Faith is not a feeling – People sometimes base their spiritual experiences on feelings and emotions. We cannot understand God by feeling but by faith. You are not saved just because you feel saved. You are saved because you put your faith in God’s Word. The only thing that is stable is God’s Word. God’s Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. So, for your relationship with God to be stable, it must be based on something with more stability than feelings.
Feelings, we know, change when circumstances change. We live by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). That is, we live by faith when we recognise our union with Christ in the spirit. In other words, when we recognise that we are related to or connected with Christ by His Spirit. Whereas, we live by sight when we give attention to the physical body, which is temporary. While faith is based on the happiness of the future state, which God has prepared – an everlasting mansion (John 14:2).