It was an extraordinary day in The Synagogue on Sunday, December 22, 2024. Being only three days to Christmas, it was only fitting to let the carol service dovetail with the regular Sunday service. And so, in honour of the Messiah’s birth, congregants were delighted to have their Christmas carols in a Sunday Service. As usual, the day started with prayer, with the people asking the Lord to break every stronghold in their lives.

Visually, The SCOAN Auditorium was full of colour and spectacle. Aurally, the atmosphere was a blend of many delightful tunes coming from various instruments. Seated among the people was Pastor Evelyn Joshua.

Mummy seated in the Auditorium
Mummy seated in the Auditorium

Anchors David and Wendy did a good job of introducing the performers, starting with Kayode of The SCOAN Choir, who set the stage with his Jim Reeves baritone. He was followed by Rachael in another solo performance.

David and Wendy hosting the carol
Kayode from the choir performing singing
Rachel from the choir performing singing

Continuing the renditions, Esther of the Sunday School was accompanied by musicians from an orchestra. She began with “O Come, Let Us Adore Him” and soon moved on to other numbers, holding congregants’ attention with her beautiful voice. As Esther’s voice rang out, congregants were reminded of the significance of Christ’s birth.

Esther from the Sunday school singing
Esther from the Sunday school singing

The SCOAN Sunday school choir also performed, singing: “Fall On Your Knees/O Hear The Angels’ Voices”.

Sunday school choir singing
Sunday school choir singing

Not to be left out, children from the Sunday School recited memorable quotes by Prophet TB Joshua. One such quote was “The best place to prosper is in your spiritual life.”

Sunday school children reciting quotable quotes by PROPET TB JOSHUA

Other kids gave a dance performance. As the Bible urges us in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Sunday school children giving a dance performance

To cap up their experience, the children were blessed with gifts at the Carol Service.

Sunday school children receiving gift from Santa
Sunday school children receiving gift from Santa

Individual and group performances also followed from The SCOAN Choir. Among their songs were “O Joy To The World”, “Mary, Did You Know” and other songs celebrating the miracle of Christ’s birth.

The SCOAN choir singing
The SCOAN choir singing

“King Forever Ceasing Never!” sang Michael and Rachael.

The SCOAN choir singing
The SCOAN choir singing

In Spanish, Raquel sang: “In The High Shines/A Light That Gives Life/I Come To Give Him Glory/I Will Worship You/It Is A New Day Of Forgiveness And Happiness!”

Raquel Vega performing solo singing in Spanish

As the carol session came to an end, the auditorium reverberated with a rendition of “Glory To The King!” – another number from The SCOAN Choir.

The SCOAN choir singing
Rachel from the choir performing singing

A Word Of Appreciation

When she got on the altar, Pastor Evelyn Joshua noted how it had been “such a wonderful time with our choristers today.” She prophesied upon them, “May your source of inspiration never run dry, in Jesus’ name.”

Mummy at the Altar
Mummy at the Altar

She read from Psalm 92:12-13 and urged the people to keep close to the Lord for continued sustenance. Finally, she thanked everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts on her 56th birthday, which occasion was December 17.

In Church At God’s Invitation

Before commencing the Prayer Line ministration, Pastor Evelyn Joshua urged the people to exercise faith in God’s unfailing power. She encouraged them thus: “Don’t cry; God is aware of your situation…. You are here by the invitation of God.”

Mummy at the Prayer Line
Mummy at the Prayer Line

Among the people who received prayer were those suffering from difficulty in walking due to various causes, those incapacitated by a stroke, those tortured by piles, those facing complications from sickle cell anaemia, and those addicted to drinking.

Mummy Praying for a Man with Difficulty in walking
Mummy Praying for a woman with Difficulty in walking
Mummy Praying for a woman with the problem of Stroke
Mummy Praying for a Man with the problem of Pile
Mummy Praying for Men with the problem of Drug addiction and Hepatitis-B

Other prayer recipients included people with breathing difficulties due to asthma and those seeking divine intervention over gall stones, stomach/foot ulcers, fractures, and swollen body.

Evangelist Joseph praying for a woman with the problem of Asthma
Evangelist Joseph praying for a woman with the problem of Gall Stones and Kidney Stone
Evangelist James praying for a woman with the problem of Swollen Body
Evangelist James praying for a Man with fracture of the Femur

Pregnant women of faith also brought their petitions to God’s house, assured that the Rock of their salvation would perfect all that has to do with them.

Mummy at the Prayer Line, praying for the pregnant woman
Mummy at the Prayer Line, praying for the pregnant woman
Mummy at the Prayer Line, praying for the pregnant woman

Acknowledging that in Jesus Christ lie the blessings of healing, deliverance and breakthrough, congregants from across the continents showed firm belief in God’s ability to supply all their needs. As each person received a touch sanctioned by Heaven, miracles happened in Jesus’ name.

Mummy ministering to the congregant
Mummy ministering to the congregant
Evangelist Chisom ministering to the congregant
Evangelist Chisom ministering to the congregant
Evangelist James ministering to the congregant
Evangelist James ministering to the congregant
Evangelist Joseph ministering to the congregant
Evangelist Joseph ministering to the congregant
Evangelist ope ministering to the congregant
Evangelist ope ministering to the congregant

During the One-On-One Session, the evangelist stood on the believer’s authority to expel every stubborn demon. “Out, in the name of Jesus Christ!” he commanded.

