DISCOVER YOUR REAL VALUE; Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Bible also says that Jesus Christ is the Word by whom God speaks to us. This means that whatever God says — whatever that is rooted in God’s Word is permanent, stable, incontestable and untouchable. When you look at your life, you will see that you make life-changing decisions on a daily basis. The question is, are you making the right decision? Unless the decisions we are making are rooted in God’s Word, they won’t stand the test of time. Therefore, deciding to put your trust in Christ Jesus is the most important decision you can make in life. When you receive Him, you will get His idea, know the opinion of yourself and others, work with His project and see yourself the way God sees you. You will see your real value.
If you can’t see your real value, you won’t be able to fulfil the purpose which God created you for. Consider the case of Joseph, he was shown a photograph of his future at a tender age. This photograph is within everyone, it is planted by the Holy Spirit and must be watered before it can produce its harvest. Therefore, we have a role to play because a man can’t discover new oceans if he doesn’t lose sight of the shore. When you believe in your dreams, you will become a man of vision.
To a man of vision, no matter what happens, there is always a future. That is why when Joseph found himself in the dry pit, he said to himself, “This is not where I belong; I know my real value.” If you are a man of vision, no matter the obstacle on your way, you can never be stopped.
Finally, if you want to discover your real value, you must see whatever you are doing as an assignment from God. When you do this, you won’t disappoint Him because you will be conscious of the fact that you will return back to Him and give an account of your actions. Therefore, make the most of life by doing things that God wants you to do, because life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting value.