In the warfare of life, do you choose to win or do you choose to give up? As a serious Christian, you are obliged to press on even when under pressure. And handling that pressure requires counting your blessings and appreciating God with songs of praise. For congregants in The SCOAN on February 2, 2025, their sacrifice of praise came in the form of soulful worship that brought down the Host of Heaven. Saturated with God’s Spirit, The Arena Of Liberty was truly the place of liberation for many who had from all over the world with various burdens. From one song to the next, the people acknowledged God’s awesomeness and Yahweh rewarded their efforts. God’s children wondered aloud: “How Can I Describe/A God That’s Indescribable/How Can I Explain A Love That’s Unexplainable?”

For his message, which had the title “Choose To Win”, Evangelist Ope read from Acts 20:22-24. But he also encouraged all to read Deuteronomy 30:19, John 16:33, Romans 8:37 and 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 later. Other citations for the message came from Job 5:7, 2 Peter 1:3, Ephesians 2:10, James 1:2, Galatians 3:4 and Isaiah 40:1, among others. The evangelist described life as a battlefield that presents us with choices regarding our fighting partner. He noted that while the majority tend to succumb to the threats to join satan’s kingdom, the wise choose to stay with God, who makes all things perfect for them in His time.

Evangelist Ope pointed out that it is God’s design for His children to face challenges as a way to toughen them for steady, unshakeable promotion in life. What the world may see as failure, he went on, is most times God’s way of making a winner out of His devoted servant. “Winners are ex-losers,” he stated, adding that getting back up after a fall is the true hallmark of the victor. “You go through what you are going through because of where you are going to”, he said.

Accordingly, the preacher urged God’s people never to give up – not just for themselves but also for those whose success depends on theirs. “If you fail, they fail,” he warned, “and if you lose, they lose.” He then reminded the congregation not to buckle under pressure but to turn their scars to stars and their mess to a message – a message of faith, hope and love for the greater glory of God-focused humanity. Finally, he assured the people: “When your miracle is delayed, you are about to receive the mother of miracles!”

The Lord Commanded The Day To Favour Them!
“The Messiah, Saviour, Comforter, Redeemer is with you,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua reassured congregants on joining them for the Prayer Line ministration.
She prayed: “Father Lord, we bless Your holy name. We are here again. You have called us to know You, love You, serve You. Almighty God, we have no power of our own; all our sufficiency is from You. Lord God, we ask for Your grace; give us Your wisdom. Encourage us to trust You, to obey You and to work with You all the days of our lives, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Father, we ask You to command today to favour us, in the name of Jesus Christ. Lift up our burdens, our fears as we fellowship with You, in the name of Jesus Christ! Almighty God, touch Your children for healing, for blessing, for protection, and for deliverance. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.”

As the woman of God called the name of Jesus Christ, the fire of the Holy Ghost consumed every sickness of body and mind inside the auditorium. Among the recipients of prayer were those suffering from neck stiffness, difficulty in walking and complications from sickle cell anaemia.

Others were pregnant women and those suffering from fibroids and other impediments to their God-given ability to procreate.

Yet others were those having prostate enlargement and different ulcerous injuries, as well as those troubled by drug addiction and spiritual attacks. As Pastor Evelyn Joshua and The SCOAN Evangelist ministered prayers of deliverance and healing to them, God’s power manifested instantly and all their afflictions bowed.

For others in the auditorium, they knew perfectly well that their situation is redeemable only through Christ. As each person received a touch backed by Heaven, they got assurance of their redemption. Glory be to Jesus Christ!
In line with God’s Word at Mark 16:17, stubborn demons were cast out of those whose day of deliverance had come. Thank You, Jesus

And The Evil Altars Crumbled!
At the start of the Mass Prayer session, Pastor Evelyn Joshua read from Zechariah 8:23 and assured the people: “May the prophecy of Zechariah come to pass in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua decreed: “Every power holding your results – we command them to be released, in the name of Jesus! Every negative covenant attacking your results – we command them to be broken today, in the name of Jesus! Your life will bud forth distinction, success, in the name of Jesus! Your expectations shall never be cut off, in the name of Jesus! May your life begin to manifest results, in the name of Jesus!”

