John 17:3 says, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”

If people knew what would happen next, they would devise other strategies instead of depending on God for sustenance. Men long for eternity but prefer to live in this world on their own terms, thereby not honouring God in the process. God has so designed things that His anointing does not work through plans, methods or human machinery but through His chosen servants. Being eloquent, friendly or having the ability to inspire does not make us suitable, but honouring Jesus with our character does. The proceeds of character make one a servant of God.

Jesus is not looking for theologians but simple people who are ready to take Him at His every Word. Jesus’ doctrine was rejected because He preached a new ideology. The human mind oftentimes resents what it cannot master. Indeed, anything that tends to defy the logic of human imagination is highly resisted and fought to a standstill. Do you find yourself being unduly persecuted because of the grace of God in your life? People may call you names, rob you of your liberty or confine you to harsh conditions, but they cannot shut you out from the throne of mercy and communion with God. Count it all joy because those who caused yesterday’s pain do not control tomorrow’s potential. God owns your future, so keep your vision and mission at the forefront of your mind. Remember that there is no competition in the journey to eternity, so you must keep running the straight race with God and keep looking forward to eternal life with Jesus. Emmanuel!

Prayer: O Holy Spirit, give me the strength and grace to continue to run the straight race with You, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

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