Every Sunday Service at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations provides a unique opportunity to witness the mystery of God’s grace
Sunday January 2011, the second service of the year 2011 divinely termed, ‘The Year Of Another Chance’, was no different. Replete with chilling confessions of some notorious militants, remarkable testimonies of those miraculously healed from incurable diseases such as sickle cell anaemia, touching lessons of life from those whose cases were exposed through prophetic revelations and, of course, the Word of God preached with power and passion, it was certainly a day to remember!
The Gospel Of God’s Grace
As usual, the first activity of the service was the Word of God, this time preached by Wise Man Christopher. His message was simply titled, ‘The Gospel of God’s Grace’ and contained some powerful and practical truths to help believers in their daily journey of faith. Expounding on the Gospel truths, he explained, “God has written us into an unprecedented and revolutionary story of reconciliation in which hostilities are destroyed and enemies become friends. Parents play with their children and place their arms around them. By God’s gospel grace, a generation of vipers can become a seed of saints, a slave can become a leader, a shepherd can become a king and a murderer can become a deliverer. God often brings good out of evil and promotes the design of His providence, even by the sin of men. The Gospel of God’s grace changes and challenges everything. To His power, nothing is impossible.” He went further to explain about the hardships we will face as Christians, and how we should respond to them. “Beautiful things happen at difficult times. No one knows by the present sign or situation what the future holds for him. Nobody knows tomorrow but God does. As children of divine grace, our troubles promote our blessings.” It was a message of both hope and enlightenment, and was gladly received by the congregation and viewers on Emmanuel TV.
Delivered On The Brink Of Death
After the message, it was time to listen to the experiences of those who were called out through words of prophecy in earlier services. First was Mr Samuel Ademilola, who received a prophecy on 2nd January 2011 that he knew the cause of his first wife’s death, and ever since she had been tormenting him in the dream, calling him to follow her to the grave. Mr Samuel confirmed the prophetic revelation, explaining that when the volume of contention and disagreements in the home arose to a point where he could no longer handle it, he was advised by a friend to seek a devilish solution at the hands of a witchdoctor. There he requested from the witchdoctor to be separated from his wife, and for which request he was given a charm and told to throw the charm into a flowing river. Following the instructions to the letter, his wife voluntarily packed out of the house several days later and the two separated permanently. Some time after the incident, he learned of his wife’s premature death through a sudden sickness. Visiting the same witchdoctor thereafter, the man slyly remarked that he knew the wife would die following the charm that was given for separation.
Shortly afterwards, Mr Samuel began experiencing the unimaginable – his late wife began appearing to him in the night, behaving as if they were still a couple. They would sleep, eat together and do things together as if she was still alive. But soon she became violent. Every night was a constant war, a vicious fight that left Samuel exhausted both mentally and physically. And then the nightmare went beyond the night. Mr Ademilola began to sense the physical presence of his late wife wherever he went. He would hear her voice tormenting him, and see the random movement of objects in his room. The spirit of death was haunting him, pushing him to the point of delirious insanity to make sure he joined his wife in the grave. It was in this state that Mr Ademilola came to The SCOAN and received the life-changing prophecy. Following his sombre confession and confirmation of the prophetic revelation, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him in the power of the Holy Spirit, casting the spirit of death out. After the service, Mr Ademilola testified that peace reigned in his heart for the first time in countless years after the prayer, explaining that he felt something leave his body. The crippling fear of death and continuous torment of his late wife are now a thing of the past!
Serial Smoker
The next individual to share his experience was Elder Adolf Ezurike, who received a prophecy from Wise Man Christopher during the live Monday Service on 3rd January 2011. The Wise Man accurately revealed a spirit of death was pursuing Mr Ezurike, further mentioning his habit of smoking and the negative effects this addiction had on his marital home and health. Speaking to confirm the prophecy, Elder Ezurike commented that he had been a serial chain smoker for the past 30 years, smoking no less than two packets of cigarettes on a daily basis. He referred to smoking as his ‘closest friend’, an addiction he simply could not separate himself from. He smoked literally everywhere, including his own church, which allocated a small room to him within the premises so he could smoke unnoticed by the other parishioners. The addiction had taken its toll physically, as Adolf had an enlarged heart and experienced difficulty in breathing. Aside from this, he had been seeing the faces of dead people in his dreams, as well as coffins and other death-related incidents and items at night.