Evangelist Chisom ministering One on One

And Every Evil Altar Fell!

“Don’t forget that Christ is the reason for the season,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua reminded the church at the start of the Mass Prayer session. She therefore urged them to share with their neighbours.

Mummy at the Altar for Mass Prayer

The woman of God cited Psalm 28:7 and asked the people to position themselves for healing, deliverance and breakthrough. She prayed: “Every wall that is standing between you and your progress – crumble, in Jesus’ name! Every mountain standing between you and your solution – give way, in the name of Jesus! Any altar resisting your breakthrough – we command it to break, in the name of Jesus! Every invisible chain binding your hands and legs to where you do not belong – be loosed right now, in the name of Jesus!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua continued to pray: “Every yoke of stagnation, failure, disappointment – wherever it may be affecting your life, we command it to be broken, in the name of Jesus! By the healing power of God – we command healing into your life! Be healed of that affliction, be healed of that disease, in the name of Jesus! Be delivered, in the name of Jesus! Freedom in your way, freedom in your business, freedom in your family, in the name of Jesus!”

Turning to the viewers, Pastor Evelyn Joshua assured them: “God’s presence is there with you.” She prayed for them: “Just as God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light, we speak light into your darkness today, in the name of Jesus Christ! We speak light into your life, business, family, career, marriage, in the name of Jesus!”

The woman of God further prayed: “Anything that makes you to lack increase and expansion – we command it to be broken today, in the name of Jesus! Any negative word spoken against you, your ministry, your family, your marriage shall not stand, in the name of Jesus! Whatever plans satan and his cohorts are making against your joy – they shall not stand, in the name of Jesus!”

Mummy Offering the Mass Prayer
Mummy Offering the Mass Prayer

Evangelist Ope urged the people to pray: “Son of David, by Your divine mercy and favour, every spirit of destruction operating in my life – Out, by the fire of the Holy Ghost!!”

Evangelist Ope Offering the Mass Prayer

Evangelist Joseph prayed: “Contrary spirits, familiar spirits operating in your life – Out! You messenger of satan – anywhere you are – Out!”

Evangelist Joseph Offering the Mass Prayer

Evangelist Chisom told congregants to pray: “Every spirit in my life causing me sickness, I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom Offering the Mass Prayer

Evangelist James charged the people to pray: “You ancestral spirit, you family idol – the cause of delay, the cause of stagnation – Out, by the fire of the Holy Ghost!”

Evangelist James Offering the Mass Prayer

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “Those under the bondage of sickness, disease – receive freedom, in the name of Jesus! I command deliverance on you now, in the name of Jesus! I can see the downfall of satan! I command healing on you now, in the name of Jesus! I command freedom on you now, in the name of Jesus! I can see your life being fixed, in the name of Jesus!”

Replay of Daddy's Mass Prayer


She Believed – And She Received!

Owing to pain in her knees caused by osteoarthritis, for which she had repeatedly sought medical attention, Sarah had come to The SCOAN for prayer on December 15, 2024. “The problem started five years ago, after I had a domestic accident,” she began her testimony on December 22. With her drugs not providing her full relief but instead causing complications, including ulcers, Sarah resorted to prayer. “I refused to accept the doctors’ verdict that I couldn’t be cured,” she said. Following prayer, Sarah had got on her feet and started moving freely for the glory of the Lord. Since her healing, she has remained fit and healthy. “Go to Jesus Christ,” she advised others.

A Woman sharing her testimony

No Longer A Slave To Lust, No Longer Bound To Demons!

During the several minutes when they manifested on December 15, 2024, the demons in Begge exposed the root causes of her problems. She had come from an idol-worshipping family. “We worshipped a snake spirit and I had a river bath that introduced me to the spirit, causing me to dream about snakes always,” she said on December 22, 2024. The demon in Begge made her go into prostitution. When she later got married to a much older man, Begge admitted taking unflattering steps. “I wasn’t faithful to him because he lived far away; moreover, I just enjoyed being with different men,” she continued. In the end, her marriage packed up. “I later met my current husband, who urged me to stop my life of sexual debauchery,” Begge recalled. It was he  who had introduced her to The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV.

On linking up with The SCOAN, Begge broke free from the spirit of lust. However, in the course of her Christian journey, she had two strange dreams involving a horse and a dog. “In those dreams my husband stopped the horse from sleeping with me but the dog managed to bite me,” Begge said. After the dreams, Begge took the rather bizarre step of giving out the goods in the family’s shop and setting fire to others. Apparently, she was then losing her mind. On learning about the situation, her husband rushed back home from abroad. In faith he brought her to The SCOAN – and the rest is history! To the glory of the Lord, Begge is now a new creature. Her husband thanked God for the transformation. Both man and wife urged others to seek the help of Jesus Christ concerning their situation.

A Woman sharing her testimony

Back Pain Vanishes At The Sight Of The Anointing!

After a motorcycling accident, Michael developed back pain. “I used so many medications, including herbal ones,” he began on December 22, 2024, “but the pain didn’t go away.” The situation affected his ability to function at work. However, he didn’t give up and made his way to The SCOAN on December 15. “After I received a touch, I started to vomit,” he recalled. When he got up, Michael realised that he had become healed completely. “Trust God; only He can heal,” he advised others.

A Man sharing his testimony

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