The woman of God continued: “Every constant experience of failure, disappointment, every spirit of rising and falling – we command it to be cancelled today, in the name of Jesus! Any altar holding your benefits – we command it to be destroyed, in the name of Jesus! Every sluggish spirit standing against you and God’s Spirit – we command them to leave, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be freed from that entanglement, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
Turning to viewers all over the world, Pastor Evelyn Joshua asked them to declare: “Father Lord, make me a channel of love where there is hate, a channel of pardon where there is injury, a channel of shining light where there is darkness. O Lord God, with all You have done for me, do not let me forget your benefits. Lord, locate me in Your love, mercy, goodness, favour, kindness!” She also prayed: “May God Almighty locate you today, in the name of Jesus! Let Your healing, deliverance fall afresh on Your children, in the name of Jesus! Receive your breakthrough! Receive your success, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist James charged the people to pray: “Every demonic covenant over my life, over my family – be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ! You ancestral spirit, you family idol tormenting my family – out, in the name of Jesus!”

At his turn, Evangelist Joseph told the people to decree: “You demon, you familiar spirit, you hidden spirit caging my glory – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom asked the people to pray: “You sickness, disease operating in my body – my body is not your dwelling place. I command you by the Blood of Jesus: Out! You sickness in my blood, kidneys, liver – anywhere you are tormenting my life: Out!”

Next, Evangelist Ope told congregants to declare: “You spirit of rising and falling in my business, in my career, in my family – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua decreed: “I cover you with the Blood of Jesus! Be examined in the light of God’s Word! Break the chain of sickness, chain of nightmares, chain of depression, chain of joblessness, chain of poverty! I can see that chain broken!”

Yoke-breaking Anointing Brings Forth An Angel!
On June 30, 2024, as Kate received prayer in The SCOAN, the Spirit of the Lord caused her body to vibrate for minutes as the demons in her confessed their atrocities. Pregnant since January 2024, the pastor had been receiving ominous messages about her bundle of joy. “Some people had told me that the pregnancy was going to give me trouble,” she told the church on February 2, 2025. In dreams, Kate herself used to see a female figure who kept threatening to take her life. “Why did you get pregnant for my husband,” the demon had asked Kate in one of the dreams. As time went on, it transpired that the second-time mother had developed fibroids.
“I declined my doctor’s suggestion to abort the baby,” said Kate. As regular viewers of Emmanuel TV, Kate and her husband had several dream encounters with an image of Prophet TB Joshua. In one of those dreams, they were advised to visit The SCOAN for prayer. Meanwhile, Kate continued to be tormented in dreams by the demons of her husband’s household. True to what Kate had seen in dreams, her experience in The Arena of Liberty confirmed God’s readiness to heal and deliver her. “The person who prayed for me,” continued Kate, “was the same evangelist I had encountered in my dreams.”
After the prayer session, she had regained her appetite and gone to get food. Moreover, all pain in her body also vanished. A couple of days later, Kate returned to her doctors and they confirmed that her fibroids had disappeared. Subsequently, she had her baby easily. Even when the vestige of the umbilical cord had still not fallen off the baby’s navel a week after birth, God’s power in the Anointing Water saw to its removal. Since then, Kate and her baby Angel have been doing fine. “God is the Solution to all problems,” she reminded others. Her husband, Jacob, also urged others to understand that God can do all things.

A Glorious End To 18 Years Of Pain!
On January 26, 2025, Justine from France had petitioned the Lord over difficulty in walking caused by osteoarthritis. For 18 years, the 66-year-old had been burdened by the problem, which had started with waist pain. “Doctors had given me a lumbar corset and later a crutch,” she said on February 2, 2025. “For a long while, my daughter stayed with me but had to leave at some point,” she continued. Justine consulted many specialists and herbal practitioners. In the end, she made her way to The SCOAN, after discovering Emmanuel TV. “I was filled with joy after Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me,” she testified, “and all the other issues in my body disappeared.” Smiling, Justine demonstrated her healing by walking freely for the glory of God. Her daughter Stephanie thanked God for the healing and advised that people maintain their blessings by staying with God. On her part, Justine said: “Hold on to God.”