Remarkably, Elder Ezurike had a packet of cigarettes on him the very day he received the prophetic revelation! Sneaking out earlier during the service to smoke, he had held a cigarette in his hand and prayed for God to reveal his habitual smoking as a sign of God’s power and presence in The SCOAN. Merely hours later, his prayer was extraordinarily answered through the prophecy, attesting to the authenticity of the anointing in Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men. After confirming the prophetic revelation and asking God for deliverance from the spirit of smoking, Prophet T.B. Joshua said that Elder Ezurike would be a guest in The SCOAN premises for some days, so he would not only be delivered from the spirit of smoking but would also be in a conducive environment to maintain the deliverance, knowing that temptation would be rampant if he immediately left.
Reformed And Delivered Militants
A history-making event followed at The SCOAN. Last week, a militant commander had surrendered his life to Christ and received deliverance, promising to bring back his ‘boys’ to receive the same. He fulfilled his promise. Standing before The SCOAN arena were eight hardened and rough-looking militants, all of whom were notorious in their former lifestyles of crime. Confessing their sordid past before The SCOAN congregation, the militants told of the merciless killing, raping, kidnapping, robbing and other unmentionable atrocities they had committed. T.B. Joshua did not allow them to give their full confessions, knowing that the contents would be too shocking and infuriating for the public to hear. But most importantly, they all declared their desire to surrender totally to Christ, so as to receive deliverance from their past. As in the case of their military commander who was delivered the previous week, many of the people they had killed were haunting and tormenting them in their dreams, and although they were part of the amnesty program introduced by Nigeria’s government, a spirit was still pushing them to kill, pillage and plunder.
Promising to support the repentant militants on their journey of reformation, T.B. Joshua declared that an important lesson must be learned from their confessions. Even though they had surrendered their arms in the amnesty program, they needed to be set free from the evil spirit that was propelling them to commit evil. No amount of money or human resources can provide such. It can only come through deliverance from Jesus Christ. Mr. Jerry, a worker with an oil and gas company who had co-ordinated the militants’ trip down to The SCOAN, corroborated this truth. He explained that even after the efforts of the government and the provision of monetary funding, the problems in the region still persisted, as many who had supposedly surrendered in the program eventually returned to their former lifestyles of militancy. He pledged his unwavering support to continue helping all repentant militants in his area to come to The SCOAN so they can receive their deliverance and be completely set free. Prophet T.B. Joshua commended his efforts in arranging the trip, and encouraged others to take similar steps in order to bring peace and unity to their respective communities. Following their confessions, the militants received prayer from the Wise Men during The SCOAN prayer line and were delivered.
The significance of this event lies in the fact that the world has a crucial lesson to learn. The activities of these militants have attracted worldwide media attention, as their operations in sabotaging oil pipes in the Niger-Delta region have significantly affected Nigeria’s oil production output, a source which many countries heavily rely on. The amnesty program of the government also received widespread media attention, heralded as the end to the problems facing the massive Nigerian oil industry. Commendable as the exercise was, the truths learned from these militants confession cannot be ignored. If you cater for the physical and pay no attention to the spiritual, the problems will eventually persist and even worsen. To surrender your guns is one thing, but to surrender your life to Christ for deliverance is another. Both are essential.
Curing The Incurable!
The service was filled with many wonderful testimonies of those who had been healed and delivered through their attendance at The SCOAN prayer line, their using of the Anointing Water and wearing the Anointing Wristband or simply through viewing the powerful medium of Emmanuel TV.
One which stood out was the case of Miss Blessing Seikeba, who had been a victim of sickle cell anaemia, a condition she had suffered right from birth. Blessing’s sickness had seriously inhibited her academic life, the severe pain in her joints often not enabling her to even walk, let alone go to university and study. The student of UNIBEN explained how sometimes she had to be carried to her class, due to the excruciating pain she experienced. The sickness had left her body weak and caused her to look both thin and frail in appearance.
