living in a complex and contradictory world. Those who are rich in every sense of the word know that life is a learning experience. Sometimes the challenges we face may seem to be in direct conflict with God’s promises in our lives. However, each time we feel disappointed, we must learn to put our trust in the Lord. In every situation God has something to say.
No matter how great your trouble is, it should not prevent you from praying; instead, it should make you pray the more, fast the more, and trust in the Lord the more. Jesus is the Way, not a way. Jesus is the Truth, not a truth, and Jesus is the Life. Therefore, put your trust in God in every trial: the greater the trial, the greater you become. Those who bless God in their trial will be blessed by God through their trials. If you do not pass your test, you won’t be promoted. Your test qualifies you for promotion. Your promotion qualifies you for a reward and your reward increases the flow of your joy. Let your situation move you closer to God and not away from Him!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe; help my unbelief, in Your Holy name! Amen!