Grandma Gets Her Groove Back!
On December 6, 2024, 71-year-old Patricia sat for prayer in The SCOAN as prayers of healing and deliverance were ministered upon the people. “I had fallen into a submerged manhole on a rainy day,” she recalled on February 2, 2025, “and I started to feel pain all over my body from then on.” Knowing that the Lord alone could heal her, Patricia had submitted herself for prayer. “Something came out of me that day,” she recalled, “and I received my testimony.” The grandmother advised others, “Run to God Almighty instead of man.”

After 36 Years, Blessing Breaks Bed-wetting Affliction!
It was an incredible testimony of deliverance for Blessing when her 36 years of bed-wetting affliction came to an end. “My sister and I had used to bed-wet but she later stopped while my case persisted,” Blessing told the church on February 2, 2025. “It was a source of severe embarrassment for me, even up to my university days,” she disclosed, tears welling up in her eyes. Besides the bed-wetting, Blessing also suffered setbacks in other areas of life, including her relationships. “I lost a promising relationship the moment the man found out about my condition,” she recalled. Since January 19, 2025, however, the affliction of bed-wetting has ceased in Blessing’s life. She advised others to never give up. “God’s time is the best,” she assured them.

He Believed – And Received In Multiples!
Football player Victor had been injured during training sometime in 2021, while in England. “The injury halted my game for several months,” he told the church on February 2, 2025. Although he appeared to have recovered after months of therapy in Nigeria, Victor experienced a recurrence of the injury. “I lost a professional contract at the time,” he went on. In the company of his mother, Victor came to The SCOAN for prayer on January 16, 2022. “I heard a popping sound and something came out of the ailing knee,” he smiled.
Since then, the power of the Living Lord has also brought no fewer than eight professional football offers to him. “I will be travelling to Slovenia next week to take up one of those offers,” he said. “Stay close to God,” he advised others. His mother Rachael thanked God for help in times past and now. She advised parents to support their children. “In your walk with God, please carry your children along,” she said.

A Timely Rescue From The World Of Darkness!
“It is time to kill him,” boasted the demon in Christopher during the service of January 26, 2025. Minutes later, however, that demon was subdued as the Holy Spirit took it on. A week later, Christopher returned for his testimony. He started by telling of how he had travelled abroad and made quite a fortune. “My businesses started to go down after a while, however,” he admitted. A friend then advised him to return to Nigeria. “I thought he was taking me to a church,” Christopher said, “but I ended up in an underground cell containing a coffin and some fetish objects.”
It turned out that he had been initiated to the occult. “The leader asked me to return in a week,” he continued, “so I could meet other members.” Although unhappy with his friend for taking him to the place, Christopher found it hard to pull out. The more he participated in the group’s activities, however, the more problems he faced in real life. “I began to sell off my properties – cars, land, household appliances and even personal items like shoes and clothes,” he continued. Meanwhile, he got threatened with even more wretchedness and death for wanting to quit the society.
At some point, he started to see a cat following him around. One day, he met a man at the bus stop who gave him some money and asked him to visit The SCOAN for prayer. With problems piling up in his life, Christopher didn’t know what else to do but to open up to his wife, whose name he had refused to submit at the society when asked. Since his deliverance in The SCOAN, however, Christopher has broken all ties with the world of darkness. He now sleeps peacefully and no longer has nightmares. “Be wary of friends,” he told the church. He also reminded others that all power belongs to God.