Attending The SCOAN with her mother Magdaline, Blessing was among those who received the Anointing Water. As she ministered the water, she testified that a supernatural strength entered her body. The Holy Spirit was at work! Her body rejuvenated and spirit refreshed, Blessing boldly decided to go to the hospital to test her blood, merely days after using the Anointing Water. The results were astonishing! Medical authorities confirmed Miss Seikeba’s blood type to be ‘AA’, in stark contrast to the ‘SS’ she had been tested as right from birth. Joyfully testifying, Blessing said the pains she used to experience around her joints had disappeared and she was new living with renewed vigour and zeal for life. Truly, there is never a sickness Jesus cannot heal!
The Anointing Wristband At Work
With the recent introduction of the ‘Anointing Wristband’, there were testimonies galore concerning its remarkable effect on the lives of those who received it. Among those who shared their testimony was Mrs Scholastica Joseph. After her husband returned from The SCOAN with the Anointing Wristband, the family came together and decided each would wear the wristband for some minutes, believing that God would use it to bring breakthrough and freedom in their lives.
When it was the turn of Mrs Joseph’s eldest daughter, Wendy, to wear the wristband, it’s impact was evident! She began to shake uncontrollably and was soon writhing on the floor, as an evil spirit that had used her body as a dwelling place began to manifest. Mrs Scholastica was shocked as a hoarse voice spoke out through her daughter proclaiming she was the queen of the coast sent to destroy the family and their fortunes. The evil spirit said that it had caused Wendy to be bedwetting, and given her a spirit of lust and anger even in her tender age.
After the mother held the Anointing Wristband on her daughter’s arm and shouted the name of Jesus Christ, the demon shrieked that fire was coming forth from the wristband. Moments later, the girl lay still. The demon had gone!
Testifying in The SCOAN, Wendy reminisced that she had no awareness of all that happened to her once she wore the Anointing Wristband. She could only remember getting up from the floor to discover her body was light and a heavy burden had left her. From that point on, she stopped bedwetting and behaved calmly. Truly, God can use any medium to express Himself to others!
The Best Is Yet To Come:
The year 2011 has truly started on a triumphant note for The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV. However, each new service is ended with a fresh promise from God – the best is always yet to come! Jesus Christ is the Divine driver behind our divine fortunes. It is all about Him!
Join us for our live services every Sunday and Monday only on Emmanuel TV. Distance is not a barrier!
Amazing grace reveald
Amazing grace revealed!!
I wish if I could get the anointing water and anointed wristband where I live in East Africa Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
I feel as if I will get them one day but I don’t know when and how.
We love you so much and we are influenced with your programs and keep it up
I’ts so amazing and exciting about what is happening at SCOAN in every Live Service .May the Acient of Days continue to be with you Prophet TB Joshua and the Church as a Whole.Truly we are blessed about what we watch on Emmanuel TV every service.Jesus Christ is revealing Himself in every service at SCOAN through the Wise Men and Their father in the Lord TB Joshua.Really miracles are happening at Scoan.So veiwers of emmanuel tv let’s execise our faith and receive as Man of God is always saying distance is not a barrier.The best blessing for us is to have access to Emmanuel TV. EMMANUEL!!!
Every sunday watch the live service via the internet, and i am grateful for this opportunity, I give all the honour and glory to our Lord Jesus.
I live in Windhoek Namibia i would like to know how can we get the anointing water and wristband.
God is really Faithful. What He is using the prophet of our time (Prophet TB Joshua) is really greattttttttttttt.
I Believe that my best is on my way.
I have been believing God for a particular Miracle, & i know that only reading all this testimonies will bring about my own testimony.
Thank you for sending me all this Testimonies.
God is to be praised for this ministry. Pls saints pray for my brother he is earnestly seeking to get to scoan, the situation has reached desperation we are humbly awaiting a reply. EMMANUEL!!
I give God the glory.Amen
Praise God for the wonderful miracles that are happening at the Synagogue Church of All Nations. May God continue blessing Prophet T B Joshua and the Wise Men and indeed the Emmanuel team as they perform God’s work. Emmanuel! Amen.
How so awesome!!!! Indeed, the Lord is so good! Thank you Jesus for the testimonies! I know that my own testimony will be next in Jesus name.
GOD’S Word is always about..always has been and shall forever be about the future…GOD’S intended future.
Man was created for continual reformation and progress…Spiritually…materially…and all else that which GOD is about and will reveal as time progresses.
