MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE – In Genesis 1, when God created the earth, it was without form and void. God spoke forth His Word and said, “Let there be light,” and indeed there was light. Whenever God spoke forth His Word and said, “Let there be,” it came into being and so God gave being to heal, to bless, to save. When God gives being to the Word, that Word becomes alive. The evidence was clear – the earth became fruitful and multiplied. The Word of God – a Spirit – spoke, created material things. This means that God’s Word is Spirit and life.

It was the very life of God in those Words that brought about creation, including mankind. When God created man, He gave him the right to life. Within that right was discretion. In other words, Jesus Christ gave man a mind and the ability to choose between right and wrong. In life, man is given the freedom to choose from the many alternatives that surround him. What choice have you made concerning Jesus Christ? Life’s biggest decision is what you do with Jesus Christ.

In Luke 10:38-42, Mary made the right choice. Today, our minds are so taken by worldly considerations, that is, the lures and cares of this world, that we don’t have time for God. We are so busy with things on the outside that we fail to spend quality time with God. Mary made the right choice, whereas Martha missed the point. You will never find the time for God’s Word; you must make the time, create the time, work out the time. Mary made the right choice – she took time to sit at Jesus’ feet, I mean she attended to His Word and a lifetime of ignorance gave way to spiritual enlightenment. Children of God, don’t allow your bad experiences to wipe you out. Don’t allow your situation to mislead you.

Remember that it is the very life in the Word that has the ability to change your situation, I mean ability to save, deliver, heal and bless you. Be a Mary of our day and make the right choice. Look unto the Word. By looking unto the Word and acting on it, you bring Jesus onto the scene. Take time to sit at Jesus’ feet; I mean take the time to splash around in the Word and absorb it to discover what God has to say to you each day. When you have discovered what God has made you for and how He cherishes your company, you will discover the true fountain of good living welling up to eternal life.

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