And The Battle Was For The Lord!
“Whenever we try him, we lose,” disclosed the demons in Segun when God’s deliverance power fell upon him on January 26, 2025. The demons admitted, however, that Segun had been under the protection of God’s power in The SCOAN. They also confessed their atrocities in his wife’s life. A week later, the couple returned to testify. “We ran here as emergency patients,” said Segun, “and the Lord delivered us.” He told of how he had started to face challenges as he tried to expand his business. “I rented a store behind my current office,” he said, “and forces began to attack me.”
Segun had anointed the location with his faith tools from The SCOAN. “I was confronted by people who said that I had taken over their land and set fire to it spiritually,” he said. Within this period, the demons attacked Segun’s wife, trying to kill her. “But I played a prayer video of Prophet TB Joshua to her hearing and the demons left her after confessing,” Segun continued. Although his enemies had been expecting him to drop dead, Segun continued to thrive on God’s power as his business boomed. Since receiving the prayer of deliverance, alongside his wife, Segun has been experiencing peace of mind. “The spirit wife is no longer able to get me,” he told the church. “Carry God along in whatever you do,” he urged others.
His wife Felicia narrated how the demons had caused many issues in the family, including constant quarrelling, loss of income, miscarriages and then ceased menstruation. After receiving prayer in The SCOAN at the time, however, Felicia’s menses returned and she went on to have three children over the years. She had also relied on God’s power when the attack on their business started. “Now there is affection in the family and we no longer quarrel and the business is going on well,” she reported. Felicia’s health has also been restored, as she is no longer stooling. She advised people to depend on God for protection.

No Longer ‘Project Baby’ But A Receiver Of Divine Favour!
“I want to destroy his life. I entered him through tattoos. He is not content with what he has. He will not prosper in this life.” These claims were among the numerous confessions made by the demons in Divine during the service of January 26, 2025. Minutes later, he became a new creature. A week after his deliverance, Divine returned for his testimony. Speaking in Pidgin, the Warri-born young man began with the story of his birth and nurturing by his stepmother. “I was told my mother had died shortly after I was born,” he recalled. “But I was an extremely stubborn and always stressed out my stepmother,” he continued. Refusing to go to school or learn a trade, he took to a life on the streets. He went into drug abuse and cyberfraud, making tons of money in the process.
“I spent the money on girls, booze and clubbing with friends,” Divine disclosed. By now, he had tattoos all over his body. Along the line, one of his friends placed a hit on him over a sum of money. Being a well-liked fellow, however, Divine got tipped off by the hitmen, so he went into hiding despite belonging to a cult group. Subsequently, however, he got kidnapped and shot on one side of his face. “I was taken to hospital but my friend later moved me to a witchdoctor’s place,” he went on. Meanwhile, his loving stepmother was unaware of what had been happening. Once she became aware, she returned him to the hospital and ministered the Anointing Water on him there. Divine soon recovered.
Instead of turning to God, Divine, aka Project Baby, got more tattoos and went further into drug use, smoking and clubbing. Realising what was happening, his stepmother asked him to come to Lagos for prayer in The SCOAN. But Divine had other plans. From Lagos he went to Ogun State and participated in money-making rituals that ended up failing. Four of his friends also joined him there. On the 31st of December 2024, instead of making his way to the church, Divine smoked himself to near unconsciousness. Because he was not making any headway in his quest for money, however, he decided to make his way to The SCOAN, where the Spirit of the Lord located him. Since then, Divine has changed his phone number, breaking off all contacts with people from his past life.
Regarding his tattoos and appearance, Divine said he knew that God had forgiven him, even as he pledged to stay in the service of his Creator. “Run away from drugs,” he advised the youths. His stepmother Mercy narrated how she had started to care for him from five months old. “I took him as my own son,” she said, “but from age 12 he became uncontrollable.” Glorifying God for rescuing her stepson, she urged others to continue to trust in God’s power.

A Spectacular Mass Prayer Deliverance!
As Pastor Evelyn Joshua and The SCOAN Evangelists ministered in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, a spectacular event occurred in the auditorium. No longer able to bear the fire of the Holy Ghost that was searing through the demons in him, a young man began to rip his two-piece attire into shreds, starting with the upper piece. Held in check by the ushers before he could ruin his trousers, he struggled futilely for many minutes as he tried to break free.
Having sighted the case before ending the Mass Prayer session, Pastor Evelyn Joshua engaged the young man and the demons in him confessed their maliciousness. “We will not let you go without being delivered,” the woman of God said to him. Afterwards, one of the evangelists took on the demons in a one-on-one encounter, commanding fire from Heaven to consume them. With the demons now expelled, the young man collapsed on the floor in instant relief, no longer troubled by forces beyond him. When he got up, he returned to his senses, glorifying God’s name. “You will stay with us for the next one week,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua told him.