This is evident with the advent of firstly…the healing sand…the anointing water….and now the anointing wrist band…and in the many mind boggling miracles and healings and deliverances as well as the Prophetic revelations and the advent of the Wise Man, that continually reveal the most hidden of the devil’s machinations against the children of GOD.
May GOD continually guide and bless the Man in The Synagogue as well as The Wise Man.
To OD be the Glory.
I am Namibian citizenship but am very proud to read a message from man of god and his wise man. Therefore Its wonderful miracles from god because as in my mind I observe on my mind god will select that person and working through them all the time. We are all Christian we need to pray for them all the time. God will bless us if we are following them and pray them also.
If you are not born again just waste your time because the Hell is waiting for you dear. Take action this year, these months, this week it means today but now my beloved one. If you say no! Tel me that what are you waiting for? May be sickness, death, problem, demon to destroying you? Tell me dear. OO, don’t waste your time came and enjoys your life with happiness, peacefully, prosperity, deliverance, healing and salvation.
I am feeling comfort to live with Jesus as my saviour! Amen!
iam saying God at work,and man of God at work! its amazing i dont know what to say,i pray that God will grant more years to the man of God!please man of God i want to come! i have waited for my invitation letter for so long! ifilled the questionaire i phone and iwas told that i will receive my invitation but up to now i havent received.its almost six months!
I thank God for the man of God prophet T.B.Joshua and the wise men. My prayer is that God continues inspiring these men of God so that they continue changing people’s lives and winning souls for the Lord. With God’s power all things are possible. I believe one day, God willing, we shall also recieve the anointing water and wristband for our own deliverance and healing.
Indeed, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. glory be to Him forever and ever more. amen.
I am really blessed to have known prophet T B Joshua and I am really blessed to have known prophetT B Joshua This time for your ministry tanks for God you truth a God server pleas a man of God If possible, please send me the Anointed water.
My name is ISRAEL from ETHIOPIA E-mail [email protected] lord please you
we return all the praise and honour to God for his mighty deeds
Iam very very happy with what some local tv are doing,broadcasting live service on sundy first service,so that every one has the word of God at hand.God bless Emmanuel tv
My life through Emmanuel TV has been transformed tremendously. Our Lord has done a wonderful thing to the world. I strongly say the best is yet to come. Man Of God Prophet TB Joshua is truly Servant of God preaching the Gospel of Jesus. More souls have been won. He has done what governments would have done, to rehabilitate the militants. Surely the Lord is going to reward the man of God. I pray that I impart that annointing. All i do is to give Glory and honour to Papa God! By the grace of God soon., I will be @ the SYNAGOUGE Church of All Nations, the Arena of Liberty meeting the man of God face to face. I know God’s time is the Best, but my spirit is telling me, am meeting him soon. God Bless
All i can say is thank JESUS for who are.
Iam so greatfull and honoured to be a part of the God’s Grace at the SCOAN, and Emmanuel TV to watch the man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua performing miracle after miracle. May the Lord Jesus Christ contines blessing and anointing him to keep saving the Nations. My faith has been lifted. Glory be to God. Amen.
I would like to thank GOD for the healing and deliverance that are taking place,those with eyes and hears they will see and hear that nothing is impossible with God through HIS son Jesus Christ.praise be to GOD.
Bata, 15 de Enero 2011
Te doy la HONRA, la GRACIA, la MAJESTAD para los siglos y los siglos AMEN.
MAN OF GOD que Dios te guarde para tu FE, tu PACIENCIA hacia a los demas.
Que Dios te llene con mas PODER, USTED y tu EQUIPO para seguir hasta los confines de la tierra PORQUE TU MINISTERIO NO TIENE FIN.
Emmanuel ! Emmanuel !
It is truly God is with us. I would like to thank Senior Prophet TB Joshua for the humility sir you exbit all over the world . Praise ,Honor and Glory to almighty GOD the father of our Lord Jesus Christ for healing ,deriverance and reformation which is taking place at SCOAN . Viva Emmanuel TV , we are together . Evangelist E Mwansa.
Emmanuel .god is with us.I would like to thank prophet tb Joshua and Emmanuel tv and the partners for what they are doing for changing lives and nations.since I started watching Emmanueltv my life and spiritual life has changed.so I would like the man of god to bless me with the wristband for me.I will use it to bless my family and relations in jesus name.iam from south africa
I am a emmanuel.tv partner I normal go around the community and program the emmanuel.tv for them. to all emmanuel.tv viewers please if you can help ,,help us program
emmanuel.tv progam to every body.
man of God may I please ask for the Anointing Wristband.
I would like to experience the power in it ,in the might name of Jesus Christ.
this time iam requesting for the wrist band and some stickers in jesus name.my addresse is peter mwaanga,po box 32565 lusaka 10101,zambia.
Im from Tanzania Im so blessed with the work of jesus through the man of God and the wise as well with all the people who enable this work to prosper . its my prayers that the man of god will be blessed with the highest powers of God the most than never been seen with the man kind.
I have also seen the work of the anointed water and the wristband , the sand as well from the documental programmes , that was great. Is there any arrangement for sending wristbands to part of the world as in my country?
if possible at this point Im at position kindly request some wristbands so that jesus can also touch me and my family.
BOX 8000
tel 0255-(0) 714173709
its truly the best is yet to come,
wish to meat dis man of god waitse
Dear Man of God Prophet TB Joshua,God bless you mightily and you are really a man of God.I thank God for your life and glorify Him for you are His anointed servant,and Ipraise Him for what He is doing in the SCOAN through YOU.
How so awesome!!!! Indeed, the Lord is so good! Thank you Jesus for the testimonies! I know that my own testimony will be next in Jesus name.
Man of God you do miracles but i know and believe in my heart that distance is not barrier as have seen changes since i started to watch emmanuel Tv every sunday from 2008, and there are lot of miracles still happening that liftas up my faith.i know God is preparing a way for me to come and visit you there at scoan. will you please post me annointed wristband and water.My address is Kgaugelo Kadiaka
125 Dorp street,Polokwane South Africa 0699
Good Morning Man of God will you please be so Good and send for me the wristband 4 .
The Best is Yet to come .
My name is Sinah Nyathi of Fresh revelation ministries
Man of God I greet you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ
I am ask for the Anointing Water and Wristband.
may the lord bless
We thank God who is revealing to us mighty and powerful things through Emmanuel TV, Prophet T.B Joshua and the wisemen.
My wish is that you people should help us to obtain the wrist band. Please send us we are pleading you. Please send me my adress is Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, P.O Box 95, Blantyre, Malawi.
I work in abig Central Hospital and the wrist band can help alot of people.
God have mercy on me.
Iam a 28year old lady from South Africa and in need of the Annointing wristband for my 4 year old boy who has been robbed of his speech. could you kindly assist by sending me the wristband.
My postal adress is as follows:
P. O. BOX 171
I would like to know how one can get this annointing wristband if one is not in Nigeria. I’m in Moscow, Russia.
Thank you.
” Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee. Receive I pray thee, the law from His mouth, and lay up His words in thine heart. I though return to the Lord though shall be built up, thou shall put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles….Job 22:21-22
Emmanuel! Indeed GOD is with us. It was a blessing for me to have come to the SCOAN in 2010 Jan. My life has changed and I thank the almighty GOD for all the wonderful work at SCOAN. I personally met Mrs. T.B Joshua and got a photo with her. I will always cherish the minutes I spent with her. May God bless your Ministry, The wise men and the Joshua family and all at SCOAN abundantly
I would like to have the annointed wristband, how can I get it? What God says Yes, no one can say no. Emmanuel!
Emmanuel TB Joshua, may The Lord richly bless you together with emmanuel tv followers & the wise men! You are true servants of God & i pray that the day that i am waiting for should come quickly to scoan as i have long completed a questionaire.
How can i get annointyed wrist band if iam in zimbabwe
I have been watching Emanuel Tv for two month now,would like to know how can i and my famil get the annointing water,i live in Tanzania
EMANUEL God is really with us. I am addicted in watching SCOAN. What a wonder it is to be addicted in the things of God. I thank God for all the miracles happening everyday at SCOAN. I am busy planning to go to Nigeria this DEC of 2011. Here I come Nigeria all my problems are over. Praise, The lord Jesus deserves ll praise for giving Prophet TB Joshua.
I am a 24 years old young man my wish is to be deliverd from oppressions of the devil and set backs.
I like you to send me the Anointing oil and Anointing water
my adress are
CONTACT +26775665082
I am very much blessed by the man of God TB JOSHUA and his team of wise men. Ipray that God Wil, give power and strenth to proceed with his work for the benefit of the whole world.
The only problem is how to get the annointing water and wristland for those who have no ability to come to the SCOAN. IF THERE IS ANY ARRANGEMENT FOR US I REQUEST FOR THE INFORMATION SO THAT I CAN GET ONE. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU.
Goodafternoon Man of God, I am emailing you from Zambia. Man of God i am a regular viewer of Emmanuel TV and have seen what our Almighty God is using you to deliver people from all sorts of bondanges they are in. Man of God I would like also to be delivered from this same bondange i am in.
Man of God could you kindly send me some wristbands for my family and myself. We are a family of six (06), that includes my husband and my four (04) children.
You can use the address below:
Please Man of God I beg you. I’ve applied to come to Nigerial, but i have not been officially invited. I’ve sent some emails, but I’m still waiting for the invitation letter.
Thanks and God bless you the more.
my family an myself have been blessed by the Emmanuel TV and the services that we are getting from the leadership of the man of God Prophet T B Joshua.
my mum is HIV positive, blind due to tuberculosis and suffered a stroke which left her with a disability that requires help from another. please man of God, Prophet T B Joshua can you please help us by sending us the anointed water so my mum can be delivered. unfortunately we cannot raise the travel expenses to come to Nigeria with her and we believe the anointed water will work the miracle as well.please send us for healing and prosperity as my husband and I are in serious debts and we can’t afford to pay our rent and bills. my postal address is Mrs H. Chipunza,P O Box AY140, Amby, harare, Zimbabwe
Please Man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, may you invite me to SCOAN , please. l beg you in the name of Jesus Christ.l sent the questionnaire and l phoned and l was told to sms my email address. l did so . lam still waiting for my invitation . Please, Man of God invite me.
My name is Noel Churchill Ngoma,24,male,from Blantyre-Malawi,central Africa,a very true born again,i have agreed to the word,full trust in Jesus Christ,will not disappoint me,i have made the living word to the standard of my life,i have sufferred pile and ulcers for more than 3years now,i have a spiritual wife,nightmares,no breakthrough,poor finances,am in need also to venture into bussiness but no capital,no where to get money,i have a big responsibility of my family,relatives,needy, poor but low income, so am in need of Holy healling,delliverance,healthy and prosperity annointed Holy water from the Man of living Most High True God Senior Prophet T.B Joshua,i dnt money to visit you there for transport and other expenses but i know for sure that distance is not a barrier,looking forward to hear from you people of God in Jesus name Amen!
Greetings to you Man of God T.B. Joshua,the wisemen,all the people of God in SCOAN and all Christians outside SCOAN,outside Nigeria who share the same Faith with Prophet T.B. Joshua,Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazarreth.I share the same Faith with you.I pray that the Mighty Lord draweth close the day that the Man of GOD will send me MY INVITATION LETTER TO VISIT scoan. I sent the questionnaire,l phoned, l sent my email address – l will wait prayerfully.Please MAN of God, send me the invitation letter, please! LORD I BELIEVE! HAVE MERCY ON ME PLEASE l want to visit THE MAN OF GOD!!!!
GOD bless you more Man of God T.B.Joshua! You are a great teacher of the Gospel. I watch emmanuel tv frequently and i enjoy watching you live on sundays and mondays! I can’t wait to meet you personally! I wish to join many well wishers out there who are humbled by the way you help the poor and disabled people!! May God increase your days to bless and change many lives!!
” LET LOVE LEAD ” indeed
GOD bless you more Man of God T.B.Joshua! You are a great teacher of the Gospel. I watch emmanuel tv frequently and i enjoy watching you live on sundays and mondays! I can’t wait to meet you personally! I wish to join many well wishers out there who are humbled by the way you help the poor and disabled people!! May God increase your days to bless and change many lives!!
” LET LOVE LEAD ” indeed
I’m truly amazed with the LORD.
God bless u.
Please Man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, PLEASE invite my uncles Pio and Pascal Paraffin, my aunts Patricia and Pia Paraffin to SCOAN, please. l beg you in the name of Jesus Christ.l sent the questionnaires about 2.5-3 months ago. l phoned and l was told to sms my email address. I wrote their names and sent my email address. PLEASE INVITE THEM.
my name is peter mwaanga,in may i was given ref 58,it took three months without receiving an invitation,i was phoning my ref number was changed.from august i was given ref 58,but up to now i have not yet received my invitation.when i phone iam told told to sms my email,country,refnumber and i have done this for so many times.man of God help me!
please man of GOD PRAY FOR ME & family for healing and deliverance . We want to be blessed in the name of JESUS. Heaven Tanyanyiwa ZIMBABWE
I thank God for the wonderful works of salvation@ Scoan. I would like to ask a favor from anyone who can help me financial to travel to Scoan, I have my invitation letter but no money to travel because the brother in the lord who was to assist me is also facing financial problems. I need your assistance anyone who can help by the grace of the lord. Aim a pastor who need the mind of God therefore I want to meet the man of God concerning my ministry. If anyone is willing to assist me my cell number is +27734638953 my email is [email protected]. Please help me for Gods love
I am a Cameroonian and i am so impressd with the mighty presence of God in the SCOAN.I am filled with the belief that God- the Father,SON and Holy Spirit are surounding the Synagogue.I was part of the service of Sunday the 12th and monday the 13th of december 2011.infact i was wanderfully blessed.
Please,i have a plea help to make. I have gained admission in to Group-t International Education College in Leuven Belgium. the little means i had at my dispossal are almost exhusted. Infact what I have left can’t even pay my flight not to talk of tuition and accomodation. there is no other where i can turn to other than God. Please help me. although people were called up for the purpose of financial assistance of varried forms including scholarship i did not join them,first, because i came there for a different purpose and second because i was still to go for my Visa intervew which i did on the 21st of December.
So, it is due to the assurance of a visa that i am making this plea for asistance. I was making plans to come to the scoan on sunday january 7th but deemed it wise to make this plea first.
Hopping that God will do it for me in his infinied mercy,I wish the entire crew of the scoan a blessed and prosperous 2012.
Sincerely Tanze Felix
I thank god for using you and i pray that his continue to be with you because if people dont sea that miracle is difficul to belief that they is god so man of god i ask you to pray for me and my family because there is nothing going every thing is stand steal so this new year i want something different in jesus name god bless you.
Wow! God is great,what he has being doing in other people’s lives is amazing and i know with GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE and one he will also perform a miracle upon my life,son’s life and my husband’s life.i wish to meet with you one day continue your good work in Jesus name.
People of God I great you all in the name of Jesus. Pls help me I was been rob on 02/05/2012 between 09Hoo and 13Hoo in a dimond deal to increase my money to travel to Scoan of the whole amount of 38 thousand namibian dolars please Man of God help me and my wife with a sponsorship to reach to you please Man of God.
good things has been happend from the scoan church but the best are yet to come , and it exist very soon ,may god contuneully grant the man of god request in jesus name
I enjoy watching the scoan and it is my wish to go there, how long does it take to get an invitation after submitting the questionaire?
please pastor TB Joe i need your help,am from Ghana and i want to come to your church but i don’t know how..my problem is very serious… pls help me amen..
Im touch by gods doing.i want help frm god,i want him to deliver me frmsatan.my lfe iz ful of hel.everything i do doesn’t prosper,i want so badly to cme to nigeria &visit the scorn bt i can’t due to financial constraint.each tym i plan to cme smthing just happen to stop me frm my travel.man of god help me pliz i beg.im aged 21 and a lady.prophet tb joshua pliz deliver me
Dear .Sir,i met one of your past members,recently told me about your church and it touched my heart to visit your church as soon as possible,,,to get cured…I have a degenerated disk in my back,,,,from a real bad accident,,and I can;t never seen to get any help from the hospitals up here,they keep giving me the run a round,,,they are protecting a major trucking company here in North Dakota….but anyway there is aways pain in my body,and there is a spot from past t b test on my lungs,,,,I believe in the healing from God thru your church,and I would like for you to pray for me…forever grateful…Amen…